Forget It.

Open Up Your Eyes.

Listen to- "Hush" by A-Pink

Gaeun and Youngmin were in class doing their work when then curiosity in her began to build up. She wanted to know why his brother was in Seoul Juvenile Detention Center.

She bit down on her lip and finally gained the courage to ask him. "Hey, Youngmin. Can I ask you something?" 

He put down his pencil and looked up at her. With a smile he nodded his head. "Go right ahead."

"Why is your brother go to Seoul Juvenile Detention Center?" She asked in a low voice.

By the look on Youngmin's face, she knew she struck a nerve. He cleared his throat, "Can we not talk about this?"

"But-" He cut her off. "No Gaeun. I don't want to talk about him or why he's there. In fact, it's really none of your business. It's really no one's business so just forget about it."

Gaeun sighed. "I'm sorry Youngmin. It's fine, you don't have to tell me."

The bell rang signaling the end of class and everyone started crowding the halls. Gaeun wanted to know so bad but she respected Youngmin not wanting to tell her.

She was in deep thought when she felt an arm drape around her shoulder. She jerked up and looked to her right to see a smirking Woohyun. She laughed, "What do you want?" 

"You." He simply said. Gaeun felt her cheeks blush and she cleared and looked down hoping Woohyun wouldn't see. "Aww, I can make you blush good to know."

Gaeun pushed him off and began speed walking away from him making him laugh. 

"Hey Jiah, I asked Youngmin about his brother and he got all mad and didn't want to tell me."

Jiah's eyes slightly widened and she looked away. "Well hey, if he doesn't want to tell you, he doesn't wanna tell you. You can't force it out of him."

"Yeah, you're right. But you know why... why won't you tell me?" Gaeun whined.

"I'm not supposed to talk about it. No one is."

"Wait, so more people know?" 

Jiah nodded her head, "Practically the whole school."

This made Gaeun even more curious. "Please tell me! Or give me a hint!"

Jiah started growing frustrated, "Let's just say his brother might have done something bad and Youngmin might have taken the fall for it but then the truth came out."

Gaeun looked at Jiah with a confused face, "That made no sense at all!"

There was a knock on the door and the teacher opened it. "Yes Mr. Nam?"

Woohyun walked into the room with a smile and a book in hand. "This book belongs to Gaeun, I'd like to return it to her."

The whole class turned back and stared at her making her blush. Woohyun laughed while Jiah stared at him with wide eyes and her jaw dropped but he didn't notice her.

He walked down the aisle and placed the book on Gaeun's desk. Gaeun looked at the book with a confused face then back up at Woohyun. "Woohyun this isn't-" 

"Shh. You're welcome." He said and walked out.

"What the hell is going on between you two? I need details!" Jiah said.

"I don't know but this isn't even my book." Gaeun said and the two looked at each other before breaking out into laughter.

Okay, I know the lyrics to the song don't go with this chapter but I didn't know what to put so I just put whatever I was listening to LOL.

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Chapter 13: Update soon!:^)
Chapter 13: NUU NAM WOOHYUN. - A - *grabs Woohyun's arms and rips dem off, throws him into a lake and pushes YOUNGMIN and Gaeun together*
Chapter 13: damnit.... i rlly hate u nam woohyun. like i rlly do. why does gaeun have to be so stupid? ugh. i hate this girl... hes probably bsing all of this. why didnt she just ifnd out? ugh.
Chapter 12: AANND UPDATEE~ CUZ, I love YOUUU~ O U O
Chapter 12: WAAAHH~ LOVE DIS! GO YOUNGMINNIE! HWAITING! *fist pumps and holds up a poster of them kissing* YEAAHH~ AND DIE WOOHYUN!! MWHAHAHA! *gets a poster with WOOHYUN and Gaeun and burns it* YYAYY~ *smirks and walks away*
KaylieMay #7
Chapter 12: Omo! Go Youngmin Go Go! You get her man!!! :DD Don't you be insecure you better not let Woohyun steal yo girl! Well, if he likes you back that is anyway. ^ - ^ update soon please... Ppyong~
Chapter 12: OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOPUDFNLVAISDKLCXJNAISLDKVNAO;SDXCMALIDKJBVLIN FKVNAOISLD.CMASDO;LNARISDLK. youngmin kissed gaeun!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGOMGOMOGMOGMERMAGAHHHHHHHHHHHH i like totally shipped them from the beginning. for the most part. omg!! i feel all happy now. he kissed her, and then confessed!! omg hopefully gaeun likes him back.... and screw u woohyun. u deserve to be hurt. anyways. nice chapter update!
inspiritkissmeemily <3
minkap #9
Update soon~