Because I Like You.

Open Up Your Eyes.

Listen to "With Coffee" by Hanbyul and Zia

Woohyun was back in school and Gaeun felt uncomfortable. She liked not having him around after the incident at his house. She was so embarrassed that day and she didn't know what to do with herself. Never had she been put in a situation like that. 

The one that was there by her side was Youngmin. He made everything better just like he always did. "Stay away from him." They said, but they didn't know him like she did. Youngmin was her best friend and she wasn't going to let what people said about him get in the way.

What happened between him, Kwangmin and Woohyun still bothered her and lingered in the back of her mind. She wanted so badly to know what had torn them apart and why they hated each other.

Gaeun was walking to class when she felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned and her heart stopped. Woohyun stood there scratching the back of his neck as he cleared his throat. "G-Gaeun, hi." He awkwardly said.

The mood between them was just plain weird. "Hi." She simply said showing no emotion. Things were different between the two now and Woohyun could sense it.

"About what happened-" Gaeun cut him off. She put on a smile, "Don't even worry about it." She said as she patted his upper arm. Her smile gave Woohyun a feeling he had never felt before. He wasn't going to allow himself to hurt Gaeun, not anymore.

"Gaeun." She turned around and Youngmin stood there. He looked at Woohyun with a look of disgust and grabbed onto Gaeun's hand. "Let's go." He dragged her along with him and Woohyun didn't even try to interfere.

The school day was over and Youngmin and Gaeun were going to go to a new coffee shop that had just opened. Gaeun had been bugging Youngmin to take her and he finally found the time to be able to grant her wish.

They walked in and were greeted and taken to a table. Gaeun's eyes lit up at the cafe. It was beautiful and it made her feel so happy. "Thank you for bringing me Youngmin." She smiled. 

The two ordered some coffee and pastries. The waiter came back with their orders. "An iced caramel macchiato, a hazelnut cappuccino, and two coffee cakes." He placed them in front of them and walked away with a bow.

Youngmin stared at Gaeun as she smiled while eating her cake and drinking her coffee. "What have you done to me Yang Gaeun?" He thought to himself. Here was this girl who was so perfect in his eyes and he wasn't doing anything about it. He liked Gaeun and he wanted her.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked once they were both finished and Gaeun nodded her head. He stood up and got next to her. As she stood up, he moved forward and planted a kiss on her lips. Gaeun's heart stopped as he pulled away. He had a soft expression, the corner of his lips slowly tugging into a smile.

Gaeun touched her lips, "Why did you do that?" She asked. Youngmin looked into her eyes, "Because I like you." He said.

Yay for me updating! :D 
I'm so sorry it's been a while >.< 
I hope you guys liked this short chapter. :)

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Chapter 13: Update soon!:^)
Chapter 13: NUU NAM WOOHYUN. - A - *grabs Woohyun's arms and rips dem off, throws him into a lake and pushes YOUNGMIN and Gaeun together*
Chapter 13: damnit.... i rlly hate u nam woohyun. like i rlly do. why does gaeun have to be so stupid? ugh. i hate this girl... hes probably bsing all of this. why didnt she just ifnd out? ugh.
Chapter 12: AANND UPDATEE~ CUZ, I love YOUUU~ O U O
Chapter 12: WAAAHH~ LOVE DIS! GO YOUNGMINNIE! HWAITING! *fist pumps and holds up a poster of them kissing* YEAAHH~ AND DIE WOOHYUN!! MWHAHAHA! *gets a poster with WOOHYUN and Gaeun and burns it* YYAYY~ *smirks and walks away*
KaylieMay #7
Chapter 12: Omo! Go Youngmin Go Go! You get her man!!! :DD Don't you be insecure you better not let Woohyun steal yo girl! Well, if he likes you back that is anyway. ^ - ^ update soon please... Ppyong~
Chapter 12: OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOPUDFNLVAISDKLCXJNAISLDKVNAO;SDXCMALIDKJBVLIN FKVNAOISLD.CMASDO;LNARISDLK. youngmin kissed gaeun!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGOMGOMOGMOGMERMAGAHHHHHHHHHHHH i like totally shipped them from the beginning. for the most part. omg!! i feel all happy now. he kissed her, and then confessed!! omg hopefully gaeun likes him back.... and screw u woohyun. u deserve to be hurt. anyways. nice chapter update!
inspiritkissmeemily <3
minkap #9
Update soon~