The Party

Single By Choice


Chapter Two

I arrived at the party a little later than the others as I had an art piece I wanted to finish off from school, still haven’t finished it though, so I just gave up and came to the party.

I was wearing simple but stylish clothes; a black vest with a blue lace top and a small black blazer over it matched with black denim shorts and my nicer pair of convers compared to the worn out ones I like to wear to school every day.

I walked into a stranger’s house which happened to be the party location. The house was nice, it was big and spacious and if anyone was to throw a party it would be the residents of this house. It was made for parties. I walked along the wide corridor until a found my way to a room which I presume was a living room. I scanned the room and quickly found my friends and hurried other to join them. When I go there I realised that they were all staring at me.

“What?” I asked, “Is there something on my shirt?”

Key spoke up first “No, it’s just… well, you don’t normally wear nice clothes”

I was shocked at his bluntness and gave him a death glare. “Okay, I admit sometimes I don’t put in that much effort into how I look, but I don’t look like a tramp because you guys are looking at me as if I’m a tramp that has turned into a princess!” I exclaimed.

Onew mumbled something incoherently and everyone looked at him. “Nothing!” He said with a smile. I wonder what she said.


Onew’s POV


I saw Chaerin enter before any of the rest of them realised. She looked amazing. Her hair was down for once and it really suited her like that. I want to tell her that she looks pretty and she should have her hair like that more often, but I cant. I want to tell that she is beautiful, but I cant. I want to tell her that … that I love her. But I can’t.

“You guys are looking at me as if I’m a tramp that has turned into a princess!” she exclaimed.

“I think you always look like a princess.” Everyone turned to look at me. I told them it was nothing but it didn’t mean nothing to me.

I’ve liked Chaerin since I can remember. She joined our school a year later than the rest of us and because of the ways things worked out she had to be put in a dorm with all guys. Normally it was evened out but things didn’t work out that way on this occasion because of odd numbering and so on. At first she was shy and barely said a word to us and minded her own business but then I tried to talk to her more and involve her in our conversations and stuff and over time she became more and more accustomed to us and now we are all great friends.

In her first year, when Taemin still hadn’t joined us yet because he was too young, she became particularly friendly with Jonghyun and eventually they started to date but for some reason things didn’t work out and it was really awkward for a while so now she has a rule that she doesn’t date any of her friends because ‘Friendship is more valuable than love, if love exists, which it probably doesn’t.’ That’s what she had said. That’s what she always says now.

I want to be the one to make her think otherwise.

I remember when I realised I liked her. She asked me to meet her after school so we could walk back to the dorm together so I met her in the art studio, she was doing a self-portrait and she was getting mad because she couldn’t get it right. She kept mumbling things like ‘she’s too pretty to be me’ without realising I had heard her. I thought she looked prettier than the drawing and that night I set out to draw her myself. I did it from memory and I realised how much I knew about her face and how beautiful she was, I knew where every freckle and every scar was. I came to appreciate her more and more.

Ive always loved her personality because it suits her so well, if that makes any sense. Shes unique, and I love her. She will never know how much I love her.


Taemin’s POV

“Onew!” I shouted, snapping him out of his daydream.

“what?!” he said “where did Chaerin go?”

“Oh she went to find a bathroom,” I explained “I’m getting drinks do you want anything?”

“oh, erm no, not tonight, thanks”

“Allllrighty” I chirped and headed of in the direction of the garden where the drinks were served.

On my way to the garden I spotted Chaerin appearing from a room which was probably a bathroom and I immediately put my plan into action.

I started walked unsteadily and wobble all over the place.

“Hey Chaerin!” I shouted. She turned to see me and walked over to me. When she got close enough I stumbled forcing her against the wall so she could catch me. As she did so I looked up at her so we were face to face. She looked shocked and was about move out of the awkward positioning but I stopped her with my hand, blocking her escaped. I looked into her eyes and she frantically scanned my face and the around us for an escape. I knew where we were was quiet, no one would notice so I took the leap of faith and started to lean in and get closer to her face, she was about to protest but before she could I pressed my lips onto hers and enjoyed the moment which I had been wanting to happen for so long.

Suddenly, she pushed me, hard. I went stumbling backwards and toppled to the floor landing on my , which only added to my act. She stormed past me, not even seeing if I was okay. But I didn’t care I thought as I raised my hand to touch my lips which had just touched hers.


Chaerin’s POV


WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED! I swear my rule is being broken so much today, first Minho then Taemin, oh if only he knew. Thank god he was drunk, hopefully he won’t remember anything, right? I wouldn’t know, I’ve never drunk before and I definitely don’t plan on starting if that’s the result.

I made my way upstairs to find a quiet room that I could sit in for a while and I managed to find a spare bedroom. It was nice and dark and quiet in there so I sat on the bed and sighed, what the hell is wrong with everyone today. I closed my eyes and wished I was back at the dorm or in the art studio. I felt the bed dip a little and I opened my eyes to see Jjong sitting next to me. Oh .

“What do you want?” I said clearly annoyed at his presence. Why do you have to come now!

“You know full well what I want” And I did, unfortunately.

“Please Jong, not now, I’m tired and-“ I was cut off by Jonghyun’s lips on mine. For sake, this is happening to me too many times today!

I tried to push him of me but he position himself so he was standing in front of me and bending down so I had nothing to push. He put his hands down next to me and leant in further as I leant back. I tried to crawl backwards but there was no point as he just climbed onto the bed with me. I shuffled back even more and it just made matters worse as he was now on top of me. .

“Please, Kim Jonghyun.” I pleaded. I knew there was no point trying at this point, it was too late. He started to nibble at my neck and I felt like punching him but I couldn’t, my arms were like jelly by now because my neck was my soft spot and he full well knew that and used it to his advantage. Just at that moment I noticed a shadow at the door and gasped in that direction Jonghyun also quickly turned in the direction of the disappearing figure but it was too late, they had already descended down the stairs.

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