
Single By Choice


Chapter One


Hi my name is Kim Chaerin, I’m your average 17 year old girl. I go to school, I work hard, I have friends all the usual stuff really. At my school though, I am the odd one out. Everyone who goes to my school is, what shall I call it, ‘Middle Class’, they can all afford to pay for my school whereas I’m here on an art scholarship. I go to a boarding school and quite a small one at that, but I do like it here. The art studio is massive and there’s practically anything you could ever dream of having in there. My family are actually not doing so well at the moment and even though I love it here I did offer to leave so I could get a job and help my family with our financial problems. Times are pretty tough for my family and my older brother and sister are working there butts off trying to keep the family afloat, even doing jobs which not everyone would approve of.


It was a normal day at school and I was sitting in the common room with my friends Onew, Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho and Key. Yes, all my friends are boys. Some people have a problem with it and the girls often call me a or a but that’s in fact the reason I am not friends with any girls, all the ones I’ve ever met have been es.

“Minho, what’s up? You’ve been awfully quiet today?” Onew said after a few moments of complete silence in the almost empty common room.

“Yeah, what’s gotten into you? You haven’t said a thing to me all day!” Taemin jokingly whined while nudging Minho in the arm.

“Just leave me alone Taemin!” Minho answered abruptly. We were all quite taken aback by Minho’s outburst but that didn’t stop Key having a giggle about Minho’s sudden stroppiness.

“Yah! Stop laughing at me!” Minho shouted and with that he stood up quickly and stormed out the common room and headed towards the bathroom.


Minho POV

Ergh why can’t they just leave me alone! I just need some time. Something’s wrong with me, my heart, It hurts. It shouldn’t though; I shouldn’t have feelings for a boy. I can’t. Plus anyway Taemin likes Chaerin, but why her! I mean I like her and all she is one of my closest friends, I feel like I could tell her anything just not this. I don’t think I could  can’t tell anyone this.

I made my way to the bathroom and burst in scaring the out of the guy who was taking a piss who then hurriedly scurried out. I kicked one of the doors of a cubical and let the door swing back and forth a few times before walking in and slumping onto the toilet seat. Why am I so angry? I ran my hands through my hair and rested my elbows on my knees when I heard a gentle voice calling out my name,

“Minho? Is anyone in there? I’m coming… in 1…. 2… 3” Chaerin burst in through the door and I could hear her footsteps making their way towards the centre of the bathroom.

“I know you’re in here.” She said sternly and I reluctantly opened the cubical door so she could see me sitting there. She walked over to me and stood right in front of me, so that I was staring at her feet.

“You gonna tell me what’s wrong?” I said nothing. “Or am I just gonna stand here looking like an idio-“


Chaerin POV

“Or am I just gonna stand here looking like an idio-“ my words were cut off by a loud bang made by the cubical door slamming shut. I opened my mouth to speak again but I was partially winded as my body was thrown against the back of the cubicle door. I opened my eyes wide as Minho’s arm came flying past me, I thought he was going to punch me but instead he punched the cubicle door.

 “What the hell-“ Next thing I knew Minho lips were on my and I was frozen on the spot. I pushed him of me quickly with a strength I didn’t know I possessed.


Minho looked at me just as shocked as I was. “Aigoo, I’m so sorry Chaerin, I... I d-don’t know what got into me...”

I breathed in deeply and said “Its okay, just could you please explain why?”

Tears started b in Minho’s eyes and I became very worried. “Minho what’s wrong” I said whilst stepping forward to hug him.  I pulled him into an embrace and I felt a hot tear fall onto my back “come on Minho, something is obviously really upsetting you! Please, tell me what’s wrong!”

“Fine, but if I tell you, then you have to promise me that you won’t utter a word of anything that just happened or anything I’m about to tell to anyone”

“ooh this sounds serious” I said in a jokey talk show voice but Minho just looked at me in a way as if to say ‘do wanna hear this or not’.

“Ignore me, you were saying?”

“Chaerin, I’m just going to be honest and blunt because there is only one way I can say this.” I nodded as a signal for him to carry on talking.

“Ilikewelllovetaeminbuthelikeyouandidontknowwhybutiwantedtoseewhatitwasaboutyouthatmadehimlikeyouandnotmeandiwanttojustholdhimbuticantbeucasehedosentlikeguyshelikesyou” Minho’s words came out as a long tangle of noise and I could barely make any sense of it “Woah, Minho! Breathe!”

Minho took a step back and drew a long breath. He looked at me watching the clocks work inside my head as I tried to make sense of what he said. I didn’t bother asking him to repeat himself because I knew he wouldn’t say what he just said again.

“Okay, so let me get this straight. You like Taemin?”

Minho nodded.

“So you’re gay, but Taemin isn’t?

Minho nodded.

“and Taemin likes who?”

Minho stared at me, the look in his eyes almost turning into hatred.

“You.” He replied bitterly but I was too surprised to care about Minho’s bitterness.

“ME!? What! No no no no… Taemin does NOT like me.”

“He does. Everyone knows he does. Ask anyone in this school and they will tell you it’s obvious he has a crush on you!”

“ermm.. okay…” I said still unsure what to think. “But why does this all lead to you kissing me” I whispered the last bit, I’m not sure why.

Minho sighed and looked at his feet.

“Because, he likes you and I wanted to know why, if you get what I mean (I didn’t get what he meant). I mean I know you’re an amazing person and if I wasn’t gay I would probably have a crush on you as well, so I can totally understand why he likes you, but I’m going crazy because I’m confused, I’ve only really just accepted the fact that I’m gay and now that I’ve got to a place where I am happy I just want to share it with him and be with him and hold him and kiss him and-“

“I get the point, Minho”

Minho sighed. “I know I can’t turn a person gay but I at least wanted to know what it was about kissing a girl that was so different for him”

I nodded not wanting to ask any more questions but I had to ask one last thing.

“Have you talked to him about this?”

Minho shook his head.

“Well then that what you need to-“ and at that moment we were interrupted by Taemin, Onew, Jonghyun and Key bursting into the bathroom looking for us. Jonghyun found the cubicle we were standing in and said “Are you two decent, may I open the door?”

“What do you mean are you decent? Jong!? We weren’t doing anything indecent!” I said annoyed at Jonghyun’s stupid presumption.

“Well what were you to doing together in the cubicle.” Jonghyun asked.

“Talking.” I said before he got any weird ideas.

After everyone had asked Minho if he was alright we decided ( by ‘we’ I really mean Key decided ) we just had to go to this party tonight that Key was talking about. We dispersed out of the bathroom and when everyone wasn’t looking Jong gave me the look that I was dreading to see. I knew what that look meant and suddenly I was really not looking forward to this party anymore.






AN: Hello! First Chapter is up! Im afraid im going to take a while to update because my computer crashed and deleted a couple of chapters... -Crys in a corner- so yeah now I have to rewrite them... and also a big thank you to Satangunnie from Secret Gardens Graphic Shop for the amazing poster! Have a nice day everyone!~


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