Anger and Awkwardness.

Single By Choice


Chapter Five


Onew POV



I can’t believe that things have been like that since they broke up… They have been hiding it so well, I would never had even known if I hadn’t  gone upstairs to try and find a bathroom at that party. I remember what I saw so clearly and it makes me feel a little sick.

Seeing Jonghyun on top of her, looming over her whimpering body it makes me get so angry. She had fear in her eyes… I don’t like that… but he just smirked and carried on. I had seen enough, I couldn’t stand it anymore. So what do I do? I turned around and made my way downstairs like a little kid who had just walked in on the parents. I tried to pretend that I never saw anything, I tried to forget that it ever even happened. Jonghyun could never do that, its just him. He didn’t look like himself though, towering over with all the power and dominance in the world.

 I wish I had done something to stop it, but I was a coward. That’s why I had to confront her about it, get her to explain everything to me, this has to stop.

From what I managed to understand through her tears, Jonghyun found out something about her family around the time that they broke up, she wanted to keep it a secret and in order to keep Jonghyun quiet he has been making her do him ‘favours’ whenever he pleases.

Makes me sick just thinking about it. How could you do that to Chaerin… How could Jonghyun of all people do that to Chaerin… I have always though Jonghyun was a good person, but how could he be if he is like this to her. He is one of my closet friends but I don’t know if I want to even know him anymore. Chaerin made me promise not to say anything about the whole matter and especially not to Jonghyun, I promised her that I wouldn’t treat him any differently and I wouldn’t try to interfere with anything. I tried to convince her to do something about it but she wasn’t in the right place to be persuaded. I think she wants to do something about it but shes just to scared. Im scared for her. Jonghyun may be small but hes strong.. I wouldn’t like to be on the receiving end of that… Oh my.. she has been on the ‘receiving end’ though.. Why am I thinking this?! What  if he wants some more?! I better go and sit outside her room and make sure he cant get in. She is not safe whilst he is in this house.

I got out of my own bed and made my way to outside her room, walking past Jongyuns room in the process. I pressed my ear against the wood of her door to try and hear if there was any movement coming from inside. I heard nothing, she must be asleep, so I will just prop myself up here and ermmm make sure she dosent get hurt any more.

At some point during the night I woke with a start.

“Hyung what are you doing outside Chaerins room?” I heard key ask. “Its really late you know, you should go to sleep.”

I mumbled some sort of reply before puling my self up using the handle of the door as support. Like the night before, I placed my ear against Chaerins door and listened. I heard a faint sound of sobbing coming from the other side and I immediately burst in and found her curled up in a ball in the middle of her bed.

“Its okay Chaerin” I said while wuickly closing the door and rushing over to her, “Im here now”

She looked up and me as I sat on the edge of her bed, I had my arms out offering her a hug and she latched herself onto my waist and rested her head on my lap.

“shhhh, don’t cry” I comforted “I don’t like it when you cry”

I her head and tucked her hair behind her ear and soon enough her breathing wa becoming more regular and I could feel her slowly starting to drift of to sleep again.

I didn’t even want to tthink about what she must have been thinking about to make her like this, and to think that she could have been like this the whole time and I never knew. Im ashamed to say I love her yet I cant even see when something like this has happened to her, but its okay, im here now.


Chaerin POV


I woke up feeling warm and comfortable which was unusual.

There wasn’t this pang of self-hatred which I normally felt every morning, instead I felt calm and secure. I opened my eyes to see that I was in someones arms and I instantly panicked. I kicked out and elbowed the attacker until I felt myself being pinned down by them. I had my eyes closed the whol time, not wanting to see jonghyuns face.

“Im sorry” the attacker said but they didn’t sound like Jonghyun

I opened one eye slowly and my eyes started to focus on somes face.

“If I didn’t stop you, you would of kicked me in the nuts” they said while laughing gently and letting go of my arms. I looked up and I saw Onew, on me. He was smiling at me and I almost smiled but but then my eyes widened when I realised what and awkward position we must have been in when I was sleeping and what and awkward position we were in now. To anyone that walks in the would think we were at it… oh god.

I coughed quietly to remind him of the situation.

“Oh, Sorry!” Onew blurted while quickly trying to get off of me and falling of the bed in the process.

“Oh!! Are you okay?” I asked.

“Im fine…” He said while rubbing his head.

“Sorry…” He said again and I just looked at him.

He bowed and left the room, but not without tripping over his own feet first.


I rested my head back on the spot where is was before just without being in the warmth of onews embrace anymore but soon enough I felt myself drifting of to sleep.


I checked the time 12 o’clock. Oh . It’s a school day! I am so dead!

I literally jumped out of bed but felt dizzy from dehydration, I had cried all the water out me. I steadied myself and rushed downstairs. I made my way into the kitchen to find a note on the table it read:

Don’t worry about school today, I phoned to say that you were sick and resting, just relax and enjoy some rest okay!

From Onew


Bless you Onew, what would I do without you, you’re the bestest friend someone could ever wish for. I always hated Mondays anyway. I have the worst subjects today.

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