Save It For The Morning After

Single By Choice


Chapter Three

I woke up the next morning in my room with the window wide open and the curtains fluttering in the wind.

I rubbed my head in attempt to rid the pain that was shattering through my skull. What the happened? I don’t remember anything. Then I realised and quickly cupped my hand to my mouth and breathed into it in order to smell my own breath. I moaned as my worst fears were confirmed. I had gotten drunk, somehow…

I slowly peeled off the duvet sheets and found I was only dressed in an oversized tank top. What the hell? I crawled out of bed and dressed into less revealing clothes and made my way down stairs in tracksuits bottoms and a jumper, not realising how terrible I looked.

I yawned whilst walking into the kitchen and froze mid-stretch because I heard a gasp coming from Key’s direction. I looked over at him and he just stared back at me and this was when I and my best friend had one of famous ‘telepathic conversations’. He looked at me ‘You look terrible’ ‘Do I?’ I stared back. ‘Yeah’ He nodded. ‘what have you been up to?’ He tilted his head.

“I don’t know…” I said aloud and everyone else turned to look at me and they all stared at me as well, well everyone except for Jonghyun who seemed to be too engrossed in his magazine to care about his surroundings. 

“What?” I said

Taemin coughed and scratched his neck to indicate that I had something there. I raised my hand to neck and felt that the skin was sore and it stung when I touched it. My eyes grew the size of saucers as I realised what this could mean. I sprinted to the bathroom to use the mirror. When I got there I just stared at my reflection. Not only did I look like hell but I had hickies all over my neck. The ?!

“Oh my god..” I whispered. “Oh ” I said. “FUUUCCKKKKK” I screamed and ran upstairs to my room.

Okay its decided I’m not leaving my room again. Ever.

What the hell happened… I can pretty much guess though…


I heard a gentle knock at the door.

“Piss off!” I shouted, but it wasn’t very loud because it was directed into my pillow as I currently have my head buried in it.

“Its me…” Said an all too familiar voice. Speak of the ing devil.

Don’t you dare open that door, don’t you even dare.

I froze when I heard the click of the latch on my door and the creaking of it slowly opening. I looked up from my pillow with my tear stained eyes to see a pathetic looking Jonghyun.

“Come back for some more have you?”

Jonghyun didn’t say anything, he just stood there.

“Go on then, help yourself, that’s what you always do.”

Still Jonghyun did nothing and it was pissing me off.

“You don’t need to ask, you don’t need to see if I’m alright with it, it doesn’t matter how I feel, just help yourself!” I said sarcastically.

Jonghyun stood there and started to look a little guilty.

“Oh, you’re feeling a little bad now are you?”

He looked at me with those puppy eyes which could bring a girl to their knees but not me, I have had enough of this and it has to stop.

“Don’t give me that look, you sick bastard.” I scowled at him and started pushing him out of my room but he was to strong. He grabbed my wrists and I flinched. He let go when he realised I was scared of him.

“I’m sorry” He said.

“pshh” I brushed of his ‘apology’ “Sorry isn’t enough Jonghyun.”

I finally succeeded in pushing Jonghyun into the corridor and promptly slammed the door in his face.


A/N: I hoped you enjoyed reading this chapter!

ive decided that im going to write shorter chapters and update more regularly, this chapter is pretty short already... omo I will try to make them as long as i can and I will try to update as much as can! I promise!! 

I hope you carry on enjoying my stories (if you did in the first place) and 

Have a nice day!~

-TaeminPanda <(~^.^-)>

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