We'll Call It A Deal

Single By Choice


Chapter Four

I spent the whole day in my room. I refused to open the door for anybody and I didn’t even leave to get any food. I just lay on my bed and waited for my life to end.

It wasn’t until at about 10pm when I finally moved from my bed and crept down stairs to get myself some food.

I peered around the kitchen door and found nobody was in there and thank god because it seemed that everyone has gone to bed as it is a school day tomorrow.

I opened the cupboard to find some ramen but when I closed it again I was scared out of my skin by the sight of Onew standing there staring at me.

“What happened?” He bluntly said.

“Wh-what?” I said taken aback by the sudden question.

“What happened at the party? I saw you-“

“You saw what?!” I said quickly.

“I-I” He stuttered. Oh, so now he’s the shy one.

“What did you see?...” I asked more gently.

“I saw you… and Jonghyun… and he was ermm” cough  “and it seemed like you didn’t want to ermm” cough, he said awkwardly.

I didn’t know what to say so I just sighed.

“Why was he doing that? I thought you two had broken up?”

“We have… it’s just complicated… We kind of have a deal”

“What the ?” Onew suddenly had an outburst of anger so I did the best I could to calm him down.

“Its okay, I agreed to it Onew”

“So for some reason you... as a part of a deal?”

“Yes.” I said.

“How long has this been going on for?” He asked.

“I think I have said enough.”

“No you haven’t.” Onew grabbed my wrist and dragged me and sat me down at the kitchen table.

“You are explaining everything. Right now.”

After a long hour of Onew forcing information out of me, I finally managed to eat my ramen and start getting ready for bed. I don’t like the way Onew looks at me now. It’s a mixture of fear, pity and protectiveness. I can’t stand it! Why can’t it just go back to the way it was before? I like being friends with people! I am single by choice!

After getting ready for bed,  I realised that I wasn’t really that tired as I had spent the whole day in bed and there was no point me trying to get to sleep now as I knew sleep wouldn’t come.

I crept through the upstairs hallway and gentle knocked on Taemin’s bedroom door.

“yeah?” He said.

“Its Chaerin” I said quietly.

I heard the sound of some shuffling followed by the sound of a loud thud, a curse and then footsteps leading to the door.

“What’s wrong?” Taemin asked and scanned my eyes for the answer.

“Nothing is wrong silly! I just need someone to hang out with! I saw that you light was still on so I thought of coming to ask you if you wanted to play Final Fantasy 13 Part 2 with me!” I said

“It’s a one player game…” He said looking at me with a confused face.

“I know but I just can’t beat this one boss level and I know you’re really good because you already completed it! Please help me!” I looked up at him with big eyes and gave him my best smile.

“On one condition…” he said but something about the mischievous smile he was giving me gave me the impression that I wasn’t going to like what he was about to say.

“You call me Oppa” He said with a grin.

“What!?” I exclaimed “You’re younger than me! I am not calling you Oppa!”

“Fine, I won’t help you then!” He said crossing his arms against his chest.

I sighed and reluctantly said “Please help me Oppa”

That was enough for Taemin and he pushed past me racing to get down stairs and play Final Fantasy. Such a big kid.

I’m glad I came to Taemin, even though what happened made things kind of awkward, we needed to repair our friendship quickly as he is always the one that cheers me up and I could really do with some cheering up right now.

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