Chapter 11

When You Came

“Hebe Jie you finally woke up” Gui Gui said when she saw Hebe walking towards them.

“Yeah, so what are you guys doing?” Hebe asked.

“We’re going to watch a movie, eh, Arron what took you so long to drink?” Jiro said as Arron shrugged and sat down. Hebe saw that there’s only two vacant, one is beside Arron and the other one is beside….Mike, so of course she chose to sat beside Arron which caused Mike to frowned and glared at Arron.

The guys chose to watch a horror movie. Chun stood up and turn off all the lights, soon they started the movie.

“Uhm..can I know what movie is it?” Hebe asked.

“Of course it’s a horror” Jiro beamed.

“Yeah, of course why did I even ask? I should have stayed in my room!” Hebe whined and snatched the pillow from Ella.

“Hey!” Ella complained.

“Come on, it’s not like your scared. You don’t need this” Hebe replied then stuck her tongue out which Ella didn’t even notice because it’s dark.

“This is the third and last movie I’m going to watch with you guys” Hebe said.

Hebe covered her eyes with the pillow ever since the movie starts, never even took a glance at the screen. Arron was watching the movie when he felt something on his shoulder, he turned and saw Hebe had fall asleep. Arron put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him to make her more comfortable. When Chun the lights all attention is on Hebe and Arron.

“What?” Arron asked annoyed as he stood up carrying Hebe bridal style up to her room. Gui Gui followed behind him who’s smiling brightly at her brother.

“Stop smiling and open the door” Arron commanded as Gui Gui opened the door. He lay Hebe gently on the bed trying not to wake her up, he was about to walk out when he got stopped, he turned around and saw Hebe holding his shirt, he tried to get it out of her grip but failed.

“I guess you’ll sleep here, goodnight!” Gui Gui giggled as she walked out and closed the door. Arron sighed and stare at Hebe before he lay beside her and fall asleep.


The next morning, the first person Hebe saw when she opened her eyes is Arron, she moved her eyes down and saw that they’re hugging each. Hebe quickly let go and sat up which woke Arron up.

“Arron Yan what are you doing here?!” Hebe shrieked as Arron smirked.

“Don’t you remember anything that happened yesterday?” Hebe widened her eyes.

“W..hat ha..happened?” She nervously asked and look if she still have her clothes on.

“Do you want me to remind you?” Arron asked as he moved closer and closer to Hebe, now their faces is so close to each other which made Hebe to blush.

“Wh…what do mean??”

“You’re so cute when you blushed” Arron smirked as he got up and walk to the door.

“What?! Arron Yan you’re just teasing me, weren’t you?!! Where does that Mr. Silence go?!”

“Well, he’s still sleeping” He joked.

“Arron Yan you’re a jerk!” Hebe said as she threw a pillow at him.

“Come on, Chun and Ella will finish all the food if we don’t go down now. Oh one more thing, stop blushing now, you’re going to explode if you don’t stop” Arron smiled before going out.

“Arron Yan, come back here!!” Hebe shouted.


“Good morning Ge” Gui Gui greeted as soon as Arron stepped into the dining room.

“Good morning” Arron replied as someone whacked him in the head.

“I hate you!” Hebe said as she sat down beside Ella. Arron just smirked as everyone raised their eyebrow at them. Arron sat down across her.

“So Hebe Jie did you had a good night sleep??” Gui Gui asked grinning.

“No, all I had is a nightmare” Hebe said sarcastically.

“Yeah right, you ev-” Hebe cutted off Arron by throwing a piece of bread at him which Arron caught before it hit his face.

“Hebe Tian, don’t you know that it’s rude to play with food?” Arron smirked while the others watch them amused except for Mike who’s jealous.

“Hmmp! I’m not gonna talk to you again!” Hebe stuck her tongue out and eats her food.

“So are you guys done with your flirting?” Ella asked.

“We’re not flirting!!” Hebe answered back.

“Ok ok, don’t need to shout. So what are we doing next?”

“Let’s just go swim, we didn’t swim enough since we got here” Genie suggested as the others nodded their heads.


“So what’s with the bickering with Arron?” Selina asked, they were sitting on the sand as they watch the guys and Ella competing of who swims fast.

“Maybe it’s because they slept together” Gui Gui giggled as the Selina and Genie widened their eyes.

“What? I don’t even know what was he doing there so don’t even try to ask me” Hebe said when she saw her friends reactions.

“Well, I know” Gui Gui replied as the girls turn to her “Remember, Ge Ge carried Hebe Jie to her room last night but when Ge Ge was about to walk out Hebe Jie grabbed his shirt and wouldn’t let go, so he doesn’t have choice but to sleep there” Gui Gui laughed as Hebe looked down to hide her red face.

“Eh, it’s obviously your fault so why are you arguing with him?” Selina pointed out.

“Who told him to tease me?” Hebe defended herself and stood up. Her friends just shook their heads at her.

“Ok, come on let’s join them” Selina dragged Hebe to the others. Hebe walks to the cold salty water slowly and shivers.

“Hey,Hebe” Once Hebe turn around Arron splashed a water on her face and grinned then run away.

“Arron Yan you jerk, come back here!” Hebe shouted as she chased Arron.

“They seem so close” Mike commented as he watches Hebe chasing Arron chasing.

“Yeah, only a guy like Arron wouldn’t hurt her” Genie snapped then walked towards Selina and the others.

‘Well I’m gonna get her back’ Mike thought as he continue watching Hebe and Arron playing around.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this
Visiting old stories!
luhans-vaqina #3
update soon
jonghyunie143 #4
i miss fahrenheit!! :DD
karambolage #5
Aish, this should be updated more.
update soon ;)
asdfghjklkjhgfdsasdf #7
I love it!I love it!I love it!
Love your Story! Please update soon! Fighting!
SoupForNicole #9
Ahhhh Bebu so cute! Please update soon :]<br />
Mike doesn't stand a chance against Arron! I love how he's slowly opening up to her ♥
What a cute Bebu story...I did it in one sitting..
I always love SHE and Fahrenheit together...
Update soon