The Panda Project

HIATUS Panda Project


      The Panda Project
{Author POV}
     Kyung Hee woke up the next shining morning to something rustling in her sleep. She moaned and snuggled deeper into her stuffed....animal? Before she could react she was pulled close to the "animal" and was being sniffed. Her eyes widened the size of golf balls and she was trying to calculate what the hell was going on! 
She did the only thing that she could possibly do. Scream. Scream till she can't scream no more.
"Ahhh my ears!" The thing said while he put his hands against his ears. 
" AAAAAAHHHHHH" She kept screaming while she picked a pillow up and threw it at him. He caught it and placed his elbows on it while he sat and watched her scream for the past five minutes. 
Kyung Hee finally stopped and came back to her senses but felt a little woozy.
" H-Hey are you alri-" 
" IT TALKS!?!" She blurted out and began to loose her consciousness. He quickly jolted up and grabbed her before she hit the floor. 
" Ok so let me get this strait. On my 17th birthday I was gifted the stuffed animal because it was my turn to take care of you? " She asked him while she sipped her warm cup of green tea. She had woke up a few min ago but still shaken about having a boy in her bed not to mention that he was .She had given him one of her brothers old shirts and pants to wear. Surprisingly she was taking this quite easily. The boy was waiting for a impact of "your crazy" or " Who the hell are you?! Get out my house!!" towards his face from countless encounters of girls. He didn't under stand the reason why it always had to be the girls but it all ended up on him getting kicked out countless times from stuffed animal to a grown man.
" Ugh my head. What happen-" Kyung Hee was cut off by a boy who was not only holding  her and staring at her but...hold on...WEAR ARE HIS CLOTHES!! Kyung Hee continued to feel for her own clothes to make sure..'that' didn't happen. But then again she doesn't remember her going him with anyone. Unless she was drunk or he had snuck in for late night fun. Before Kyung Hee could scream he clasped his hand over and shook his head.
" Please don't scream my ears hurt." He gave a pout before she nodded.
There was a lot of explaining to do once she contained her thoughts back. 
End of Flashback
" Correct. Now do you have any other questions?" He asked. Kyung Hee nodded shyly before asking.
" Do you by any chance.... like...come with a return fee?" She asked. His left eye twitched and blurted.
" Yah just because I'm a stuffed animal doesn't mean I'm returnable! " He shouted. 
" Ok ok well do you have a name?" She asked him. 
" Nope you have to give me one!" He cheerfully told her.
" Tao." 
" W-What?!" He asked,confused.
" Tao. Your name is Huang Zi Tao. You will live under my rules." She stood up proudly and put her cup of tea in the sink. 
" Isn't it a Chinese name though?" He asked as he got up and sat on the counter. She glared at him and signaled him to get down.
" Yes it is but I happen to know a bit of Chinese so deal with it." Tao pouted and scoffed at her. she rolled her eyes and continued to do the dishes.
Tao went behind her and s her arms around her waist,snuggling into her warmth.She struggled before stepping on his foot.
" OW!" He yelped while we hopped on one foot, the other being massaged by his hand.
" Rule Number One! No skinship!" She clapped her hands and went to the living room. Plopping down on the sleek black leather couch,she took the remote and changed channels.
" Kyung Hee-ah!!!" Tao shouted cutely from the kitchen.
" WHAT!?" She asked.
" I want ice cream!" 
" No!" She proceeded in changing channels. After a second she heard crashes and bangs coming from upstairs. Aish what is he doing! She thought of ways to torture him when she got a chance as she made her way upstairs.
Tao made a curious face as she went through her drawer. Clothes,shoes,and her presents from yesterday were all to be found scattered around her room. 
" YAH TAO!!!" He jumped at the sudden screech and quickly turned his mischievous face to the furious women. 
" What?" He lazily said as he continued to dig through her drawer. She blew out a furious sigh and walked over to him. 
Not long after,Tao was sitting at the table with an ice pack to his bruised head and several band aids on his face. Just to put this in a easy saying. She beat him up to the pulp. As Kyung Hee paced back and forth, notepad and pen in hand, she thought of rules to set in this house. Now that she had a devious peasant living under her roof.  
" Rule Number One. We went over this Tao! No skin ship!" He nodded and kept the ice pack on his head as his eyes followed her constant pacing. 
" Rule Number Two. Don't go in my room unless you need me. Don't go through my stuff either,arraso?" She asked. He sighed and nodded cutely. She gave him a dirty look and set her note pad down. Ugh it's like preschool! She tiredly rubbed her face and stared him. 
Meanwhile Tao was and groaning of the "oh-so bearable" (keke~ BEARable get it get it?...ok -.-)  pain. He felt watched and looked at the direction of Kyung Hee. He smirked and smoothly walked over to her. She looked up at his tall complexion and blinked innocently. Leaning over next to her ear,he whispered a sentence that caught her off guard.
" Am I that cute that you have to stare?" He grinned and chuckled. Kyung Hee on the other hand was confused and scoffed. How can someone be so stuck up? Tch! She looked down at the clothes he was wearing and figured since he lived in this house he ought to be dressed nice in case of visitors. 
She smiled and got up before giving him a nod of the head.
" Come on." She said,grabbing her purse and car keys nearby. His smirked turned into a confused frown.
" W-Where are we going?" He asked. 
" Shopping."
The Panda and the owner searched up and down for clothes that would suit his size,personality,and image. Kyung Hee wasn't no big shopper so to her a pair of jeans and a plain white T-shirt looked good on him. But nooo apparently Tao was the one with somewhat taste  in  fashion and went strait for a store called Gucci. Kyung Hee and Tao never been in here so it was like a foreign place to them both. Everything seemed so...classy and modern that Tao just had to go in and take a tiny little peek. They ended up in the great fashion store for about an hour looking at nothing but clothes,accessories ,handbags,and much more.  
" Tao it's 2:30 don't you think we should get a bite to eat?" Kyung Hee said. She'd been dragged around the Gucci store getting lectured on how the previous women he was given to had the same exact purse and bracelet. She didn't care she was just extremely hungry. So she did what she thought would be the best idea. She took hold of his warm hand and dragged him out,him protesting behind her and slapping her arm to get out of the women's trap. 
{Kyung Hee POV}
" YAH I WAS JUST ABOUT TO BUY THAT WATCH!" The sad panda yelled making passer byers look at us. I quickly bowed and apologized as I took him to a nearby store. Luckily there were no people in their and the cashier seemed like watching paint dry was more important then working. 
" YOU HAVE NO MONEY YOU LITTLE BRAT!" I said through clenched teeth. 
" Oooh yea!" He cluelessly said and shrugged it off.  I stared at him before bringing my fist up and punching him hard in the arm. He seemed to react because next thing you know we both were yelling and punching each other arms. Soon we were kicked out of the mall with little clothes for him. Tao can complain but I knew he was strained and effortlessly tired. I liked it because I got to go to sleep easier when I got home and he would be knocked out on the couch! Yes,the couch. 
We reached home and I waited for Tao to make his way up the steps.
" Could you be any slower?" I sarcastically asked him,receiving a glare from him. Once I opened the door Tao ran into the living room and plopped down on the sofa,already fast asleep. I walked over to the dining table and saw the bills I still haven't paid. I groaned before I sluggishly made my say upstairs,took my shoes off,made my way into the bathroom for a quick show and next thing you know I was in the bed. I turned my lamp off and pulled the covers over me. I slowly closed my eyes. Boy was this a busy day! I thought before drifting off to sleep. 
 Hello minions! I was happy don't even know why xD. Since school has been a little nicer to me and hasn't made me die from exhaustion of homework. I decided to update!
Till then..Goobye!
~Forever Always,~
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The Panda Project Updated!


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Chapter 6: Its cute!!!! But sadly too short hahaha hwaiting author-nim~
Chapter 6: Awwwww i love this fic!!!!
They both act so cute but have adult hormones xD
Update soon!!!
Chapter 5: Please continue update...hwaiting