Mrs. Choi

HIATUS Panda Project


        ~  Truly, best friends are hard to find
                    Difficult to leave
             And Impossible to forget. ~
{Kyung Hee POV }
I still had little money since I'm always paying bills and my collage tuition. 
It wasn't easy living on my own for quite a while but one day this lady named Mrs. Choi took me in and let me help out for money until I was ready to move on. 
I was 15 back then when my parents kicked me out because they thought I was useless since my brother was the one who got all strait A's. I was the one who was with no social life. No one who actually cared except my brother. He knew how it felt to be constantly yelled at because you missed atleast 4 problems and got a B. He was their but he was much stronger than me and I gave up. My parents gave up on me a while back before I was even in my Junior year yet I thought they still held onto me. They knew I wasn't that good in education wise things I was only good drawing,and dancing. Yet they didn't even care and didn't even consider to help.
 When I was kicked out I thought I would die the next day because no one even noticed me on the street or even took the chance to at least help. I knew those people and I helped them before but I guess people just don't like the one's who are generous. 
I learned to not depend on other people anymore and learned to go on with life. So I picked myself up and left that horrid place,street, and city. I moved to a small town named Boseong, it was peaceful and nice and beautiful. They had people their who didn't mind children who always played and got dirty, they would always take them in for a nice hot bath and nice hot dinners. They didn't mind a homeless girl like me. 
That was where I met Mrs. Choi. She saw me on the street next to the tea bushes that grew every late March or April. They terraced the farmlands. Oh but was Mrs. Choi nice. She served me,she gave me shelter,not only because I was homeless but because I helped her back. I gave her company while her husband went to work at a cafe he owned named Choi's Green Tea. It served to varieties of nice dishes such as Yangnyeom, Ddukbokki, Seolleongtang, and the cafe's infamous Green Tea. 
I also went with her to pick the tea leaves from the green tea bushes every morning or when it was time to pick. She'd tell me stories about when she was a little girl she would climb the hillside that I would see in her backyard when I used to sit under her cherry blossom tree. The hillside always gave this gorgeous scenery when the sun would set,the colors of orange,purple,yellow,and red would paint behind and over the hillside.
 I'd love Mrs. Choi dearly and helped her and Mr. Choi out the best way I can. But when I had earned enough I had mentioned to her under the cherry blossom tree that I was going to pursue my dream as a dancer and that I would be leaving as soon as I'm accepted as a student for the academy I had applied for.
I saw her sad surprised face and I knew she was devastated that I would be leaving. Leaving her, and Mr. Choi. I could almost feel her pain. Her face was flicking back and forth from two signs of emotion. From I'm happy for you! to Why can't you just stay' and then back to I'm so glad your pursuing  your dream!. But Mrs. Choi didn't say anything she just gave me that gentle,sincere smile but with a hint of sadness. If I was given a bet to spot out Mrs. Choi's emotions I would win right now. I could see in her eyes that there was great sadness in those deep brown dark orbs of her. 
She had finally said something. Something that I would've never imagined. It pained me to see her reaction too. 
" If you come back darling... I'm afraid I wont be around for your arrival home." She said it sadly,but kind of like she wanted me to know that she was going to be gone if I had visited her. Which I was. But now that I won't be able to see her anymore It made my heart hurt and my mouth was dry and my stomach queezy. 
Mrs. Choi was getting really old lately and sick too. Coming down with a severe cold and she would occasionally get high fever and cold hands. But I still loved her no matter how sick she was. 
After that conversation me and her hung out even more. Even though I was leaving and even though she was a bit mad,sad,and happy. We both knew that we weren't going to see each other again so we made the best out of it. She was my sweet loving 87 year old Mrs.Choi and I was her 16 year old little darling. 
I had left the week after Spring was over and Summer was rolling in and I was accepted in Seoul Arts Academy in Seoul. I gave her kisses and she returned them. I gave her hugs and she returned them. I gave her memories and she returned them too. We were like best friends except my best friend was someone who I couldn't see anymore. 
Once I left for about a month I had got a call that Mrs. Choi was in the hospital and wasn't going to recover any faster. I was heartbroken but I knew she was strong and she knew I was strong and we both knew that this was coming sooner or later.  I told the people that called me to try and do something before I get there and try to keep her alive. I had booked a plane ticket back to Boseong,not even thinking about my upcoming classes I had at the academy. I've met many friends but they were only good friends not like Mrs. Choi,she was a best friend. 
Once the plane landed in Boseong, I was in a hurry to get off the plane. Once they opened the doors I was the first one out,running all the way to the street where they had taxis. I didn't have any bags or anything I didn't need to stay I just needed to stay by her side. I reached the the hospital that was by the cafe and I wasn't surprised by all the people in her hospital room. She knew so many people and I was kind of shy to see their stares at me . But soon Mr. choi spoke up and called me over to his wife's side. I scurried over there. 
Seeing Mrs. Choi pale face and her lifeless lips and to feel her cold hands was the only thing I needed before my heart shattered. She was almost gone but not quite gone. She knew I would come and waited for me before she passed to the other world. Mr. Choi and the others left the room. I guess they figured I needed alone time with her.
" Mrs. Choi.." I gently whispered. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled that same gentle,sincere smile. I smiled back and got on my knees. I put my head against her heart and listened to it. Thump...thump...thump.....It kept at that pace for I don't know how long. Mrs. Choi took a deep breath and spoke.
" Hello darling. I guess what I said was semi-wrong." She let out a chuckle only to be stopped by a violent cough. I squinted my eyes,trying to blink away the tears. I was strong girl I was known as the girl that never cries. 
" You..dont hav-"
" It's ok to cry darling." She said and smiled. I can see tears rolling down her cold solid face. She looked so dead. I shook my head.
" I can't Mrs. Choi they won't come.." I whimpered. I lied strait to her face. She knew I lied and only squeezed my hand. There I let my shoulders slump and my head hang low. Letting the tears flow. I silently cried and sniffled only when needed. She squeezed my hand once more before closing her eyes.
" Mrs. Choi?" I called her. She nodded and smiled...again. It was like smiling was her favorite hobby. If it was then it should be mine too. I smiled back and kneeled there with my head laid on her chest. Where her suffering heart rested. 
" lets rest until then.." She whispered. I nodded and rested my eyes. 
I wish I could see what she was dreaming of. To know what she was going through. After all best friends do travel together hand in hand every where they go. I wonder if she was traveling in her dream. Traveling to Heaven. 
I felt a pair of arms lift me up. I slowly opened my eyes and heard the heart machine beeping. It took me a millionth of a second to know that she was gone. 
" 8:30 pm April 3."  The doctor quietly told her nurse. The nurse wrote it down on her clipboard and sighed. I noticed that the whole room was filling up and devastated faces were displaying on everyone's face. Mr. Choi was on his knees,crying. I went over to him and cried too. We all cried. Janet and Henry from down the street. They came from America and lived here. They cried too. The two twins who I would always serve Green Tea to after they came to the cafe after school. They were two years older then me but they  cried anyway. Everyone cried. Everyone loved Mrs. Choi. Mrs. Choi loved everyone. 
I wish I can visit her in her dream..someday.
Nothing was going to replace that sweet,sincere,gentle Mrs. Choi. Nothing nor anyone. 
A/N~ I have nothing to say it's almost summer time I can't wait eeeep! :3
                                                                                                                     Forever Always,
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Chapter 6: Its cute!!!! But sadly too short hahaha hwaiting author-nim~
Chapter 6: Awwwww i love this fic!!!!
They both act so cute but have adult hormones xD
Update soon!!!
Chapter 5: Please continue update...hwaiting