Chinese Lantern Dreams

HIATUS Panda Project


Chinese Lantern Dreams
" Life is not measured by the breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away"-anonymous
{Kyung Hee POV}
    " Thank you for coming by!" I waved off to the customer I just checked out. Tao was sitting on the stool,sipping the green tea I had gave him. He wouldn't be quiet and would cause looks from customers. He went crazy when I mentioned green tea. " I want some now!" He had said and jumped up and down. So here we are at Choi's Green Tea cafe. Working a night shift. Good think I'm almost off because there was going to be a Chinese Lantern Festival tonight. I loved that particular festival. It gave off this bright illuminating light when you'd let go of the lanterns and you would right down your dreams or achievements you would want to happen,only to be fulfilled at the lantern show.
I went there once when Mrs. Choi was alive. Now I can bring Tao so he won't be complaining about how I always work all day and never did anything fun. I was going to send him back home but who knows what he'd do there and plus he doesn't know where home was. 
Tao was a curious yet adventurous boy. He is stubborn also. I can't go a day without hearing him want ice cream. I gave him that too,earlier, before we left and he got a brain freeze. Ugh I sound like I'm describing a kid instead it's a man who acts like a kid. I can't blame him he was giant stuffed baby panda for crying out loud and I know they act all babyish and cute,but are devious in the inside. Tao is exactly like that. It is getting fun though since I don't have anything better to do. But ever since me and him met we have grown closer to each other.  
 I had finished Seoul Academy a year ago and earned my degree. I can now enter either a company like Sm,Yg,etc. or be a choreographer. But Mr. Choi had a job available for me at the cafe and I wanted to make up for the loss of Mrs. Choi so I chose this.
My shift ended and I put my apron on the hanger in the staff room. Tao noticed me locking the kitchen and the back door and setting the alarm so he got up and asked.
" What are you doing?" He asked a little worried. I don't get why he always gets so worried. I'll have to ask him that one day.
" Locking up. My shift is over." I explained. He cheered and ran out the front door. I finished locking the front door and met him outside staring at the street.
" What'cha staring at?" I buttoned up my coat and fixed my beanie hat on my head. 
" Are those lanterns?" He asked and pointed to a little girl who just walked by. 
" Yea it is. Wait Tao I'll be right back!" I told him to stay there after I ran across the street to the toy store. 
I searched down the toy aisles for the specific thing. I finally found it and was lucky there were a few left. I picked two. One Red with gold dragons on it and one with bamboo and a greenish-blue color. I quickly walked back after I payed for it.
"lighter.." I said to myself as I made a turn for the drug store a couple of stores down. I purchased a cheap lighter and went back to the place where I left Tao. 
{Tao POV}
Kyung Hee was a nice girl. She fed me. She clothed me. She even bought me ice cream. She is very pretty too. But I don't understand why she left me to go to that toy store across the street. She told me to wait but I had spotted something that was floating and glowing in the nearby park. I looked back at the store and still didn't see Kyung Hee so I made my across to the park to check the thing out. 
Man was it pretty! It was small lit glass candle sitting on a dark mahogany wooded picnic bench. No wonder I thought it was floating. It was so dark and the dark had covered up the bench that the only thing I saw was the candle. I looked around and saw more candles lit up. I went to the next one across from it. It had the same design,glass,lit and beautiful. I liked this place. It was peaceful and the fireflies had started to come out,giving the park an enchanted feeling. I wanted to know more so I followed the trail of candles. 
{Kyung Hee POV}
I had reached the spot where I left Tao but he was missing. I panicked and started to search for him. 
" E-Excuse me have you seen a guy with black hair,puffy eyes with dark circles, tall,and was wearing a black jacket with a white shirt and some jeans?" I asked a passer by. They nodded and pointed to the park across the street. I thanked them plenty and ran over there. 
I saw candles and fireflies illuminating the whole park. It looked so beautiful and I wanted to stay but I had to find Tao.  I followed the trail of candles. 
There were so many until I came to an end and saw a black figure just sitting there. Tao! I excitedly jumped up and down in my mind and ran to him. 
 I had came to the end of the trail but found something even more fascinating! 
Lanterns! Lanterns everywhere! Red ones,blue ones,gold ones, all kinds! I hope Kyung Hee would get here I really wanted her to see this. 
I sat down on the cool grass and admired the scenery before be. The lights from the lanterns flickered from each persons hand. I guess it wasn't time for them to be let go since people were still holding them. I felt a light tap on my shoulder and snapped my head to their direction. 
Kyung Hee stood beside me. Pretty as ever but..with bags in her hands? I quickly launched my hand out to the bags but she jerked it away. 
" Yah didn't I tell you to stay where your at!?!" She yelled. I nodded sadly and pouted. She sighed and sat down next to me. She put the bag between her legs and took out the contents. My eyes widened and I felt myself putting a big grin on my face.
{Author POV}
Kyung Hee pulled the items out the bag and took the lighter out from her pocket.She unwrapped the items.
" LANTERNS!!!" Tao excitedly yelled and hugged her. She smiled and patted his head. He let go.
" Oh oh can I light one?" Tao asked,while he stood up. She nodded.
" Which one do you want?" She asked. He pointed to the red one. She looked surprised.
" You don't want the bamboo one?" She asked. He shook his head and snatched the red one.
" Stop stereotyping pandas!" He stuck his tongue out and and grabbed the lighter. He lit the lantern and held it. She grabbed her own lantern and lit her bamboo one. Both were lit and ready to lift off. 
Tao and Kyung Hee stared up at the sky as an announcement came on. 
" Thank you for coming tonight to the annual Chinese Lantern Festival. We will begin by setting off the Blue, Gold and White fireworks and then you all can let go of your lanterns. Again thank you for coming and have a safe night." The speaker cut off and Kyung Hee squealed.
" Yay! I love this part! Let's hold hands Tao!" She grabbed his hand and chanted with the rest of the cloud. 
 Dreams Everlasting, Dreams Everlasting, Dreams Everlasting...
Tao looked down at Kyung Hee and smiled. He squeezed her hand and chuckled before chanting with her. 
Blue spurted off into the sky and blew up,making the crowd awe in response. 
Gold soon followed after and made a heart. Tao squeezed Kyung Hee hand and looked at her. Kyung Hee didn't seem to notice his stares and squeezes since she was so caught up in adrenaline and the fireworks.
The last white firework exploded in the hair creating a finale effect on the crowd. 
" You may now let go of your lanterns" Kyung Hee and Tao both looked at each other and sparks were flying. It was like a 3 min stare before Tao snapped out of it. Kyung Hee looked down and shook her head before she raised both her and Tao hands up and bowed. 
They both let go of their lanterns. Lanterns filled the sky. Making the sky light up as well. Kyung Hee felt that her face was wet as she stared up at the sky. She touched her face and felt water. 
' Am..I crying?' She must've thought of her moment with Mrs. Choi. Hand in Hand,cheering,laughing,and letting there dreams fly to touch the stars,if possible,was the best moment ever with her. 
KyungHee POV
" DreamsEverlasting! May we all live happy!" I cheered with Tao hand still in mine. He didn't really say anything but would smile and laugh at any joke or comment I'd make. I smiled back and hugged him. I felt him tense up before slowly relieving his worries. I think I made a new best friend! 
My Fulfilled Chinese Lantern Dream
Make a new friend 
A/N~ No author notes today!
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The Panda Project Updated!


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Chapter 6: Its cute!!!! But sadly too short hahaha hwaiting author-nim~
Chapter 6: Awwwww i love this fic!!!!
They both act so cute but have adult hormones xD
Update soon!!!
Chapter 5: Please continue update...hwaiting