Chapter 7

College in KOREA?!? WHAT!

I woke up on the right side of the bed and looked down a LeeTeuk; he was still sleeping happily with a weird smirk on his face, good dream I assume. I walked down my awesome bed stairs and jumped off stumbling a little but catching myself in the end. Aigoo, I am so happy we have a break off from school, I walked into the kitchen and started up breakfast, everything I make is American because luckily there is a an American based store here I was so happy. When I went it was so vacant though; the only person there was the employee of course and he was American. I felt bad but I did make a new friend we had a full conversation and I made him smile and I gave him my number and told him to call or text me if he wants to hang out. It is always fun when you meet someone of the same race as you in another country you can bond. Anyways off topic, I am making traditional American breakfast for Teuk and me; fried eggs, pancakes, sausage, and bacon, with some orange juice, no pulp of course. I almost burnt the eggs but I saved them, I was so happy of myself.

I finished up cooking and put all the food on the table, next I went to my room and pushed LeeTeuk lightly hoping he would get up easily because if he didn’t then I’d have to take measures into my own hands. He rolled over and covered his head falling asleep instantly; just because he is an idol doesn’t mean I won’t wake him up violently. I tapped him again but a little more aggressively, he groaned/grunted and pushed me away then fell back asleep. I glared at him and cracked my knuckles, I lightly sat on the bed and smirked at his sleeping form, a little excited to see his reaction to what’s about to happen. I rolled his body over and he was laying flat eyes still closed. I mustered all the strength and pushed him harshly off the bed onto the carpeted black floor. I giggled when he woke up instantly and clutched his head with a painful face, his nose scrunched up and I found it cute. He frowned once the pain was over and looked at me with a devious smirk, most would say they are scared or frightened about that smirk but since it was Teuk and I don’t show weakness I looked at him dead on and gestured with my eyes bring it on. He sprinted towards me and I dodged him he came to a halt and backed me up to the wall, I tried running but he was to fast so I was pushed to the wall he started tickling me.

Okay first off I hate, and I mean HATE being tickled it’s just horrible and ugh it’s irksome to me. As he continued I started lashing around trying to free myself from him me almost crying but holding back, tickling hurts after awhile. I started kicking and oops I kicked Teuk where the sun doesn’t shine. He groaned and fell over, I giggled first but in the midst of it I apologized to him and finally stopped laughing, he was crouched over and in a ball silently. I rushed and got him a pack of ice, in the midst of doing that his phone rang and I picked up since he was still a little in pain. A guy’s voice rang through the phone…

Anyeong Haseyo, who is this? I asked

This is LeeTeuks’ friend, Choi Siwon, who are you and why do you have LeeTeuks phone?

Well Choi Siwon I am Teuk friend and he is at my house right now and I have his phone because he is um…uh... busy right now!

Oh um well can you tell him he is late to practice and our manager wants him here right now!

Okay will do, bye Choi Siwon.

Bye um… unknown girl?

My name is ________.

Oh bye ________.


I ran to Teuk and he was on the bed with the ice covering his um…yeah you know. I walked over to him and told him what Siwon told me and his eyes got huge and he rushed out the house into his car and drove away, I was shocked no goodbyes no nothing, I’m insulted. I laughed at his rushing and went to the kitchen and heated up the breakfast and started eating it, good food shouldn’t go to waste.

I finished all the breakfast and I mean all of it. I got dressed in sweats and a hoodie deciding to go for a little walk to get better at knowing Seoul. I have been around it a few times for like food and housing stuff but never just walked around to familiarize myself. Today it was dreary and to me a good day I like dark days sometimes they are more calm then most. It wasn’t raining but it seemed like it would.

The park near I live was quiet and not busy only like one person was there reading or whatever. I liked making friends so I leisurely walked over to him and sat next to him. He looked over and lightly smiled I waved and waited not knowing where to start. He looked at his book and then took off his head phones and looked at me.

Anyeong Haseyo, my name is Tae Yang. He introduced

Hi, Tae Yang, my name is _______!

Nice name, so what brought you out on this dreary day?

Well these are my favorite days sometimes just the calmness and quiet is the best.

Same I can think a lot when I’m out here, song lyrics and such.

Why do you think about song lyrics? I asked

Well I’m in a group, do you know about it?

No sorry.

Well our group is called Big Bang, there are five of us, me, Daesung, T.O.P, Seungri, and G-Dragon, that isn’t his real name it’s his stage name.

Oh cool I know a lot of groups now, but why don’t you live in that Idol house?

Oh that well because our group was doing something at the time invitations were being given out so it was already filled up by the time we found out about it.

Oh sorry to hear that well my house is always available if you guys want to hang you seem trustable enough if that’s a word!

Ah your cute thanks for the offer I know I just talked to you today but do you want to go out tomorrow to the café tomorrow?

Sure just text me! I gave him my number

Okay _______.

Well I better get going you should to it looks like it’s about to rain.

Oh yeah it does well I will be going now I’ll see you tomorrow.

Yup, bye Taeyang


I don't know if this is considered short but I hope you liked it again it's a filler.

My writing is okay but I want to be better so writers give me any comments or such anything is allowed

Any good or bad comments or remarks are allowed so fire away, but dont go to crazy I do have feelings hahaha


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newtokpop09 #1
Please don't stop!!!!:( agree with HristyS
HristyS #2
Chapter 16: keep up the good work!! at least finish this story and see how you feel after.. we can't stop you if you wanna quit, but i wish you wouldn't :)
Chapter 14: I hope it jonghyun And Owen
asianhiphopdancer #4
Chapter 14: Hey yo! Jonghyun!! I bet it's jonghyun right?? Haha! Please update soon!
asianhiphopdancer #5
Chapter 13: Nooo! Why stop now! I wanna know what happens next! XD
Please update soon! And i hope that the main girl and jonghyun have more time alone? Haha sorry. But i would like to see more moments with them two. :)
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 1: That main girl and I can relate. Though its only an ambition for me to be a dancer for kpop stars.
This story sounds awesome! First chapter and I love it! Bae Young and I would be besties if she was real. Since we both love SHINee and people mistake us for being cute and girly, when we're really (well in my case) tomboy-ish.
Chapter 5: Lol. I knew Onew clumsy ___ would fall off. ♥
Chapter 3: Lol she gave him the finger. XD