Chapter 4

Forever In To You.


“Care to explain why you’re here, again?” Ji Geun asked, arms folded over her chest as Kris stepped outside her bathroom with thick towel wrapped around his lower body.

Jongin hissed at the sight and pulled Ji Geun closer to him as he covered her eyes with his hands. Kris laughed and smirked at Jongin, “Ji Geun had seen more than this, Jongin. No need to do that” he said as he winked at Ji Geun.

She snorted and made a face at him before she turned to face Jongin, “Never believe on what this old man says, alright?”

Jongin nodded his head and grinned at her. He then turned his head to face Kris and raised an eyebrow, “Yeah, Kris. Why are you here again? I thought you and your little family were in Milan.” He said.

Kris nodded his head as he sat next to Ji Geun and sighed.

“I got another call for job here, a movie to do for exact. I only agreed on this just because Ji Geun was also casted for this movie. And my wife and my kids stayed in Milan for good. They will visit us next month, just because the three of them had missed their precious ‘pretty aunt’ “ Kris said and sighed.

“Plus, Sungjong told me that he couldn’t stay with you here. And so he gave me your house keys and told me to stay with you instead. And i gladly accepted his kind offer” he beamed.

“YOU WHAT?!” The couple shouted in unison.

“What?” Kris blinked at them.

“You’re staying with me?!” Ji Geun asked in disbelief and Kris happily nodded his head. “Yeah, just like the old times, Ji”

“Oh God..” Ji Geun sighed and grabbed her own hair in frustation.

“No you’re not, i won’t let you stay here with my girl, Kris.” Jongin said, eyes piercing toward Kris.

“And what? Let her stay alone in this huge house by herself? Na ah ah, i won’t step outside this house either” he snapped.

“I’m staying here, you stay at my place” Jongin decided. Kris abruptly shook his head and said, “No no no, with that hormones you have? Not a chance, Jongin”

“2 kids for me are enough, i don’t want any little Ji Geun running with my kids, not until you two are married” he said coolly. Ji Geun and Jongin looked at Kris in disbelief. Kris looked at them and raised an eyebrow.

“What? You guys have been dating for 3 years, it’s not like you haven’t..” he stopped.

“OH MY GOSH YOU HAVEN’T!” He shrieked. “That way i’m keeping my Ji Geun as pure as she is now, and you mister! I’m watching you!” Kris said, pulling Ji Geun closer to him.

Jongin pulled Ji Geun back to him and glared at Kris, “You are the one that i’m watching at. She’s my girlfriend, Kris”

“But really, haven’t you two thought of taking a serious step of your relationship? It’s been 3 years, guys. Me and Mae Gi only had a year of dating and now look at us! We’re now a perfect family with two beautiful little Krises!” he beamed.

Ji Geun scoffed and made a face at him, “Easy for you to say” she said.

Jongin looked at her and raised an eyebrow, “Why isn’t it for you? I’ve been thinking of that too lately, Ji. It’s not like that i don’t want to take this relationship into a more serious way” he said.

Ji Geun looked at him in surprise. Not that she didn’t think about that too, but Ji Geun thought that it was too soon for them to go that serious. Ji Geun needed to take her master degree first, and fulfilled her dreams. And she knew that Jongin knew that as well.

“Jonginnn” she whined. Ji Geun pouted and looked at him with pleading eyes, “You know that, right?” she asked, giving him a meaning look.

Jongin looked at her and sighed. “You can do that even when after we’re married, Ji. That won’t change anything”

Ji Geun sighed and looked straight into his eyes, “I need to get my master degree, Jongin. And i just can’t drag you with me anywhere i go, it isn’t just right. What will you do there when i’m doing my study and achieving my dreams? Your work is here, and you can’t just dump it”

Kris looked stiff as the conversations getting on heavier. He moved away slowly from the bickering couple and silently made his way to the stairs; but Jongin caught him.

“Sit, you’re not going anywhere” Jongin commanded, eyes still on Ji Geun.

Kris huffed and walked toward the couch across them. And yes, he was still only wearing the towel around his lower body.

“How long will that take again?” Jongin asked. Ji Geun sighed before saying, “5 years at least”

Jongin’s heart clenched and he sighed at her. “I can’t bare with that, Ji. 5 years are a long time for me to wait”

“Jongin’s right, Ji Geun.. Besides, you already have your career as doctor and hallyu goddess! Why bother taking master degree? You literally have everything you want now” Kris joined the conversation.

“It’s been my dream even before i chose the path of being a star, Kris. And this isn’t just about money, it’s about me and my dreams” she said.

Jongin’s jaw tighten as he heard that words. It’s about me and my dreams. Why didn’t she think about him too? Its their relationship and that meant that there were Him and Her. Not only her.

He remained in silent as Kris and Ji Geun kept on conversing with each other. He loved Ji Geun, and he wanted her to be happy too by achieving her dreams..

But didn’t he deserve happiness too? didn't he included on her dreams too? because she was. Ji Geun was Jongin's only dream for now.

“What about me then?” he blurted, making Kris and Ji Geun stopped talking.

“You have work to do here, Jongin.” Ji Geun mumbled. He looked up and stared at her with hurted eyes.

“But you’re my dream, Ji Geun. I don’t effin care about anything but you. You know that too well! I need you, and i know you need me too. I can’t stay without you, Ji. Can you?” he asked in one breath.

Ji Geun looked away, avoiding his gaze. Her fist clenched at the hem of her shirt as he heavyly sighed.

“I’m willing to take the risk..” she muttered softly.

Both Jongin and even Kris looked at her in utter disbelief. The awkward tension filled the room. And after a long moment of silence that seemed like forever, Jongin got up from his seat.

“Well i’m not” he said before leaving the house and Ji Geun, looking at him with unreadable expression.











So the drama finally stars at the very early chapter. But this doesn't mean that this story will end that soon either. 

I'm thinking of more cons to make them apart for awhile, and please don't kill me because of that.

By the way, i was really surprised by the number of subscribers i got just for a few chapters....


AND LOOK I EVEN GOT VOTED OHMYGOD I CAN'T EVEN--alright i can handle this.


I can't thank all of you enough for this, and heck i owe you guys my heart :'3

Btw yes Kris is finally back and i missed him too! I just missed spoiling him with my words, and i was so happy when i wrote those things about Kris. And that's just how much i love him <3

Also, feel free to comment on this fict or ask me any question. I promise i'll respond to your questions and probably comments :]

It's raining superly hard in here, and i'm stucked in my house. I can do nothing but write more. So i'll probably do another double updates tomorrow....soo.... yeah let's just see if i can do that :p

Thank you very much for your kind appreciation <3



Love, Emm. 

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2nd semester starts in 5 days, which means that the hectic will all start by that time. /sigh


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Chapter 10: a lil bit dissapointed but its okay im looking foward for the new story. keep writing ne;) fughting'-')9
Hello everyone!
I'm really sorry for making all of you wait so friggin long for the updates...but college takes most of my times, even my break so <//3
So please bare and kindly wait for this bad bad authornim to update. kekeke.
Anyway, thank you all for your appreciations!

xShinMinSeulx #3
Chapter 8: please update soon
xShinMinSeulx #4
Chapter 7: yieeeeeeeeh .. what a lovely couple .. please update soon
xShinMinSeulx #5
Chapter 7: yieeeeeeeeh .. what a lovely couple .. please update soon
parkjimro #6
Chapter 7: YAY KaixJigeun couple is back~
And update soon untie:) Thankyou
parkjimro #7
Chapter 5: Yah! Yah! Jonginaaahhh you must keep your girlfriend save!
xShinMinSeulx #8
Chapter 5: luhaaaaaaan~

kai keep jigeun always by your side no matter what .. XD

i feel.. i feel drama .. kyaaaaaa .. please update soon ..
Chapter 5: Omo , I smell trouble
parkjimro #10
Chapter 4: Unnie~ Unnie~ I just read this sequel!!!
And this is amazing! Yeah I can't stop laughing feel like the happy one:)
The drama is coming...
Update soon please;)