Chapter 3

Forever In To You.


It was midnight, and Ji Geun was sleeping with her head on the desk and her laptop . She was working on her latest research about a new virus that attacks on human’s soft organs but fell asleep due to her long day that she spent with Hae Gi.

It was a total chaos, but fortunately Ji Geun could manage to keep everything on track while Hae Gi was losing her sanity when the designer had told her that her dress would take longer time than it was supposed to be.

“So here’s the thing, my friend told me that her dress would only take about 3 weeks of making.. And you just said that the dress would be done after 5 weeks?” Ji Geun calmly said as she sipped on her tea.

The designer gulped and startled at Ji Geun’s calm yet pierce words. He nodded his head and with shaking hands, he reached his cup of coffee. He took a sip of his coffee and spulrted it out after a dip of hot coffee reached his tongue.

“!” he cursed on the coffee. He looked at Ji Geun and Ji Geun was plastering the the-hell-you’re-doing look on her face.

“I’m-i’m-i’m sorry, Flower Ji. A-and about that, w-we could m-manage to do t-the gawn for 3 w-weeks o-only” the designer stuttered.

The flat lines on her lips slowly turned into a sweet smile and the piercing eyes turned into crescent lines. Now the designer had finally met his death. Or probably that was what he thought. That smile and that eyes...

“Thank you, i know my friend can count on you” she smiled. The designer’s mouth was wide opened but there was nothing came out of his mouth.

Ji Geun and Hae Gi signed on the deal and got up from their seats. They walked to the door and Ji Geun turned her back to the still frozen designer.

“Toodles! I’ll see you when i see you!” she beamed before she left outside with Hae Gi.

And that was pretty much how Ji Geun made half of Hae Gi’s preparations done in one freakkin day.

While she was in her deep sleep, someone let himself in to the house. He steadily, and carefully walked to her room, only to find her sleeping on her seat.

He looked at the laptop and saved what she wrote before he turned off the laptop. He gently picked her up and put her on the bed. After that, he opened her closet and changed his clothes with some pair of clothes he had left in her closet.

He managed to slip on the blanket carefully without waking her up. He slipped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him.

Even in darkness, he could still catch the beautiful glints of her face and he smiled at the sight.

“You’ll probably freak out after you find me here sleeping with you.. But hey this worth my days of suffering. I missed you like crazy, you know?” he said, sweeping off her bangs that covered her closed eyes.

“Goodnight, baby girl. See you on the morning” he said, drifting to sleep.






On the early day, Jongin happily jogged to Ji Geun’s house. He smiled to himself and even hummed some happy songs as he came nearer to her house.

Just when he was about to get to her house, he saw an unfamiliar car infront of his lover house. A yellow ferrari to be exact.

Jongin’s eyes narrowed at the car as he stepped in to her front yard. He fastened his speed of walking and managed to get into herhouse without any keys; just because her house wasn’t actually locked.

He walked to her room and smiled as he saw Ji Geun, peacefuly sleeping with blanket covering most of her body.

But then he heard a loud snore.


There was a long pause until another loud snore was heard.

.......................i didn’t know Ji Geun actually snores this loud....................

Jongin thought to himself.

He approached her bed to wake her up and just after he pulled the blanket over her, another figure was actually sleeping beside her. And he was the one who snored loudly with mouth wide opened.

Jongin swiftly kicked him out of the bed and it made both Ji Geun and him woke up in an instant.

Jongin securely wrapped his arms around her and glared at the figure who was groaning in pain because his head hit Ji Geun’s closet.


Ji Geun closed her ears with her hands and blinked multiple times at him. “Kris is not here, Jongin. He’s in Milan with Mae Gi unnie and their kids-“ she stopped when Kris stood up with his morning bed hair infront of her.

“YOU BASTARD! WHO TOLD YOU THAT YOU CAN BARGE INTO MY HOUSE LIKE THAT?!” and this time, Ji Geun was the one who was fumming at him.

“Not a single kiss on the cheek? Aww i came this far for you only, Ji.. It hurts my heart that you-“ Jongin shut his mouth as he choke-slammed him on the bed.

“Mhmffmfmfhmfhmfm!” Kris muffled. Ji Geun stood up and joined the slamming with Jongin.

“Mmfmfmfmhmfmfhmfhfmfhfm!” Kris muffled again but both Jongin and Ji Geun didn’t move a bit.

Kris finally let go of their hold and roared, “I’M CALLING MY LAWYER FOR THIS!”

Ji Geun hardly kicked him on his sin, “Oh yeah? You BARGED into MY house without MY permission!” she glared.

Kris was down on his knees with a full of pain expression on his face and he nearly cried because of that. And Jongin cringed at the sight, i would never mess with Ji Geun after this. He thought to himself.

Ji Geun huffed and ran to her bathroom and took a quick shower. She put on a robe and walked outside the bathroom to get her clothes and did a ‘Mehroong~’ to Kris, who silently cried to himself with Jongin patting his shoulder.

After she finished dressing herself with a pair of blue sky jeans and a white shirt, she went to the kitchen and cook some food for breakfast.

The smell of her cooking reached her room, and the two boys sitting on her bed. Their stomach grumbled in chorus and Kris was the first one who got up from the bed. He ran outside the room and shouted, “I’M READY FOR BREAKFAST YEOBO~”

Jongin snapped back to reality and he shouted back to Kris, “TOUCH HER ONCE MORE AND I’M TAKING EVERYTHING YOU LOVE, KRIS!”




And meanwhile, Ji Geun sighed as she stirred on the soup she was making.

This’s gonna be another loooooong day.. she sighed.

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2nd semester starts in 5 days, which means that the hectic will all start by that time. /sigh


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Chapter 10: a lil bit dissapointed but its okay im looking foward for the new story. keep writing ne;) fughting'-')9
Hello everyone!
I'm really sorry for making all of you wait so friggin long for the updates...but college takes most of my times, even my break so <//3
So please bare and kindly wait for this bad bad authornim to update. kekeke.
Anyway, thank you all for your appreciations!

xShinMinSeulx #3
Chapter 8: please update soon
xShinMinSeulx #4
Chapter 7: yieeeeeeeeh .. what a lovely couple .. please update soon
xShinMinSeulx #5
Chapter 7: yieeeeeeeeh .. what a lovely couple .. please update soon
parkjimro #6
Chapter 7: YAY KaixJigeun couple is back~
And update soon untie:) Thankyou
parkjimro #7
Chapter 5: Yah! Yah! Jonginaaahhh you must keep your girlfriend save!
xShinMinSeulx #8
Chapter 5: luhaaaaaaan~

kai keep jigeun always by your side no matter what .. XD

i feel.. i feel drama .. kyaaaaaa .. please update soon ..
Chapter 5: Omo , I smell trouble
parkjimro #10
Chapter 4: Unnie~ Unnie~ I just read this sequel!!!
And this is amazing! Yeah I can't stop laughing feel like the happy one:)
The drama is coming...
Update soon please;)