New Perspective

Bad Case of Loving You


Feeling someone touching his hair, Woohyun cracked his eyes open. He brought his hand to cover his face, wincing slightly as the rays of sun hits his face. He looked around confusedly when he found out that he's nowhere in his apartment, until then he noticed the chuckling guy next to him.


      "Man, you should've seen your face."

      "y, ain't I? Not to mention it's the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes, you should be thankful," Woohyun grinned sleazily as he supported himself on one arm.

      "More like cute," the other purred.

      " you Myungsoo."

      "Nah. Not now. Maybe later," Myungsoo smirked making Woohyun glared. "And just for your information, Hyunnie, I'm taken."


Woohyun rolled his eyes at the younger's remark. Myungsoo had always been his best friend, the person he would share his problems with whenever he feels like digging a hole for his grave. And much to Woohyun’s assurance, they will always be best friends.

They first met a year ago in the bar as co-workers until they finally dropped all formalities when they stumbled across each other in the school's hallway.


      "By the way, Nam... You do know that there's school today, right?" Myungsoo raised an eyebrow. Woohyun stiffened immediately.

      ". What time is it now?"

      "Fiveteen minutes until first bell rings," Myungsoo grinned when the older groaned.

      "God, even if I run now I won't make it on time!"

      "As if you even attend any of the classes," Myungsoo rolled his eyes. "Go home and wash up. I'll see you at school."

      "What about the place?"

      "I'll close it up before I left. You'd better run now, first period is Psychology."


Myungsoo smiled seeing the older scurried out of the room without even wasting any breath. He jumped in his place when he felt his phone vibrated so suddenly. With a sigh he answered the call.


      "What is it?"

      "Gosh! Be more enthusiastic will you?! Anyway, I have a problem here..."


Myungsoo blinked to himself. This isn't the first time the other guy had been calling him for help, but most of the time the problem they were talking about is about a certain guy.


      "Let me guess. Kim Himchan?"

      "Close, but yeah. But it's not only about him right now! He had been asking for Woohyun and I seriously can't breathe out any sigh of relief with him tailing me around! I mean, he should know by now that Woohyun skips all of his classes and--"

      "Yeol, calm down. I'll see you within a few minutes," Myungsoo shut the line immediately. He just woke up minutes ago and he's definitely not in the mood to listen to a certain choding's nagging. But knowing that now both Sungyeol and Woohyun are in trouble, Myungsoo just had to care.


'... Wait. He’s asking for Woohyun... Oh well, first period is his anyway,' Myungsoo shrugged to himself before he walked around the room to find his clothes.



      "YAH!" Sungyeol screamed to the phone making Sungjong laughed at him.


The three of them—including Youngjae—are stuck together in most of their classes, much to Youngjae’s dismay. And now that the first bell had rung the trio decided that it would be better to stay inside the classroom, as the first period’s teacher is a real epitome of Hitler.


      "Man, you're pathetic," Sungjong patted Sungyeol's back.

      "Why are you so worked up about this anyway? Usually you don't really care about your little friend's reputation," Youngjae raised an eyebrow.

      "It's not just about him anymore. That teacher said that he would give a bonus if I manage to drag Woohyun to his class," Sungyeol said with a small frown. Youngjae raised another eyebrow.

      "And if you don't?"

      "HE IS GOING TO FREAKING CUT MY SCORE. Goddammit, Youngjae, he must've known that I'm in desperate need of increasing my average in his class and he just had to use that excuse to get me running around looking for Woohyun. Argh, I swear that teacher is going to be the death of me."

      "Listening to Sungyeol's nag in the early morning is never a good thing," Sungjong yawned before he leaned his head against the table.

      "I don't nag, mind you, I said I DO NOT nag," Sungyeol crossed his arms over his chest.

     “Have you ever tried talking to a mirror, Yeol?” Youngjae rolled his eyes at him.


Sungyeol was about to smack his friend’s head, but he quickly retracted his hand when a familiar man stepped into the class. The three of them immediately sat up straight when they noticed the long wooden stick in the man’s right hand.


     “Why is Kim-ssaem bringing that thing again?!” Sungjong hissed under his breath.

     “Oh dear. Myungsoo said he would be here within a few minutes, and I don’t think Woohyun will be here to save his …” Sungyeol bit his lips and muttered.

     “Youngjae, you’re the brain of the group! Try to think of something—Youngjae?”


Sungyeol and Sungjong turned to see a terrified Youngjae—no, more like petrified. The two exchanged a look before they looked in front to see another man standing next to their killer teacher.


     “Class,” Himchan cleared his throat, “this is Jung Daehyun and he would be your teacher for Psychology for the rest of the year.”


The man, Jung Daehyun, nodded and flashed a warm smile at the class as Himchan introduced him. His eyes darted from one student to another, scanning their appearances until his eyes stopped at the trio seated at the back. It almost missed his eyes, but Sungjong caught the new teacher smirked for a second there.


     “All right, as you heard before, my name is Jung Daehyun and I hope you address me like you address the other teachers. I’ve heard quite a…rumor about the students here, but I’m sure you all behave well,” Daehyun said with his smile.

     “And even if you don’t,” Daehyun once again locked eyes with the trio, a smirk tugged up his lips.

      “I will make sure you do.”


A shiver ran up Sungyeol’s spine. Sungjong frowned while Youngjae just stared at the man in front, still pretty much spacing out.

There’s something about this man, and Sungjong does not like it.



He slammed the door open and ran inside only to crash into someone and ended up on the floor. Woohyun groaned and looked up to see his flatmate towering over him with his arms crossed. Woohyun gulped. This is bad.


     “So you decided to spend the night outside, hyung? How many guys did you yesterday?” Zelo spat. Woohyun frowned and stood up immediately.

     “I didn’t sleep with anyone for God’s sake! Now excuse me, I’m late to school—“


Woohyun didn’t even have the chance to finish his words as Zelo had already slammed and pinned him against the wall. Woohyun desperately wanted to yell at the other for being too harsh against him, but he just looked up at the taller nervously.


     “Junhong, don’t.”


Zelo glanced at the older before he leaned closer, muttering a small apology under his breath. Closing the gap between the two of them, Zelo stared at the older, pressing him to the wall even more.


     “I can’t help myself, hyung.”



As the door creaked open, Sunggyu raised his head to see who had entered his line of comfort. Not that Sunggyu is a loner or anything, but he actually felt safer inside the infirmary rather than lingering outside and face those problematic students.


     “Nam, you inside?” Myungsoo peeked in. Sunggyu watched the boy looking around.


‘Wow. He didn’t even greet me or anything?’ Sunggyu scoffed at the thought. Myungsoo raised an eyebrow at the man.


     “Something bothering you, redhead?” Myungsoo asked. Sunggyu shot a glare at the grinning boy.

     “No. I just find it amusing that you’re looking for Nam Woohyun here,” Sunggyu said with a shrug.

     “Why? He’s always here in his first few periods,” Myungsoo furrowed his eyebrows.

     “He’s now on my blacklist. He’s not allowed to be here unless he’s actually injured. Badly,” Sunggyu said with a yawn.


Working in Woollim High is too boring for Kim Sunggyu. Compared to the amount of works he had in the hospital, the works he does at school seems to be nothing. But despite that fact, the years he spent in the school is what made him the person he is now.


     “So… What’s your name, redhead?” Myungsoo plopped himself on the clinic bed. Sunggyu eyed him in disbelief.

     “God. You’re one of Nam Woohyun’s minions aren’t you? Are you planning on making this place your next base?”


Myungsoo let out a throaty laugh at the man’s portrayal of him. ‘Minion? No, of course not. If there is even that thing called minion it should be Woohyun instead’, Myungsoo thought as his signature smirk resurfaced again.


     “I can’t do that, not when Woohyun isn’t here,” Myungsoo chuckled. “My name is Myungsoo by the way, a third year.”

     “Sunggyu, a doctor.”

     “A doctor? No, no, Sunggyu-sshi. You’re in charge of the infirmary, that means you’re a nurse,” Myungsoo laughed when Sunggyu shot him a glare.

     “Goddammit, you really reminded me of him,” Sunggyu mumbled under his breath while Myungsoo lied down on the bed. A small smile tugged on Sunggyu’s lips as another memory flashed in his mind.


     “Woohyun, I need to study,” Sunggyu grumbled as he watched the kid ran around his room before he plopped himself onto his bed.

     “Why? You’re not even a student anymore,” the small boy giggled, definitely amused at Sunggyu’s frustrated face.

     “Even though I’m a certified doctor, I need to study in order to be better,” Sunggyu sighed.

     “Eishh… No, no, Sunggyu-sshi. You’re still in charge of the infirmary, you’re a nurse!”


With that Sunggyu successfully slammed his pen on his desk and stood up before he hunt after the boy.


     “Come back here you brat! Yah, Woohyun!”


Sunggyu bit his lips as he felt another pang inside his chest. He shook his head before he turned his head towards the other occupant in the room to see that the said boy had been staring at him the whole time.


     “Man… You’re quite the creeper, ain’t ya?” Myungsoo blinked at Sunggyu. The older simply sighed, not knowing what to do with the boy anymore.

     “What do you want?” Sunggyu raised his eyebrow.

     “Well… Actually I came here for Woohyun, but seeing that he’s not here I think there’s nothing to do anymore,” Myungsoo shrugged before he jumped off the bed and walked towards the door direction.


Sunggyu narrowed his eyes at the boy. Myungsoo turned around and flashed him a small smile.


     “By the way, Sunggyu-sshi, don’t put Nam into your blacklist. This is his only territory,” Myungsoo said cheekily.

     “This is no one’s territory,” Sunggyu frowned.

     “Whatever. By the way, mine is the rooftop. Feel free to visit anytime~” Myungsoo waved lightly before he strolled out.


Sunggyu let out a loud sigh as he slumped to his desk. ‘God, this school is now filled with mental. How did they even pass the test..?’

Another knock brought him to reality. Sunggyu sat up straight once again to see one of his teacher-friends coming in with a small grin.


     “You didn’t have to, you know,” Sunggyu chuckled as the man in front of him placed two lunch boxes along with two cups of coffee.

     “It’s the only time I will be able to see you today,” the man said with his signature laugh. Sunggyu smirked lightly.

     “Why? Can’t stand not seeing me even for a day?”

     “You’re so full of yourself, gosh. You remind me of that student… Em… Right, Nam Woohyun!”


Sunggyu almost gagged.



     “You’re skipping the whole day?”

     “Sorry. It’s just... The situation is kind of inconvenient right now,” Woohyun muttered, wincing slightly at the throbbing pain along his spine.

     “Nam, you know that you’re going to really screw yourself if you skip another day, right?”

     “Chill, Myung. It’s not like I’m going to be absent for days,” Woohyun rolled his eyes.

     “Still. By the way, I heard from Sungyeol that there’s a small problem these days. I checked and apparently this problem is a lot worse than you think…"

     “Myung, my head is throbbing like right now. You don’t have to make it worse,” Woohyun hissed. Suddenly, he heard a few knockings on the front door.

     “You know what? I’m attending all classes tomorrow, so you can just shut the up and keep your nag for tomorrow,” Woohyun said before he disconnected the line.


Woohyun is in a bad mood. Aside from the fact that his flatmate forced him to stay in the apartment in a way that he never expected, he found out that he lost his phone. He didn’t hung up on Myungsoo because he was pissed, Woohyun just hate to use the wired phone since he’s the one paying for the phone bill. Slightly limping, he dragged himself to the front door to face the redhead. Woohyun felt like groaning again.


     “Junhong is not here. He has an extra class to attend,” Woohyun said as he supported himself to the door. Sunggyu raised an eyebrow at him.

     “I’m not here for him. Give me your hand,” Sunggyu said. This time, Woohyun raised an eyebrow at him.

     “Why should I?”

     “Just give it to me already,” Sunggyu said impatiently.


Seeing that the boy in front of him has no intention of doing so, Sunggyu pulled at Woohyun’s hand, successfully dragging the younger to the floor as a result.


     “Excuse me, Doctor Kim. I know that it’s partially my fault for not trusting you, but as a doctor it’s such a thoughtless thing to do, you know?” Woohyun glared up at the redhead. Sunggyu cocked his head to the side.

     “You should’ve told me that you’re injured,” Sunggyu furrowed his eyebrows. Woohyun clicked his tongue as he stood up, wincing and grunting in process.

     “Do you need help going inside?” Sunggyu asked, slightly feeling guilty for making the boy fell.

     “Well, it’s doctor’s job to help people, right?” Woohyun raised an eyebrow.


Sunggyu rolled his eyes good-naturedly before he lifted up the boy into his arms. Woohyun’s eyes went wide as he clutched at the man’s shoulders for support.


      “I didn’t say that you can carry me around like this!” Woohyun hissed. Sunggyu smirked at the boy.

      “Well, a doctor has to make sure that his patients receive the best treatment, right?”

     “This is embarrassing! Heck, this is humiliating! Agh, my dignity has been hurt…”

     “You’re such a drama queen,” Sunggyu shook his head before he put Woohyun gently on the couch.


Woohyun watched the man going to close the front door before returning back to his side. Sunggyu noticed the stares and smirked once again.


     “What? Can’t stand my feature?” Sunggyu cocked his head, leaning closer to the younger.

     “I hate doctors,” Woohyun grumbled. “Why are you here anyway?”

     “Ah, right.”


Sunggyu pulled out a phone, Woohyun’s phone to be exact, from his pocket and placed it on Woohyun’s lap. The younger stared at the phone and then to the older in disbelief.


     “So you’re the phone thief?!”

     “You left it the last time you visited your territory.”

     “Ah? I must’ve dropped it—Wait. My territory?” Woohyun blinked at the older.


Sunggyu smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck.


     “Well… I was thinking of kicking you out of the infirmary and placing you on my blacklist… But apparently your friend came to my place and told me that the infirmary is your only territory,” Sunggyu said with a shrug. Woohyun’s lips tugged up into a grin.

     “Are you saying that I’m allowed to visit your place anytime..?”

     “No. You’re allowed to be in the infirmary, but only for 15 minutes for every visit. And only one visit per day,” Sunggyu said. Woohyun snorted.

     “As if 15 minutes is enough to replenish myself.”

     “Fine. Make it five minutes per visit.”


With that Woohyun let out a loud whine, making the older smiled at the boy’s childish side. Sunggyu ruffled Woohyun’s hair before he scooted closer to the boy.


     “So what happened to your leg?”


Sunggyu noticed Woohyun’s eyes shifting here and there. The boy looked everywhere but him. Sunggyu placed his hand at the crook of Woohyun’s neck, forcing the boy to face him completely.


     “Not telling me anything?” Sunggyu looked at him. Woohyun bit his lips.

     “Let me guess. Did Junhong do this to you?”


At the mention of Zelo’s name, Woohyun’s heartbeat quickens. Panic started to fill his mind. ‘How did he know?’ Woohyun gulped.


     “Pulse increasing, pupils dilating slightly, I’m taking that as a yes,” Sunggyu released his grip on the boy’s neck as he noticed the younger paling slightly.

     “J-Junhong didn’t mean it badly… He might be a bit possessive sometimes but—“

     “Since you’re his flatmate, I think there’s something I need you to know,” Sunggyu cut him.

     “There's no need for you to defend him. To be honest, Junhong is one of the important cases I’m dealing on. And since I’m alone was not enough, the hospital decided to place two doctors to deal on your friend.”

     “The doctor he mentioned yesterday,” Woohyun said. Sunggyu nodded.

     “We couldn’t exactly figure out his problem since Junhong is physically all right… But since he’s really secretive about himself we can’t be so sure about his mentality. So, I’m giving you a deal right now.”


Woohyun’s ears perked up at the last statement. He looked at the older, obviously failed at hiding his excitement. Sunggyu chuckled at the boy.


     “I will give you the pass for the infirmary, and I might even extend your ‘share’ of infirmary-time. But in return,” Sunggyu watched the boy’s expression turning from a huge grin to a frown, he couldn’t help but smiled at it.

     “In return, I want you to report Junhong’s behavior at home.”

Woohyun blinked at the older, “that’s all?”

     “Yeah, that’s all. Pretty easy, right?” Sunggyu smiled. Woohyun eyed him skeptically.

     “I’m telling you about Junhong and you’re going to allow me to visit the infirmary any time..?”

     “I’ll give extra five minutes for every new report you give.”

     “It’s a deal then,” Woohyun grinned at the older. Sunggyu smiled and stood up from the couch.

     “I’ve put my number in your phone. If there’s anything you need, just give me a call.”

     “Arasseo, Doctor Kim,” Woohyun saluted the doctor playfully.


Sunggyu shook his head before he opened the front door. He halted in his step and looked at Woohyun.


     “Did you leave anything, doctor?” Woohyun tilted his head.

     “Drop the formalities. You can just call me hyung,” Sunggyu said.


Woohyun blinked for a while before his lips tugged up into a slight smirk. Sunggyu almost regretted saying it.


     “Arasseo, Sunggyu-hyung,” Woohyun emphasized the last word with a teasing tone.


A small grin formed on Sunggyu’s lips as he walked out the apartment and closed the door behind him. He didn’t know why but he actually felt happy. He didn’t know why but he wanted the younger to call him that once again.

But what he really didn’t know is the fact that Zelo was there the whole time. And Sunggyu definitely didn’t know that Zelo heard everything.

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697 streak #1
Chapter 13: just found this 🥰
Chapter 13: Very nice, its ending with the happy moment. Woohyun not forgetting doctor kim twice finally..
Thank you for your great job authornim..
Chapter 13: Wooowww >.< glad it's a happy ending XD i thought woohyun will forget about sunggyu again ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 13: This was really good. Loved it ♡
dontworryandcomeback #5
Chapter 13: This is wow. I'm amazed. Wow. Wow. Wow. Good job~
sha_alina19 #6
Chapter 13: Kyaaa!!! Im impressed!!! Nice one
Chapter 13: I'm speechless..
This is so amazing >_<
honeyplum #8
an angst too huh? I will surely cry a lot T_T