Can't Come Back

Bad Case of Loving You


            “Man, you didn’t have to be so harsh… It was only a misunderstanding,” Woohyun groaned as he pressed his fingers onto his lower back. His whole spine ached like hell and Woohyun secretly felt glad that Zelo was still in the hospital.

            “Aren’t you supposed to be thankful? Since you can’t move much, you’re able to stay as long as you want here for the day,” Sunggyu mumbled from his desk.

            “No, thank you. I’d rather spend the rest of the day listening to Kim-ssaem’s rant than staying here with you,” Woohyun rolled his eyes.


With a raised eyebrow, Sunggyu looked at the boy. The corner of his lips twitched up forming a small smirk.


            “Oh. The infamous Nam Woohyun is interested in class now?”

            “Hm, would you rather like it if I’m interested in you instead?”


The moment the sly smirk reached Woohyun’s feature, a book found its way towards the said boy’s face. Woohyun pouted and jumped off the bed—not forgetting to let out a small groan—before he walked towards the door.


            “Spoiler alert. Himchan’s going to hit your the moment you reach his class,” Sunggyu said nonchalantly. Woohyun stopped for a while in his track, but he reached the door nonetheless.

            “Oh, spoiler alert. This door is about to slam in your face within seconds.”



‘Poor guy,’ Myungsoo thought as he watched Woohyun’s sour expression.


            “Go take your seat,” Himchan motioned with his stick. Woohyun forced a smile and stuck his tongue at the teacher when he had his back turned. The boy let out a loud hiss when his bottom reached the chair.

            “You okay?” Myungsoo raised an eyebrow.

            “Try to come late in his period for once and see if you’ll be all right by the end of the day,” Woohyun glared. Myungsoo let out a small chuckle.

            “By the way, how was it?”


Woohyun blinked at the other boy in confusion. Myungsoo rolled his eyes.


            “I heard from Kim-ssaem someone got banged in the infirmary…”


Woohyun coughed out loudly as he got choked on his own saliva. Myungsoo immediately patted his back and offered him a drink while Himchan sent the two boys a warning look.


            “Keep it down, Nam. I don’t want to walk home with a sore ,” Myungsoo mumbled.

            “Holy cow, Myungsoo. Who—what—how—goddammit, so that’s why they eavesdropped!” Woohyun groaned.

            “Why? What did I miss?”

            “Well, since Jongup mentioned about that, I went to the infirmary to ask Sunggyu-hyung. And… Uh, something… Something happened, and Jang-ssaem caught us in the weirdest position ever,” Woohyun whispered. Myungsoo raised an eyebrow with interest.

            “Seriously? Even worse than that time with Hoya and Yeol?”

            “… No, not that bad. But still, it’s not exactly something to be proud of,” Woohyun huffed. “So anyway, those teachers thought of something else and well, they thought we had .”

            “No wonder. You make the same sound whenever someone spanks or tickles you or when you e,” Myungsoo snorted. He looked at the latter to see Woohyun staring at him agape.


            “Y-you… How do you know about the ion thing..?” Woohyun stuttered as a grin managed to reach Myungsoo’s feature.

            “Well, that’s one advantage of having a best friend working at the same bar,” Myungsoo leaned in to whisper to Woohyun’s ear, “sometimes they’re just too drunk to notice that it’s not their own hands doing the miracle.”


Woohyun slapped the boy’s head down before he sent a disgusted look.


            “You’re one nasty person, Myungsoo,” Woohyun frowned.

            “Sadly this nasty person is your closest friend too. Now close your eyes and enjoy your class,” Myungsoo cooed. Woohyun chuckled and rested his head on his arms.

            “You know me too much… Way too much,” Woohyun mumbled.


Myungsoo simply smiled at him before he focused himself back to the teacher in front. He glanced at the other once in a while and he dropped his smile when the other boy had drifted off to sleep.


‘You’re wrong, Nam… In fact, I don’t even know who you actually are right now,’ Myungsoo thought.



            “Woohyun-ah, you know that you’re a good son, right?”


Woohyun looked at Mr. Choi, his father, with a small smile. He nodded enthusiastically while the man chuckled at him.


            “We don’t know how to say this without making this awkward,” Mrs. Choi, who is now her mother, smiled sweetly at him. “But I think we should really tell you.”


Woohyun’s eyebrow rose as he noticed the smile turned into a somehow awkward one. He shifted his eyes towards Mr. Choi and he noticed a foreign glint in the man’s eyes.


            “Woohyun-ah… You’re going to have a brother soon.”


Woohyun’s eyes lit up and a wide smile reached his face. He immediately reached for Mrs. Choi and gave her a small yet comforting squeeze.


            “Really? That’s a good thing! When’s the baby going to due?” Woohyun asked.


Mr. and Mrs. Choi exchanged glances while Woohyun just stood there smiling, waiting for an answer. Mr. Choi cleared his throat instead.


            “No, Woohyun-ah… We’re… We’re adopting another son,” Mr. Choi muttered. Woohyun’s smile fell.

            “Oh… It’s… It’s all right, I guess..?” Woohyun scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “I mean, I was adopted too before.”


Mr. Choi nodded and left the room. Mrs. Choi smiled and hugged the boy tightly.


            “Glad to know that you’re okay with it,” Mrs. Choi said with a relieved sigh.

            “Why wouldn’t I be okay?” Woohyun chuckled lightly. Mrs. Choi held his hands and squeezed them lightly.

            “… Look, Woohyun-ah… There’s something you have to know about your brother…”

            “What is it, eommeoni?”

            “Your brother… He’s actually our child…” Mrs. Choi smiled sadly. “We lost him years ago, but we finally found him last month.”


Woohyun raised an eyebrow in confusion.


            “What’s wrong?”

Mrs. Choi sighed, “I… I have a feeling… I mean, I don’t want to differ the two of you. You know that I love you, right, Woohyun-ah?”


Woohyun nodded hesitantly.


            “Even if you don’t have any blood relation with us, you have to know that you’re still our family,” Mrs. Choi smiled. Woohyun shook his head.

            “That doesn’t answer my question, eommeoni,” Woohyun pouted.

            “Your father… He might won’t bother to hide the fact that he likes your brother more than you,” Mrs. Choi patted the boy’s cheek gently.

            “I won’t get hurt because of that, eommeoni,” he chuckled. “I know that abeoji is still upset with the fact that I refused to change my surname.”


Mrs. Choi just smiled at him and gave his hand another gentle squeeze. He noticed her eyes suddenly brimmed with tears, and so he turned around to see the cause of it. His eyes went wide when he saw the boy standing next to Mr. Choi.


            “Woohyun, I want you to meet your new bro—“

            “Junhong,” Woohyun gasped.


Zelo looked at Woohyun agape. He didn’t expect the senior he just befriended earlier would turn out to be his brother. Well, adoptive brother, to be exact.





            “Gyu-hyung, what is that?”

            “Experiment results… Don’t touch that, I don’t want to lose any of it,” Sunggyu sighed and placed the boy on his lap gently so that he won’t run around, messing his room more than it was.

            “Is that something important?” The boy looked up with a pout. Sunggyu raised an eyebrow at him.

            “Yes. Why?”

            “Well… I was thinking that we might be able to play airplanes with that…”

            “Oh no, nein, nada. You’re going nowhere near my papers,” Sunggyu held the boy tightly against him, making the boy giggled.

            “Gyu-hyung~ That tickles!”


A small grin reached Sunggyu’s feature. He poked the boy’s sides repeatedly until the boy hopped off Sunggyu’s lap and hid himself under his desk.


            “What are you doing there? Come back here,” Sunggyu chuckled.

            “Don’t wanna. Gyu-hyung is a meanie,” the boy stuck his tongue out.

            “Woohyunnie, come here~” Sunggyu hummed.

            “Don’t wanna~” the boy giggled.


Without much effort, Sunggyu hoisted the boy up and placed him on his lap once again. The boy shrieked when Sunggyu placed his arms around him.


            “Woohyunnie, why are you here?”

            “Why? Gyu-hyung doesn’t want Hyunnie to be here?” Woohyun laughed.

            “No, I mean, why are you always here?”


‘Ever since the time you got admitted here, you always visit me,’ Sunggyu thought with a small sigh.


            “Well, that’s because I like Gyu-hyung of course!” Woohyun smiled.

            “You like me?” Sunggyu raised an eyebrow.

            “Uh-huh. When I’m older, I’m going to get married to Gyu-hyung,” the boy giggled.



Woohyun smiled at him as he played with Sunggyu’s fingers.


            “Propose to me, hyung?”


Sunggyu couldn’t help but let out a small scoff. The boy eyed him with raised eyebrows.


            “When you grow older you’re going to forget me eventually,” Sunggyu said shaking his head. Woohyun’s eyes went wide.

            “No! That’s why I’m going to visit you everyday, every time! I will always remember you that way!”


Sunggyu chuckled and ruffled the boy’s hair.


            “Sure. Just don’t bother me when I have loads of works.”


Sunggyu found himself laughing lightly at the memory. He looked at the scenery outside his open window, watching students leaving the school, and his lips curved up into a sad smile.


            “How am I going to propose to you, stupid?” Sunggyu chuckled weakly. “You’re not even by my side anymore…”


A small breeze greeted his face and Sunggyu found himself smiling once again.


            “Woohyun… You little liar…” Sunggyu mumbled, closing the window gently. He caught his reflection on the mirror and his eyes went wide at the sight of tears cascading down his cheeks.


            “Sure. Just don’t bother me when I have loads of works.”


Suddenly his phone vibrated, jolting him out of his trance.


            “I don’t even care anymore… Come back here and bother my all you want, just… Just stay by my side…” Sunggyu murmured as he hastily wiped away his tears and reached for his phone.


            “Dr. Kim! This is bad!”

            “Wait—Yongguk? What’s wrong?” Sunggyu could sense the panic laced on the younger’s words.

            “I left the kid for a moment because I had a short appointment. It’s not even ten minutes yet!”


Sunggyu froze in his place. He had an idea what was going on, and he didn’t like it one bit.


            “Where’s Junhong?”

            “I… I don’t know…”

Sunggyu gritted his teeth, “What do you mean by you don’t know?! You know that he’s not supposed to go around with his current condition!”

            “I know! But—“

            “There’s no but! What if he approached Woohyun in his current—“


‘Wait… The phone call this morning… Don’t tell me…’


            “Hello? Kim? You still there?”

            “Look around for any sign of him, Yongguk. I need to check on something,” Sunggyu said before he disconnected the line.

            “What? Yah! You—“


Sunggyu didn’t even bother to pack up his things. He just slipped out of his white coat and threw it somewhere across the room before he stormed out of the infirmary. He punched the numbers on his phone furiously.



            “Himchan, can you bring my things before you head home? I left them in the infirmary.”

            “Sure. Where are you right now anyway?”

            “I’m on my way to Junhong’s apartment.”

            “… Something happened?”

            “I’ll tell you later,” Sunggyu sighed.


‘Please be safe… This idiot…’ Sunggyu bit his lips as he marched out the school gate.



            “Yes, abeoji. He’s with me right now,” Woohyun sighed to his phone.


He glanced repeatedly towards the quiet boy sitting on the couch. Zelo had been silent throughout their whole escape, even until they reached their apartment. Woohyun couldn’t hide the fact that he’s worried for the younger’s condition.




Zelo looked up blankly to see Woohyun’s worried expression. The older handed him his phone. Zelo just stared at it for a moment.


            “Abeoji is on the line. He said he wants to talk to you,” Woohyun smiled slightly.


Zelo frowned and reached for the phone. He didn’t even bother to look at the screen as he immediately disconnected the line and threw the phone across the room.


            “Junhong, what the hell?!” Woohyun screeched as he stared at his phone lying lifelessly on the floor. He was about to retrieve it, if it’s not for Zelo’s hand gripping his wrist tightly.



Woohyun frowned at him, but he then noticed the weird glint in the younger’s eyes. His eyes went wide when Zelo pulled him down on the couch.


            “Junhong, don’t you dare,” Woohyun warned, but Zelo just leaned even closer to his face.

            “Junhong, I said—“


Woohyun didn’t even have the chance to finish his words as he got interrupted by the sound of someone banging his front door.


            “Yah, Nam Woohyun, you’d better be there right now!”


Never in his life Woohyun felt anymore relieved to have the redhead over. ‘Sunggyu and his perfect timing,’ Woohyun thought. But the tight grip around his wrist and the dark look on Zelo’s face told him otherwise.


            “Yah! Woohyun! Open the door!” Sunggyu’s voice started to sound frustrated by each second. Woohyun swallowed thickly as he stared at the younger’s hollow eyes.

            “You are not going anywhere, hyung.”




I'm really sorry for not updating for quite a while, it seems that I'm getting busier by each day, and the next three weeks are going to be hell for me .__.

I'm planning on making a story with a less angst theme (a fluff one probably, since many demanded a lighter theme hahah), but I'll finish one of the ongoing stories before I proceed with another one. So yeah, if you get the hint, one of the stories is about to reach its end.

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697 streak #1
Chapter 13: just found this 🥰
Chapter 13: Very nice, its ending with the happy moment. Woohyun not forgetting doctor kim twice finally..
Thank you for your great job authornim..
Chapter 13: Wooowww >.< glad it's a happy ending XD i thought woohyun will forget about sunggyu again ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 13: This was really good. Loved it ♡
dontworryandcomeback #5
Chapter 13: This is wow. I'm amazed. Wow. Wow. Wow. Good job~
sha_alina19 #6
Chapter 13: Kyaaa!!! Im impressed!!! Nice one
Chapter 13: I'm speechless..
This is so amazing >_<
honeyplum #8
an angst too huh? I will surely cry a lot T_T