No Cure - Final

Bad Case of Loving You


            “What’s wrong, son?”

            “… I am…”

            “What’s wrong with you?”

            “Everything is wrong… Whatever I do is wrong… Even my existence itself…”


The man looked at him. Silence engulfed the two of them, until the man put his hand on the boy’s shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.


            “It’s not your fault that you’re born in this world,” the man smiled at him.

            “T-then?” The boy blinked his tears away as he looked up at the man expectantly.

            “Well, practically it’s your parents’ fault…” The man smiled sheepishly. “But the fact that you exist means there’s something big, a particular something is waiting for you.”

            “Something big..?”

            “Yeap. Something special,” the man smiled when he saw the boy’s eyes showed a small twinkle.

            “Well… I guess not everything is wrong then..?” the boy looked up at the man.

            “Nothing is wrong, son, nothing is wrong.”


The boy smiled and looked down to his hands. The man raised an eyebrow at him when he realized something.


            “Where are your parents, son? You’re not supposed to be alone at this hour…”

            “Uh… I don’t have one,” the boy looked down, biting his lips. “Well… I grew up in the hospital for as long as I could remember, so…” he shrugged.


The man frowned but he nodded nonetheless. A part of him felt worried that the boy was actually there as the object for any test drug. But seeing that the boy seemed to be healthy and well-fed, he shoved the thoughts away.


            “I see… What’s your name?”


            “Nice meeting you Woohyun,” the man smiled down at him. Woohyun nodded and smiled back.

            “How about you, sir? What’s your name?”


The man contemplated for a moment before he opened his mouth.


            “My name is Choi Jungwook.”

            “Nice meeting you, Mr. Choi,” Woohyun said smiling.



            “You’re awake?”


A small groan escaped Woohyun’s lips as he stretched himself. Myungsoo chuckled as he put his things to his bag. Woohyun looked at the window to see the sky turning orangey-red, an awfully familiar colour to him.


            “What class is it now?” Woohyun blinked as he looked around. To his surprise, everyone left already.

            “Class is over, stupid. You slept throughout the whole day,” Myungsoo shook his head as he gave Woohyun’s chair a small kick.

            “I… did..? Whoa, I should’ve went to the infirmary instead,” Woohyun laughed.

            “Yeah, sadly you can’t,” Myungsoo mumbled.

            “Well, it’s not my fault that the nurse can’t stand my frequent visit,” Woohyun pouted. Myungsoo looked down.

            “There’s more than that, though…” Myungsoo whispered to himself.

            “Hm?” Woohyun turned to him with a small smile, but Myungsoo simply shook his head.

            “Actually, Myung… I’m wondering… What kind of person this nurse is actually? You guys seem to be really fond of her—“

            “It’s a he.”

            “Right, sorry,” Woohyun smiled sheepishly.

            “It’s nothing. Let’s go. Hyung’s waiting for you,” Myungsoo sighed and walked away.


Woohyun, who noticed the younger’s apparent change of mood, immediately scurried to his feet and followed the younger out.


            “What’s bothering you?” Woohyun asked.

            “Something personal,” Myungsoo forced a smile as he continued walking.

A frown made its way to Woohyun’s lips, “I don’t get it… You’re really complicated, Myung…”

            “I’ve always been this way, hyung.”

            “O-oh…” Woohyun nodded and looked down. The two of them continued walking in silence.


Myungsoo glanced at the older boy next to him and a small sigh escaped his lips. The memory of earlier once again replayed itself in his mind.


            “Hyung, you’re back?!”

            “Yah, are you even allowed to stand up?!

            “So you’re still alive?!”


Woohyun chuckled at the three figures clinging to him like koalas. He patted their backs as he felt the arms circling around him getting tighter by seconds.


            “Yes Myungsoo, I’m back. And yeah Sungjong, I can even walk around, okay? And no, Yeol, I’m ghosting around,” Woohyun rolled his eyes.

            “Glad to have you back,” Youngjae grinned at him. Woohyun nodded and extended his hand to give the others a high-five. Hoya smiled lightly and shook his hand instead.

            “What the hell, Hoya,” Woohyun laughed as the others let him go.

            “We’re worried sick, okay,” Hoya sighed.


Woohyun just smiled at them, nothing else. Myungsoo frowned when he noticed how calm the older was.


            “Hyung, you okay?” Myungsoo raised an eyebrow at him.

            “Hm? Yeah, I’m okay. I’m all good,” Woohyun smiled at him. The rest of the group exchanged glances.

            “You sure..? You look… different,” Myungsoo muttered.

            “What do you mean dif—Oh look, the teacher’s here.”

            “You actually study?” Sungjong’s eyes went wide.

            “What do you mean by that, of course I do,” Woohyun raised an eyebrow and chuckled lightly.


When Myungsoo looked at the text he got that morning, he realized that he lost their Woohyun. Gone. The troublemaker boy he knew for long had went somewhere away, and Myungsoo knew it would be hard for him to look at Woohyun the same way now.

But Myungsoo realized that it must be even harder for a certain redhead he knew.

And judging from the fact that the so-called red haired man actually resigned from their school, Myungsoo knew that Sunggyu had had it the worst.




Myungsoo turned his head slightly to see a slightly familiar glint in Woohyun’s eyes. But it disappeared the moment Woohyun smiled at him. Myungsoo didn’t know which one is better, the warm yet distant Woohyun or the troublemaker best friend who closed himself off of him.

Myungsoo shook his head and looked to his front to see a figure leaning against the main gate.


            “Go. Hyung’s waiting already,” Myungsoo said. Woohyun turned his head and his expression brightened even more, if it was possible.



Himchan smiled as the boys approached him. Myungsoo nodded at the young man before he walked away.

Myungsoo would never admit it, but he knew the fact that he was the reason to why Woohyun changed. He was the one responsible for introducing the dark side of the road to the innocent boy years ago.

He wished for time to turn back countless times, and finally he had his wish granted. With that, Myungsoo decided to distance himself away from his best friend.

Because he knew that his presence would only corrupt the other boy, and in the end he would get hurt again. He wanted nothing more than the boy’s happiness, even if he had to give up on the relationship they had before.




Myungsoo turned around, not expecting Woohyun to call him, especially with that glint in his eyes and a familiar smirk plastered on his face.


            “See you later at work, stupid.”


Myungsoo blinked at the other before he let out a light laugh.



            “So you have nothing against him?”

            “None,” Woohyun shook his head with a smile.


The man—who is apparently a lawyer—sitting across him nodded and scribbled something on his note. Woohyun observed the white environment around him before he quietly sighed at the thought of his half-brother’s condition.


            “I’m sorry.”

            “For what?”

Zelo sighed and looked down, “For doing things…to you. I’m not sure if you remember, but I hurt you, hyung.”


Woohyun stayed silent for a while. He looked down and noticed the younger’s hands shaking slightly. With a small assuring smile, he reached to the other boy’s hand and squeezed it gently.


            “Whatever you did, I forgive you. I’m sure you have a reason for doing so,” Woohyun said chuckling lightly. Zelo shook his head.

            “You don’t understand, hyung—“

            “I don’t. But I do know that you’re my brother, and I have to protect you.”


Woohyun was startled when the younger suddenly pulled him into a tight hug. He felt himself stiffened at the other’s touch, despite the comforting interaction.


            “I think… I’m in love with you, hyung,” Zelo murmured.

            “Zelo…” Woohyun muttered. Zelo released him and grabbed his shoulders instead. Woohyun noticed the broken look on the younger’s face.

            “You’re… calling me…” Zelo muttered before he swallowed thickly. “H-hyung… I’m sorry…”

            “Don’t apologize,” Woohyun could hear his own voice starting to crack.

            “I’m sorry… I love you…” Zelo mumbled repeatedly. “So much… Too much that I… I hate you...”




            “Hyung, don’t…”


            “I SAID DON’T!”


A gasp escaped Woohyun’s lips as he felt himself being pushed down to the table. Yongguk, who had been observing the situation, immediately came to the boys’ side and peeled the youngest away from the other boy.


            “I hate you, hyung. I really hate you,” Zelo spat, tears b in his eyes.

            “I… I’m sorry…” Woohyun sighed. “Zelo…”


The boy glared at him making Woohyun halted in his step. Reaching his hand slowly to caress the younger’s cheek, Woohyun forced a smile.


            “I love you too… As a brother, I’m supposed to protect you. But apparently… I made you suffer, huh,” Woohyun said chuckling lowly.

            “I… I want you to be happy… I want you to forget about me and move on… I…” Woohyun swallowed thickly.


“I assure you I will never bother your life ever again... So please, be happy, Junhong.”


Another sigh escaped his lips. He wasn’t prepared for this. Start anew, that’s what’s inside his mind, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to move on with his current condition.


            “All right, Mr. Nam, you may leave,” the man said with a firm nod.

            “Thank you for your time, sir,” Himchan said bowing slightly before the two went out of the office.



            “Dr. Kim, the patient’s awake already.”


Sunggyu froze in his place. He slowly looked up from the papers on his desk to see the nurse avoiding his eyes. ‘This doesn’t look good,’ Sunggyu thought.


            “Finally. How is he?”

            “He’s fine. His condition is surprisingly stable. Dr. Kim said he’s allowed to be discharged within one more week.”

            “Any injuries?”

            “Physically he’s fine. Only a few bruises present on his body,” the nurse said looking down. A frown reached Sunggyu’s lips.



The nurse let out a small breath she had been holding. She placed a folder on the doctor’s desk and smiled sadly.


            “He… He didn’t remember…”


Sunggyu looked down at reports on his desk and he chuckled weakly.


            “I knew it…” Sunggyu muttered, burying his face to his palms.


The nurse bowed before walked out the room even though she knew that Sunggyu wasn’t paying any attention on her. She glanced at the young doctor as she closed the door, and she saw his shoulders shaking.


But that was a week ago, when Sunggyu decided to submit his resignation letter to the principal. A lot of people, especially Himchan and the principal, questioned his sudden leave and were against it. But being a good friend he is, Himchan agreed to take care of Woohyun in his place.

Much to Sunggyu’s surprise, Woohyun grew attached to Himchan quickly. And much to his dismay, the boy actually agreed to move in and live together with them. Sunggyu bit his lips at the thought of having to live with a person who managed to erase his existence from his memory twice.

But Sunggyu was even more surprised to find the said person crouching in front of his office door, smiling at a small boy.


            “Ah, so that’s why you look so familiar!” Woohyun chuckled and ruffled the giggling boy’s hair.

            “I never had the chance to thank you properly for saving my son,” a woman standing behind the boy said with a grateful look plastered on her face. “Thank you very much. You’re a really brave guy,” she bowed making Woohyun immediately stood up and waved his hand awkwardly.

            “I-I didn’t—Ehm, well, please just be careful next time,” Woohyun smiled as he tapped the beaming boy’s back.


Sunggyu watched the younger bowing at the mother and son as they exchanged their goodbyes, silently observing his feature. He snapped out of his trance when he felt a light poke from his side.


            “Himchan,” Sunggyu sighed. Himchan rolled his eyes and pulled Woohyun to stand in front of the young doctor.

            “Woohyun-ah, this is Kim Sunggyu. He’s the one in charge of you when you got admitted here, and he’s also my flatmate,” Himchan said patting Sunggyu’s shoulder.

            “Thank you for taking care of me,” Woohyun bowed with a smile.


Sunggyu’s expression fell slightly. ‘Since when did Woohyun become so polite..?’ He shook his thought away and maintained his composure before he cleared his throat.


            “It’s my job to take care of my patients. So I guess you’re perfectly healthy now?”

Woohyun blinked and nodded, “Well, yeah, I’m all good. Even though there’s something bothering me lately…”


Sunggyu raised an eyebrow at him. ‘That’s weird. The treatment went well and the report said he’s perfectly fine…’


            “Something bothering you?” Sunggyu asked.

            “Yeah. You see… I’m feeling a bit weird, even right now,” Woohyun said with a small sigh. Sunggyu started to get even more confused.

            “Mind explaining more about it?”

            “You see, Dr. Kim, whenever I see you and whenever I think of you, my heart starts beating real fast,” Woohyun said.


Sunggyu looked at the younger and blinked. He noticed the corner of Woohyun’s lips started to curve up.


            “And whenever I’m alone with you, all I can do is hold myself not to pounce on you,” Woohyun said with a teasing smile. Sunggyu’s mouth fell open slightly, letting out a small chuckle.

            “Whenever I think of you leaving me, I feel a sharp pain in my chest. It hurts real bad that I think I’m going to die,” Woohyun said with another sigh. “So tell me, doctor, what’s wrong with me?”


Sunggyu tapped his chin with a thoughtful look. He glanced to his side to see a grinning Himchan, and he turned to Woohyun with a sigh.


            “I’m afraid, this is pretty serious,” Sunggyu muttered.

            “… What?”

            “I’m afraid to say that we can’t heal you, Mr. Nam,” Sunggyu said as he observed the boy in front of him furrowing his eyebrows.


            “Because,” Sunggyu leaned down and smirked at the boy, “you’re going to be forever in love with me.”


Woohyun blinked and laughed lightly as the older pulled him into a tight hug. With a grin, Woohyun circled his arm around the other’s torso. The two of them didn’t want to let go of each other.


            “Stupid,” Woohyun said chuckling. “Why did you resign?”

            “Because I don’t belong there. My priority is here,” Sunggyu sighed as he nuzzled his nose to the crook of the younger’s neck. “You know what, Woohyun?”


            “You’re seriously the most complicated disease I’ve ever encountered,” Sunggyu chuckled. Woohyun frowned at him.

            “So I’m now a disease?”

            “You’re a virus,” Sunggyu muttered. “Once you entered my system, it’s really hard for me to get rid of you.”


Woohyun chuckled and leaned his forehead against Sunggyu’s, smiling softly.


            “So Dr. Kim, give me the news? Apparently I got a bad case of loving you~”


Sunggyu chuckled lightly and pecked the younger's lips.


            “Give me an answer then, because I swear I proposed to you.”


Himchan shook his head and walked away, not wanting to disturb the two.


            “What a drama," he chuckled as he glanced back to see the two engaged in a passionate kiss, arms locking around each other. Just like a perfect piece of puzzle.




So yeah, this is the end already hahah. Thank you very much for those who commented, subscribed, read and even voted (to be honest I didn't notice that there are actually people who voted for the story until last week...)!

I really appreciate the fact that you guys stick up with me even though it took me quite a while to update... /sighs/

With this I conclude that I'm taking a few weeks break, and I promise that I will come back with lots of chapters updated!

Until next time then~

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697 streak #1
Chapter 13: just found this 🥰
Chapter 13: Very nice, its ending with the happy moment. Woohyun not forgetting doctor kim twice finally..
Thank you for your great job authornim..
Chapter 13: Wooowww >.< glad it's a happy ending XD i thought woohyun will forget about sunggyu again ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 13: This was really good. Loved it ♡
dontworryandcomeback #5
Chapter 13: This is wow. I'm amazed. Wow. Wow. Wow. Good job~
sha_alina19 #6
Chapter 13: Kyaaa!!! Im impressed!!! Nice one
Chapter 13: I'm speechless..
This is so amazing >_<
honeyplum #8
an angst too huh? I will surely cry a lot T_T