
Bad Case of Loving You


            “You’re not going anywhere, hyung.”


Woohyun swallowed thickly when he turned to face the younger. The banging sound got louder by each second. Woohyun couldn’t decipher the glint in the younger’s eyes. Before he knew it, Zelo pulled him down and straddled him on the couch.




Woohyun felt the younger fisted his shirt.


            “Jun…hong..?” His voice was shaky. He couldn’t even form a proper sentence. Not when the younger was staring him down so intensely.

            “I…” Zelo started. “I hate you, hyung.”


Woohyun’s eyes went wide.


            “I really hate you. I despise you. I loathe you,” Zelo said, voice dripping with venom.


Woohyun felt his head spinning when Zelo’s hands once again found their way to his neck. The banging sound somehow intensified in Woohyun’s ears. Or was it the sound of his own heartbeat?


            “I don’t get it…” Zelo mumbled. “They said I’m not the only one at fault…”


            “They said I’m not the only one who needs to be fixed.”


Woohyun looked up at the younger when he felt something warm hitting his cheek. He noticed tears trickling down the younger’s face. Woohyun’s expression softened.


            “What else did they say..?” Woohyun asked softly. Zelo gritted his teeth and glared down at the older.

            “I really don’t get it… How come I’m always the only one to be blamed..?” Zelo hissed. “You’re sick as well, hyung. How come they took only me?”


Woohyun froze in his place.


            “I’m… what..?” Woohyun blinked. Zelo smiled menacingly.

            “You’re sick, hyung. You’re the same as me,” Zelo purred.

            “I… I…” Woohyun was at lost for words. Zelo just looked down at him with a mysterious smile.

            “And guess what, hyung?”


The banging sound suddenly stopped.


            “You’re Dr. Kim’s patient.”



Sunggyu barged in the moment he found the spare key under the mat. Much to his surprise, he could only see Zelo sitting on the couch by himself. Sunggyu clicked his tongue and approached the boy immediately.


            “Oh, Dr. Kim,” Zelo yawned.

            “Where is he?” Grabbing the boy by his shoulder, Sunggyu glared down at the boy. Zelo raised an eyebrow at him.


            “Don’t play dumb with me, Junhong. You know that only you and Woohyun were here a few moments ago,” Sunggyu said as he tightened the grip on the boy’s shoulder.

            “Woohyun-hyung? He left,” Zelo shrugged. Sunggyu blinked at him.

            “What do you mean by he left? I was outside the whole time!”

Zelo’s lips curved up into a small smirk, “Well, I didn’t say he left through the front door.”


Sunggyu’s eyes widened. He left the boy on the couch and marched towards Woohyun’s room. And to his horror, the window was left wide open. Sunggyu ran to it and peeked down, looking for any trace of the boy. He bit his lips in frustration when he saw no one below.


            “You gotta be kidding me,” Sunggyu cursed under his breath as he flipped out his phone.


            “He’s in his apartment. Pick him up now, because I’m leaving,” Sunggyu muttered.

            “I’m heading there now,” Yongguk said from the other line. “Something happened, hyung?”

            “Yes,” Sunggyu let out a small sigh before he walked back to the living room. “I’m afraid the history might repeats itself.”


“For after all, those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.



Even though the sun had set completely, he continued to run, not minding the direction he was heading to. He only muttered a small apology to the people he accidentally bumped into, yet he didn’t stop his pace.

Woohyun was confused. True, he couldn’t remember anything aside from his name, but he didn’t understand why Zelo told him that he was sick. What did he do that made him Sunggyu’s patient? Woohyun couldn’t get it.

But then he remembered the time when Sunggyu showed up. He noticed that there was something about the man that made Woohyun felt weird. The older seemed to be so familiar and yet so distant at the same time.

He remembered the time when Sunggyu offered his deal. He remembered the elder’s excessive concern towards him. And he noticed how the older snapped when Himchan played around with him.

He remembered the piece of memory that suddenly popped out when he was in the detention room. He remembered how upset the older was when he refused to talk about his flatmate.

He remembered how Sunggyu held him that night and how much he enjoyed the feeling of comfort in the man’s arms.


‘Could it be that… There might be a chance that… That he might know who I am..?’ Woohyun thought.


Still panting slightly, Woohyun rested his back on a nearby pole. His eyes darted back and forth, silently observing the passersby. But for some reason, he couldn’t tear his gaze away from a piece of paper flying aimlessly. He watched as the paper flew towards the main road, and his eyes fell upon a small boy standing across the road.

Woohyun’s eyes went wide when the boy took a step forward. Not wasting any moment, Woohyun ran to the boy and pulled him to his arms. The last thing Woohyun saw was a flash of light coming towards him. And he swore he heard Sunggyu’s voice calling for him faintly in the middle of the car honks.





It happened so quickly that for a moment no one reacted. Sunggyu froze in his step when he saw two figures slumped on the road. He approached them and his breath hitched in his throat when he saw blood pooling the boy’s head.


            “Someone call the ambulance!”

            “Where’s the driver?! He’s gone!”

            “My son! God, my son!”


Amidst the chaos, Sunggyu crouched down near Woohyun and placed his palm on the boy’s cheek. He felt himself tearing up when he saw Woohyun’s lips formed a small smile.


            “My son!” A young woman cried as she crouched down on Woohyun’s other side.


With a small grunt, Woohyun moved his arm to see whether the boy is okay. He let out a small sigh when he saw the crying boy was unharmed.


            “Oh God, thank you! Thank you very much, young man,” the woman kissed her son in between her tears. Woohyun only smiled at her.

            “You okay? Can you speak?” Sunggyu’s eyes flashed concern.


Woohyun looked up at Sunggyu and the older was surprised to see tears b in the boy’s eyes. Sunggyu started to panic when Woohyun shut his eyes tight.


            “Hang on, Woohyun. The ambulance is coming—“



Woohyun’s hand found its way towards Sunggyu’s. Woohyun squeezed the elder’s hand weakly as he smiled.



            “Hyung…” Woohyun said shakily.

            “Woohyun, is something wrong? Don’t fall asleep, you’re going to be okay, the ambulance is coming so—“



Sunggyu felt himself tearing up when he saw tears slowly making its way out of the boy’s eyes, washing away the blood as it trailed down the boy’s face. Woohyun chuckled breathily.


            “It’s not your fault…” Woohyun whispered.


Sunggyu could feel his heart beating faster. There was a weird feeling inside his chest and he didn’t like it one bit. It was the same feeling before he lost his Woohyun.


            “Gyu-hyung…” Woohyun smiled weakly. “Let’s get married.


And the boy’s hand went limp.



           “Dr. Kim, Kim Sunggyu is here for his consultation.”

           “Let him in,” Kibum said to the intercom.


A few moments later, a boy in his late teen walked into the office timidly. Kibum observed him for a while before he extended his hand with a smile.


            “Kim Kibum, or better known as Dr. Kim,” Kibum said.

            “Kim Sunggyu,” Sunggyu said as he shook his hand firmly.

            “Why so serious? You can’t be a doctor with that frown you know,” Kibum chuckled while Sunggyu simply furrowed his eyebrows.

            “So, Sunggyu-sshi… I saw your reports, and I must say I’m really impressed,” Kibum said making Sunggyu looked up at him.

            “Unfortunately, we can’t accept students who graduated high school, even though it’s a medical high school. We need a degree too,” Kibum mumbled. Sunggyu’s expression fell slightly.

            “Then does that mean I have to study for another few years?” Sunggyu frowned. Kibum snickered at this.


‘This guy needs to loosen up,’ Kibum thought.


            “Worry not, I have a solution for your problem,” Kibum said with a smile.


The young doctor muttered something towards the intercom as he passed a few papers towards Sunggyu. Sunggyu raised an eyebrow at him.


            “These,” Kibum said, “are the assignments I want you to do.”

            “Excuse me?”

            “Think of it as a homework. You pass it with a perfect score, then we’re going to accept you here,” Kibum said with a small nod.

            “… As easy as that? Really?” Sunggyu raised an eyebrow at him.

            “Well, on the other hand, if you fail this task, we’re not accepting you. Even if you come back with a master degree.”


Sunggyu let out a grunt as Kibum chuckled lightly. The door creaked open and Sunggyu noticed Kibum’s expression lightened in a way.


            “Come here, Woohyun-ah,” Kibum waved his hand.


Sunggyu turned around to see a small boy, probably around eight to nine years old, blinking at him. Sunggyu raised an eyebrow when Kibum lifted the boy up and placed him on Sunggyu’s lap.


            “This is Woohyun,” Kibum said as the boy smiled and nodded. “Greet Sunggyu-hyung~”

            “Thunggyu-h-hyung,” Woohyun said before he broke into a small fit of laughter.

            “It’s Sunggyu,” Sunggyu muttered, but the boy merely giggled.

            “Woohyun suffers from a short term memory,” Kibum said somberly. “It might be an early memory loss, but we can’t be so sure yet.”

            “And what do you want me to do with him..?” Sunggyu raised an eyebrow.

            “Your task, is to cure this boy,” Kibum said. “Write down your reports and send them to me.”

Sunggyu’s eyes went wide, “Does that mean I have to—“

            “You’re taking care of the boy until you finish your assignment,” Kibum said in a singsong voice.


Sunggyu almost groaned if it’s not for the small boy smiling widely on his lap.


            “Well… I hope we can work together well,” Sunggyu said petting the boy’s head. Woohyun merely looked up and blinked at the older.



            “Woohyun, I brought you your—“


A loud shriek cut Sunggyu’s sentence. He raised an eyebrow to see the boy, who had fell off his bed, cowering in the corner. Sunggyu put down the tray of food and approached the boy.


            “Woohyun, you have to—“

            “D-don’t come closer!” Woohyun shrieked and cover his face with his arms.

Sunggyu’s eyebrow rose, “What are you—“

            “W-who are you? W-where’s Kibum-hyung..?”


Sunggyu almost forgot the boy’s condition. He inhaled deeply before he put on a smile, something he could never do without twitching his eyes.


            “I’m Sunggyu. Kibum told me to take care of you, and so that’s what I’m going to do. I brought you a breakfast so let’s go eat them,” Sunggyu said robotically. To his dismay, Woohyun’s face showed pure horror.


Sunggyu palmed his face. ‘This is going to take a while,’ he thought.



            “Woohyun, the bath is—“

            “W-who are you?!”



            “Woohyun, dinner is—“

            “Get out!”



            “Woohyun, do you need—“


A loud cry cut Sunggyu’s sentence.


            “Bless my soul,” Sunggyu groaned.



A few days passed, and Sunggyu was tired both physically and mentally. He couldn’t write down any report, as he couldn’t even get close to the boy. He whined and buried his face to his pillow as he stared at the papers on his desk.


            “I’m going nowhere this way…” Sunggyu muttered.


The sound of glass breaking jolted Sunggyu to reality. He immediately scurried down to the kitchen and his eyes went wide when he saw the small boy crouching down near the refrigerator, clutching to his bleeding palm.

Sunggyu immediately crouched down next to Woohyun and tugged at the boy’s wrist lightly.


            “Woohyun-ah, you okay..?” Sunggyu asked, concern was visible in the elder’s eyes. Woohyun sniffled and looked at Sunggyu.



Never in his life Sunggyu felt anymore happier. Woohyun finally recognized him, and Sunggyu finally felt accomplished.



A year passed, and Sunggyu almost finished his task. But right before his submission, it happened.


            “What do you mean you lost the paper?” Sunggyu could feel himself fuming. Woohyun bit his lips and looked down.

           “Gyu-hyung… I’m sorry…” The boy sniffled. Not wanting to leash it out on the boy, Sunggyu turned around to face the boy.

            “Don’t apologize.”


            “I said don’t.”


            “DON’T BOTHER ME!”


Not wanting to bother Sunggyu, Woohyun left the older and headed to the rooftop. Woohyun let out a sob as he unfolded the piece of paper that had been kept inside his pocket.

He lied when he said he lost Sunggyu’s report. The older had been so concentrated on his work that he barely had any time to spend for the boy. Woohyun thought Sunggyu might play with him if he didn’t have the paper with him, but apparently he was wrong.


            “S-stupid Gyu-hyung…” Woohyun cried as he clutched to the paper, which was now stained with his tears.


Suddenly, a gush of wind blew, stealing the paper away from the boy’s hold. Woohyun’s eyes went wide. He ran after it frantically, not wanting to lose it for real.

But the moment he had his grip on the piece of paper, he noticed that he was on the edge of the rooftop. His eyes went wide as he felt gravity pulling him down.

He heard the door creaked open and he looked behind to see Sunggyu.


            “Woohyun, I—WOOHYUN!”


And the boy fell. Far below to the ground, with his little fingers clutching onto the paper.


            “I… I’m sorry, G-Gyu-hyung…” Woohyun cried as he felt pain pricking his whole body.


           “I’m sorry…” The boy closed his eyes and let darkness engulfed him. He turned deaf ears upon Sunggyu’s cries when the older found him.




            “Dr. Kim,” Sunggyu looked up to see Kibum approaching him. Kibum smiled weakly at him.

            “Woohyun’s fine. He’s going to be okay. In fact… Somehow his memory loss problem is not a problem anymore,” Kibum forced a laugh.

            “What do you mean..?”

            “The boy’s healed,” Kibum said. Sunggyu let out a huge sigh of relief.

            “Thank God. Can I see him then?”


Kibum nodded as he adverted his gaze away from Sunggyu. When the other left, Kibum let out a shudder as a tear escaped his eyes.


            “It’s going to be all right,” a voice called.

Kibum nodded his head weakly, “Yeah… He’s going to be all right…”

Jonghyun smiled sadly and patted Kibum’s shoulder. They both knew that none of them was all right.



When the boy fluttered his eyes open, Sunggyu let out a small huff.


            “Woohyun-ah. Do you know how worried I am?! You can’t just jump out like that! I thought I was going to lose you!”


Seeing the boy flinching slightly, Sunggyu’s eyes softened and he smiled when he saw Woohyun opened his mouth. But his smile faded when he heard the next thing coming out of Woohyun’s lips.


            “Who… Are you..?”


Sunggyu realized he had lost his Woohyun.




I finally understood the feelings of those authors who wanted to just delete their stories and deactivate their account... But yeah, I want to finish my stories, and probably make another ones, even though it will take me forever to update hahah.

Final chapter coming soon. :)

Happy birthday to Gyurandpa~

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692 streak #1
Chapter 13: just found this 🥰
Chapter 13: Very nice, its ending with the happy moment. Woohyun not forgetting doctor kim twice finally..
Thank you for your great job authornim..
Chapter 13: Wooowww >.< glad it's a happy ending XD i thought woohyun will forget about sunggyu again ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 13: This was really good. Loved it ♡
dontworryandcomeback #5
Chapter 13: This is wow. I'm amazed. Wow. Wow. Wow. Good job~
sha_alina19 #6
Chapter 13: Kyaaa!!! Im impressed!!! Nice one
Chapter 13: I'm speechless..
This is so amazing >_<
honeyplum #8
an angst too huh? I will surely cry a lot T_T