Curiosity of A Child

Bad Case of Loving You

Zelo walked inside his shared apartment with a frown. He just dropped his bag on any random place before he dragged his feet towards the couch and slumped himself down on it. He didn't get it. He just got discharged from the hospital, the place that he loathes the most, and yet he felt some kind of loss now that he's back home.

A frustrated sigh left his lips as he ruffled his hair. He couldn't get rid of a certain thing inside his mind, and it's actually bothering him. Zelo isn't a kind of person who would think over something too much. In fact, he would just forget about it if it doesn't concern him.


      "Huh? Junhong, you're home already?"


Zelo raised his head slightly at the familiar voice from the front door with a grin. Apparently his flatmate had returned from school early today. 'But then again, hyung returns early most of the time,' Zelo shook his head at the thought.


     "Finally you're home! I've missed you so--" his so-called flatmate didn't even have the chance to finish his sentence as a loud sound cut him off. Zelo chuckled knowingly before he stood up to be a nice dongsaeng and greet his hyung.

     "Goddammit, Choi Junhong. How many times do I have to tell you to put your belongings in a more proper place?" Woohyun, who had became one with the floor, shot Zelo a glare. The younger laughed and offered his hand.

     "Mianhae, hyung. I was wondering if you miss the floor that much, and apparently you do."


Woohyun rolled his eyes as he lifted himself up, with the help of the younger. Zelo simply chuckled and walked back to the sofa he was sitting on before. Woohyun's eyes softened at the sight of the overgrown boy. He sat next to Zelo and pulled him into a tight hug as he snuggled to the younger.


     "I miss you... So much that it hurts..." Woohyun muttered. The corner of Zelo's lips curved up into a slight smirk. He draped his arm around the older and ran his other hand through Woohyun's hair.

     "I missed you too, hyung..." Zelo mumbled to his hair before he landed a soft kiss on Woohyun's forehead. Woohyun smiled, not letting go of the younger, as he closed his eyes slowly.


Noticing that the older had fallen into his slumber, Zelo pulled out his phone before he pushed the call button.


    "Sorry about that. What was it again? ... Ah, ani. It's nothing like that. ... No, don't worry. He doesn't know anything," Zelo spoke as he played with Woohyun's hair, watching the sleeping guy smiling in content.

     "... No, he doesn't know about that too... What he doesn't know won't kill him. Woohyun-hyung must not find out about it."



      "I'm so screwed, oh God, I'm totally screwed. Hoya, please tell me that you HAVE an idea where Woohyun is," Sungyeol bit his nails, repeatedly banging his head on the canteen table. Hoya shot him a weird look.

     "Sorry, but nope. In fact I haven't seen him in... Four days? Yeah," Hoya shrugged.

      "ARGH. That teacher had been requesting for a certain idiotic tree and he said I will be the one in deep if Nam Woohyun doesn't show up today!" Sungyeol whined.

     "It's painful to watch you suffer, man," Sungjong sighed. "But if you talk about a certain tree, isn't he supposed to be here by now? I mean, he never skipped recess..."

     "He actually might skip today. Zelo got discharged this morning after all," Youngjae munched on the sandwich on Sungjong's hand. Sungjong glared at him immediately.

     "Ah, if it's Zelo then there's nothing we can do," Hoya said yawning. "But that teacher... Is he having an affair with Woohyun or what? Why is he keep requesting for Nam?"


Sungyeol sighed and shook his head. Sure, Woohyun's reputation isn't exactly the best, but he screws his scores only. Doing teachers is not exactly Woohyun's forte nor any other student. He fished out his phone from his pocket and punched Woohyun's number furiously.

'I don't care whether it's Zelo or what. I need Woohyun here by now or else I'm the next one on his list!'

He waited until someone finally answered his call. Sungyeol practically yelled to his phone.



     "He's not here."


Sungyeol blinked. That voice doesn't belong to Woohyun. Who the is he calling then?!


      "This is his phone, but apparently he left it after he got my permission to leave,' the voice said with a tone dripping with hints of lukewarmness. Sungyeol raised an eyebrow at this.


'Got his permission..? Just who is this person..?'


     "Uh... Who am I talking to, if I may ask?" Sungyeol before he mentally facepalmed himself. A chuckle could be heard from the other line.

      "I'm the new teacher in the infirmary. Come here if you want to get his phone."


That's when it hits Sungyeol. He left Woohyun when he realized that someone occupied the supposedly empty infirmary. But then Sungyeol's jaw dropped as he recalled the fact that that someone was freaking shirtless.


     "U-uh... Okay, I'll be there in a few, sir," Sungyeol muttered before he slammed his phone to the table and groaned. Three pairs of eyes turned at him almost immediately.

     " my life. Woohyun's leaving his phone at the infirmary," Sungyeol muttered.

     "Wait. I thought the nurse in the infirmary had left?" Sungjong blinked at him.

     "Apparently the school had a back up plan huh," Hoya shook his head at the thought of the poor teacher that had to deal with Woohyun the last time.

     "The school always has a back up plan," Youngjae chuckled. "So I'm guessing that person you were talking with is the new teacher in charge of the infirmary?"

     "Apparently so... Even though... I'm not really sure..." Sungyeol cringed at the the thought of a teacher walking around shirtless.


Hoya stared blankly at Sungyeol mumbling nonsense until he noticed a familiar figure not too far from them.


     "Yeol, you'd better go now. That teacher is here."


And with that Sungyeol marched out of the canteen area, not even sparing a look behind. Sungjong stared at the running boy before he shot Hoya an amused look.


    "You have a way of getting rid of someone, huh."

    "It's a skill," Hoya said. "But then again, I wasn't bullting when I said that teacher is here..."


Sungjong and Youngjae followed Hoya's gaze until it landed on a certain man, apparently a teacher even though his appearance doesn't quite fit to the title. The man wore black shirt with three upper buttons undone.


    "Great God, that guy is hot," Youngjae wolf-whistled, receiving weird looks from the other occupants of the table. "What? I was being honest," he shrugged.


Sungjong shook his head while Hoya clicked his tongue in disapproval. Youngjae took a glance once again at the man and he swore his heart almost went out of his throat when he noticed the so-called teacher smirked at him for a second there.


'What the actual ?'



A knock on the front door woke Woohyun up from his slumber. He rubbed his eyes sleepily and looked around to find that the sun had set. Woohyun's lips tugged up into a smile at the sight of the younger beside him wrapping his arms around his waist. Carefully, Woohyun removed Zelo's arms before he dragged his feet lazily towards the front door. He didn't even bother covering his mouth when he yawned as he opened the front door.


     "I see, so this is your way of welcoming your guest."


Woohyun almost choked to death at the sight of the man in front of him. His encounter with the oh-so-called-famous doctor this morning wasn't really that intriguing. And yet here he is, standing in front of his front door with a raised eyebrow.



     "I'm pretty sure that you're into something more than a mere skipping class business."


Woohyun tilted his head with a smirk. He did not expect the new replacement nurse to be someone pretty young, attractive and straightforward like this. And if there's any better word to describe the man pinning him to the wall right now, it would be fiercely y. Woohyun would be lying if he said he wasn't for the slightest.


    "What business are you offering me... Hm..?" Woohyun's fingers found their way to the back of the man's neck, pulling him even closer that he could feel his warm breath ghosting against his skin. The red-haired man smirked and slammed his hand next to the student's head.

    "I can offer many things..." he whispered as he leaned closer. "But I'm afraid you'll have to grow a few inches before I shoved my so called 'business' up to your ."


Woohyun's jaw dropped at the man's words. Sunggyu simply rolled his eyes before he walked back to the desk and pulled a v-neck to cover all the exposed glory.


    "What the ?! Aren't you supposed to be a replacement teacher?!"

    "Watch your language, Nam Woohyun. If I'm not mistaken there's a demerit system in this school, right? And I'm not a teacher. It's Doctor Kim to you," Sunggyu put on his white coat. That when Woohyun noticed that the guy standing there was indeed an adult, not any recently graduated student.

    "Man, that . I thought I can get rid of you as fast as the previous ones," Woohyun mumbled. Sunggyu raised an eyebrow at him.

    "Talking about getting rid of things, I want to get rid of you from this room like, right now."

    "You can't just shove me out like that!" Woohyun stared agape at the man. Sunggyu chuckled and opened the door as a hand found its way to Woohyun's waist.

    "Trust me," Sunggyu leaned down and whispered to Woohyun's ear, "I can shove you wherever I want. And yes, think of it as dirtily as you would want it to be, just get the hell out. Now."


Woohyun stared at the door slammed in front of him blankly. He felt like slapping himself numerous times for actually liking the last words he heard from the red-haired man. He bit his lips and looked around like a lost puppy.


'Man, I really need something to take care of this...' Woohyun thought as he made his way to the restroom.



      "Not going to let me in?" Sunggyu cocked his head to the side. Woohyun snapped out of his trance immediately.

     "WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" Woohyun pointed an accusing finger at the red head. Sunggyu rolled his eyes before he stepped inside and shoved Woohyun to the side.

      "Doing my job, obviously."


Woohyun observed Sunggyu calmly and gently shook the blonde boy sleeping on the sofa awake. Zelo was startled for a bit, until he noticed the man in front of him.


     "Doctor Kim," Zelo addressed him. Sunggyu nodded with a soft smile making Woohyun almost gag at the fakeness.

     "I'm going to perform an examination, so if you please--"

     "I thought Doctor Bang is the one in charge of me?" Zelo blinked. There was a slight change in Sunggyu's expression that almost went unnoticed to Woohyun, but Sunggyu simply smiled again at Zelo.

     "Doctor Bang had to take over a certain surgery this evening, and apparently the surgery took longer than usual, so I replaced for him... Or would you rather have Bang to check on you tomorrow morning?" Zelo shook his head almost immediately.

     "I have school tomorrow. I'll be all right with you," Zelo said.


Woohyun's eyebrows furrowed in thought. Zelo seemed to know Sunggyu really well, and from his way of talking it felt as if he's even closer with Sunggyu compared to him. Woohyun bit his lips before he walked past the sofa towards his room.


     "... Woohyun-hyung, do you really have to go?"


Woohyun halted and turned around at Zelo's voice sounding a bit...disappointed? The older smiled gently and leaned in to kiss the younger's cheek.


      "I have to, Junhong. Or else who would pay our school fees and other necessities? Be a good boy and sleep early today so that you won't get sick again, all right?" Woohyun said raising his pinky finger. Zelo immediately laced his finger with Woohyun's before the older went to his room.


Sunggyu tried his best not to raise an eyebrow at the vague relationship between the flatmates, yet he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes as Zelo's expression darken the moment Woohyun entered his room. What's with this kid, Sunggyu thought.


    "... So, Doctor Kim, where were we?" Sunggyu snapped out of his trance seeing the boy in front of him smiling so widely. Sunggyu blinked before he cleared his throat.

    "I'm going to perform an examination. So if you please, open your mouth for a while..."



     "You're done, Doctor Kim?" Woohyun emphasized the last part as he watched the man closing the front door of his apartment. Sunggyu blinked and stared at Woohyun weirdly for a while.

     "I thought you're leaving like half an hour ago."

     "I can't leave my flatmate alone with a shady stranger," Woohyun rolled his eyes. Sunggyu almost laughed at the way Woohyun addressed him.


Almost all people in the hospital knows him, and Kim Sunggyu is actually really famous for being a successful doctor at such a young age. Attracting people with both his knowledge and good looks, Sunggyu managed to secure himself a position as the most wanted doctor since years ago.

And now, here he is, standing in front of a student of his old school, who apparently knows absolutely nothing about him. Truth to be told, Sunggyu enjoyed the fact that Woohyun's treating him like a normal person. Well, not exactly normal, but at least he doesn't get worshipped for every things he did here.


     "Suit yourself. I can't force you to trust me anyway," Sunggyu shrugged and walked to the elevator. Woohyun followed suit.

     "Usually people would want to be trusted," Woohyun raised an eyebrow.

     "That's just the nature of human. Humans want to be respected and trusted, but I personally think there's no point of forcing someone to trust you," Sunggyu said. Woohyun shot him a weird look.

     "And you're calling yourself a doctor. Aren't doctors supposed to be trustworthy?"

     "Heh. True, I'm not messing with people's life, you can trust me about that," Sunggyu's lip tugged up to a smile. "But then again, Nam Woohyun, do you even know my name?"

Woohyun contemplated for a bit before he mentioned, "Doctor Kim..?"


Sunggyu raised an eyebrow at the boy but the latter simply chuckled at the older. The two went out of the elevator together.


     "Don't give me that look! You didn't even introduce yourself properly when we met at the infirmary this morning!" Woohyun pouted. Sunggyu couldn't help but smile and ruffled the boy's hair. Too cute, Sunggyu thought.

     "Well... I guess you'll have to look for it yourself," Sunggyu chuckled as Woohyun slapped his hand away and fixed his hair with a grumble of 'old man' and 'ing kidding me'.

     "So you're working?" Sunggyu raised an eyebrow Woohyun. The latter nodded with a sigh.

     "Night shift until a few hours after midnight. The pay worths it though," Woohyun mumbled.

     "Why don't you get a proper work in the daytime?" Sunggyu blinked at him.

     "I have school in the morning, pabo."

     "Do you even attend school?" Sunggyu narrowed his eyes at Woohyun. Woohyun smirked at the older.

     "You're right. Why am I even still attending school right now? I should just drop out and find myself a job and work both day and night," Woohyun tapped his chin as if he's in a deep thought. Sunggyu chuckled.

     "You didn't mean that."

     "True. I can't leave school just now," Woohyun chuckled, running his fingers through his hair as he looked at the sign in front of him. "I have my reasons to why I'm still attending school. I can't drop out now. At least, not now, Doctor Kim."


Sunggyu was about to open his mouth again until he saw Woohyun stopped in his track. Sunggyu looked at the boy weirdly before he glanced up at the signboard with bright coloured lights around the writings. That's when Sunggyu noticed one thing about the boy. He's working in a bar.


     "I'll be seeing you again tomorrow at school, Doctor Kim," Woohyun saluted playfully.

     "Why are you even working here? Aren't you underage?" Sunggyu raised an eyebrow at the boy. Woohyun looked at Sunggyu weirdly.

     "You know, Doctor Kim? For a guy your age you ask a lot. Are you really as naive as I'm thinking?" Woohyun said as Sunggyu's eyes went wide at Woohyun's words. "For your information, I've told you that the pay was worth it. It's enough to keep two students staying alive."

     "And if you're wondering why I chose this place, the world is not as nice as you think it is. Consider yourself lucky that you managed to graduated with a decent degree and got a decent job as a doctor. Because not everyone has a perfect life like yours, Doctor Kim," Woohyun spat before he walked inside.


Sunggyu stared at the retreating boy's figure before he completely disappeared out of his vision. He took a step, walking his way home. His jaw tightened as he remembered the words Woohyun said earlier.


    "You know what? For a guy your age you ask a lot. Are you really as naive as I'm thinking?"

    "But Gyu-hyung..!"

    "Shut it, Woohyun. I'm not in the mood right now."


Sunggyu blinked as the memory flashed back to his mind. He snapped his head around to see the bar where the boy had disappeared to a while ago.


'It can't be...' Sunggyu thought before he shook his head and smiled weakly to himself. 'Yeah... It can't be...'



A/N: Alright, this is a long update to compensate for the fact that I'm not going to update much nowadays... Please bear with the fact that I'm still a student and I need to finish this one whole chain of hell before I step into full freedom.

Anyway, thanks to all who read and subscribed, man I didn't even expect you to pop out just like that... Yeah, thanks anyway.

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697 streak #1
Chapter 13: just found this 🥰
Chapter 13: Very nice, its ending with the happy moment. Woohyun not forgetting doctor kim twice finally..
Thank you for your great job authornim..
Chapter 13: Wooowww >.< glad it's a happy ending XD i thought woohyun will forget about sunggyu again ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 13: This was really good. Loved it ♡
dontworryandcomeback #5
Chapter 13: This is wow. I'm amazed. Wow. Wow. Wow. Good job~
sha_alina19 #6
Chapter 13: Kyaaa!!! Im impressed!!! Nice one
Chapter 13: I'm speechless..
This is so amazing >_<
honeyplum #8
an angst too huh? I will surely cry a lot T_T