
When The Only Thing She Lived For Was Soccor...



P.S: writing style is getting worse. please bear with me for now.

A man in a formal black suit with a fancy tie sat opposite of a man in a normal t-shirt and grey trousers. They were discussing affairs to do with their new transfer student, Shoowa Ayoomi whom the other man was in decline to. Why was he in decline? Well at first, he had enough boys to handle with and second of all, accepting students at this time of the year and at this grade was too much of a hassle along with the fact that ‘he’ had come from a mixed school, meaning that they were totally clueless when it came to living in dorms and that maybe this lifestyle would be a bit too much for him but the principle did not want to let this student go.

Shoowa Ayoomi had a great report it seems... an excellent report with barely any absentees in exclusion to his soccer, which was what the school needed currently—a smart educated fit student, who would wear his uniform and say that they went to Saerenheiogs boys high, which was a rare occasion these days.


At a girl’s school:

The roads were crowded... the girls of Rosanne where on their way home. But suddenly, the scene crowds with loud pumping music. The car stopped at one of the girls walking home, the most popular girl of Rosanne girls high. She blushed to herself but then continued walking.

“Hey, cutie... wanna have a good time?”

“No she does not!” said the woman beside her and hushed him off. “Go go, off where you belong.”

“That girl belongs with me.” he said, winking to her.

“I’m—I’m sorry.”
“How old are you?” said the woman.

“Hey old lady can you piss off there’s no time for jealousy besides, I’m not into oldies.”

“HOW OLD ARE YOU?” she repeated.

“I’m 15.”

“15?! You shouldn’t be driving?!”

“Uh huh. So girlie? Wanna get on?”

“What school do you come from?”

“Saerenheig boy’s high school.” He answered to the old lady and winked to the girl.

Anywhere on the road after school:


Anywhere at the shops:

A boy is carrying a toaster in endeavours to walk out of the shop with it.

“That does not belong to you put it back!”

His heart beats furiously *f**** and then he turns around with it, facing the person who has caught him then his eyes sadden and he falls to the floor on his knees.


“What school do you come from?”

His expression instantly turned from sadness to a wide grin as he said with a neutral tone: “Saerenheig boy’s high school.”

End of flashback.

“Listen to me... we need this addition. If it’s just one student to make the school look better... we’ll do it. We need, Shoowa Ayoomi.”


Sheewa Ayoomi stared at her reflection in her bedroom mirror. Her short haircut and manly features made her look somewhat of a boy but her clean appearance, vulernable body and long, slender fingers gave her another impression.

Raising her fist up in a victory sort of way, she swung her bag over her back. Today was her first day of year 11 in a whole new school and she was sort of excited with the exception—she was going to an all boy’s high school. Sheewa ran out of her room then opened the door that lead to her front yard and exited the house, yelling goodbye to her parents and her mother in which she had said so the day before, in tears.

BEEP BEEP she heard the noise of a car honking. She turned to the direction it sounded from. She saw the sight of an ordinary, small like car *who...?*.

“AYE SHEEWA GET YOUR FAT IN THE CAR!” the sound of her best friend, Ayuumi called.

With a laugh, Sheewa ran to the car and opened the door to get in. She saw the sight of Gordon in the front wheel. They had all become good friends with each other lately, except for Ayuumi and Gordon’s obvious hate for each other’s guts.

“So you nervous?” Gordon said seeming even more nervous then she was. He pressed his foot on the peddle and the car moved.

“Yes.” She replied her expression blank.

Ayuumi seemed just as nervous as Gordon, they must've been talking about it on their way over to her home. “Okay remember, Ayuumi... if you don’t like the school you can leave. Well, if you see the school at first and don’t like it. You can leave but once you’re in their you can’t leave.”

“I mean... how bad can it be?” Sheewa said with a sceptical voice.


After a two hour drive they saw the image of a large, clean building depicted with trimmed, green grass. The building was a bright, new colour of paint and the path that lead into the doors of the school looked welcoming. Sheewa yelped excitedly in her chair and then hugged the both of them *soccor here i come!*.

“Wait...” Ayuumi said. “You sure you want to do this?”

“I'm sure...”

“Well go in...” said Gordon and she opened the door of her car and then headed to the school.

“Wait...” Ayuumi said and she turned around then went back to the car.

“What?” she said.

“Gordon wants to give you something.”

“We both want to give you something.” He took something out of the car holder and then handed it to her. “I know it’s cliché, but when you look at it, just think of us.”

It was the image of a small silver locket and she entwined it open, sighting the image of the both of them together with a peace sign.

“It was Ayuumi’s idea but I paid for it.”

“Thank you...” she said and then hugged Gordon who rolled his eyes and then asked to give one to Ayuumi. Then she turned around and headed for the doors... again.

"wait--" said Gordon.


He took something from the tray again and handed it to her. "it's pepper spray."

"a whole cartoon of it..." said Sheewa, her eyes widening in surprise as she took it. "thanks though. but judging by the appearance right now--i don't think i'll be needing it."

"take it just in case and um, use it." 



When she reached the doors, again, she took another deep breath even more than the last and then flung the wide doors open. It opened with a swish and she ran in hastily as they both began to close on their own *wow...*.

Sheewa wiped the sweat from her forehead and then looked left and right to glimpse the sight of the halls only to witness everyone staring at her *it's... quiet*.

Bang. The doors closed.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!” all the boy’s screamed simultaneously and then the halls erupted in havouc as she was left jabbing her fingers into both of her ears *what is this?*.

A paper airplane hit her in the forehead *ouch that actually hurt!* then another on her cheek *that’s it!* she looked around to see where it came from but it was improbable as items were being thrown in all directions filling the area in big to small pieces. Then a foul smell reached her nose and she found herself running forwards, away from where she was currently standing *uhh fart bomb*

Sheewa clenched her heart, she had ‘successfully’ exited the area onto 'sort of' safe grounds away from the torment experienced seconds ago and then breathed a sigh of relief *i'm safe...*. Then she straightened herself up and did the ‘cool walk’, her soft but little hair fluttering.


The bell sounded.


The sound footprints hitting the ground rapidly were heard. She looked behind her and her eyes widened.

The sight of one hundred boys running into her direction where evident.

She screamed.


And then ran, never looking back.  


The entire class of boys crowded around a desk, curious expressions on their faces as they discussed the new transfer student.

“I heard he could carry a bus with his palm.” Said one of the boys and the boys became excited.

“I heard that he’s from Russia.”

“What? I thought he was from renaus or something.”

"is that even a country?"

“What sport does he do?”

“I don’t know about that...”

“I hope he does soccer.” Ray said smirking. “We need an extra player to complete the team.”


“No, he will do singing and dancing--”

“No, otherwise he’d be a .”

“how’s it going?” said Thunder and looked behind to the image of one of his classmates wearing a protective mask on his face and carrying with him on his right a long stick with sparks expelling furiously from the top. He took his mask off and put a thumbs up in the air at him.

Thunder smiled in reply. “Now let the games begin.”


Sheewa found herself in front of an office both, staring at a lady who didn’t bother to look up at he and just stared down at the paper. It seemed like she wanted the transferring process over and done with. After capturing her name she said: “so your Shoowa Ayuumi. What’s your first impression of the school?”

The image of Shoowa’s messed up hair was an obvious answer. She just gave her an expressionless countenance and then took out a paper form her pocket and gave it to her. “It was c***.” *oh know did I just say...?*

“Here is your late note. Good luck. You room is in 4A downstairs.”

Shoowa let out a long breath then took the note *thank goodness, it must be normal, swearing like that* and then she went out of the office and then burying her head at the map she had been given, tried to find her class. She entered a straight path then turned left, which directed her down a few lot of stairs. Without looking away form her map she endeavoured to go down it and when she reached flat ground she walked up and then check a few windows.

She saw the image of a bunch of boys too busy doing their own thing as to listen to the teacher and then intimidation filled her veins. She complied herself to continue walking, burying her head in the map she held again.

She kept walking and then she felt herself bump into something and her body being thrown onto he ground at the impact.

“Wow, aren’t you a weak one?” said the cause of it. he was a huge guy with these really thick eyebrows.

Sheewa picked herself up without saying anything and then attempted to go pass the three masculine boys.

“Where do you think you’re going? Girls schools that way.”

“Excuse me.” she said and then endeavoured to pass them again. They shoved her.

“What are you doing here? Why do you look like a girl.”

“Answer the man!” the first guy said.

She endeavoured to pass them again.

“hey—who do you think you’re talking to...?!” said the first guy, his eyes burning with rage and her heart skipped beats as she felt both of her feet glued to the floor. She couldn’t move, she didn’t know how to react. On the first day, she was going to receive her first and biggest beating of her life. A hand tugged her colour and then pushed it closer to him until both of their eyes were at eye level.

“Answer me...” he said.

“Let... go!” she yelled and then took her backpack of and then swung it at him.

“that’s it punk.” He said and then took of his bag and then aimed his fist into the air.

She closed her eyes.

“Kangin, Yesung, Donghae. That’s enough.” a soothing voice said and she looked behind her, sighting the image of a boy with darker than back hair and pale skin. He had the most pinkest lips and a thin face which showed his fit bone structure.

The boys eyes widened *oh no!*

They quickly got into a line and bowed to him. “sorry Trey! I—I—“

“get out of my sight?” he said and then walked passed Sheewa without looking at her twice—entering the class closest to her.

She looked to what class he happened to be entering. 4A. The exact class she was supposed to go to.

“you got lucky.” Said the boys and they left.


“where is he?” said Damien becoming impatient and then sighted the image of try entering the class room slyly, untouched and cooley. He rolled his eyes.

On the other side of the door, Sheewa prepared herself. She raised her fist into the air in a motivated way and then put her hand on the door knob but then a electric shock literally crawled up her hand and she jumped into the air in a yelp.*F********K!*

She heard giggles from the inside of the class.

Sheewa kicked open the door and then when it did, smirked to herself *victory...* but then something fell on her head, a solid object, a mere duster. White powder floated into the air fast and then softly landed and she saw millions of these tiny specks surround her. Her prettily done hair was now destroyed.

She walked forward but then her left leg slipped on something slippery and her body was lifted into the air, crashing in a painful stance, on her back. “uh...”

The boys couldn’t contain their laughter anymore.

They howled in laughter.

“okay okay that’s enough boy. This is your new transfer student...” he said pathetically. Sheewa got up on her own and then wiped the white chalk from her face and didn’t bother to on her newly ironed uniform.

Her voice was dark and murderous. “I’m—I’m showa.”


“I play soccer... and—“

“hey—no offense, but aren’t you a bit too... you look a bit too weak and vulnerable and a midget to play?”

“can you even kick a ball?”

Sheewa said nothing. “are there any more relevant questions?”

“no. Not really.”

“can I please sit down?” she said forgetting part of her boyish regime and then cautiously looking around for anymore traps she entered her seat in utter silence. Then she opened her desk which was somewhat like a tray but then something came out from it a actual boxing glove attached to one of those jack in a box things and punched her in the face.  

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Hey, Caught me by suprise with my user name. Lol.<br />
Keep it up!:)