
The Immortals

Basically what happened so far is that Hoya confessed to Seohyun, Wooyoung plans on hurting their relationship, Hoya and Seohyun get kidnapped, Sunggyu appears, IU and Jiyeon investigate about Sunggyu, they get kidnapped by Sunggyu.


Powers and abilities

Hoya: Element - Fire, Weapon- Two guns.

Seohyun: Element - Ice, Weapon - Daggers.

Myungsoo: Element - Ultimate Defense, Legendary Power (I'll clarify in future chapters), Weapon - none.

Yoona: Element - Psychic powers, Weapon - Whip.

Hyuna: Element - Light/Holy, Weapon - Saber.

Doojoon: Element - Ultimate Offense, Legendary Power (Again, I'll clarify more later), Weapons - any.

IU: Element - Air/Wind/Weather, Weapon - Mainly a sniper, but uses poison soaked needles for close combat.

Wooyoung: Element - Earth/Nature, Weapon: Knuckles.

Jiyeon: Element - Electricity, Weapon - Fans with poison soaked knives concealed in them.

Seungho: Element - Darkness/Death, Weapon - Scythe.

Note- All the characters have a bracelet with a charm, if they insert some of their magic into the charm, then the charm transforms into their respective weapons. (I mean, it'd be weird to walk everywhere with a scythe lol)


Hope this helped! ^^


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Snowyhappy #1
Chapter 10: Hi, please update soon! :)