
The Immortals

"Why are you here?" everyone said in unison.

"Miss me? It's been a while guys." Sunggyu said, grinning.

"Yeah, it has.." everyone smiled softly. 

-- Flashback--

"Kim Sunggyu, you are hereby expelled from Immortal High School for the murder of Kim HyeSun!" The council's speaker roared. Sunggyu merely bowed his head in shame, understanding while the rest of the top 10 were screaming from outside, pleading them not to do so as the guards were holding onto them, not letting them go in. Sunggyu finally went outside, "It's ok guys" he smiled bitterly.

"No, it's not ok, you were framed!" IU yelled. Tears started to form in Sunggyu's eyes.

"Probably, but I will take responsibility, someone has to." He smiled. By this time the rest of the 10 were crying, they were going to miss their leader.

-- End of Flashback --

"How are you here?" Seungho asked softly.

"The council let me back in! Isn't that wonderful! They found out that I was framed and let me back in!" Sunggyu grinned. Everyone cheered, but one of them was suspicious.

--IU POV--

Why would they suddenly let Sunggyu back in, the council would never let an expelled student back in so easily, and they'd never  investigate a case by themselves, they hate getting their hands dirty. I'll play along for now, and investigate with Jiyeon later on.

-- No POV--

"So what do you mean by the hunters?" Yoona asked.

"They're the sworn natural enemies of the immortals, they hunt us, hence the name Hunters." Sungyu replied.

"How come we don't know about them?" L asked.

"No matter how strong you guys are, you guys are still students, so they don't have a reason to tell you about them yet." He replied again.

"Then what are they? Humans, demons, angels? Weapons? Powers?" IU asked.

"They are humans, their powers are holy, so they're like exorcists. They use a variety of weapons, like us. Their powers, they can use a variety as well, like how they blocked Yoona's psychic powers." He replied.

"How do you know that it's really the hunters who took them though?" Wooyoung asked.

"They plan on starting a war with us soon, and those two would make the perfect hostages." Sunggyu said. "Well, I think that's enough talk today, we need to get our rest if we plan on rescuing them soon." everyone agreed reluctantly. As everyone was about to teleport to their dorms, IU went to Jiyeon's dorm.

"Jiyeon, something's wrong." IU said.

"What do you mean Jieun-ah?" Jiyeon replied.

"Sunggyu, something's wrong."


"First of all, there's some sort of suspicious aura coming from him. Second, why would the council suddenly let him back in like that when they hate getting their hands dirty? Lastly, Sunggyu went missing last year, cut off all contact, erased all traces of him, something could've happened during that time."


"Either something good or bad. that's why I want you to help me investigate."

"Considering I agree with everything you said, and that I'm curious myself... Why not." They walked into the library, and went to the forbidden archives. Finally, they found a report on what happened to Sunggyu, their eyes widened in shock and fear.

"N-no way.." IU whispered.

"Oh yes." Sunggyu said softly.

"YOU!" Jiyeon screamed. He was gone, and then everything went black.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! ^^ The next chapter is going to just be a recap on their abilities and powers.


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Snowyhappy #1
Chapter 10: Hi, please update soon! :)