Chapter 5

Mini Luhan

Wait...what? did he just say...too?

You can’t make out anything from your mind except blinking. Until Kai starts to laugh and tries to make out a sentence while laughing.

“Ahah..ha..Yeah I know this kind of makes no sense, but but ahah, Kyungsoo, come out and meet your new friend.” Kai says and takes out something from his pocket. It’s another mini human figure. You have no idea that those things actually live on earth.

Are they some random aliens that live on earth or something? don’t tell me they’re going to take over the earth one day..wait they actually have that ability to do so right? It took me 3 hours to clean the mess that mini luhan made in my lovely kitchen the other time.

“Wait so you have one of those things too?” I thought i’m the only one that have to live with this weird human thingy...

“Yeah, his name is Kyungsoo.” Kai introduces his mini human figure while holding it in his palm, but then he raises his hand for you to take a better look at Kyungsoo.

“ name is Kyungsoo..” The little human figure greets. You have no idea how to react, you are about to open your mouth to say something, but then your mini Luhan cuts you off by screaming out your name.

“What are you trying to do to my owner?! Just give me my damn milktea and leave already! And you!” Mini Luhan says while pointing at Kyungsoo with a scary face, Kyungsoo is so horrified that he quickly runs back into Kai’s pocket. “Don’t talk to me! But..Let’s be friends!”

Lulu...Why you are pretending to be tsundere...and that’s not the way you do it anyways...

Suddenly, Kai’s phone rings.

“Um, hello, this is Kai.” Kai greets while picking up his cellphone, “” Kai murmurs under his breath when he hears the other side of the phone starts yelling.

“Yes, yes sorry Kris, I promise, I will be back in less than .. um .. “ Kai looks at his watch before he returns to the call, “10 minutes, I promise.” Kai sighs and ends the call with whoever’s name is Kris.

“Sorry! I want to talk to you more about things but my boss is hella mean and stuff, he won’t allow me to stay far from the cafe for more than half an hour.” Kai says while taking out a piece of paper from his other pocket and quickly drops something down on the paper before handing it to you.

“This is my phone number, call me or text me okay? Because I really want to talk to you about ... something, like the past and stuff, don’t worry, I will ask Sehun for your number so don’t be surprise when you see my number appear on your phone~” Kai says and blows a kiss to your forehead, then he takes out the miltkeas from his basket and hands the large one to mini luhan.

“Here is your milktea, kid, stop whining about it already, and I’m not trying to hurt your owner or anything, so keep calm. I will see you later then, Bye~~” Kai runs out the apartment with a waving kyungsoo in his pocket. But after two seconds, he comes back to pick up his milktea basket, before he closes your door for you, he says

“The miltkea is free this time, as a greeting gift from me, you’re welcome~” Kai runs away and swings your door shut.

You stays in your fantasy until Mini Luhan slaps you across the face with his tiny hands. You still have no idea how he did it but his action brings you back to reality.

“Stop whatever you are doing right now and help me put the straw in my milktea, and don’t forget, the bigger one is mine. So yea that one there,” The mini figure pauses to point at the other miltkea that’s resting on the ground before finishing up his sentence, “It’s yours.” He hurries and whines until you pick him up and puts him on top of the plastic cup so he can drink his tasty milktea.

“What’s wrong with that little mini thingy...” You signed while trying to stand up.



I'm so sorry for the grammar mistakes in this chapter ;A: because English is not my first languge "mother tongue or watever lol*

and Rena is kinda too busy with her academic stuff so probably from now on i will update more often with a lot of grammar mistakes but i will try my best to learn grammar during the summer ;A: 

hope everyone enjoys this chapter ;D

until next time~~ 

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sorry for the long wati~


Nina <3

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Chapter 8: version 2 please~
whocares3 #2
Chapter 8: I liked version 2.
Chapter 6: version 1..I dunno but watching Lulu like that make me feel like ASDFGHJKLH!!!!!*crazy fan mode on*
Chapter 8: ver 2 pleaseee i want to know what sehun and lay would comment about lulu~
it might be funny hahahah
please update soooooon authornim<
Chapter 8: Version 1 ^~^
DdazzlingZYX #6
Chapter 8: I just can't choose.. i loves both version..
iLoveYuh #7
Chapter 8: I like version 2 better :3
ddongppyong #8
Chapter 8: I like version 1 better :3 THANK YOU FOR UPDATING AGAIN~
Chapter 8: Version 1 because Luhan is adorableb in that chapter