Chapter 2

Mini Luhan

"Wait, wait, wait, you're alive? So you can breath and stuff? Can you talk? Are you like a mini sized human being ...? Cause you have tiny eyes and tiny legs..." You say while poking the little thing's puffy cheek. Suddenly, you remember the instructions on the tag: He’s so cute, you can't help but pick on him...absolutely cannot....Because he will hate you.

“I HATE YOU!” You hear the mini Luhan say while struggling out of your grip and running away with his little bear. He left you sitting on the ground alone, confused and thinking about where that mini mini sized bear came from.

“Wait, wait wait, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that , but like your cheeks and your size and everything is so cute that I can't help but pick on you.” You explain and try to stand up to walk near that mini creature. However, you find him wearing his hood and facing the wall cursing in some other language with his bear. You can’t understand what he’s saying so you leave him alone for a few minutes while you clean your kitchen.

“. How the am I going to be able to handle this alone....” You curse while looking back at the mess in your kitchen. You check the time and realize that you’ve only slept for two hours. How the can a little mini thingy; a creature smaller than my hand, make such a mess in two hours? How the did he even get up to the top drawer? How?

After three hours of hard work, you finally manage to turn your kitchen back to it’s normal shape. It was very painful to hear the mini creature and his bear cursing in the corner when he turned back to look at you every 5 minutes. Every time you tried to go near them or to talk to them, they made this odd space near them that made you panic and step back. To you it was as if they wanted you to care about them but at the same time, they didn’t want your attention.

When you’re finally done with everything you put your apron down, and start heading back to the living room. Before you turn off the light, you feel something holding on to your sweatpants. You turn back and look down to find mini Luhan crying with his bear in his hand.

“L-Luhan ith s-scared!” Luhan says with a weird voice, probably is because his nose is running,
He bursts into a crying mess. You hold him in your hands and try to comfort him by petting his head. His hair is so soft and fluffy; you can’t help but smile at this cute little creature sitting in your hand crying. You turn off the kitchen light and walk to the living room with Luhan in your hands.

“Luhan, you are such a good boy. So stop crying please?” You can’t handle any crying child. Once, when you were in eighth grade, you tried to comfort a crying baby but ended up sitting in the corner crying yourself. When you reach the living room, you quickly slam yourself onto your sofa and turn on the tv in hope it  will make Luhan stop crying.

“WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” However, reality is always different, mini Luhan cries harder instead of stopping. His little bear is crying in his hug. You start to lose control of yourself. You can never do this. You start  to panic and throw your arms around the air trying to think about a way to solve this.

“The instructions!”  The tag on the package reminds you that it has the waning facts on it, so it must tell you the way to solve the problems too. You feel like you found your light in the darkness, or an exit in a puzzle. You quickly run back to your room to grab the box, leaving mini Luhan crying on the couch with his bear.

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Chapter 8: version 2 please~
whocares3 #2
Chapter 8: I liked version 2.
Chapter 6: version 1..I dunno but watching Lulu like that make me feel like ASDFGHJKLH!!!!!*crazy fan mode on*
Chapter 8: ver 2 pleaseee i want to know what sehun and lay would comment about lulu~
it might be funny hahahah
please update soooooon authornim<
Chapter 8: Version 1 ^~^
DdazzlingZYX #6
Chapter 8: I just can't choose.. i loves both version..
iLoveYuh #7
Chapter 8: I like version 2 better :3
ddongppyong #8
Chapter 8: I like version 1 better :3 THANK YOU FOR UPDATING AGAIN~
Chapter 8: Version 1 because Luhan is adorableb in that chapter