Chapter 4

Mini Luhan

Ding dong Your doorbell rings. You get up while dropping mini Luhan in your hood.

"Remember, don't speak and don't jump up, because everyone will be scared seeing a tiny human...being." You warn Mini Luhan before standing up and head to your door.

Ding dong The doorbell rings again.

“Coming!” You scream while running towards your door.

You open the door and are greeted by a familiar voice, “Hello.”

“Oh you are the guy from the small cafe across the street? Wait I have never seen you before, your voice is familiar but you’re new at the cafe right?” You ask while opens the door.

“Hi. Do you still remember me?” A tall, tan, handsome boy stands in front of your sight. Your cheeks start to increase in temperature, you know this boy. You know this person very well.

“KAI?!” You scream while the boy smirks. He was your secret crush before you move to the city away from home to go to college. You had a huge crush on him since 8th grade in middle school. You had never seen him after high school. But sometimes, you would sit there and think about the days with Kai around you as .. a classmate. You never really talked to him before because you were always too scare to talk to him face to face,  so you only admired him and looked at him from afar.

“I’m so glad that you still remember me!” Kai says with a huge smile. He’s still very hot, his voice still melts you from inside out. But there’s something different from before, you can’t tell what it is, but it’s somehow not the same.

Of course I will remember you, you are hot and you were my crush for like 5 years! You stay in your fantasy until you feel something is wrong in your hood.  You investigate and find it was Luhan.

“Is that you, Lulu? Stop.” You say in a very low volume to avoid Kai from hearing you speaking to your..hood.

“If it’s you..Please stop Lulu...” You say before turning back to Kai.

“I didn’t talk to you since you moved for college! I missed you!” Kai replies while putting down the milk tea basket to hug you. You are so overwhelmed that you have no idea what to do except to stand there.

How can he even remember me? I never really talked to him before...and he has like 10 thousand female friends in school.

“Um...How can you remember me? It’s like...I never really talked to you before...” But I like you were the most popular boy in our school.

“Of course I would remember you! You were the girl who helped me on my biology project in 8th grade, and then you were Sehun’s friend, and and and the most important reason-” Kai pauses and points at you, “Because you are cuter than most of the girls I know!”

You can’t believe what you just heard from Kai,

I’m cute...I’m cute...wait what?! Did he just called me cute?!

You never consider yourself as “cute”. On school days, you only wear hoodies and jeans everyday. You dislike dresses and make ups, you were never in the group with “cute girls”. 

You start blushing very very badly. You have no idea what you need or can do right now.

“My milk tea!!!!! Stop this lovey dovey thing and give me my milk tea!” You heard something in your hood. Then you can feel the shaking motion in your hood which brings you backward. You almost fall on your back until Kai reaches for your waist and catches you before you hit yourself on the wooden floor.

“You okay?” Kai asks with a worried look. “And wait that was not your voice asking for the milk there anyone else in the apartment?” Kai adds.

“ are no other people in the house except me, haha that was just me practicing speaking in a manly voice.” You pretend to speak in Mini Luhan’s voice, but fails very badly.

“I’m sure it was not you..who was it...Tell me the truth.” Kai looks at you in the eyes, you can’t avoid anything from his beautiful eyes and his glance.

“It was me!” Mini Luhan somehow manages to climb up your hood and stand on your shoulder while holding the edge of your shirt.

“Lulu!!” You scream in horror. You have no idea how Kai will look at you after seeing mini Luhan. You can’t help but think about the worst possible outcome of Mini Luhan climbing out into your hood.

Kai would probably say “What the hell is that?!” and start hating me; or he would just run away because he thinks this is some alien figure; or he would just just just --

“Oh, you have one of those mini....human beings too?” Kai asks with a curious face.

Wait...what? did he just say...too?




Yeah yeah I'll fix this later don't kill me, Nina. I don't need your sass. 

hello to all my readers...this is Nina. Um I'm sorry for everything...such as swear words and everything. whoever put elephant ugly on my fic i will ing kill you in your sleep 

SOMEHOW I DONT KNOW HOW MY ORIGINAL FIC IS kinda..not really BUT SOMEHOW BETTER THAN THIS? i really dont know what happened in that english class because i'm not in the same class with those two stupid .. people.

thank you so muchhhhh for reading. I love you all <3 except those two es who are fcking around my fic


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Chapter 8: version 2 please~
whocares3 #2
Chapter 8: I liked version 2.
Chapter 6: version 1..I dunno but watching Lulu like that make me feel like ASDFGHJKLH!!!!!*crazy fan mode on*
Chapter 8: ver 2 pleaseee i want to know what sehun and lay would comment about lulu~
it might be funny hahahah
please update soooooon authornim<
Chapter 8: Version 1 ^~^
DdazzlingZYX #6
Chapter 8: I just can't choose.. i loves both version..
iLoveYuh #7
Chapter 8: I like version 2 better :3
ddongppyong #8
Chapter 8: I like version 1 better :3 THANK YOU FOR UPDATING AGAIN~
Chapter 8: Version 1 because Luhan is adorableb in that chapter