Chapter 1

Mini Luhan

The doorbell rang suddenly, disrupting you from finishing your homework. You glance at the calendar that reads ‘February 14th’ That’s weird...I wasn’t expecting any visitors.

“Oh okay, coming!” You scream out while running toward your front door. You lived alone in a small dorm room, since you were in your first year of college.
“...” You open the door to find no one. You look around the hallway and can’t find a single person walking or running around. You find it  weird that somebody would just ring your doorbell and run away. When you were about to close your door, you realize there is something on the ground.

“Wow, a box?” You murmur to yourself while trying to bend down and look at the tag hanging out of the box.

PRODUCT #: 19900420

Mini Luhan? What is this, some sort of new product? Is this even supposed to be a product? Is it like a robot or something?  All the questions start coming out of your brain. Having no answers to any of those questions, you look around the hallway again, to find no one and no open doors. You assume that it’s your package even though you have no memory ordering this item. Finally, you take the package back inside and lay it next to your bed.

You sit on your bed and stare at it for more than 5 minutes, trying to find the answers of your questions. After 10 minutes of silence, your curiosity finally gets the best of you and you open the package to check what’s inside. You take out a pair of scissors from the drawer under your bed and start to slide open the tape on top of the package. After another 5 minutes, you finally manage to open the box. You quickly flip it open and find a cute little sleeping unknown creature, laying on top of some plastic bubbles in the mailbox. What the hell is this? Am I dreaming? Urgh...I just need some sleep. You plop your head down on your pillow and quickly fall asleep.

After a few hours, you wake up to find that the sun has settled, and night has fallen. You are unsure how long you’ve sleep but you quickly notice that the lamp on your bedside table has been .  Huh? I don’t remember turning that light on...unless...
“ IS THAT A ING GHOST?!” You scream in panic. There is no one else that has your dorm keys, and of course, you live alone. You quickly sit up in  bed, reach for your slippers and notice the opened package still lying on the ground. So, the unexpected visitor, the unexpected doorbell, and the unexpected package are all real...I wasn’t imagining things.

A loud noise rang from your kitchen. You quickly jump out of bed and hurry over to the kitchen. You almost scream your lungs out when you see the big mess in the kitchen. You mentally shut down and you lose your balance, falling to the ground.  After a few minutes, you finally manage to get up, and to your surprise, find a cute unknown creature resting on your chest. It’s size is so small that you are able to hold it in your hand. You observe it from the top to the very bottom while it’s big eyes blink at you curiously. Isn’t that...the thing that was in the package?!
“Wait, wait, wait, you’re alive? You’re mini Luhan, right? What the did you do to my kitchen?!” 

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Chapter 8: version 2 please~
whocares3 #2
Chapter 8: I liked version 2.
Chapter 6: version 1..I dunno but watching Lulu like that make me feel like ASDFGHJKLH!!!!!*crazy fan mode on*
Chapter 8: ver 2 pleaseee i want to know what sehun and lay would comment about lulu~
it might be funny hahahah
please update soooooon authornim<
Chapter 8: Version 1 ^~^
DdazzlingZYX #6
Chapter 8: I just can't choose.. i loves both version..
iLoveYuh #7
Chapter 8: I like version 2 better :3
ddongppyong #8
Chapter 8: I like version 1 better :3 THANK YOU FOR UPDATING AGAIN~
Chapter 8: Version 1 because Luhan is adorableb in that chapter