Chapter 7 – Found + Explanati Kim Jaejoong

Mastermind KSSA Strategist.

-3 Days Later-

-3rd Person Pov-


‘I’VE FOUND IT! THE LAST ONE!’ Jongup shouted happily

All of the agents…excluding Youngjae who was still sleeping due to the Sleeping pills, went to watch the security camera that Jongup had found.

‘That must be where the kidnaper’s hideout is.’ Himchan said

‘Sunhwa get the final location. Yongguk get all of the equipment we’ll be needing, Jieun help Yongguk. Zelo, Jongup go get Youngjae up and Himchan, Hyosung and Hana get the van ready.’ Daehyun ordered.

‘Neh!’ the agents responded and went as being ordered

‘Finally. I can finally get you back’ Daehyun thought

-Byul & Jaejoong-

‘What are you going to teach me today?’ Byul asked while eating her breakfast.

‘mmm…we’re not going to train today.’ Jaejoong said

Byul gave him a questioning look ‘we aren’t?’ she questioned

Jaejoong shook his head and smiled ‘we’re going to have a party today.’ He said

Byul gave him a funny look ‘a party. Why?’ she questioned

‘Tomorrow will be the day we do the mission, so I thought maybe today we should relax and just party.’ Jaejoong explained ‘and besides in the last few days you’ve made a lot of progress, there’s no need to train anymore.’

Hearing the word mission made caused Byul to feel uneasy as well as a disappointment, reason being…was for the fact that she knew after the mission is over…Jaejoong will be turned in. Of course at first she wouldn’t have felt any disappoint or even guilt the first time she had meet him…maybe she wouldn’t of have felt this way if Jaejoong would of just still acted cold, mean and threatened her instead of being as he is now.

It was no lie that after a few days with Jaejoong, she felt that Jaejoong was like her other agent friends…like her family. He was someone she first knew to have confidence in her and encouraged her though things that other agents had not, like for the fact that he had spent time to train her to make her physically stronger.

Byul nod in understanding and smiled half heartedly ‘what do you have in mind?’ she asked

Jaejoong grinned ‘we’re gonna go get some drinks and buy loads of food.’ He answered ‘not much but it’s just the two of us, so that’s fine.’

Byul nod and chuckled ‘sounds good.’ She said agreeing.

‘Let’s finish up breakfast, get dressed and we’ll go to the market.’ Jaejoong said, feeling excited

Byul nod with a smile ‘I don’t want him to be turned in.’ She thought ‘I can always change it, right?’


All of the agents were seated in the van, while Hyosung was driving to their destination.

‘So what’s the plan?’ Hana asked

‘Break in and get Noona’ Zelo stated ‘and maybe throw some punches at the kidnapper.’

‘Yah, that’s irrational thinking right there.’ Youngjae said ‘what if that guy is armed with weapons’

‘Youngjae is right.’ Jieun said agreeing

‘I’ve checked the location and the hideout building itself. It’s a two story building, 6 bedrooms, 2 bathroom on top floor and bottom is a large living room and kitchen together.’ Sunhwa said

‘Then, Hana and Jongup you both will be entering through the second floor. Jieun and Zelo you two will get in through the back and I’ll take the front.’ Daehyun said. ‘Yongguk, you’ll back me up’

The agents nod.

‘What do we do with the kidnapper?’ Himchan asked

‘Since that guy knows of KSSA, we’ll have to take him back to the headquarters and let the government decide’ Hyosung said

‘So I can’t kill him…great…’ Daehyun thought

Youngjae gave Daehyun funny look ‘If you weren’t a agent, I square you’ve been a serial killer’ he commented, able to know what Daehyun was thinking.

Daehyun rolled his eyes and ignored Youngjae’s comment

-Jaejoong & Byul-

-That night-

Jaejoong and Byul sat in the kitchen with the table filled with numerous food.

‘I think we may of gone overboard…’ Jaejoong commented

Byul nod ‘i think I may have to re-strategize again due to how fat we’ll be for tomorrow’s mission…’ she added ‘it’ll affect the outcome…’

Jaejoong laughed

Byul smiled but gave Jaejoong a serious look ‘I’m serious though. You might be too fat to fit through the windows and all’ she joked

Jaejoong made an offensive look ‘Psh, You know that’s not possible. I’m too handsome to be in that stage.’ He said smirking ‘You must agree that I’m hot right?’

Byul made a face him as she hear what he had said, before Byul shrugged her shoulders not caring ‘The food will go cold, if we don’t eat them’ she said and start eating.

Jaejoong pouted ‘Yah! Don’t ignore my question!’ he complained


It was a 2 hour drive, but they’ve reach their destination. Hyosung parked the van a block away, so they wouldn’t get caught or gain any suspicion.

‘That’s it.’ Sunhwa said eyeing the exterior of the two-story house.

‘The 2nd floor lights are out, I guess that means no one’s up there then.’ Youngjae said

‘That means all you guys have to focus on, is the 1st floor’ Himchan said

‘You guys ready?’ Daehyun asked looking at everyone

‘Neh’ they all said and nodded

‘Let’s go.’ Daehyun said, getting out of the van.

Zelo, Jongup, Jieun, Hana and Yongguk followed behind.

- Your Pov-

-During eating-

The food was no doubt great and yummy, I was enjoying it greatly. Even though the only sound that was heard were coming from the TV while we were eating in silence, it was a comfortable silence.

‘So, do you have a boyfriend yet?’ Jaejoong suddenly asked, making conversation

His question caught me off guard, so I was in a daze for a second before my face burned red. I didn’t have a boyfriend…but I do have someone that I wished was my boyfriend.

‘Nope. I’m sure if I do have one, the government would’ve convinced me to break up with them anyway.’ I said ‘you know…being an agent and all…it’s best not to have your loved ones get involved.’

What I said was basically true. If anyone in the team had a partner, the government would of told us…or basically we would do it ourselves…to break off the relationship because it’s only natural and common sense to not want that person to get hurt. But…but if our partner was to be in the team…that’s fine…right?

Jaejoong nod ‘yeah, that’s understandable’ he said.

I smiled ‘so what about you, Jaejoong? Don’t you have a girlfriend? I asked

Jaejoong stopped eating and looked at me ‘ No, I’m single. I never had a girlfriend before’ he said

I kept myself from being showing the fact that I was shocked. ‘Your kidding right?’ I asked surprised

Jaejoong chuckled and shook his head no. ‘Why is that so hard to believe?’ he questioned

‘Well… I mean…it’s no kidding that your really a great guy, you can cook, fight and has the looks.’ I reasoned

Jaejoong laughed ‘thanks for the compliments. But then…I could say the same for you.’ He said looking at me

We both fell into a comfortable silence again. Since we weren’t talking anyway, I looked at the TV but saw that the channel wasn’t as interesting…

‘I’m changing the channel’ I said, standing up

Jaejoong only nodded. I walked into the living room and went through different channels

‘If you don’t have a boyfriend…then you should at least have someone you like…right?’ Jaejoong suddenly asked

Once again his question caught me off guard…but thank god I had my back turned so he couldn’t see my blushing burning red face.

‘e-erm…’ I stuttered

-Jaejoong Pov-

‘If you don’t have a boyfriend…then you should at least have someone you like…right?’ I asked turning to look in her direction

Sadly I couldn’t see her expressions since her back was facing me.

‘E-erm…’ she stuttered

She was stuttering so it was obvious that she did…actually…I only knew who it was. So why did I even bother to ask? Maybe I was hoping that she didn’t like that person anymore…and maybe could of liked…me instead. I was no idiot…or maybe it was the fact that she and that guy were very damn obvious, previously before when I was still undercover in the police department…keeping an eye on the KSSA agents and all. Byul’s behavior and that KSSA Leader, Daehyun are both very easily read, I was just surprised that they themselves didn’t see it.

‘You don’t have to answer if it’s a personal question…but you pretty much gave it away that you like someone’ I said

She turned around giving me a sheepish smile ‘guess I’m pretty too obvious huh?’ she said, her face was light pink

I faked a smiled and nod ‘yea too obvious’ I said

She turned back around facing the TV continuing to scan though the channels.

‘Yeah I like someone…that someone happens to be in the Team’ she said

‘I know…’ I whispered to myself sadly.

‘What about you?’ She asked

 ‘Yeah I like someone.’ I said, while setting down the utensil ‘do you want to hear about her?’

Byul nod while her attention was still on the TV ‘Sure’ she said

‘She’s smart. To me she’s brilliant’ I said ‘She’s simple but very cute. She’s adorable without even knowing it. But not only cute…she can change to be beautiful, like an angel without even realizing it.’

Byul chuckled ‘Sounds like you felt in love with a model, Jaejoong. Bet she’s really a model’ she said not taking her eyes away from the TV

I smiled ‘Yeah, she could be, but she’s not.’ I said ‘She’s fun to be with. Very easy going and someone who you can talk to comfortably. But you know what else?’

‘What?’ she questioned

‘She’s reliable, someone you can always trust. Someone you know that you can always put your life on the line for. She’s worth it.’ I said

‘From how you describe her, she’s sounds like a great person. Do your best to court her Jaejoong’ Byul said encouraging me.

‘Even when she likes someone else?’ I asked

Byul nod, still was focusing on the TV. ‘Yea, you should never give up yet…well not until you confess to her first and see the outcome of it.’ She said

‘Even if that person she likes is Jung Daehyun?’ I asked

I stared at her back, I could see that she tensed up for a moment before turning to face me…with an unreadable expression.

‘W-What?’ Byul stuttered looking surprised

I stood up from my seat ‘ I like you. I like you Byul’ I said as I took slow steps towards her. ‘ You’re the very first person ever that I’ve had ever felt like this to.’

Byul was completely froze in her place, staring surprised at me. I made my way to her…unfortunately god wanted me to make a fool of myself…because I tripped over the floor rug and fell on top of Byul.

‘S-Sorry!’ I exclaimed

But before I could get up, the front door was smashed open. I heard multiply voices and footsteps…the next thing I knew I was being knocked to my side and was receiving hard blows in the head.

-Daehyun Pov-

Daehyun we’re all in place. – Jieun

i nodded ‘On the count of Three, we’ll charge in’ i said

Neh – Jongup, Hana, Jieun, Zelo

i looked behind at Yongguk ‘Ready?’ i asked

Yongguk nod and smirked ‘let’s get Byul back.’ He said





I kicked the front door open and went in, Yongguk followed closely behind me…but the sight I first saw made me froze in my place for less then second before an overwhelming feeling of anger boiled inside of me and just erupted. The guy we had seen a picture of, the kidnapper was on top of Byul. With no thoughts and just losing control, I ran and knocked the guy over and sent many punches at him.

‘YOU BASTARD!’ I shouted in rage continuing to throw punches at him

Jieun, Jongup, Zelo and Hana came into the living from the stairs and back door. Jieun, Hana and Zelo immediately ran to Byul’s side, who was frozen in shock. And I don’t blame her, her kidnapper just tried to her!

‘You !’ I continue to cuss at the guy while throwing hits at him

‘Byul! Byul Are you okay?!’ Hana questioned worryingly

‘Byul! Byul! It’s okay we’re here!’ Jieun said hugging Byul.

The guy below me was bleeding heavily, he was almost passing out. But I didn’t stop.

‘Yah, Leader I think that’s enough’ Yongguk said from behind me but didn’t interrupted

 ‘This Mother F***er Almost her!’ I stated in anger not stopping my attacks

‘Leader! Your going to kill him!’ Jongup exclaimed but made no movement to stop me, because I knew he was afraid of me right now.

The next thing that happened shocked me…

‘DAEHYUN! STOP! GET OFF HIM!’ Byul shouted and pushed me off the guy

I stay clued to the place I had fell on …shocked. Speechless… I knew the others were also surprised because right now…right before me…Byul was looking dead worried…of her kidnapper.

‘Jaejoong! Jaejoong! Can you hear me?!’ Byul cried in panic and worry in her tone.

The guy on the ground smiled weakly at her ‘N-neh’ he chocked out.

 ‘B-Byul? W-What are you doing?’ Hana asked, who was first to recovered from her shock

Byul looked at her, at all of us with nothing but worry in her eyes…why was she worrying over this guy? The guy who kidnapped her.

‘Please. Please…just this once please listen to me’ Byul pleaded, her eyes getting teary ‘We have to stop his bleeding first. Then please let me explain everything’

No one could utter a word of protest or disagreement because of the way Byul was pleading at us right now…but I wasn’t one of them.

‘Jaejoong Listen to me! Keep conscious! Okay?!’ Byul demanded

The guy weakly nodded as a respond.

I sternly looked at her ‘Why? He F***en kidnapped you and tried to you!’ I said angrily

‘It’s not like that! It was an accident!’ Byul said ‘I’ll explain when we help him first!’

At each of her words, each second I was looking at her, my blood was boiling in anger but at the same time…my chest ached and my heart burning in pain.

‘Fine’ I said through gritted teeth.

-3rd Person Pov-

Hyosung and Himchan came into the house and was in utter shock of how the kidnapper was badly injured, Jongup and Zelo had gone to get them and told them that someone was hurt, so they both came in to help. Hours passed as Hyosung and Himchan both were working hard to stop Jaejoong’s bleeding and fixing up his injuries, during the whole process Byul was holding on Jaejoong’s hand to comfort him from the pain…which Daehyun didn’t like one single bit. Daehyun was glaring at Jaejoong and mentally cursed at him. By now all of the agents were in the house, quite unsure of how they should be feeling of the situation before them.

-Hours later-

Jaejoong’s injuries were all fixed up he was still feeling light headed and weak due to the blood loss but he was going to be fine. He was sitting next to Byul, leaning on her slight as support, the agents all were sitting or standing around them eyeing every action that Jaejoong was making and observing Byul’s reposes to those actions.

‘Byul…explain to us…what’s going on here? Why are you protecting that guy?’ Sunhwa was first to asked

‘Well…to start. His name is Kim Jaejoong. The reason he kidnapped me was because he wanted me to help him get to the leader of Black Lotus’ Byul said ‘He threatened me…that if I didn’t help him, he’ll expose KSSA. So I agreed to help.’

‘Wait. What does he know of KSSA?’ Hyosung asked

‘He knows as much as our names and our positions.’ Byul answered

‘How?’ Himchan asked

Byul shook her head ‘He never said how.’ She said, before looking at the weak Jaejoong ‘and he doesn’t seem in the state to be answering that question at the moment.’

The agents gave each other looks, looks of questioning why Byul was worrying and caring for the Kidnapper.

‘You seem to worry for him a lot Byul. What’s your relationship with him?’ Yongguk questioned

Byul looked down in her lap ‘ Over the few days…we’ve became close. I didn’t see him as my kidnapper but as a Friend.’ She answered

‘Yah Byul! How could you befriend with a kidnapper?!’ Jieun scolded

‘He wasn’t acting like one. He took care of me and was kind’ Byul defended Jaejoong

‘It could of being an act!’ Youngjae said

Byul shook her head ‘No it isn’t. I know.’ She said confidently

‘The agents all gave another look to each other

‘What do we do now?’ Jongup asked

Daehyun who had being silent during the whole time final spoke but he was motionless.

‘As we’ve planned. We have to take him back to Headquarters and Let the Government decide.’ Daehyun said.

Byul was feeling uneasy, she knew very well that the government would imprison Jaejoong or worst get rid of him because he knew too much.

‘B-but---‘ ‘Fine. Let the Government decide.’ Jaejoong said cutting Byul off

Everyone in the room looked at Jaejoong surprised that he would agree.

Byul gave him a worried look ‘But…They’ll…’ she said unable to complete her sentence.

Jaejoong smiled, a reassuring smile at her ‘It’ll be fine.’ He whispered.

Daehyun seeing the scene before him broke his heart further. ‘Let’s go.’ He said, heading out of the door.

Everyone followed behind Daehyun, beside Sunhwa and Zelo who stayed behind with Byul. Zelo went to help support Jaejoong, while Sunhwa was walking beside Byul.

‘Byul…I trust you. I trust what ever it is that your doing right now.’ Sunhwa said

Zelo smiled ‘You got me too Noona.’ He said agreeing with Sunhwa

Byul smiled ‘thank you.’ She said gratefully

In the van it was a dead silence ride. No one uttered a word to break the tension…no one could.

-KSSA Headquarters-

Entering the headquarters it was large and empty beside for the fact that it was heavily guarded by securities on the outside and a few patrolling, some would greet the agents. They then reached to the Government’s office, which Hyosung knocked.

‘Come in’ said the government’s voice said

Pushing the door open, Hyosung went in first then followed by the other agents and last were Byul and Jaejoong behind everyone.

‘May I question why are all of you here?’ The government questioned looking at the agents before him, but spotted 2 people at the very back, who he could not see clearly, due to the other agents covering them.

‘First…we’re here to inform that we had brought back KSSA agent Cheol Ki Byul’ Hyosung said

Taking the queue Byul handed Jaejoong to Zelo and walked to the front. Byul bowed greeting the government.

The government nod in acknowledgement ‘Welcome Back.’ He said ‘I was reported that you were kidnapped and that he happened to know of KSSA.’

Byul nod ‘Neh.’ She responded

‘ Is he brought here?’ the government questioned

With hesitation Byul nod ‘Neh’ she said.

The agents gave way for Zelo and Jaejoong. At the sight of Jaejoong the government eyes widened and was speechless.

‘K-Kim…J-Jaejoong.’ The Government stuttered in shock

Jaejoong smirked looking at the government. ‘It’s been awhile seeing you again, old man.’ He said causally.

All of the agent were silent as they were processing’s Jaejoong’s words to the Government.

‘Does the government know him?’ was questioned in all of the agents minds.

‘You know the government?’ Byul questioned looking at Jaejoong

Jaejoong nod ‘of course.’ He said

‘Wait. What’s going on?’ Himchan questioned.

The Government was still speechless and couldn’t utter a word, so Jaejoong answered.

‘I use to be a KSSA Agent.’ Jaejoong stated

Hearing Jaejoong, it made everyone in the room speechless.

‘WHAT?!’ Youngjae exclaimed ‘Y-You’re an a-agent?!’

Jaejoong nod ‘That’s how I know of KSSA. And things that’s goes around in here.’ He said ‘ I have assist to it’

‘Wait. You said ‘USE to be an agent’ what do you mean by that?!’ Hana questioned

‘I left. I left during a mission and was reported missing. Soon after they confirmed that I was killed in action, because they couldn’t find me or a reason for my disappearance.’ Jaejoong explained

‘Why did you leave Kim Jaejoong.’ The government finally spoke.

‘Because I was reported that my family was being held hostage…and you hid that from me.’ Jaejoong said sternly. ‘And they were killed by them. Them…the Black Lotus.’

Everyone looked at the government surprised

‘I had no intention of hiding that from you, it was a request from your father that I shouldn’t let you know.’ The government answered

Jaejoong harden his glaze at the government ‘So you just let them get killed? Did you even bother to take action?!’ he raised his voice in anger

The government gave Jaejoong a stern look ‘ ‘When your family was taken hostage, your father was on a mission. The only reason I knew of their captive was because when your father came home, the place was a wreck and he checked through the security cameras. Without even asking for back up or a team to come help him, he left to find them…he only contacted me before entering their hideout to inform the situation and told me hide it form you…thinking that he’ll succeed in solving and getting the whole family safe out of the situation.’

‘You would really think I wouldn’t even lift a finger to help out an old friend of mine?! After receiving his call, I immediately send out tropes and all of the top agents to get to him. But by the time they’ve find him, I was reported that he was already dead. Along with everyone else’ the government explained

In the room it was silent, Jaejoong speechless as well as many of the agents.

‘I wanted to inform you as soon as you came back from your mission but to face more tragic you were reported missing, at that point I’ve sent out scouts to search for you whether your dead or alive. For 5 years Jaejoong, 5 years I’ve been trying to search for you but had given up.’ The government continued. ‘But now your back, things can get backhow it use to be.’

‘But he had committed a crime’ Daehyun spoke out ‘He kidnapped an agent, stole our weaponries and threatened to expose KSSA.’

Byul gave Daehyun a disbelieving look before looking back at the government, even the government was surprised to hear of this.

‘Is this true Jaejoong?!’ the government questioned him

Jaejoong looked down at the ground and nodded

‘WAIT! No! I agreed to help him! Beside isn’t he also an agent?! You can’t possibly put him away.’ Byul reasoned

All agents looked at Byul speechless, Daehyun was most to be shocked, beside from Sunhwa and Zelo who chose to back Byul up.

‘Why? Why is she helping him?’ Daehyun thought saddened while glancing at Byul.

Unknowingly anger and jealousy were building up inside of Daehyun, the sensation was intense and it burned his chest painfully.

‘Byul is right. And the only reason he did this was so he could get a hold of Black Lotus and put an end to them.’ Sunhwa stated

‘Sunhwa!’ Jieun, Hana and Hyosung exclaimed surprised that Sunhwa was speaking out.

Zelo nod ‘it was an misunderstanding from the very beginning.’ He added

‘Zelo, not you too!’ Jongup exclaimed surprised

‘Jaejoong never harmed me or was ever a threat in the first place!’ Byul said ‘So please let him off.’

‘Even if his a agent, he should be punished’ Daehyun stated

‘Why are you against him?! He never did anything to hurt any of us!’ Byul said in anger and slight hatred

Like a knife that’s plunged a 1000 times in a person’s heart or how a brother would drown their very own sister…that were how Byul’s words affected Daehyun…and all because of Jaejoong…another guy…it pained him, Him who Byul had known for more then 5 years would be angry and defending a guy she barely knew for a week. But through the pain and hurt he felt, he kept his emotions hidden and held on to a motionless face.

The government let out a sigh ‘Daehyun is right. Even if Jaejoong is an agent, to steal, kidnap and had put a threat on KSSA…that’s not a matter we could just leave unsettled.’ He said ‘so…Kim Jaejoong your being sentenced 4 months in prison under heavy security.’

Byul eyes widened feeling shocked.

Guards came into the room and held on Jaejoong like a victim, Jaejoong didn’t fight or show any resistance.

‘KSSA agents, you all will commence with your mission.’ The government ordered

‘W-Wait! No!’ Byul stuttered, stopping the guards from taking Jaejoong away

‘Byul…’Jaejoong whispered seeing her actions.

‘Let him join us for this mission! After the mission is done he’ll take his punishment!’ Byul requested ‘It’s only right isn’t it? The black Lotus were the ones to have killed his family, it’s only right he joins us to put an end to them’

‘Byul…Government already gave his orders…’ Hyosung said softly to Byul

‘He’ll be under my watch. If anything happens I’ll be responsible and take charges to it.’ Byul encouraged

The government was in deep thought, he was considering that Byul’s idea was indeed something like the right thing to do but…but at the same time it would be disreputable, favoritism is not something he should show.

At this point Daehyun’s had limits were broken ‘WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS MUCH FOR SOMEONE LIKE HIM?! WHAT IS HE TO YOU CHEOL KI BYUL!?’ he roared in rage.

Everyone in the room flinched at the sound of anger in Daehyun’s voice, at this point…in this moment everyone feared him….Jaejoong…even the Government remained silent. However Byul…Byul was not one of them, she would normally be, if Daehyun was ever this angry for any other reason…but for this reason, his anger flared her own anger.

‘Someone like him? What should I say to make you believe me that his not a bad person! Yes, he kidnapped me, threatened me but never did he ever harmed me or scared me’ Byul retorted ‘If anything, he had became someone I can come to rely’

‘What? Are we not enough for you to rely on?!’ Daehyun retorted

‘Don’t put words into my mouth Jung Daehyun’ Byul said sternly ‘I trust you all, you know I do.’

‘That doesn’t explain why he would be special to you.’ Daehyun stated his eyes narrowed and sharp.

Byul had a bitter smile on ‘What makes him special? What makes him special is the fact that his the only person that has confidence in me.’ She stated

The agents were surprised and speechless…

 ‘He trusts me to go on this mission with him, to back him up. You guys would never allow that will you?’ Byul continued ‘He taught me how to defend, fight and use a gun when none of you guys did or even allowed me to.’

The agents all knew that Byul was right…they didn’t have that much confidence in her because they all were too worried and babied her too much…Zelo was the youngest in the team but the agents had more confidence in him than they did in her. It often upset Byul that the agents always had to worry about her so much and always…ALWAYS put their life on the line numerous times to save her in dangerous times…but she couldn’t do the same because they never allowed her to.

‘Leave that matter aside. Right now you all have to focus on your missions.’ The Government said breaking the silence ‘Byul, Jaejoong is placed completely under responsibility Jaejoong and you are to supervise him 24 hours till the missions is over.’

Byul nod ‘Yes, Sir.’ She said, feeling glad that Jaejoong could come along.

‘Thank You.’ Jaejoong said bowing to the Government.

The Government dismissed them.

Knowing that Jaejoong use to be an agent had made the agents felt relieved and that it was possible for them to trust him…however Daehyun was not so happy…sure Jaejoong is now clean of any suspicion of being a enemy to them but…But he didn’t like the way that Byul had sided with Jaejoong and the fact that Jaejoong held a special place in her life…

‘What does that make me then?’ Daehyun thought sadly…’Do I even have a place in your life?’

Daehyun worries were the fact that Byul could of possibly had fallen in love with Jaejoong…and by the way that Jaejoong is often glancing at her and smiling…he was confirmed that Jaejoong had fallen in love with Byul.

‘You can’t love him right?’ Daehyun thought hurt.

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Reading this right away~ I love action fanfics like these.. good luck :3
caramelcandy #2
Chapter 10: Hai! I was clearing my bookmark and subscription and I came back and re-read this! I love it even though I read it twice and knew what's gonna happen next after each chapter! ^.^
Chapter 10: wah! love the story...super sweet happy ending yeay!!!! such a nice story to read..thank you author-nim~ looking forward to your new story~ :D
Mistlea #4
Chapter 10: I just found this story and I absolutely loved it! I really like these kind of agent-mission type stories. The storyline was great and it was so cute! Didn't expect the marriage proposal, but then again your writing is full of surprises :P Thanks for writing this!
caramelcandy #5
Chapter 10: Love this! Perfect and kinda surpring ending with the marriage proposal. But I must say, excellent writing! It was very nice reading this. Keep up the amazing writing and good luck with you're future writings :)
Chapter 10: Yeayyy... Finally its completed.. Thank you for your hardworking Authornim. Its an incredible story ><
caramelcandy #7
Chapter 9: Thank you for updating :D I'm glad Byul now knows Daehyun's feeling :') hope to read more soon :D
Chapter 9: Confess soon! Let him know your true feeling.. Geeez dawhyun is a pessimist person when it comes about love..