Chapter 4 – The Letter + Getting Her Back = The Friendly Outting.

Mastermind KSSA Strategist.

-Your Pov-

I am now having breakfast with Jaejoong in the computer room, while still working and watching the screen. I was starting to get the idea of the routine, which Black Lotus followed, but I can’t assume yet since this was just the second day.

‘Yah, your going to pilled your juice’ Jaejoong’s voice brought my attention away from the screen.

My cup was dangerously close to the edge of the desk ‘ Oh. Sorry’ I said and put the cup somewhere safer.

‘I suggest that you finish your breakfast first before paying attention back to the screen’ He said, in his tone there was a hint of teasing

It was strange and had just occurred to me, that Jaejoong wasn’t the bad or scary type of kidnapper…heck I must be the very first person who he had ever kidnapped. So perhaps...maybe his not a bad person at all, he just wanted some help to complete his mission…but just have the wrong approach.

I chuckled and nod ‘I guess your right.’ I said and continue to eat but this time I was working at the same time.

Jaejoong however was staring at me, which made me felt uncomfortable, so I stopped and looked at him.

‘Something wrong?’ I asked

Jaejoong shook his head before he frowned ‘You seem to be not afraid…’ he said

I raised a brow ‘should I be?’ I questioned

He gave me a funny look ‘Your being held hostage aren’t you?’ he retorted

‘Well, your just not life threatening or close to scary’ I said

Jaejoong looked away, he head hung down ‘I was suppose to be.’ He muttered, but I heard him

I smiled, he was somewhat adorable…like Zelo. Thinking of Zelo…I wondered if the others received the letter yet.

-Jaejoong Pov –

When Byul chuckled, I was surprised because this was the first time after being kidnapped she showed a different emotion from her usual motionless or calm face…in fact it was the first positive emotion she gave being here. I didn’t realize that I was staring her, until she asked if something was wrong.

I shook my head before i frowned ‘You seem to be not afraid…’ i said

Byul raised a brow ‘should I be?’ she questioned

i gave her a funny look ‘Your being held hostage aren’t you?’ i retorted

She’s being kidnap, yet she seemed calmed or more like relaxed…which is very strange.

‘Well, your just not life threatening or close to scary’ She said

i looked away, he head hung down…in a sense I was sulking. I guess I couldn’t pull off the ‘bad’ and ‘scary’ kidnapper feel, after all this is my very first time ever to have kidnapped someone.

 ‘I was suppose to be.’ i muttered sulky.

Even though I was saying that, I couldn’t help but to have a glad feeling inside that she was feeling relaxed and perhaps opening up more to me, then to be feeling afraid and motionless to me.

‘Maybe we could be friends…’ I thought with a small smile.

-Daehyun Pov-

In the early mornings like usual, everyone came to work at the Police Station early. We were sitting on the table thinking and discussing what our next plan will be...also…where and what Byul could possibly doing or planning on her own.

’10 of us against Byul and none of us could even come up with anything?...great…I feel stupid.’ Jieun said crossing her arms

Everyone let out a sigh…indeed we couldn’t plan anything without Byul around.

Knock Knock

‘…get back to our stations guys’ Hyosung whispered

Everyone did what Hyosung said

‘Come in’ Himchan said

A worker came in, holding an envelope in his hand ‘this envelope was found this morning under the entrance. It’s for you, Daehyun.’ He said

Confusion crossed my face…a letter? Why the heck would I receive a letter all of a sudden?

‘It can’t be from Byul right?’ I thought

From the thought I quickly took the letter and thanked him. When the worker left, everyone crowded around me and looked at the envelope in my hand.

‘That handwriting is not Byul’s’ Sunhwa commented

It was true, how my name was written in front of the letter didn’t belong to Byul or anyone I knew. I tear the side of the envelope and took out the letter.


Your strategist is safe.

She’s not with Black Lotus.

She’ll be back after I’m done with her.

Don’t bother come looking for her.

The letter that was in my hand wrinkled due to my hand’s tightening grip. My inside was burning in so much rage and anger that I’ve never felt before.

‘BASTARD!!!!!!!!’ I exploded and threw the letter on the ground.

‘Yah! Daehyun calm down!!!’ Youngjae exclaimed startled from my sudden explosion of anger.

Jongup and Zelo both held on to me and pushed me down, till I was seated down in my chair.

‘Look on the bright side! We now know that she’s not doing anything crazy or is involved with anything to do with Black Lotus.’ Himchan said

‘But at least with the black lotus, we would be able to know where she is!’ I said darkly ‘But now she is kidnapped by some bastard, who and where, we don’t know!’

Everyone went quiet

‘I have to agree with Daehyun..’ Sunhwa said nodding ‘it’s a possibility that whoever kidnapped Byul could be even more dangerous then Black Lotus’

‘but No-one COULD be more dangerous then them’ Yongguk said ‘that guy could just be some immature.’

I frowned and my look darkened more ‘No. This guy is more dangerous. He knows Byul is a strategist…OUR strategist.’ I said ‘ He knows she and us are KSSA.’

Upon hearing and processed what I had said, everyone froze…they were shocked…even I was.

‘B-but…t-that’s impossible!’ Hana exclaimed

Youngjae shook his head ‘No, Daehyun is right. Whoever this guy is…he knows us.’ He said ‘secrets can’t be hidden forever, after all.’

‘For someone to actually know us or much less even knows of KSSA…’ Hyosung said ‘is a threat to us and the government.’

‘…what should we do then?!’ Jieun questioned in worry

‘We have to inform the government this. We have to tell them that Byul is kidnapped.’ Hyosung said ‘then we’ll do whatever the government tell us next.’

When everyone agreed, Hyosung left the room to contact the government.

‘When I find out who that F***en Bastard is, crushing his bones and burning his F***ing body will be his death’ I thought darkly

‘Yah…don’t look and think of things that is so damn scary, Daehyun’ Youngjae’s voice broke my thoughts

I growled, ignoring Youngjae.

Youngjae let out a sigh ‘Look, if that guy who kidnapped Byul, knowing that she’s a strategist, this means he needs her to plan something that his doing.’ He reasoned

My frown deepened ‘Then he should of word it that way! Instead of ‘She’ll be back after I’m done with her.’ His sounds like a F***en !’ I said, my tone more dangerous and dark each word.

Youngjae shook his head ‘Aishi your thinking too negative, Daehyun.’ He said

Hyosung came back, everyone’s attention turned to her with looks of curiosity.

‘So?! What is our order?!’ Sunhwa asked

Hyosung let out a sigh…this wasn’t going to be good.

‘Or order…is to continue with our mission…without Byul’ Hyosung said.

My mind and body froze…did I hear this right?

‘W-What?’ Jieun questioned stuttering in disbelief.

Hyosung hang her head down low ‘We continue our mission without Byul.’ She repeated

‘F***!’ Yongguk cussed angrily

‘Yah! Are you being serious?! Did the Government really say that?!’ Hana exclaimed still in disbelief

Hyosung didn’t say anything but nod.

‘N-NO!’ Zelo shouted shaking his head, his eyes were teary ‘NO! we can’t leave Noona like this!’

‘What the F*** is the government thinking?! How can we continue our mission without her?!’ Himchan stated frowning

Youngjae nod agreeing with Himchan ‘There’s no way we can complete the mission without Byul.’ He added

‘Call the Government again!’ Jongup said angrily ‘Tell him it’s impossible without Byul Noona!’

Before Hyosung could take out her phone, I already pressed the call button on my phone.

KSSA Daehyun? Why did you call?

Everyone turned and looked at me in shock, I however was motionless.

‘Your order that you gave us will be put on hold. Until we get our Strategist Back.’ I stated

I understand that KSSA Strategist is kidnaped, but we cannot allow the Black Lotus to continue any further.

‘Byul is our strategist, the one who leads us to our mission success.’ I said sternly.

I understand. But, the citizens comes first before any agent in KSSA. She can be replaced.

I gritted my teeth together, rage grew within me. Byul can be replaced?

‘You don’t seem to understand her position in the team.’ I said darkly through gritted teeth ‘She will not be replaced or be abandoned to some F***en Bastard!’

‘Orders or not.’

‘WE‘RE GETTING HER BACK!’ I shouted in anger but also in determination and hang up.

-3rd Person Pov-


The room was silent, due to how the agents were surprised by Daehyun’s outburst. On the other hand Daehyun mistook the long silence as anger for his selfish decision…but that thought vanished when…

‘So leader. What’s our order?’ Yongguk questioned smirking.

Much to say the agents are impressed and very proud of Daehyun, as their leader.


On the 3rd day of motoring the Black Lotus, it was getting easier and easier to predict their movements. By now Byul, had gotten the idea of the schedule which they do every day…so what was left was to plan the strategy.

‘How far have you gotten?’ Jaejoong’s voice questioned

Jaejoong’s sudden appearance startled her, she turn to look at Jaejoong, who now stood behind her.

‘I got their daily schedule down.’ Byul said, handing Jaejoong piles of paper

He look at the pile of paper in his hands surprised, he knew that Byul was a good strategist…because obviously she’s apart of KSSA…But he never expected her to be this great. It impressed him.

‘You…got every one of the Black Lotus’s daily schedule?’ he asked still amazed ‘there’s like 30 of them…’

Byul nod and smiled  ‘it’s necessary, forgetting one of them could spoil the plan.’ She said

Jaejoong wasn’t completely listening to the words that came out of , instead he was in a daze when Byul had smiled at him. The first time didn’t count because it was him in a disguise, but this time…she was smiling at him. At Kim Jaejoong.

Byul noticed that Jaejoong wasn’t paying complete attention, so she waved her hand in front of his face

‘hey…are you alright?’ Byul questioned

Hearing her voice, this time snapped him back.

‘huh? Um yeah…’ Jaejoong quickly replied

Byul gave him a funny look before looking back at the screen ‘I’m going to start strategizing now’ she said

Jaejoong didn’t reply because he was in a deep thought.

‘She’s been working really hard the pass 3 days…’ he thought ‘should I reward her?’

Jaejoong watched as Byul was working again

‘But I’m a kidnapper…’ he mentally argued ‘ then again she already said yesterday that she wasn’t afraid of me…’

‘You can’t really say that, this is a kidnapper & hostage relationship’

‘Plus we had an agreement. She would help me with my mission and I wouldn’t harm her.’

‘In a way…we are on agreeing and good terms…’

‘it’s fine if our relationship are friends right?’ Jaejoong concluded in his mind

Jaejoong smiled, it was true that his ‘kidnapper’ act was long gone since the time Byul had agreed to help him. They were on good term because he felt that Byul was opening up to him and was even smiling at him…so it was possible for them to be friends…right?

‘Yah.’ Jaejoong called to her

‘hmm?’ Byul responded without looking away

‘Let’s go out for today’ Jaejoong said

Byul was left in silence and surprised, she turned around and gave Jaejoong a very strange look.

‘erm…are you in your right state of mind?’ Byul questioned

Jaejoong raised a brow ‘I don’t have any mental issues if that’s what your implying’ he retorted

Byul blinked a couple of times, a habit when she is very confused or blanked out…Jaejoong smiled finding her habit cute.

‘oh. You smiled’ Byul uttered surprised

Jaejoong this time gave Byul a funny look ‘I am human.’ He said

‘right…’ Byul said more to herself

there was an awkward silent…which Jaejoong broke.

‘C’mon let’s go out. It’s a reward for working hard the last 3 days’ he said, heading towards the door

Byul was still confused by Jaejoong’s sudden act of kindness. Jaejoong, stopped when he noticed that Byul wasn’t moving form her chair, let out a sigh, walking back towards her and grab her hand in his.

‘Hurry up, we don’t have all day’ Jaejoong said and dragged Byul to follow him.


The agents were seated around the table, in a deep discussion.

‘How could the kidnapper know of our mission?’ Jongup questioned

‘Just so it happened, he kidnapped her before we could even begin our mission’ Himchan added

‘well I have 3 conclusions…’ Youngjae said

Everyone looked at him, to hear his explanation.

‘1st, it could be that the kidnaper is actually apart of Black Lotus and is lying that his not. His trying to stop us from finding their hideout.’ Youngjae said ‘2nd that kidnapper is actually an enemy to Black Lotus and he kidnapped Byul to help him get rid of them’

‘Or last…we’re just over thinking too much, he has nothing to do with Black Lotus and has other plans that needs Byul to help him.’ Youngjae stated

‘Those conclusion are reasonable and possible’ Himchan said nodding

Daehyun frowned hearing the last conclusion of Youngjae’s. Youngjae glanced at him and knew what was on Daehyun’s mind.

Youngjae rolled his eyes ‘No, the 3rd conclusion doesn’t mean his some or anything. Leader.’ He said

‘It’s possible.’ Daehyun muttered darkly.

Knock Knock

The agents looked at each other and quickly went to sit in their workstation.

‘Come in’ Himchan said

A female worker came in, the agents all looked at her to hear her reason for coming.

‘hahaha everyone is working hard here. I see’ the worker said smiling

Hyosung nod and smiled ‘Neh. Is there anything you need or we can help you with?’ she asked

The female looked around the room as if she was looking for someone.

‘Well I was hoping to find Byul and see if she wanted to hang out…but it seems like she’s not here.’ The worker said

The agents gave secret glances to each other, they didn’t know that this female worker was a friend of Byul’s or that they even talked to each other.

‘Actually I hadn’t seem to see her around the last 3 days…’ the worker said in a wondering tone, before her expressions changed into a surprised and excited from remembering something. ‘Omo! Is she on a honeymoon?!’

All the agent were shocked and speechless from the worker’s question. They were completely lost and had no clue why the worker would get that idea. Though the main concern was how Daehyun was fuming and pissed. Even though he knew that Byul didn’t have a boyfriend…to hear someone assume that she was married and on a honeymoon made him felt jealous and anger. But he kept his cool because it would be stupid of him to explode.

‘E-Erm…what gives you that idea?’ Hana questioned still surprised

The female worker had a big grin on ‘the last time I saw her, she was with a guy leaving the building.’ She said before a bigger grin grew ‘who knew she would get married so fast and Yet she didn’t invite me to her wedding!’

The agents all gave each others looks, while Daehyun was on the verge of snapping.

‘Oh…whose the guy?’ Sunhwa questioned

the worker had a thinking face on ’I don’t know his name but I think he was a new worker just 2 weeks ago…’ she said and smiled ‘his really handsome really.’

Daehyun was glaring darkly at the ground and Youngjae who saw this of Daehyun panicked a little.

‘Well she got sick, so she’s absent for the time being’ Youngjae lied

the worker gasp in worry ‘Oh. Then please tell her I say to get well soon.’ She said

Youngjae smiled and nod ‘sure.’ He said

The worker smiled ‘well I’ll leave you guys to get back to work then’ she said

‘Wait.’ Daehyun called to the worker before she could leave

all of the agents had their eyes on Daehyun as the worker turned to look at him

‘Byul isn’t married…much less has a boyfriend yet.’ Daehyun stated forcing a smile

‘Oh. I see’ The worker said smiling before leaving

The agents all rolled their eyes…it was typical of their Leader to behave like this.

‘Well anyway, we seem to finally have a lead on something.’ Himchan said

Youngjae nod ‘I’ll go through the system and see who he is.’ He said, taking out his laptop.  


Byul was seated in Jaejoong’s car in the passenger seat while Jaejoong was driving.

‘Should you really be taking me out though?’ Byul asked

‘Why you ask?’ Jaejoong questioned without looking away from the road.

‘Well…I mean, KSSA are probably looking for me…so isn’t it dangerous to be out?’ Byul reasoned

‘We’re not going to Seoul. So there wouldn’t be any problems.’ Jaejoong said ‘And I’m positive that they are probably else where further then Seoul’

Byul nod slowly and looked out the window.

‘Then…shouldn’t you at least blind fold me, so I wouldn’t know where your house is?’ Byul asked

This time Jaejoong gave Byul a funny look ‘Your asking too many questions’ he said

‘oh. Sorry.’ She said

‘I don’t think it is needed when your willing to help me.’ Jaejoong said

‘So where are we going?’ Byul asked

‘Hmm to Nampo, we’ll have lunch there and get you some clothes for the time being’ Jaejoong said


upon arriving at Nampo’s shopping district, Byul couldn’t help but to feel slightly excited. Reason? Reason being is that Nampo was a new place to her….as an KSSA Agent and also in the police department, she was constantly always working. It would be rare for them to have a single day off…so right now to actually be out to a new place and to do shopping, it made her feel excited

‘In a sense…sometimes being kidnapped is not so bad.’ Byul thought to herself and glanced at Jaejoong ‘That is…if your kidnapper is actually a nice guy.’

Jaejoong packed the car and got out, Byul followed his example and closed the door.

‘Are you hungry yet?’ Jaejoong asked

Byul shook her head ‘Nope’ she replied

Jaejoong nod ‘then let’s go shop around first’ he said and walked ahead, Byul followed behind him.

Walking into the shopping mall, Byul couldn’t be help but to look at the interior in awe…it was huge inside and also very crowded. Jaejoong who saw Byul’s expression smiled, to him she seemed like she never been to a shopping mall before and it was adorable.

‘Go ahead and buy whatever you want, I’ll pay for it’ Jaejoong said

Byul gave Jaejoong a surprised look. ‘Isn’t that a little too much?’ she thought

For her it was hard to believe, it was a surprising enough that Jaejoong was willing to take her out…but even now, for him to even say that she could eat what ever she liked and he’ll pay for it…

‘Jaejoong…seriously do you have any mental issues?’ Byul bluntly and straight forwardly asked

Jaejoong gave her a confused look before it turned into an offended look ‘once again what makes you say that?’ he questioned

‘Your…erm…how do I put this.’ Byul said more to herself, before looking at Jaejoong ‘Aren’t you being too nice and kind? I mean yeah we have an agreement and all but…isn’t it off limits since we are strangers?’

 Jaejoong blinked a couple of times ‘Then accept it from me as a friend’ he said

‘Friends.’ Byul repeated

Jaejoong nod ‘Friend’ he stated

Byul was fine and felt glad with that idea of being friends with Jaejoong. No it’s more then fine, since after all he treated her pretty well and is kind…whether he knows it or not.

Byul smiled and nod ‘Okay.’ She agreed

Jaejoong smiled pleased and happy that she agreed

‘But…I’m going to pay you back after all of this is over’ Byul said

Jaejoong smirked ‘What? Your going to pay me back by putting me in jail?’ he joked

Byul frowned, indeed it was her 3rd condition…but from Jaejoong kindness and their new born friendship…now she felt bad…and Jaejoong could see this

‘You could pay me back, by sending me good food like chili sauce or visit me during my time there’ He joked again with a smile

Byul let out a half-hearted smile and chuckled, nodding ‘Deal’ she said

‘C’mon, we don’t have all the time in the world’ Jaejoong said, nudging his head indicating they should start shopping around

This time a genuine smile was placed on Byul’s face. ‘Let’s go’ She said excited.


‘I found it.’ Youngjae announced

The agents surrounded Youngjae and looked at the screen. The first thing they saw was an image of the person…and indeed that worker was right, that guy was very handsome.

‘Aw, his hot.’ Sunhwa stated, staring at the picture in awe

Daehyun scoffed ‘the picture could be Photo-shopped.’ He muttered to himself

Youngjae who heard it rolled his eyes 'geez this guy seriously' he thought

Below the image was the guy’s information and detail.

Name: Byung No Hero

Date Of Birth: December 15, 1986

Age: 26

Blood Type: O

Height: 180cm

Weight: 63kg

Nationality: Korean

Education: Kyung Hee Cyber University

Work Experience: 2 years Army Training

Medical Condition: None

Daehyun rolled his eyes ‘Hero? You have got to be ting me.’ He thought

‘Doesn’t say where he lives or family background’ Himchan stated

‘Leave that up to me.’ Youngjae said before he continued to type ‘His full information should be in the Government’s data System.

-5 Minutes Later-

Youngjae frowned which caught the agents attention

‘Youngjae what’s wrong?’ Yongguk questioned

‘His name is not in the data.’ Youngjae said

the agents looked at each other in confusion and questioning look.

‘That’s not possible...’ Hyosung said

‘It is possible if his information that we have just receive were fake.’ Daehyun stated

Youngjae nod ‘That’s right. Daehyun’s right. This isn’t that guy’s real information.’ He said

‘then that means we don’t have a led anymore!’ Hana said annoyed

Youngjae shook his head ‘that’s not entirely true.’ He spoke ‘his picture is real. Every worker here has their picture taken on the spot. His details may be fake but not his image.’ He said

‘That means we still have a chance’ Himchan said

‘Youngjae have his image scanned and use that to search in the Data System’ Daehyun said

 ‘This may at least take hours or a day though’ Youngjae said

Daehyun nod ‘That’s fine. Just do it.’ He commanded

Youngjae nod and did as told.

‘Then I guess we found our kidnapper…’ Jongup said

‘He could be another minion of someone else.’ Yongguk suggested

‘Well that doesn’t matter. We find this guy, get answers and get Byul Noona back’ Zelo stated

‘And maybe also break a few of his bones…’ Daehyun thought with a small evil smirk

Youngjae saw this and could easily figure out what Daehyun was thinking. ‘Your creepy.’ He said, shaking his head

-Jaejoong Pov-

It’s been a ling time since I felt happy and enjoying myself. Byul, she was really easy to talk to and you can feel easily relax and comfortable around her. Right now we were at a food stand.

‘This tastes really good.’ Byul commented on the fish cake she had in .

‘Really?’ I questioned, before taking a fish cake ‘ and don’t talk with your mouth full.’

Byul swallowed down her food and smiled at me ‘Thank you’ she said

I raised a brow at her, feeling confused why she would thank me.

‘For taking me out, clothes, food and…’ Her said but paused for a moment before her smile widened ‘for being a friendly kidnaper.’

I stared at her for a while before turning away ‘Pabo.’ I muttered

In the pit of my stomach however…I felt happy.

And I was sure that there was a warm pull in my heart.

Maybe I was starting to like her more…then a friend

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Reading this right away~ I love action fanfics like these.. good luck :3
caramelcandy #2
Chapter 10: Hai! I was clearing my bookmark and subscription and I came back and re-read this! I love it even though I read it twice and knew what's gonna happen next after each chapter! ^.^
Chapter 10: wah! love the story...super sweet happy ending yeay!!!! such a nice story to read..thank you author-nim~ looking forward to your new story~ :D
Mistlea #4
Chapter 10: I just found this story and I absolutely loved it! I really like these kind of agent-mission type stories. The storyline was great and it was so cute! Didn't expect the marriage proposal, but then again your writing is full of surprises :P Thanks for writing this!
caramelcandy #5
Chapter 10: Love this! Perfect and kinda surpring ending with the marriage proposal. But I must say, excellent writing! It was very nice reading this. Keep up the amazing writing and good luck with you're future writings :)
Chapter 10: Yeayyy... Finally its completed.. Thank you for your hardworking Authornim. Its an incredible story ><
caramelcandy #7
Chapter 9: Thank you for updating :D I'm glad Byul now knows Daehyun's feeling :') hope to read more soon :D
Chapter 9: Confess soon! Let him know your true feeling.. Geeez dawhyun is a pessimist person when it comes about love..