If you love him, tell him.

You're My Angel.

It's been five months since Seohyun last saw Jaejoong, she didnt know where he was but didnt want to ask her brother. Seohyun notice the change in Yuri when she around the two boys, one day Seohyun pull Yuri aside and ask her some question. 


"Yuri..do you like one of the boys?" 

Turn to look at Seohyun."Ho..why would i like them?" 

"Just tell me, i know you like one of them." she said with a smile. 

"No." she turn her back to Seohyun. 

Seohyun hug her."Yuri ah, if you love him, tell him..you don't want to lose him right. I know some girls that likes him too..if i were you, go tell him before he accepts other girl." 

Yuri turn around to face Seohyun."Who like him? If he goes out with someone else, i'm going to murder him alive." 

Haha. "Then go and tell him." 

"But..but..what if he doesnt like me." 

"You dont know if you don't try." push her away. "Go." 


Seohyun watch as Yuri walk away, she start walking back to her classes as well. She didnt get to see Yuri until lunch when she went up to her. Seohyun ask if she told him about her feelings when she shake her head. 


"Yuri..why didn't you?" 

"I couldn't..i got scared." 

"Yah..your so tough before..why scared now?" 

"Yah, it's different talking to girl then boys." 

"Look who coming." she said and smile. "Hi Jonghyun, Kai." 

"Hi." Yuri said. 

"What's up with you?" Jonghyun ask. 

"I think she sick." Kai said and give Seohyun some juice. 

"Yah..why do you always think i'm sick." 

"You two stop fighting with each other." Jonghyun said trying to calm Yuri down. "Yuri eat this apple." 

Seohyun looked at Yuri and smile."Kai, want to date?" 

"What?" Jonghyun, Yuri said at the same time. 

"I was planning to ask you that." he said getting shy.

"It's ok..since i already ask..so do you want to date me?" 

"Yes." he smile.

"Yah, why are you two doing that now?" 

"Your just jealousy no one wants to date you." Seohyun said to Jonghyun. 

"There's many girls that want to date me." He said

"Like who?" Kai added. 



Seohyun smile when she saw Yuri answer to Kai, both Kai and Jonghyun were surprise to see Yuri raising her hand. 


"I really like you Jonghyun..i always liked you..i just didnt know how to tell you." 

"Why didnt you just tell me straighforward." 

"I was shy..and scared..that you might not like me." 

Reach for her hand."Of course i like you." he said with a big smile. 


That day was a good day for the four friends, they became a couple. Yunho appove of Kai dating Seohyun and also appove of Yuri and Jonghyun, he see Yuri as his little sister as well. On their last day of high school Yunho took them out for a nice dinner, when they saw Jaejoong and his family. His mom went up to Yunho and his sister. 



"Oh..Mrs. Kim." he stood up and give her a hug. 

"Seohyun, nice to see you again." 

"Hello Mrs. Kim." she stood up and bow. 

"Oh, your pregnant." 


She looked at Yunho."Who the baby father?" 



They all turn their head to face the voice that just spoke, they all looked at each other with cold expression on their faces. Jaejoong came and took his mom away when she turn back to face them again. 

"What's going on with you and Yunho?" she ask. 

"Mom, let's go." 

"Jae, tell me." 

"It's all my fault..it's me who was lost in love that i cause a great pain upon Yunho and his family." turn to face them. "I know you might never forgive me, but i'm really sorry for what i done." bow to Yunho and Seohyun. 

"Mrs. Kim, if you have nothing to do tomorrow..i would like to invited you and Mr. Kim along with Jaejoong to come over to my house." 

"Sure Yunho..see you guys tomorrow." she said and left with a smile. 


Jaejoong turn to look at Yunho and Seohyun once last time before leaving to their table, Yunho turn to look at Seohyun and she smile at her brother. They went on eating and talking throught the whole night. The next morning both sibling made some food and waited for the Kim's to come over. 

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eugenenni #1
Chapter 7: Author-nim update soon please~~ Waiting for new chapter!!!
koreanchick #2
Chapter 7: Yayyyy you updated~~~~ I don't now who I should root for. I'm very selfish and want all the boys to try go after her
aurorabelle #3
Chapter 7: I agree, just go back to jaejoong.
Chapter 7: I feel bad for Seo...She should just go back with Jae,he really cares for her ^///^ hwaiting update soon :)
koreanchick #5
Update soon~
Chapter 6: Uh oh i smell trouble coming
Chapter 6: Oh,Kai has an other girl? WTF!? Kai!!! Good thing Jaejoong is nice now,He can go and Stay with Seobaby^^ hwaiting update soon :)
Chapter 6: Awwwwh Jae is being sweet the poor guy :'( He just loves Seohyunir so much~ I hope they end up together xD
And ooooh whos this girl Kai? :p Lol anyways thanks for the update :)
Chapter 5: I hope Mr. and Mrs. Kim will let Jaejoong be together with Seohyun.
Yeay... JongYul!!!! :D Finally Yuri has braveness to admit her feeling :>
Chapter 5: i hope the meeting with Jae and his mom with Yunho and Seo goes well