The Mall Pt. 2

And There You Were


An old man behind a wooden booth was trying to explain something to Tiffany, but Taeyeon and Yuri couldn’t hear them since they were far away. It was only when Tiffany spoke with her loud voice that they could kind of understand what was going on.


“Yuri, what is she doing here?” whispered Taeyeon as she kept her focus on the fuming brunette.


“I don’t know. I had no idea she was going to ditch classes here. What doesn’t make sense is out of all the places she could’ve gone, she traveled pretty far to come to this mall.”


The two friends were pretty shocked seeing the wild mushroom at the mall. The chances of Tiffany coming to the underground mall was 1 in a million. Nevertheless they were both trapped behind the banner, afraid of exposing themselves if they attempted to escape. Random shoppers were giving them weird looks as they passed by the makeup store.


“I couldn’t give two s about who made it. Just get the stuff and fix it, how hard is that?”


Taeyeon was unaware that her heart was beating slightly faster than usual. The thought that she might be stuffed into a locker again was keeping her on edge.


“Get the stuff? Do you think they’re talking about drugs?” Taeyeon said with a pondering look.


Yuri was shaking her head. “No, that doesn’t sound right. Who would buy illegal drugs in a shopping mall?”


Tiffany dropped her arms at her sides and looked a little less agitated. “So what are you trying to say?”


“Hey Taeyeon, I don’t know about you but I think we should get out of here before she notices us. What do you say?” Yuri looked up to see Taeyeon's gaze was still fixed upon the brunette.


“Yeah, maybe you’re right. We should probably find a way to get out of here unnoticed.”


“Oh just forget it!” Out of anger, Tiffany kicked the booth as the scared old man was trying to make sure his booth didn’t fall over.


Come on Jessi, we’re out of here!” Tiffany walked towards the blonde and picked up all of the shopping bags around her while the one called Jessi put her phone into her purse.


Taeyeon continued to stare, even after the outburst. “Wow, I guess Tiffany likes to shop. I wonder why the other girl isn’t helping.”


Just as Tiffany started to walk in the opposite direction of the hiding duo, the bored looking blonde started to follow until she stopped abruptly. The blonde unexpectedly turned her head towards the banner and for a split second, made eye contact with Taeyeon and Yuri.


Taeyeon quickly hid herself completely behind the banner, alongside Yuri who did the same. Taeyeon couldn’t explain it but when the blonde girl made eye contact with her, it felt like her soul just froze. Even now as Taeyeon was holding onto Yuri’s hand, she could tell that both of their body temperatures probably dropped by 20 degrees.


“Taeyeon, we gotta get out of here, now." Yuri let go of Taeyeon’s hand and was observing the area in front of her. "Follow my lead.”


Without even thinking, Yuri gripped her backpack strap and was briskly walking away as she was hugging the left side of the mall while keeping her head down. Not knowing where Yuri was going, Taeyeon followed suit as she was trying to shake off the cold feeling in her chest. Anywhere but behind the banner would be a safe haven right now.


“Yuri wait!” Taeyeon hissed under her breath. Yuri only took a few steps, but she was already a few meters away from Taeyeon. Taeyeon almost had to sprint to try to keep up with Yuri’s power walking. She tried to keep her head down too, but it caused her to walk into innocent shoppers and random advertisement boards.


After speed walking past countless stores and confused shoppers, Taeyeon and Yuri finally found themselves collapsed on a bench in a random part of the mall. Yuri was so fixed on trying to get away from Tiffany that she didn’t keep track of where she was going. Yuri was breathing a little faster than usual while Taeyeon was panting like a dog and was wiping the sweat off of her forehead. Her forehead was a little tender after bumping her head into all those advertisement kiosks. 


*pant* *pant* *pant* “Please tell me I wasn’t the only one who felt that icy chill when that girl stared at us.”


Yuri shook her head. “No, you’re not the only one. It felt as if someone stabbed me with an icicle.”


Taeyeon gulped down some of her saliva as she continued to pant.


“Do you think she told Tiffany about us already?”


“Maybe, but in any case we should probably get out of here. This place isn’t safe.” Yuri constantly turned her head to see if those two managed to follow them.


Taeyeon nodded in agreement. If they stayed here any longer, who knows what Tiffany would do to her. “Yeah I don’t know why she’s here of all places, but I don’t want to find out.”


After a few minutes of resting, Yuri finally stood up while helping up Taeyeon. They began walking back to the subway; Taeyeon was constantly looking behind her for any signs of Tiffany while Yuri was scanning everything in front of her.


15 minutes passed and Taeyeon and Yuri were nowhere remotely close to the subway. Yuri insisted she knew where was going, but after many failed attempts they found themselves in another unfamiliar part of the mall. Yuri was carefully studying the mall map while Taeyeon was trying to help her out.


“No look see we walked passed this bookstore already, remember? If we pass the American Eagle, then take a right from there, we just have to hug the right side and we’ll be back at the subway.” Taeyeon was trying to navigate her finger through the map, but Yuri was having trouble comprehending.


“But see, we did that already. When we passed the American Eagle we hit a dead end and ended up at that French café. Instead we should just head near the toy store and keep going north until we find the subway.”


“Okay fine, we’ll try your way again. But if we still can’t find our way, we’re asking someone for directions.”


“I’m telling you I know the way, it’s just been a while since I haven’t been to this mall in a while and there are a lot of new stores that I don’t remember seeing.”


Yuri was really determined to find the subway station without any help. She would never admit to Taeyeon that she had a bad sense of direction because she wanted Taeyeon to see her as reliable friend and getting lost wasn’t helping Yuri at all.


They continued walking for another 5 minutes until Yuri stopped suddenly. She was bending down a little and rubbing her knees together. “Hey Taeyeon, I need to go to the restroom for a minute. I’ll be right back.”


“Okay sure, just hurry up.” Taeyeon was studying the mall layout again on a kiosk while Yuri gave a thumbs up and ran straight for the women’s restroom.






Hoo, that was a close one. I forgot I drank a lot of water today. I’m surprised I was able to hold it for so long.

Thinking to herself, Yuri was washing her hands with care. She didn’t notice a long haired blonde was giving her a cold stare in the corner of the restroom.


Did someone turn up the A/C in here? It feels like I just walked into a fridge or something.


She turned off the faucet and when she reached for a paper towel, she finally noticed the inattentive blonde.


“KYAAAAAAAHHH!” Yuri felt her knees give out on her and found herself flat on her .




The cold looking blonde gave a gentle smile as she walked towards the stunned tan girl. She reached out her hand, signaling that she wanted to help Yuri up. When Yuri hesitantly took the girls hand, she noticed that her hand was actually very warm. The cold chill Yuri was feeling was quickly replaced by a warm and comforting feeling.


“You know I was here the whole time when you ran into the stall.” The blonde managed to pull Yuri up with both of her hands. She proceeded by brushing off her palms as if they were dusty.


“I’m sorry. You just startled me for a minute. You were just standing there like one of those scary girls in a Japanese horror movies.” Yuri gave a nervous chuckle as she was rubbing the back of her head.


“That’s a first I’ve heard someone compare me to a horror movie. Not sure if I should feel offended or thankful.”


Yuri continued to chuckle nervously. She couldn’t explain it but for some reason she felt her face flush as the calm looking blonde was showing off a gentle smile.


“Anyways I should probably get out of here, my friend's waiting for me outside.” Before Yuri could walk away, the blonde girl almost tripped on her heels as she gently grabbed onto Yuri’s hand with both of her small hands.


“Kwon Yuri! Wait!”


Yuri stopped herself and turned around slowly. She started to feel that warmth in her chest again. She didn’t know why she was feeling this, but it was nice. But that wasn’t the concern Yuri was worried about.


“ do you know my name?” Yuri arched her eyebrow as she was stared down at the girl.


The blonde let go of Yuri’s hand. “I know a lot about you Ms. Kwon Yuri.” She walked behind Yuri as if she was blocking the entrance from the taller girl.


“Who are you? I know you’re that mushroom’s friend. You follow her everywhere.”


The blonde let out a small snicker. “First off, the ‘mushroom’ you’re talking about is the one who follows me around. Secondly, my name is Jessica Jung. We’ve never met before but I’ve heard plenty about you.”


Yuri walked to the sink and leaned her body against it since her legs were still feeling a little weak. “I’m curious. What have you heard about me?”


As if she was uninterested, Jessica was inspecting her nails as she continued to speak. “Oh plenty of things. How you look very mature for your age, how you’re very athletic, how you’re very kind to others, and how a lot of guys say you’re their ideal girlfriend.”


Yuri was fighting back a smile. Hearing Jessica say such things about herself made Yuri feel butterflies in her stomach.


“Then there was some other stuff I’ve heard about.” Jessica stopped inspecting her nails and started to give Yuri another frigid stare.


“Even though you’re very kind to people, whenever they invite you to hang out you always turn them down. That’s a little odd, don’t you think? Someone who’s so nice to people, yet is always making excuses in order to get away from them; saying that you have to help her mom with housework. I don’t understand why you would make that excuse when you know that your parents live far away from you.”


Yuri’s mouth opened slightly as she was trying to find the right words to say. What Jessica said was true about her avoiding people. She was taught to always show kindness to others, but when it came to making friends or hanging out with strangers, Yuri was terrified. She was the one who gave Taeyeon advice about living life to the fullest, yet she never followed her own advice. “How did you know…”


“What’s even more interesting is the new little girl you’re following around nowadays. What was her name Park Taeyeong?”


Without realizing, Yuri was slowly gripping onto the sink behind her.


“Her name is Kim Taeyeon.”


Jessica snapped her fingers. “That’s right, Kim Taeyeon. That short dorky .”


Yuri was now clenching the sink as if she was about to break it. “Take that back, now.” said Yuri through clenched teeth.


Jessica scoffed at Yuri’s remark. “Normally I wouldn’t. But for you… there are a lot things I would do for you. And for that, I take back what I said.” The blonde made her way closer to Yuri; the taller girl continuing her tight grip on the sink.


“This is something I don’t understand. I’ve noticed you Ms. Kwon Yuri, all throughout high school. You’ve heard about Fany bullying the other kids in school, but I’ve never seen you stick up for any of them or go and comfort them. If anything, you were like everyone else and always ran away whenever Fany was nearby. So what I’m curious about is…”


The blonde raised her eyebrow and was crossing her arms. “out of everyone who was bullied by Fany, why did you choose to help that dork? Hmm?”


“Well that’s because-” At that moment, Yuri’s mind went blank. Thinking about it now, Yuri wasn’t too sure about it herself. Why did she help Taeyeon?


Why Taeyeon?



It’s true that when Tiffany bullied the other kids in school, Yuri never felt inclined to help them out. Even when Tiffany mercilessly beat them to a bloody pulp, Yuri never went up to them and offered her help. It wasn’t until she saw Taeyeon on the ground, something in her mind was telling her to protect that girl and to make sure she’s safe


“Well, I was just passing by and I saw her picking up her books. I felt sorry for her and helped her up.”


Jessica was shaking her head. “Please don’t lie to me Ms. Kwon Yuri. I was there yesterday and I saw you watching the whole thing behind your locker. As a matter of fact, I remember seeing you last year when you were secretly watching Fany beating up that Japanese Korean girl. I don’t remember you going to help her and asking if she was okay.”


Yuri was at a loss for words, she didn’t know how to respond.


“I wonder…” Jessica was walking closer to Yuri. “Did you feel sympathy for her? Regret? It wouldn’t make sense since you never helped any of Fany’s other victims. Or maybe… you’re actually attracted to the midget?”


Now Yuri was turning red as she let go of the sink. “What are you trying to say?! I’ll have you know I’m 100% straight thank you very much.”


The blonde stopped only a few centimeters away. She batted her eyelashes and was showing an amused look on her face. “Is that so? I happen to know that during your first 2 years at Soshi High, you always had at least one guy a week trying to ask you out. I’d have to say some of them weren’t that ugly. Nevertheless, you turned them all down while giving the same excuse, saying that ‘you’re just not that interested in them’.”


“Well it’s a perfectly good excuse. I’m just not really interested in relationships right now.” To be precise, Yuri wasn’t ready for any type of relationship. Romantic or not. The thought of someone getting too close to her and knowing the real her terrifies her. But if it was Taeyeon, Yuri didn’t feel scared at all. In fact, she felt like eventually she could open up to her.


“Okay then. Quickly, name 5 cute guys right now!” Jessica blurted it very quickly and Yuri was caught off guard.


Yuri was feeling really pressured to say someone’s name so suddenly. “Umm… uhh… Umm… Ha Jiwon!”


There was an awkward silence after Yuri blurted out that name.


“…I hate to tell you this, but Ha Jiwon is a girl. An attractive girl at that.”


Yuri slowly took a gulp. Out of all the names she was trying to come up with, how did Ha Jiwon’s name come out? It was probably because she was pressured.


“Don’t worry Ms. Kwon Yuri, you don’t have to admit it now, but do know this. That dork may be a cute little midget, but maybe you would prefer someone a little better.” Jessica was showing a sly grin. “Someone who knows you better than yourself. Someone… like me.”


Jessica slowly placed her delicate hand on Yuri’s thigh, causing Yuri’s entire body to burn up. She’s never had anyone be this intimate with her, let alone a girl. She wasn’t sure how to respond, but one thing she did know was that this wasn’t right. Yuri grabbed onto Jessica’s hand very tightly, despite the great warmth she was feeling. “Jessica! What do you think you’re doing?”


Jessica gave a girlish chuckle just before she placed her hand on Yuri’s gripping wrist.




Jessica managed to crush Yuri’s wrist so hard that Yuri’s knees gave out again and was writhing in pain as Jessica continued her vice grip.


“Aren’t you cute? Trying to be all tough and mighty, thinking you can just put your hands on me whenever you please. Well let me get this through your head, I’m allowed to touch you wherever I please since I’ve been so nice to you. But once you try to hurt me, I’ll have no pity and hurt you instead.” Jessica finally released Yuri and the black haired girl was holding onto her wrist as she continued to lie on the restroom floor.


Jessica checked her cell phone to see what time it was. “Well that was fun Ms. Kwon Yuri. I’d love to stick around and play with you some more, but it looks like my time here is up. I was only supposed to keep you here for 5 minutes but it seems we’ve been in here for a while now.”


Yuri stopped moving around and looked up at Jessica. “Wait, what do you mean you were just keeping me here?”


A smirk appeared on the blonde’s face. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you this, but I was told by a certain ‘mushroom’ to keep you occupied in here as she had to take care of some ‘business’.” 


Yuri suddenly took a hold of the sink as she pulled herself up. “Business? Wait a minute… you were just keeping me here so that-”


“Given by how long we’ve been here, I believe Fany just ‘finished up’ with your dorky friend. You know you don’t have to go after Taeyeon, you can always stay here with me and we can…”


Jessica wasn’t able to finish since Yuri quickly picked up her backpack and was sprinting outside of the bathroom.


Yuri ran back to the kiosk Taeyeon was at. Just as her gut told her, Taeyeon was nowhere in sight.


Damn it! If it wasn’t for that ice princess, I could’ve protected Taeyeon from that stupid mushroom!


Yuri was darting her head left and right and was running around aimlessly looking for her short friend. Not sure how she was going to find her, Yuri started sprinting around the mall while looking through all of the stores.




As she was checking all of the stores and dressing rooms, Yuri’s mind was racing.


I swear to god, if Tiffany laid a single finger on her... I’m so stupid! I knew I should’ve just left the bathroom when my gut was telling me to. If Taeyeon was to get traumatized again because of that girl… I would never forgive myself.


Yuri continued her search for her missing friend, not knowing what really happened to Taeyeon.

안녕! (annyeong)! Did you guys enjoy this chapter? Hope so. Do you think Yuri will be able to find Taeyeon in time? Muahaha, I hope so. As always, comments and constructive criticism is always welcomed. Take care everyone!

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Chapter 48: I had fun reading this! I hope you are doing well these days. ♥️
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 48: Awwww to bad this is not continued:’(
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 36: Why’s everyone starting to get obsessed with taeyeon lol
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 10: I hope tiffany gets the karma she deserves... hell if she dies idc anymore HSHXBXB
Mihyun101 #5
Chapter 5: Can this be a taeri/yultae story lol
Mihyun101 #6
Chapter 4: Poor taengoo... and tiffany
Wendy29 #7
Chapter 48: Me gusta tu historia, espero que puedas continuarla pronto y que estés bien con tus problemas
Chapter 48: I hope it can be finished 💜
Chapter 48: This was a good read, too bad it wasn't finished :(
Chapter 48: This was funny
And impatient Sica is really amusing!