The Wild Mushroom Pt. 2

And There You Were


Home room didn’t go as Taeyeon planned. Taeyeon stood in front of the class and introduced herself, but the rest of the class didn’t seem to be interested. She noticed that most of them were either too busy on their phones, attempting to finish homework for their next class, or were passed out because of the early hours. Yuri on the other hand seemed like the only person in the room who was interested in what Taeyeon was saying. Taeyeon even tried to add some humor by telling a joke or saying some really bad puns to try to get the class a little interested, but it seemed the class didn’t even care.


Even the teacher had a glassy look in his eyes as Taeyeon was talking. Luckily Yuri was on track and was the only one laughing when Taeyeon told her the frog and the librarian joke. Homeroom couldn’t have been more embarrassing, but being able to sit next to Yuri made it a little more comfortable.


Before anyone knew it, homeroom was over and Taeyeon had to go to her first class.


She was dreading to go to gym, especially since it was the first class of the day. She wished that Yuri was going to be with her, but sadly they only shared a few classes. Taeyeon was never really an athletic girl. During elementary and middle school, she was always picked last whenever they played sports. Taeyeon doesn’t know why, but she never really had much coordination.


No matter what sport be it volleyball, basketball, football, or baseball, she was never able to help her team win. She remembered one time her class was playing baseball and no one would leave until everyone hit the ball at least once. Taeyeon swung over 20 times and the frustrated pitcher tried to make all of her  throws as easy as she could. The coach finally gave Taeyeon a tee where she could hit the ball easily, but even then it took her a few swings and a few flying bats until Taeyeon finally hit it.


Taeyeon walked around with the map of the school, but was still having trouble navigating through the big school. She knew that the girl’s locker room was in the gymnasium, but she would have to locate the gymnasium first.


I don’t understand why this school requires us to take P.E. We’re all going to be graduating soon and we should be focusing on studying for our college entrance exams. I think this is the only school in Korea that requires P.E. for graduating students! Unless I had the choice to do gym and Mom might have messed up the paperwork. Maybe if I talk to the principal or whoever is in charge of my classes, I can get out of gym.


After many wrong turns and asking people for directions, Taeyeon finally found the giant gym that she probably passed 3 times without noticing. Once inside the girl’s locker room, Taeyeon noticed she was 5 minutes late and most of the girls were already inside the gymnasium. Luckily she was able to catch the coach before she left. She was given a school track suit that she had to wear everyday for P.E. and the combination to her locker. Taeyeon found her gym locker at the corner of the locker room. She also noticed that because she came in late, she was the only left in the locker room.


Taeyeon left her locker door open as she started to her shirt. As she made it halfway, she could have sworn she felt like she wasn’t alone in the locker room.


“Hello? Is anyone there?”




Maybe Taeyeon was just imagining it since she’s never been alone in a locker room before. As she continued to her shirt she heard footsteps coming from her left.


“W-w-whose there?! Show yourself!”


As if on cue, Tiffany slowly appeared from behind the lockers with her hand deep in her pockets. She leaned back on the lockers a few feet from Taeyeon and stared at the lockers in front of her with a bored expression.


“T-tiffany? My god you scared me, what are you doing here? Are you in this class?”


Tiffany slowly moved her gaze towards Taeyeon and gave her a small smirk.


“I think the real question is what are you doing in here? Don’t you know this is the girl’s locker room?”


Taeyeon’s mouth opened slightly without her noticing as she stared at Tiffany.


“What’s that supposed to mean?” Taeyeon said with a somewhat annoyed tone.


Tiffany’s gaze lowered slightly towards Taeyeon’s ed chest.

“Well for one, do you even have s or did you get bitten by a mosquito?” Tiffany said with a smug look on her face.


Taeyeon turned red as she tried to cover her chest and turned away so Tiffany couldn’t see. Taeyeon knew she didn’t have a buxom bosom, but she wasn’t totally flat. Luckily Taeyeon was wearing a bra so Tiffany didn’t get a full view.


“What’s it to you about my proportions? I’ll have you know my body proportions are average at best.”


Just as Taeyeon slipped off her shirt, she quickly pulled her workout shirt on while keeping her back to Tiffany. Tiffany then pulled out a folder from under her jacket and started to read out loud.


“According to your records, it says you’ve always been on the small side. Name, Kim Taeyeon. Age 18. Heh, and I thought you were those genius kids from elementary school. Height 162 cm. Weight 46 kg.”


Is that my permanent record?! How did she get that?


“Yah! Where did you-“


“SHH! ‘Kim Taeyeon grade 1. Taeyeon is showing major improvements in academics, but is continuing to show signs of anti-social behavior and gender confusion. Will notify family and suggest a therapist. Kim Taeyeon grade 2. Taeyeon continues to show signs of improvement of independence until she had a little ‘accident’. Continued to show infant like mannerisms as she continued to cry until her mother came to pick her up and calm her down?! HAHAHA, are you ing kidding me?”


Taeyeon was already red in the face from embarrassment. The memories of crying during lunch time and wanting her mom to make it all better started to come back to her.


“Ohh, and this one’s good. Kim Taeyeon grade 6. Taeyeon was-“




Taeyeon was already passed embarrassment and was running to get her permanent record back. Tiffany stretched her arm behind her while holding the folder. Taeyeon was about to run behind her to retrieve the vanilla folder, but she didn’t notice Tiffany’s outstretched leg and found herself face first on the floor again.


“Now where was I? Oh yeah, Kim Taeyeon-“


Taeyeon slowly got to her feet while staring at Tiffany. Taeyeon has had it with this girl, and she will not let her have the satisfaction to discover her personal life. She clenched her fist tightly as she saw Tiffany continuing to smirk at the files.


“Hey you stupid mushroom! What gives you the right to be reading about my personal life? If you don’t give me that folder in 5 seconds, then I’ll just take it from you!”


Once the words left her lips, Taeyeon automatically regretted saying them. Tiffany stopped smirking as she slammed the file shut and threw it on the bench near her. Tiffany slowly made her way towards the now shaking girl as she was looking at her like she was crazy.


“You mind repeating that for me little boy? My hearing’s a little bad and I don’t think I quite caught that”


Tiffany was now only a few inches away from Taeyeon and she was glaring down at Taeyeon as she cracked her knuckles. Just like a few hours ago, Taeyeon lost her ability to talk. She felt her knees were starting to shake more and she felt her palms becoming very sweaty.




“That’s what I thought.”


Tiffany caught Taeyeon by the shoulders and slammed her back onto the lockers like before. Taeyeon was now shaking uncontrollably as her eyes were shut tight, waiting for the pain to come. Tiffany thought it was hilarious how this little dork was practically pissing her pants now.


“You know what? I feel generous today. Instead of the usual kicking, I’ll just put you in time out”


Tiffany forcefully grabbed Taeyeon’s waist with one arm and was walking towards Taeyeon’s open locker. Once Taeyeon was on Tiffany’s shoulder, all sense came back to her and she started kicking and screaming.


“Put me down! I said…. Put… Me… DOWN!!!”


Taeyeon attempted to beat the strong girl’s back, but it didn’t seem she was doing any damage. With little effort, Tiffany shoved Taeyeon in the locker, first. Taeyeon tried to get a grip on the door, but Tiffany pushed Taeyeon’s chest with so much force that Taeyeon was out of breath for a few seconds. Tiffany finally managed to stuff Taeyeon fully into the locker and slammed the locker shut as she turned the dial on the locker.


Even with Taeyeon’s small size, she felt cramped and claustrophobic inside the locker. Tiffany was peeking through the vents of the locker as Taeyeon was kicking the locker door with all her might hoping to break out. All of Taeyeon’s anger came back to her after every kick. If only it stayed when Tiffany was about grab her. “Yah! Get me out of here Hwang! This is so stupid! This is not a 1980’s high school drama! Yah!”


Taeyeon continued to kick at the edges of the door, hoping it would loosen and break but it didn’t seem like she was making much promise.


Tiffany was smirking through the locker vents as she found Taeyeon cramped inside a locker cliché yet hilarious. She noticed a piece of paper on the bench and picked it up. It was the locker combination to Taeyeon’s locker and the girl probably didn’t memorize the combination. She stuffed the combination into her pocket as she stared at the pathetic looking girl.


“Sure I can consider helping you out, but I’m going to need something from you.”


Taeyeon was fuming inside the locker, and she knew Tiffany was probably not going to help her. She lost all sense of being ‘polite’.


“Up yours Hwang!”


“Oh my, if you’re going to be like that then I’ll just be on my way”


Tiffany started to walk to the doors and Taeyeon swallowed her pride because she did not want to stay in the smelly locker any longer.


“Okay okay! Whatever you want, you name it.”


Tiffany tuned around and walked back to the locker.


“That’s better. Now here’s what I’m going to need from you. I want you to tell me some things about yourself. Not just anything though. It has to be ‘interesting’.”


Is she serious? What is she getting at?


“Why would you want to know more about me? You already have my permanent record.”


“True, but I want to get to know you and a school file wouldn’t  tell me who you really are Kim. So come on, tell me about yourself. I promise I won’t tell anyone” As Tiffany said that, she put her hands in her pockets and gave a sad puppy dog pout.


What is she doing? I know she’s messing with me, yet I find her pout so adorable! GAH! She’s probably messing with my head right now. In any case, if I play her little game she said she’d let me out. She promised.


“Fine. What do you want to know?”


Tiffany switched from a sad looking pout to a Cheshire cat like grin.


“Hmm” Tiffany said as she playfully tapped her chin with her finger while looking at the ceiling.


“Do you like watching Kim?”


Taeyeon was blinking her eyes rapidly as she was trying to make sense of the question.


“W-why would you ask me something like that?”


“According to your student records, you were caught looking at one time during computer class. Apparently you thought you were sly and said you ‘accidently’ stumbled upon the site. Tell me the truth, do you like watching you little ?”


Taeyeon felt herself flinch as Tiffany called her a and she also felt her heart beating very rapidly. How could Tiffany have read that far into her files that she had to dig up information like that?


“Well? I’m waiting Kim.”


Taeyeon hesitated for a minute as she turned her head to the side, not wanting to meet Tiffany's gaze. She felt her cheeks starting to redden in embaresment.


“…Yes, I have watched before…”


“BZZT. Let’s try this again. The question was ‘do you LIKE watching ’ Kim.”


Taeyeon wasn’t sure what kind of game Tiffany was playing, but she was pretty sure Tiffany was just messing with her and if she wanted to get out of here, she needed to please this girl with whatever game she wanted to play.


“…fine, sometimes I watch but it’s not like I watch it every day! But that doesn’t mean I’m a ert, I’m just curious sometimes.”


“Heh heh, which brings me to my next question. Just how curious are you Kim?”


“What do you mean by that?” Taeyeon had no idea what Tiffany wanted from her.


“Do you watch because maybe you’re curious to know how it feels? To have someone your cheek as they slowly your back?”


Taeyeon could feel her whole face becoming bright red as she felt it getting really hot inside the locker. Why on earth does this girl want to know these kinds of questions? This is just a big invasion of her privacy!


“I’m going to ask you one more time, and if you don’t tell me anything then I’ll just leave you here. Now tell me, are you curious to how it feels? And when you do imagine it, is it with a guy or a girl?”


Tiffany continued to grin while she tilted her head sideways, waiting for Taeyeon’s response.


Taeyeon couldn’t be more embarrassed as she started to slowly hyperventilate. How could this girl be so cruel? She had no right to be doing this to her. She never did anything wrong to anybody. What did she ever do to deserve this? Taeyeon knew that if she didn’t say anything or was caught lying, then it would be a while until someone does find her in the locker and it would take even longer to get her out because she didn’t remember the combination. She might as well tell the truth. Even if Tiffany was to spread the rumor, hopefully people wouldn’t believe her knowing her bad reputation.


Taeyeon threw away her pride as she heaved out a big sigh and looked through the vent in a serious tone.


“Yes, there are times where I am curious to how it feels like. I see couples walking around holding hands while smiling and laughing. I too want to feel that happiness. When I say happiness, I also mean…. …”


Tiffany chuckled to herself “and?”


Taeyeon hoped she wouldn’t ask this, but she knew she had to be honest in order to get out of here.


“And even though I see these couples and get curious about…… I sometimes imagined myself…” Taeyeon took one more deep breath as she was about to admit a deep secret she never shared with anyone “…with a girl…”


Taeyeon felt tears flowing down her face as she saw Tiffany cracking up on the other side of the door. She felt so ashamed in admitting that. The whole country was so prejudice when it came to gay people and just the thought that people would start labeling her and treating her like a freak made her heart drop.


“There, I told you what you wanted to hear. I kept my end of the bargain, now let me out of here!” Taeyeon yelled through the vent as she felt more warm tears dripping onto her legs.


Tiffany’s laughter started to die down as she gathered her composure. “sure sure, I’ll let you out. But first…” Tiffany pulls a cell phone out of her pocket “I need to transfer this video of mine to my computer first.”


Taeyeon couldn’t believe it. This was the girl’s plan all along. She was recording the whole conversation without Taeyeon even noticing. Now she was probably going to post the video of her confession and then the whole school would know within a few hours.




Tiffany gave a smug look as she was busy with her phone “It seems you’re confused about my wording. The only thing I promised was that I wouldn’t tell anyone. I’m not planning on telling anyone, but I am planning on transferring the video to my computer and uploading it on YouTube whenever I feel like it. As for letting you out, I said I would consider it and I think with your attitude, you need to spend more time to think about that temper of yours.”


As Tiffany tapped on the locker lightly, Taeyeon kicked with all her might hoping to hit Tiffany’s face with the door. “Well I’d love to stay and continue to have these funny feelings, but I’ve got a video to edit and some light reading to do.” As Tiffany picked up the manila envelope, she turned around to give Taeyeon a sarcastic salute and started to make her way to the exit.


Tears continued to poor as Taeyeon continued to attempt to break down the metal door. “YAH! YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME! STOP! YOU STUPID MUSHROOM! YOU CAN’T JUST LEAVE ME IN HERE LIKE THIS! COME BACK HERE! COME BAAAACK!!!”


Taeyeon felt feeling sore and her legs aching. She heard the locker room doors open loudly and could hear Tiffany yelling.


“Hey Jessi, are you still there? Sorry if I took too long, I was just…”


Tiffany’s voice started to die out and the doors slammed shut leaving Taeyeon all alone in the small locker.


After a few more failed attempts, Taeyeon finally gave up on trying to escape. She slammed her fist on the wall next to her with all her might. She didn’t care about the searing pain in her hand, but all she could think about was Tiffany Hwang.


It’s not fair…. It’s not fair… I never did anything to her…


Taeyeon slowly hugged her knees to her chest as she felt more tears falling down. She didn’t even bother to wipe them away. As Taeyeon tightly gripped her knees, she started to sniffle as her shoulders started to shake from her constant deep breaths. She slowly closed her eyes and tried to think of happy thoughts. All Taeyeon wanted right now was her mom. To be in her mom’s warm embrace as her mom gently her hair and told her that everything was going to be okay.


Taeyeon slowly felt herself losing consciousness as she drifted off to sleep


Everything is going to be okay….


Everything is going to be okay….


Everything is going to be okay….


Annyeong! I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. I hope I didn't confuse anyone, but I accidentally posted the whole chapter when I meant to break it into 2 parts. Like before, comments are really appreciated and I want to thank everyone who took the time to actually read my fanfic. 

As for the story, aww why are you so mean Fany? You're making Taengoo sad :'(

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Chapter 48: I had fun reading this! I hope you are doing well these days. ♥️
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 48: Awwww to bad this is not continued:’(
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 36: Why’s everyone starting to get obsessed with taeyeon lol
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 10: I hope tiffany gets the karma she deserves... hell if she dies idc anymore HSHXBXB
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Chapter 5: Can this be a taeri/yultae story lol
Mihyun101 #6
Chapter 4: Poor taengoo... and tiffany
Wendy29 #7
Chapter 48: Me gusta tu historia, espero que puedas continuarla pronto y que estés bien con tus problemas
Chapter 48: I hope it can be finished 💜
Chapter 48: This was a good read, too bad it wasn't finished :(
Chapter 48: This was funny
And impatient Sica is really amusing!