Rainy Days

And There You Were

Today started out as a sunny day, but as the hours went by and the school bell rang, the clouds were pouring like a waterfall. When the students were released from their last class, most of them would either wait it out or risk getting wet as they ran home.


Taeyeon was under the shade of the school entrance as she saw a lot of students running under their backpacks. Luckily she brought her umbrella to school; she had a gut feeling that it might rain today. Her mom decided to leave Taeyeon in charge of the apartment since she was going to visit her husband in Busan for a couple of days so there was no rush in going home.


Normally after school, she and Yuri would walk together back home but Yuri said she had to take care of a few things across town and told Taeyeon she would have to go home without her. It felt kind of weird to walk home alone. She was already used to it back in Jeolla, but after getting to know Yuri, for the first time in a while she started to feel lonely.


She decided to open her umbrella and started to make her way towards the subway. She wished she wore boots instead of sneakers today; her feet were already becoming moist from the wet pavement. As she was mindlessly following her routine path back home, she was aimlessly reminiscing about her forced get together at Jessica’s mansion.


It happened almost a week ago, yet it felt like it was only yesterday. She kept replaying their conversation in her head.




“So what can you do to help Taeyeon?” Yuri asked.


“First things first, we have to put distance between those two,” Jessica pointed at Taeyeon. “That would be the first thing. Normally Tiffany has her routines and I can warn you by text if she ever approaches a certain place.”


“That makes sense. Tiffany can’t harass her if she’s can’t see her.”


“Umm,” Taeyeon was about to interject but Yuri placed her hand on Taeyeon’s thigh to stop her.


“What about the blackmail she has on Taeyeon? We don’t really know what she has, but is there anything you could do to make sure she doesn’t release it? Jessica was subtly breaking eye contact from Yuri’s gaze to her hand on Taeyeon’s hand.


“How about the first thing you do is to keep your hand to yourself and have some respect for yourself, Yuri,” Jessica absent mindedly said without thinking.


“I-I’m sorry what?” Yuri was taken aback after hearing her name, but took her hand off of Taeyeon without thinking.


“Nothing, just ignore it,” Jessica straightened her skirt before continuing. “When it comes to anything to do with blackmail, I’d assume it’s stored on a computer or cell phone. You don’t have to go into detail, but does she have a video that could ruin your image?” Jessica asked bluntly. Taeyeon nodded her head again and Jessica understood.


“Whatever Tiffany has on you, I believe it’s not just one thing. She has other stuff on you, doesn’t she?” Again Taeyeon nodded.


“When it comes to blackmail, she has total control over it. I’m not sure what I can do, but the best thing I can do is hire some people to hack into her computer and cellphone and get the information. I’ll also need to figure out why she’s targeting you and get her to leave you alone. I can also try to get her to try to focus on someone else for the time being,” Jessica tried to persuade.


“No, that’s okay. Wouldn’t want anybody else to get bullied at my expense,” Taeyeon explained.


“Suit yourself,” Jessica lifted her shoulder. “By the way, you also need to understand that the girl you two know as Tiffany is a lie,” Jessica said sternly.


Taeyeon and Yuri were showing Jessica a strange look.


“A lie? As in… she’s a man?” Taeyeon took a wild guess at Jessica’s explanation.


“How-” Jessica was baffled, “why in the world, after everything I’ve told you, would you assume Tiffany is a man?” Jessica palmed her forehead.


“Well, you said she was a lie so I was thinking about her attitude and her boyish like ways, and maybe I thought she was hiding a-”


“Okay, you know what?” Jessica quickly raised her index finger. “Maybe I should just talk to your friend and you can just keep quiet.” Jessica turned to Yuri with a more relaxed composure. “You understand what I’m talking about, right Ms. Kwon Yuri?”


“I think so,” Yuri nodded. “You’re saying deep down Tiffany is the same girl you met a long time ago.”


“Exactly. Tiffany isn’t naturally manipulative or bad. I believe deep down she’s still that annoyingly shy girl I met a long time ago, but because of what happened in the past she tried to throw it all away.”


“Would you mind telling us what happened to Tiffany to make her so crazy? Maybe we could-”


“I’m afraid I can’t do that Ms. Kwon Yuri,” Jessica interjected. 


“Why not?” Taeyeon said flustered.


“While I wouldn’t call Tiffany my ‘best friend’, the events that caused her to become what she is today is her business and no one else’s. I would recommend you two understand that as well.” Jessica was looking at them with a chilling glare. Taeyeon didn’t dare to speak up, but Yuri did it for her.


“I guess we’ll have to respect your wishes since you’re doing a lot for Taeyeon. We really are thankful for your help Jessica,” Yuri smiled.


“No need to thank me Ms. Kwon Yuri. While I can see you have a rather close friendship with your friend, I’m not doing this for Kim.”


“Then why are you helping me?” Taeyeon asked, lifting her eyebrow.


Jessica showed what looked to be a genuine smile and looked directly into her eyes. “That Kim, is for me to know and for you to never find out.” She looked at Yuri before speaking. “So for now, check your texts for warnings on where she’s headed and I’ll do my best to keep you updated about my progress on getting rid of the dirt she has on you..”


“We understand,” Yuri bowed in thankfulness .


“Again, thanks,” Taeyeon showed a slight bow.


“Also,” she looked to Taeyeon, “That story I told you, keep that in mind. While on the outside she may seem evil, just remember she’s only misunderstood. Who knows, that information might save your life one day.”




Taeyeon climbed out of the subway station to see that it was raining harder than ever. She opened her umbrella again and continued her way back home. She kept replaying that day in her head and still didn’t understand how knowing Tiffany’s real name is Stephanie. She also didn’t understand how knowing about Tiffany’s past will protect her.


She was expecting Jessica to tell her what Tiffany’s weakness was and once she knew, she could just stroll up to the mushroom and use that knowledge against her. How does she expect to use the knowledge she received to ward off Tiffany? Threaten to tell the whole school she used to wear a cute pink bow? Taeyeon momentarily lost her balance for a second as she was grabbing onto a street lamp. She didn’t notice how slippery it could get on a rainy day. She continued through the streets while the rain water sloshed beneath her.


Her visit to Jessica’s house wasn’t a complete waste. It was thanks to her text messages she was able to avoid Tiffany for a whole week. What also bothered her was that she didn’t even see Tiffany this whole week; not even a glance before or after school. Last week she practically saw her almost every day and made her life a living hell. This week on the other hand was actually not too bad. She assumed Tiffany would try to strangle her after their unexpected kiss, but was lucky enough to not find her after school hours.


Taeyeon pressed the button for the crosswalk and was staring aimlessly. It was raining so hard, she couldn’t really tell if the crosswalk said it was safe to go or not. She saw other people walking and followed suit.


There was also the question to why Jessica was so fond of Yuri and every time she even looked at Taeyeon, she had to treat her like she was a naughty child. Maybe she could use her kindness towards Yuri as a way to control Jessica. Then again, she would just be manipulating the girl and she wouldn’t want to become what she hates.


Taeyeon was so lost in thought that she didn’t even notice a big bright light heading right towards her.




In a split second, time felt like it was going still as she saw a bright light. It felt like the warm bright light was engulfing her. She was expecting her entire body to fly backwards with excruciating pain, and accept death. But instead she felt her shoulder being shoved to the side and the last thing she could remember was her head meeting wet concrete and the whole world around her went black.




Her head was feeling very heavy. She wasn’t aware of anything and she couldn’t see anything. She was wondering if she was dead. Her head was pounding like a jackhammer was trying to crack her skull. She also couldn’t feel her left arm that much, but she could feel the rain hitting her as she laid on really hard ground.


Her consciousness was wavering back and forth, but she could’ve sworn she was hearing a very heated argument echo through her. She could barely make out the voices around her.


Where the-


-your driving license? A cereal box?!


The sound of water and banging could be heard. It sounded like a scuffle.


Miss, I think you need to call an-


-you’re losing a lot of blood from your forehead and I think-


-did you know you almost killed that kid over there?! If-


-’d choke the life out of you! You hear-


It sounded like someone was thrown to the ground and a lot of people were gasping. She could feel the presence of a lot of people around her calling for an ambulance and checking to see if she was alright. Just then she heard that familiar voice again and it sounded like it was shoving people away.


-out of my way you-


- you’re not a doctor, then back the-


She felt her body being lifted off of the ground, her clothes drenched from the rain. Taeyeon couldn’t open her eyes, but was barely able to hear things around her.


Miss, you just got hit by a bus!


I think you should really-


And I think you should just back the up you-


-driver’s just lucky I didn’t kick his . Now unless you want your front teeth knocked-


Taeyeon felt sick to her stomach. She wished she could open her eyes to see who was carrying her, but for the life of her she couldn’t respond. Taeyeon felt her stomach tighten and felt a warm, chunky liquid escape from .


son of a-


-I swear-


Her stomach felt more at ease. She felt her consciousness drift away as the sound of the city eventually became silent.




Soft. Comfy. Warm. Taeyeon slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was a bit blurry. When her eyes were wide open, a sharp pain shot through her head. She placed her hand on her forehead and felt makeshift bandage. She also noticed left shoulder was a little sore, but didn’t seem as painful as her head. Her digital clock read 5:24 PM. She looked at her window to see that it was getting late, even though it was still raining outside.


Taeyeon wondered how she got here. All she could remember was a big bright light and a lot of yelling. She could’ve sworn she was out in the rain and somebody was carrying her.


Who the hell carried me? And how the heck did they break into my apartment?!


Taeyeon felt a little scared that a stranger broke into her apartment and threw her into her own bed. She guessed it was that stranger who bandaged her up, but if she was really hurt it might have been for the best if she just went to the hospital. Taeyeon scratched her forearm, but noticed that she was wearing a long light blue sleeve.


The comfortable material made her eyes grow big. She immediately threw off the covers and saw that she was clad in her old middle school footed onesie pajamas. How the heck did she wake up in her pajamas? She could’ve sworn she was wearing her school clothes when she was walking back, unless…


She grabbed the collar of the shirt and looked down to see the horror she was dreading. She wasn’t wearing anything under her pajamas. Taeyeon’s heart was beating very quickly as she curled into a little ball and slowly laid on her side.


Oh my god… who ever saved me changed my clothes! They saw me ! They probably molested me!


Taeyeon’s mind was racing with thoughts again, thinking that she might have lost her innocence to a molester disguised as a savior. She was starting to shake until she heard her front door opening.


“Taeyeon! Are you okay?!” Yuri burst through her door while still wet in her rain coat. “Oh my god! I got your text and did my best to get here as soon as I could! Are you okay?!” Yuri frantically checked Taeyeon’s bandaged head.


“I’m fine, Yuri. I’m just as lost as you are right now,” Taeyeon said, trying to make sense of it all.


“Oh my god, you’re disoriented! You might slip into a coma!” Yuri jumped onto Taeyeon’s bed and straddled her waist, making Taeyeon to feel slightly uncomfortable. “Just stay with me, damn it!” Yuri shook her friend’s small shoulders in hopes of keeping her awake. “Don’t you worry Taeng, I studied how to do mouth to mouth resuscitation so I can bring you back to life if you ever slip into a coma!”


“For the love of god Yuri, I’m okay!” Taeyeon grabbed her shoulders as well in order to stop her from being spastic. “Besides feeling a little dizzy, I’m perfectly fine,” Taeyeon tried to reassure her. “And how the heck would mouth to mouth save me from a coma? I’m not Snow White or Sleeping Beauty!”


“Oh… okay,” Yuri felt her arms drop down to her sides and tried to relax. She just now noticed Taeyeon’s cheeks burning red and finally looked down to see her legs in a compromising position with Taeyeon’s legs. “Oh my, umm… haha,” Yuri tried to pull off a fake laugh as she untangled herself from her shorter friend. She was sitting on the edge of the bed before Taeyeon finally spoke up after feeling embarrassed.


“You said you got a text from me?”


“Yeah, you told me got hurt and that you were recovering in your room. You also sent me the pass code for your front door,” Yuri pulled out her phone and showed it to Taeyeon. She scanned the entire text and saw that it was sent thirty minutes ago. “Yuri, I didn’t send you that text.”


“What are you talking about?” Yuri questioned.


“I’m saying I just woke up in my bed just now and I have no idea what happened,” Taeyeon explained, feeling a little freaked out.


“Let me check your phone.” Yuri grabbed Taeyeon’s phone on the bedside table and was checking her recently sent messages. “See? It was sent from this phone.”


“Yuri, listen to me. The last thing I remembered was walking back home and seeing a bright light. Next thing you know, three hours passed by and I wake up in my bed with sore muscles, a bandage on my head, and footed pajamas!” Taeyeon pointed to her feet.


“Well we can worry about your cute pajamas later. Should I take you to the hospital?” Yuri signaled towards the door.


“No, I’m alright. I don’t think anything’s broken. I’m just more spooked than anything right now.”


“What happened to you exactly?” Yuri gave her a concerned look as she scooted towards Taeyeon.


“I think I got hit by a car or a bus and I’m assuming someone picked me up and carried me back home,” Taeyeon tried to think logically.


“You got hit by a bus?!” Yuri shot up. “We got to take you to the emergency room! You might have a spinal injury or a fractured skull!” Yuri tried to take Taeyeon in her arms, but the smaller girl fought free from her friend.


“I told you, I’m fine Yuri!” Taeyeon fell back onto her bed, wincing from the slight pain from her left arm. “It doesn’t feel like I broke anything, but it does feel a bit sore. I just need some aspirin and some bed rest,” Taeyeon reassured her.


“If you’re sure…” Yuri hesitated. “So back to the part about somebody carrying you?”


“That’s the thing. I remember being pushed to the ground hard and everything going black. Then I remember hearing a lot of yelling and I think I might have thrown up. That’s all I can remember,” Taeyeon tried to think with her palm on her forehead. “But besides that, they knew exactly where I lived and knew the pass code into my apartment,”


“So I guess that was the same person that used your phone to text me,” Yuri looked at her phone.


“That’s not the worst part,” Taeyeon carefully hugged her legs.


“What’s wrong?”


“I think whoever patched me up in my bed also took my clothes off and put these pajamas on,” Taeyeon hugged her knees to her chest.


“Oh my god, do you think they…”


“No, I don’t think they took advantage of me. At least I hope not, but I do think they saw me …” Taeyeon felt her cheeks getting warm at the thought of a stranger looking at her body.


“And this sicko knows your pass code!  Do you know how to change it?” Yuri asked concerned.


“I think so,” Taeyeon tried to get up but Yuri quickly snuck her arms under her and was carrying her bridal style.


“I think the first thing you need to do is change your pass code, just in case they try to come back,” Yuri said as she started walking out of the room. Taeyeon never knew Yuri was so strong. She felt really safe in her capable arms. She didn’t want to fall down so she s her arms around Yuri’s neck, causing Yuri to feel a little flustered as well.


“Ah-hem, okay we’re almost there.”


When they finally got to the front door, Yuri slowly placed her short friend down while keeping her arm around her just in case she felt weak in the legs. After about a minute or two, Taeyeon changed the pass code and immediately texted her mother about it; she made an excuse that the battery died and had to reset it to a different code.


“Okay Taeng, let’s go,” Yuri swooped up Taeyeon again and was bringing her back to her room.


“You know Yuri,” Taeyeon said while hugging Yuri by the neck, “I can still walk. I’m not handicapped.”


“You just relax, Taeng. I’m sure you had rough day without me,” Yuri winked at her.


“When the heck did you become so cool?” Taeyeon sarcastically said.


“Just get some rest, okay?” I’m gonna stick around for the night to make sure no other uninvited guests stop by. Plus I can check to see if you need any assistance with your injuries” Yuri reassured her before patting her on the head.


“Aish, look at you trying to be all responsible and mighty. I’ll be fine Yuri. I’m not really injured and I’m sure they won’t come back.”


“No can do, girl. My mind’s been set. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to ransack your kitchen and cook you something tasty. After a scary day like that, you need a good meal.” Yuri made her way to the doorway before looking back. “If you need anything, just call.”


“Yuri!” Taeyeon yelled, but her taller friend left before she could say anything else. She gave up trying to get Yuri to reconsider and laid her head gently onto her pillow. It felt weird wearing her childish footie pajamas again. She was wondering why her so called hero chose to put her in such pajamas. Plus if they really did have their way with her body, wouldn’t they have just left her ?


This was probably the perfect time to try and get more rest. Her head was still feeling a little heavy. Her eyelids also got heavy and they eventually closed. She could still remember the harsh shove to the wet pavement and her skull connecting with the ground. A mass whirlwind of yelling and screaming were flooding through her head until a certain voice caught her attention.


Son of a ! I swear I should’ve just let that bus hit you.


Taeyeon’s quickly opened her eyes and shot straight up in her bed, ignoring the small pain at her side. She could feel a cold sweat running down her face as if she dipped her head in a cold pool of water.


That voice she heard… it couldn’t be. Why?


“Hey Taeyeon, I made spicy tofu soup!” Yuri chimed in with a tray in her hands.


“Yuri…” Taeyeon muttered towards her. Yuri quickly placed the tray on the table next to her and sat down next to Taeyeon.


“Hey hey, I’m here. I’m here Taeyeon. What’s the matter?” Yuri wiped the sweat off of Taeyeon’s forehead.


“It was her Yuri… she was the one who saved me,” Taeyeon whispered without looking at Yuri.


“Who? Who are you talking about?” Yuri was beginning to get more concerned.


“It was Tiffany,” Taeyeon muttered softly. She turned to look at Yuri’s confused face. “I don’t know why or how, but I think she might have saved my life.”

안녕! (annyeong)! Comments and constructive criticisms are always welcomed. If you really enjoy the story so far, an up-vote would be most appreciated. Take care everyone!

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Chapter 48: I had fun reading this! I hope you are doing well these days. ♥️
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 48: Awwww to bad this is not continued:’(
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 36: Why’s everyone starting to get obsessed with taeyeon lol
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 10: I hope tiffany gets the karma she deserves... hell if she dies idc anymore HSHXBXB
Mihyun101 #5
Chapter 5: Can this be a taeri/yultae story lol
Mihyun101 #6
Chapter 4: Poor taengoo... and tiffany
Wendy29 #7
Chapter 48: Me gusta tu historia, espero que puedas continuarla pronto y que estés bien con tus problemas
Chapter 48: I hope it can be finished 💜
Chapter 48: This was a good read, too bad it wasn't finished :(
Chapter 48: This was funny
And impatient Sica is really amusing!