The Wild Mushroom Pt. 1

And There You Were


Taeyeon sat there mortified while she tilted her head up to meet the angry girl’s eyes. She wanted to say something to her, but she couldn't find the courage to utter a single sound after hearing the loud roar that echoed up and down the hallway. She was hoping that maybe someone would come to her rescue, but it seemed like all the passersby were too scared to be associated or even make eye contact with her and were quickly walking to their homerooms, eager to escape the impending confrontation.

Taeyeon noticed the scary girl wearing a shocked expression as she quickly darted her right hand into her side pocket. The brunette turned her back suddenly and seemed to be carefully inspecting something in her hand. Just as Taeyeon was about to catch a glimpse of the item, the brunette shoved the item back into her pocket while turning back slowly to glare at Taeyeon. The brunette’s gaze was so intense that it felt like her eyes were piercing through Taeyeon’s soul.

In one second, the brunette had lunged at Taeyeon's collar while simultaneously pulling her up and managing to forcefully pin her onto the lockers behind them with a rather impressive slamming noise. The books that Taeyeon was carrying spilled out of her arms and lay scattered on the ground, but the brunette did not bother to pay any attention towards them. Taeyeon was speechless as she felt her legs leaving the ground below her. The mean-looking brunette’s face slowly approached Taeyeon’s face, their noses almost touching. Her face was close enough so that it was all too easy for Taeyeon to feel the hot air that was fuming through her nostrils.

"Who do you think you are?" the girl whispered harshly.

Taeyeon didn’t dare to move a single muscle nor make direct eye contact with those burning brown orbs that felt like they could burn a sizzling white whole straight through her. If she was to make any sudden movements, she felt that the brunette wouldn’t hesitate to rip out with her teeth. Even though Taeyeon feared for her life, as well as the well-being of her face, she couldn’t help but to notice the faint smell of strawberries that seemed to be coming from the girl in front of her.  She couldn’t explain it, but the scent of the fruity perfume helped her relax her shoulders and Taeyeon tapped into the minute stores of courage she owned to hesitatingly stutter a few words.

"I-I-I'm sor-"

That was as far as she got before she felt herself cringe in pain as the brunette slammed her onto the lockers again. The scent of strawberries disappeared before being replaced with the stench of sweat. The only thought left in Taeyeon’s mind was that this girl was probably going to beat her senseless and she couldn’t even find the strength to push her back. She kept telling herself to move her arms, but her two limbs refused to listen to her commands as they only stayed lifelessly at her sides.

"I SAID WHO THE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE HUH?!" the furious brunette yelled as she raised her right fist into the air threateningly. Taeyeon’s eyes opened widely as she saw the bully’s clenched fist pulled back. Her eyes also started to water because she still had no clue as to what she did wrong.

"I-I-I'm K-Kim Tae..."

"MISS HWANG! What do you think you're doing?!"

Taeyeon jolted her neck to the right as she noticed that one of the teachers were running towards them with a look of outrage on her face. Taeyeon was relieved that someone had finally come to her rescue. Her feeling of salvation was shortly cut as she felt herself being flung to the ground, landing face first on the cool floor below her; however, she’d take that over being punched in the face any day. The sound of running footsteps could be heard as they thudded past Taeyeon’s face.

“I didn’t do anything! She started it first!” Taeyeon heard the sounds of running and constant yelling fade away until she looked up to notice that she was alone in the corridor. She guessed that the students probably didn’t want anything to do with that “Hwang” girl, so they all avoided the hallway. Now that she knew who Hwang was, she’d say that it was a smart move.

Taeyeon slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position and moved to rub the back of her throbbing head. Thankfully her hand didn’t bear any traces of blood, but she found it a little difficult to move since her body was still in shock. Taeyeon’s heart continued to pound rapidly as she leaned her back onto the lockers behind her, slowly breathing in and out as she stared blankly at the scattered textbooks in front of her.

When Taeyeon woke up this morning, she thought that the worst thing that possibly could’ve happened was that she would mess up her first introduction during homeroom. She never would have expected to piss off a total stranger and almost have her handed to her on the first day of school. If it wasn’t for that teacher, Taeyeon would have probably spent the rest of the day in the infirmary recovering from inevitably broken bones and a purple swelling face. It would have been nice if the teacher could’ve at least checked Taeyeon before going after that girl, but it was still much better than not having the teacher there at all.

Taeyeon wiped a stray blonde strand away from her forehead and proceeded to wipe the sweat with her right arm. Taeyeon felt that she should probably gather her strewn textbooks and notebook. While Taeyeon started to gather them all, many questions ran through her head.

Who was that Hwang girl? Why was she so angry? Was it because I knocked her down? Or maybe she’s one of those bully girls? If anything, it was an accident and maybe this is all just a misunderstanding. As long as I don’t see her again I’ll be fine.

Taeyeon wasn’t used seeing such aggressiveness, let alone a bully. Back at her old school, there was no reason to start a fight. Everyone got along fairly well, even though there were some misunderstandings once in a while, but then again, her old school was fairly small with about 300 students attending, while only about 80 of them were in her grade. Guess that’s what to be expected from a school at the countryside.

I wonder if everyone here is short tempered like that...

Just as Taeyeon had stretched her arm out to pick up her last textbook, she noticed a tall girl bend down to pick up the book.

“Is this yours?” she said as she handed the textbook to Taeyeon while holding out her hand and showing a gentle smile.

Taeyeon stared at the slightly tanned girl. She didn’t look mean, and no one had bothered to show her any kindness ever since she had arrived this morning. She nodded her head politely and grasped the kind girl’s hand. The next thing she knew, Taeyeon was on her feet and the tall had girl placed her textbook on top of the others.

“Are you okay sweetie? I hope the mean old wild mushroom didn’t hurt you.”

Taeyeon looked up at the smiling girl with a questioning look on her face.

“Wild mushroom?”

“Yeah, Tiffany Hwang? It looks like you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. It’s okay though, it wasn’t your fault.”

Taeyeon continued to stare at the tanned girl with her unknowingly big puppy dog eyes as the girl in question arched one of her eyebrows.

“Oh I’m sorry! I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Kwon Yuri, but you can just call me Yuri, okay? What’s your name?”

For some unknown reason, Taeyeon was wondering why this Yuri girl was talking to her like she was 5. She brushed off the thought though, probably thinking that it was nothing.

“I’m Taeyeon, Kim Taeyeon.”

“Awwwwww! So cute!” Yuri squealed with a slight measure of aegyo as she squeezed Taeyeon’s rosy cheeks. Taeyeon’s cheeks weren’t normally red, but they were quite flushed since the earlier encounter with the “wild mushroom”.

“I can’t believe that mushroom had the nerve to pick on little kids! I hope she didn’t hurt you. Are you here to deliver your unnie’s textbooks?”

Taeyeon could only stare at the girl like she had a second head. Did she just get mistaken for a little kid again? Taeyeon was usually mistaken for a kid back in Jeonju, but she thought that maybe people would be different here. It seemed that no matter where she went, no one would ever guess her true age.

“Not to surprise you, but I’m actually 18,” Taeyeon said sternly, trying to sound like an adult.

Taeyeon quickly pulled out her I.D. and showed her birthday to the confused girl.

“See? I’m 18.”

As Yuri was examining the card closely, she placed her hands over while staring at the slightly agitated girl.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! You just looked so young that I assumed you were like 10 or 12!”

Taeyeon waved her hand in front of her face as she returned her card back into her wallet.

“No it’s okay. You wouldn’t be the first to think I was an elementary student.”

Yuri bowed as she gave Taeyeon an apologetic look.

“In any case, you also dropped your class schedule. I’m guessing you’re new here. Need help looking for your class?”

Taeyeon gladly accepted Yuri’s help in finding her first class since she still had trouble navigating around the airport like school. Coincidentally, Yuri was also in the same homeroom as Taeyeon, so Yuri didn’t mind escorting Taeyeon to homeroom. The two started to walk to their first class as Yuri started talking to her new friend.

“I’m sorry you had to deal with that mushroom on your first day. I heard Tiffany yelling at you from the restroom. By the time I went to see what was going on, I saw you picking up your books. If I got there sooner, you bet I would’ve showed her a piece of my mind,” Yuri said as she clenched her fist in front of her.

“No it’s okay. She didn’t really hurt me, but she did almost make me piss myself.”

Yuri giggled. “That’s Tiffany Hwang for you. She looks like a sweet girl, but her wardrobe and her bad attitude kind of give it away. Plus you’re not the first one to have pissed her off.”

Yuri placed her hand under her chin as she started to think.

“I think she’s tormented at least one person every semester since our first year. Like this one semester I remember she was messing with this one girl. I don’t remember her name, but she really deserved it. She was spreading rumors about how the mushroom would give “favors” to the teachers and that’s the reason she’s passing her classes. Tiffany got word of this and I’m not sure what happened, but the next day the girl transferred to a new school in Daegu. Between you and me, I think Tiffany probably got into her head and promised to make her life a living hell. She really knows how to get under your skin. Either to make you angry or scared, she can be very manipulative.”

Taeyeon was listening closely to Yuri as they were climbing a flight of stairs.  
“But I didn’t spread any rumors about her. Hell, I didn’t even know who she was!”

“Then I guess you probably pissed her off somehow. I remember another semester where this guy wanted to get to know her. I think the poor sap actually liked her. Well anyways the guy was persistent and Tiffany was just dissing him, telling him to piss off and what not. So after a few days, she finally had it and told him to meet her behind the gym after school. The idiot actually agreed and you know what happened? She kneed the guy in the groin and was constantly swinging at the guys face while he was still on the ground! Can you believe that?”

Taeyeon’s eyes widened as they walked down another corridor. Wow, she can even beat up guys? She must be pretty strong to take a guy down. Well unless he was smaller than him.

“Was this guy like a short and scrawny nerd?”

“I wish! He was actually one of the best fighters in the taekwondo club! The guy stood about 180 cm!”

Taeyeon continued to stare at Yuri like she was telling a joke but refused to reveal the punch line.

“So I guess she only messes people who did wrong to her or made her upset?”

“No, she also torments people for the hell of it. Like if a girl is just walking to class, she’ll just trip her without any thought. Also if anyone ever tries to start a fight with her, they all meet a similar fate. Either they’re injured, humiliated in front of the school, or a little bit of both. In your case I’m guessing you didn’t do anything?”

“Yeah. Well then again... I did accidently knock her down, but that’s no reason to want to kill me!” Taeyeon said loudly as she flailed her arms in the air.

“I don’t know how to tell you this, but the wild mushroom doesn’t really need a reason to mess with people and kick their asses. Trust me, I’ve seen it before.”

Taeyeon couldn’t believe that she had initially thought that Tiffany was cute. After hearing what Yuri told her, Taeyeon was now very inclined to believe that she was dealing with a bully. And here she thought that her last year in high school was going to be calm and worry free, excluding all the homework and exams. Hopefully she could get a chance to talk to Tiffany and maybe reason with her. This was all just a misunderstanding anyway. But before anything, there was still one question on Taeyeon’s mind that wouldn’t stop bugging her.

Yuri stopped abruptly right in front of a metal door. “Here we are room 225 and just in time. We still have a minute to spare before the bell rings.”

Before Yuri could place her hand on the metal handle, Taeyeon abruptly asked, “W-wait a minute. Before we go in I have a question. Why do you keep calling her a wild mushroom?”

Yuri gave Taeyeon a small smirk as she took her hand off of the handle.

“I’m not sure how the name got started, but people just started calling her the wild mushroom. My guess is that she’s called wild because of her temper. As for mushroom, to be honest I’m not that sure. I too think it’s a funny name at times, but I think they call her a mushroom because she likes to be alone in dark places? Your guess is as good as mine.”

Yuri finally opened the door like a fancy doorman as she playfully bowed and used her left arm to point to the entrance.

“After you, miss.”

Taeyeon giggled at Yuri’s playfulness and walked into the classroom. It might have been a rough start, but Taeyeon believed that as long as she has a friend like Yuri around throughout the rest of the year, school wouldn’t be that bad. Even though she was still slightly shaken, Taeyeon would deal with Tiffany when the time arrived. Hopefully the wild mushroom would at least listen to her voice of reason.


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Chapter 48: I had fun reading this! I hope you are doing well these days. ♥️
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 48: Awwww to bad this is not continued:’(
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 36: Why’s everyone starting to get obsessed with taeyeon lol
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 10: I hope tiffany gets the karma she deserves... hell if she dies idc anymore HSHXBXB
Mihyun101 #5
Chapter 5: Can this be a taeri/yultae story lol
Mihyun101 #6
Chapter 4: Poor taengoo... and tiffany
Wendy29 #7
Chapter 48: Me gusta tu historia, espero que puedas continuarla pronto y que estés bien con tus problemas
Chapter 48: I hope it can be finished 💜
Chapter 48: This was a good read, too bad it wasn't finished :(
Chapter 48: This was funny
And impatient Sica is really amusing!