Jung Land

And There You Were

It felt really awkward inside the limousine again. Taeyeon didn’t notice it before, but the windows were so darkly tinted that she was barely able to make out the outside world. Jessica finally let go of Yuri’s arm, giving Yuri the chance to scoot away from the pushy girl.


“I’m sure this is the first time you two have rode in a limousine, so please,” Jessica shot a strict gaze at Taeyeon, “relax.” If Taeyeon was a mind reader, she would’ve guessed that Jessica wanted her to keep quiet about their previous meeting in the stretch limousine. While it was a bit traumatizing, she saw no reason to tell Yuri at all and responded with a small nod towards the rich girl.


“Good. Then, would anyone want some refreshments? What would you like Ms. Kwon Yuri? A vegetable puree perhaps? Herbal tea? Or maybe some takoyaki I just received from Japan?” Jessica asked while digging through a small compartment next to her.


“No, I’m okay.” Yuri tried to be polite as she refused, but then something caught her attention. “Umm, Jessica?”


“Yes Ms. Kwon Yuri?”


“How did you know that vegetable drinks, herbal tea, and takoyaki were my favorite pleasures?”


Taeyeon was also pretty curious too since she remembered Yuri telling her about her love for Chinese yam juice and takoyaki one time. She wondered how Jessica knew about it. Jessica magically pulled out a hot, steaming plate of takoyaki and a glass of what looked to be a freshly blended vegetable puree. A large serving tray and cup mechanically appeared from behind Yuri and Jessica placed what looked like an entire meal in front of the overwhelmed girl.


“Oh, are they your favorites?” Jessica pulled off a surprised look. “I never knew. I just so happened to have those in my limo. What a coincidence,” Jessica wondered as she placed her index finger to her lip. “And for you Kim…” Jessica took a slight pause. “Taeyeon?”


“Oh, none for me thanks.” She refused while waving her hands in front of her.


“I understand.” Jessica slammed her mini kitchen with a loud bang. She looked to her left and observed a very rigid Yuri who seemed too scared to even touch the octopus balls or her drink. “Now eat up Ms. Kwon Yuri. You wouldn’t want that to go to waste do you?” Jessica reached towards Yuri’s right hand and was about to firmly grasp it.


“No no!” Yuri pulled away from Jessica’s touch and was quickly shoveling the takoyaki in while chugging down what appeared to be a very pungent drink. “Hey Taeyeon, you want some?” Yuri tried to hand the plate to Taeyeon, but before Taeyeon could take a piece, Jessica pulled Yuri’s arm back onto the serving tray.


“Don’t be silly, Ms. Kwon Yuri. Kim already said she was fine, right?” Jessica stared at Taeyeon, daring her to say anything.


“Well actually, I wouldn’t mind-”


“You see?” Jessica interjected. “She’s alright. Now you enjoy your Japanese food. It’s not every day I stock up on octopus balls in the limo.” She spoke with a high tone Taeyeon never knew she could make. Yuri was about to respond but Jessica took it upon herself to grab a pair of chopsticks and stuff five takoyaki balls into Yuri’s mouth, causing her to become mute for a while.


“So, Kim.” Jessica turned her attention towards the girl who was trying to avert her attention away from the forced couple in front of her. “What did you do this time to anger my friend?”


Taeyeon was caught off guard. She didn’t expect Jessica to actually acknowledge her while Yuri’s presence was there. She had expected Jessica to ignore her the entire time as they were on their way to her house.


“Let’s just say I took someone’s advice about my predicament and the plan went to hell,” Taeyeon said shortly while staring at Jessica. The prissy girl took the hint and nodded in understanding. 


“So I’m guessing you tried to confront my friend and it backfired?”


“Pretty much.” Taeyeon tried to reposition herself on the plastic lined seat as she leaned back. “That’s the last time I take advice from bipolar strangers,” Taeyeon said smoothly, knowing that Jessica wouldn’t want to blow her secret of meeting Taeyeon before. She watched to see if Jessica would react, but surprisingly she barely even flinched.


“I’m sure whoever gave you the advice to talk to Tiff expected you to handle it properly without getting any innocent bystanders involved in your predicament.” Jessica mirrored Taeyeon and also leaned back while staring at the girl in front of her. “Don’t you agree Ms. Kwon Yuri?”


Yuri finally swallowed the octopus puffs after a long time chewing. She took a sip of her juice before speaking. “Actually Jessica if you’re talking about me, I really don’t mind. Taeyeon is a good friend and she’s still adjusting to Seoul. I don’t think she or anybody in school deserves that kind of treatment,” Yuri explained very honestly.


“Hmm, of course.” Jessica looked at Yuri’s almost bare tray and reached out to open her compartment again. “Would you like some more Ms. Kwon Yuri? I’m sure you’re famished,” Jessica switched to being bright again and was already digging out more food while Yuri was cautiously trying to stop her.


“No no, it’s okay Jessica. You don’t have to-”


Taeyeon drowned out the rambling in front of her and turned her head towards the darkly tinted window. With everything that just happened, she never got a chance to process it all. What she experienced today was hands down one of the most frightening things she had ever been through. Of course the events that took place back in elementary school were more traumatizing, but Taeyeon didn’t want to think about that, so she tried her best to push those horrific memories out of her head.


She didn’t know which part of the city the limo was heading for, but by now she was certain she was in no real danger. While Jessica did seem a little crazy, there had to be a reason she wanted to ‘help’ her. Thinking about it now, compared to the mushroom Jessica was a little poodle with an attitude while Tiffany was a rabid boar with big sharp tusks and a really mean temper.


But even though she was pretty much psychotic, Taeyeon had to admit she didn’t really ‘look’ like a bully. Normally in old cartoons bullies would look dirty, strong, and ugly but not her. Taeyeon could visually remember her porcelain like skin, her soft auburn hair, and her soft luscious lips… Taeyeon’s mind was blank for a moment. The thought of Tiffany’s lips were etched in Taeyeon’s mind. Without knowing it she stuck out her tongue and slowly traced the outside of , almost tasting the strawberry chap stick that wasn’t hers.


The moment Taeyeon realized what she was doing, the sound of glass shattering echoed in her mind.


You idiot! Stop thinking stupid things like that! She is not y at all!


Taeyeon tried to shake off the weird thoughts that were floating around her head again. She still couldn’t believe her first kiss was taken away by the last girl she would have ever expected. Her first kiss… Taeyeon traced the outline of her lips with her index and middle finger, trying to remember the exact contours of Tiffany’s lips. She still remembered how the whole world stopped in that moment. Even the sweet taste of the scary girl was so unforgettable that Taeyeon was starting to crave that feeling again.


She literally tried shaking her head in order to get those evil thoughts out of her head. Maybe she needed to see her psychiatrist again; it had been a while since she was on the brown leather couch. Taeyeon shifted her attention back to Jessica continuing to offer Yuri more exotic treats while Yuri desperately tried to politely reject her offers. Taeyeon sunk her head down into her palms and tried to make sense of her predicament.


That girl is the devil Taeyeon! She’s like a succubus trying to lure you in and once she does, she’ll the life you of you!


Well I wouldn’t mind that girl to do a little on me, if you know what I mean.


Would you stop being such a ert in your own mind?! She’s evil! Stop it with that nonsense!


Taeyeon continued her internal argument while Jessica continued with her questionable pursuit of Yuri into eating her imported snacks. Eventually the limo left the area of tall buildings and restaurants and was headed towards a secluded area that was surrounded by nothing but luscious green hills and tall earthy trees.


After about half an hour, the limousine finally stopped and Taeyeon ceased her inner monologue to look up and be presented with the view of a five meter tall golden gate in front of them. She wondered if Jessica lived in a gated community.


Jessica was able to stuff what looked like to be a lobster meatball into Yuri’s unwilling mouth and picked up the limo phone on the wall next to her after wiping her hands on a silk like napkin. “Mr. Yi, slow down your approach towards the house and pull down all the windows in the main compartment.”


She hung up the phone and looked at her two guests with another forced smile. “Besides my family’s closest business partners and acquaintances, you two will be one of the first to witness my family’s estate.” All of the windows were smoothly buzzed down and Taeyeon could see that next to the giant gate, there was a ten meter tall brick wall that looked like it stretched ten kilometers from both sides.


“Normally I don’t like to show off, but Father always insists in presenting the Jung estate to our new guests. Or as he likes to call it, Jung Land,” Jessica mumbled flatly.


“I’m sorry, but I thought you said we were going to your house?” Yuri questioned the girl next to her.


“Last I checked, mansions do count as houses Ms. Kwon Yuri,” Jessica playfully pinched Yuri’s arm. She looked away to see where the limo was going while Yuri had to turn her head and force herself not to scream from the skin bruising pinch.


Taeyeon looked out the windows and saw what looked to be a giant field on either side of them filled with enormous trees and giant bushes shaped as animals. After rubbing her sore arm, Yuri took a peek outside as well and was really surprised by the gargantuan gardens full of pinks and yellows. The limo drove right passed a giant fountain that was in front of the castle like mansion that looked like it was meant for royalty. Taeyeon thought it looked big from afar, but as she got closer she saw that the gigantic mansion made her feel like an ant next to an elephant.


The limo parked in front of the giant mahogany door and a few bodyguards immediately came to open the door. All three of the girls got out of the stretch limousine and was greeted by a row of bodyguards.


“Wow,” was all that Yuri could say. “I’m just going to take a shot at the dark, but I’m assuming you’re rich.” Yuri couldn’t take her eyes off of the giant building and neither could Taeyeon. She assumed Jessica was kind of rich with bodyguards and limos, but she didn’t think she lived like a princess from Fancy Pants Richenshire, England.


“Not that I like to brag, but my family is very well endowed and I don’t talk about it that much,” Jessica said as she motioned them to follow her to the entrance.


‘Yeah right,’ Taeyeon thought. She was pretty sure Jessica loved to talk about herself and her family’s lineage. Jessica really seemed like the stereotypical spoiled brat.


“Before we step in, don’t touch anything, no flash photography, and no wandering off. Last thing I need is to get security to retrieve you.”


“No flash photography? Is this Tokyo Disneyland?” Taeyeon joked while elbowing Yuri in the ribs.


Jessica faked a laugh. “Sure.”


The giant door opened automatically, and the three girls were greeted by two rows of maids and butlers. The entire room they were in had a grand staircase that led to the many floors, four chandeliers, and a large assortment of fine art and tapestries.


 “Welcome home, madam,” they bowed in unison.


Jessica dismissed the help with a wave of her hand and all but one butler went back to their separate duties.


“I told father that I hate it when the help greets me. It makes me feel uncomfortable,” Jessica complained to Yuri, not even acknowledging Taeyeon next to her.


“Good afternoon, ma’am. I see you’ve brought along your guests right on schedule. It sure has been a while since you’ve had company,” the older man said with a smile on his face. He looked to be in his late fifties with a bald spot forming on his scalp and prominent wrinkles below his eyes.


“Yes yes,” Jessica nodded. “Sungsu, this is Ms. Kwon Yuri and Ms. Kim Taeyeon. They’ll only be here for a little bit. I assume the study has been prepared and that my sister won’t come home ‘til later tonight.” Jessica said calmly as if she’s done it all her life. “And I also expect none of this to be informed to my parents.”


The butler called Sunsu bowed his head with one arm behind his back and his other arm resting on his stomach. “Certainly ma’am. Would you like me to you and your guests to the study?”


“I can handle it.” The butler bowed once more and quickly exited the giant room. 


“Shall we go then?” Jessica saw that Yuri and Taeyeon were still in awe over her house. It was to be expected since it was always the same response she got whenever her parents brought over distinguished guests. “Come on now, this isn’t a field trip.” Jessica stretched out her palm, expecting Yuri to take her hand. Yuri looked to Taeyeon like she was asking if she should and Taeyeon nodded in reply. The last thing they needed was for this rich girl to get antsy. Yuri grabbed onto her hand and was swept away while Taeyeon was left to follow the pair.


At their slow pace, Taeyeon noticed the many different rooms that were filled with luxurious furniture, state of the art technology, and the many security cameras throughout the mansion. Without even noticing, Jessica finally brought them to a place Taeyeon could only guess was the study room. Already knowing to expect expensive things, Taeyeon saw that she was right. The study room was more of a giant fancy library then a room one would come to study. Most of the walls were covered with bookshelves and the walls that didn’t have shelves either had a portrait of fine art or a vase on a pedestal that looked like it came from ancient China.


Around the center of the room, Taeyeon noticed three comfy couches in a semi-circle facing a crystal coffee table with what looked to be a very thick photo album and about three trays filled with an assortment of fancy snacks Taeyeon has never seen before and pitcher of light red liquid surrounded by crystal goblets. In front of the table was a very large fireplace that already had a big flame roaring in front of them.


Jessica motioned for them to sit; Yuri took a seat on the couch at the end and Jessica immediately sat close to her. Taeyeon thought it would be best if she took the couch farthest away from them, not wanting to get close to Jessica’s ‘personal space’. Yuri looked at her with wide eyes as if to ask why Taeyeon was distancing herself from them.


“Hey Taeyeon, why don’t you sit next to me so you won’t be so lonely?” Yuri patted the seat on her right.


“Oh Ms. Kwon Yuri, she’s okay. Kim can sit wherever she wants. Isn’t that right?” Jessica asked with a hint of a sneer in her voice. Behind Jessica, Yuri was cranking her head towards her empty seat next to her. She tried to mouth the words silently ‘don’t leave me alone with her’. Taeyeon kept hesitating as Jessica kept giving her the stink eye, but after a few seconds of fighting her nerves she got up abruptly and swiftly sat on Yuri’s right side at the end of the couch. It felt a little cramped since Yuri was trying to lean away from Jessica’s constant attempt to touch shoulder to shoulder.


“Alright then,” Jessica muttered. She scooted away from the two and leaned over to get the photo album. “Feel free to help yourselves,” Jessica paused for a second while looking directly at Yuri, “I insist.” Yuri felt drained during the limo ride as she remembered Jessica constantly putting more food on her tray and force feeding her random expensive food. She arched her eyebrows at Taeyeon and reached out for a cup of the fruit drink and what seemed to be a fancy cracker layered with random creams, meats, and what looked like caviar. Taeyeon chose to ignore the refreshments and as to be expected, Jessica didn’t look like she minded.


“So now that we’re all comfortable here, I guess we can start,” Jessica said unenthusiastically. 


“So will you tell us why you had to bring us all the way to your fancy house just so you could talk?” Taeyeon questioned tiredly. She felt that it was too much of this girl to drag her and Yuri all the way in the middle of rich land just to talk. Jessica stared only at Taeyeon for a moment with a slight look of disgust. She placed the open photo album on the table and proceeded to take a sip from her glass. Yuri could only eat her cracker as she watched the two converse.


“Let’s just say that there might be people listening in on us and I would prefer they couldn’t hear us,” Jessica flatly stated.


“A-are you serious?” Taeyeon was baffled. “Who would have any interest in what we’re talking about? And if that were true, why not just talk in your limo so we wouldn’t have wasted so much time?” Taeyeon was trying to make out Jessica’s logic on why she had to come up with such a convoluted plan.


“I suggest you keep those questions to yourself and be grateful that I’m even telling you something about your predicament. If it weren’t for Ms. Kwon Yuri, I would’ve let Tiffany tear you to bits a long time ago,” Jessica snapped back. Taeyeon was about respond, but Yuri gripped her shoulder before she could say anything. Taeyeon responded to Yuri’s touch and relaxed herself back into the surprisingly comfy couch.


The room was uncomfortably silent except for the noise of the flame cackling in front of them. Jessica took a small sip of her drink before she placed it back down and stared straight at the fire.


“What I’m about to tell you two, I have never told anybody,” she said in all seriousness.


“The only reason I’m telling you this is because…” Jessica hesitated for a moment. Taeyeon could see that Jessica was really trying her best to choose her words carefully. She continued to stare into the fire as if she was watching something very interesting in the dancing flames. “It’s better if I just started from the beginning.”


Yuri leaned forward in curiosity; she was really interested in what Jessica was about to say. She hoped Jessica would reveal something that would help with Taeyeon’s predicament. Taeyeon, on the other hand, rested her chin on her palm and waited for Jessica to speak. All she wanted was to know why the mushroom was being stupid and how to stop her; traveling to a fancy mansion and wasting her time was the last thing she wanted that day.


Jessica took in a big breath and exhaled gradually. She grabbed the photo album in front of her and was touching the childhood pictures as she began to speak.


“Ever since I was young, there was a certain girl who was a big part of my life. It all started when I was still living in America.”

안녕! (annyeong)! Comments and constructive criticisms are always welcomed. If you really enjoy the story so far, an up-vote would be most appreciated. Take care everyone!

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Chapter 48: I had fun reading this! I hope you are doing well these days. ♥️
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 48: Awwww to bad this is not continued:’(
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 36: Why’s everyone starting to get obsessed with taeyeon lol
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 10: I hope tiffany gets the karma she deserves... hell if she dies idc anymore HSHXBXB
Mihyun101 #5
Chapter 5: Can this be a taeri/yultae story lol
Mihyun101 #6
Chapter 4: Poor taengoo... and tiffany
Wendy29 #7
Chapter 48: Me gusta tu historia, espero que puedas continuarla pronto y que estés bien con tus problemas
Chapter 48: I hope it can be finished 💜
Chapter 48: This was a good read, too bad it wasn't finished :(
Chapter 48: This was funny
And impatient Sica is really amusing!