
And There You Were


Hours passed as Taeyeon was sound asleep in her cramped gym locker. Sadly when her P.E. class returned to change, not one student noticed her since she was in the far corner. The P.E. teacher assumed that the new girl probably ditched class and didn’t give it a second thought. As the day went by, the final class of the day came and luckily Yuri had P.E. that period. Just before Yuri changed into her uniform, she heard a soft whimper sound a few lockers away from her. It sounded like a sad puppy was crying. Yuri followed the sound of the sobbing and finally noticed Taeyeon sleeping inside of the locker.


“Taeyeon! What are you doing in there?!”


Taeyeon woke up startled and as the memories started to come back to her, she started to bawl her eyes out. Luckily Yuri was able to tell the teacher and after what seemed like forever, they were able to find a custodian to bring their tools and break open the locker. For some reason the book that contained all the locker combinations to the girl’s locker room was missing.


The locker door was finally removed and Taeyeon felt her body slide out, feeling like was going to hit the ground. It was thanks to her fast reflexes that Yuri was able to catch her in her arms. Taeyeon automatically felt herself being hugged by Yuri as her head was in Yuri’s chest. While Taeyeon was feeling the warmth from Yuri’s body, she could tell that taller girl was really worried about her. She didn’t want to get Yuri involved with her problems, especially since she only met her today. Yuri seemed too nice of a person to get tangled up into her mess.


Taeyeon slowly pushed Yuri’s shoulders away while trying to show a strong face. “I’m okay”. Just at a glance Yuri knew that Taeyeon was not okay. For one her eyes were still moist and red from all the crying she did. Yuri also noticed that Taeyeon’s legs were slightly shaking as she continued to stand straight. If Yuri could bet her life savings, she’d bet Tiffany had something to do with this.


Before any of them could notice, they found themselves alone in the locker room while the P.E. teacher was walking towards them.


“I just got off the phone with the principal. He would like a word with you Ms. Kim.”


Yuri looked to the P.E. teacher with a distressed look on her face. “Can I go too? I’m really worried abou-“


“I’m sorry Ms. Kwon, but this only affects Ms. Kim and we still have 20 minutes of class left.”


“But Taeyeon is still new here! She doesn’t know where the office is.”


The teacher let out a sigh, knowing she had a point and the shorter girl didn’t look like she could make it to the office on her own either.


“Okay fine, but only this once since the circumstances call for it. Just no fooling around, you understand?” The P.E. teacher pointed a finger at both of them and finally left the locker room to attend to her class.


Taeyeon started to leave the locker room quickly as she didn’t wait for Yuri to follow her.  “You know you don’t have to follow me, I can find the office by myself.”


Yuri ran to Taeyeon’s side and placed her hands on the girl’s shoulders. She noticed that Taeyeon was swaying from side to side and was helping her to stabilize.


“I said I don’t need your help,” Taeyeon said sternly as she gently brushed off Yuri’s hands. Yuri didn’t say anything since she knew Taeyeon was very sensitive right now.


Eventually they made it to the principal’s office and were quickly seated. The principal was looking at them between his spectacles and he slowly leaned back in his chair.


“Would you care to tell me what you were doing in the gym locker Ms. Kim?”


Taeyeon just sat there silent. She tried not to make eye contact with the principal, thinking that if she saw his eyes he might figure out the truth. It was best if she handled her problems by herself.


 “Did someone put you in there? Say, by force?”


Taeyeon continued to stare at the red carpet, too scared to make eye contact with the older man “…no sir. I was the one who put myself in the locker and I accidently closed it.”


Yuri just looked at her new friend like she was crazy. Was she serious? Why wasn’t she being honest?


The principal put his hand on the desk and slowly leaned forward.


“Are you sure that’s what really happened? Because I can’t help you Ms. Kim unless you tell me everything I need to know”


Taeyeon nodded her head slowly. This was her problem and she wasn’t going to become a snitch. Especially since she’d doubt anyone could stop Tiffany from posting that video. If her secret ever got out…  


The principal gave a small sigh.


“Very well then. I would send you both back to homeroom, but it seems that school will be over in 5 minutes. I’ll let you 2 go home early, but hear this. You’re not the first person to have been trapped inside a locker Ms. Kim. If this incident is concerning a certain young woman who happens to have a reputation of picking on other students, I suggest you let me know as soon as possible. That goes the same to you Ms. Kwon”


Yuri and Taeyeon nodded their head as they got up from their chairs. Before Taeyeon left the room, she turned back to the principal with a somewhat curious look on her face.


“Before I go, I just wanted to ask. If I wanted to see my permanent record, where would I go to see it?”


The principal raised an eyebrow at the blonde as he was shuffling papers.

“I’m sorry Ms. Kim but to see your permanent records or any other students are strictly prohibited. They’re locked up in the student archives near my office and no one except a few members of the school board can access them. I’m not even allowed to see them. Why do you ask?”


Taeyeon’s shoulders slumped as she returned her gaze towards the red carpet.


“Just curious”


Taeyeon gave a small bow and started to head to the entrance with Yuri right behind her. Taeyeon’s mind felt very cloudy. She didn’t really have a concept of where she was or where she was going, but chose to just follow where her legs took her.


So the mushroom is capable of stealing private records without being noticed? How am I supposed to compete with that?


“Would you mind telling me what that was all about?” Yuri said showing a worried expression.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about” Taeyeon said lazily as she kept her eyes forward with her backpack slung over her shoulder.


“You know damn well what I’m talking about. It was Tiffany right? This isn’t the first time the mushroom did something like this.”


Taeyeon continued to walk outside, climbing down the stairs as Yuri was continuing to follow her. Taeyeon continued to try and ignore her as she was walking to the subway station.


She has a video that she can use to make the school see me as a freak. Or she could use it blackmail me into doing whatever she wants. I don’t even know what to do right now. On top of it all, I don’t want Yuri to be involved, yet she keeps following me like the plague! Can’t she take a hint?


“I just don’t understand why you didn’t tell the principal? He could’ve found Tiffany and she would’ve been punished. Hopefully expelled and you wouldn’t have to worry about her anymore.”


Taeyeon stopped in her tracks and turned around to look up at Yuri with an annoyed look on her face.


“Look I appreciate you lent me your shoulder to cry on, but this doesn’t concern you okay? I just want to be left alone for the rest of the school year.”


Taeyeon continued to walk to the subway but she continued to hear another set of footsteps right behind her. Taeyeon was starting to get annoyed, but hopefully she’ll leave her alone sooner or later.


As Taeyeon reached the subway station, she noticed that Yuri was still right behind her. Just as she stepped into the subway, Yuri stepped in as well which caused Taeyeon to look at her with a questioning look.


“What are you doing? Are you really willing to follow me all the way home?”


Yuri shook her head as she sat adjacent from Taeyeon. “No, I’m heading home too. This is just a coincidence.” Yuri managed to show a slight smile, but Taeyeon turned her head to the side.


Only after 5 minutes Taeyeon’s stop finally came up. Taeyeon quickly got out of the subway while noticing Yuri getting off as well.


Is this girl serious?


Taeyeon had enough of Yuri following her and started to sprint back home. Just as she expected, Yuri was right behind her jogging at a steady pace. Taeyeon dodged many people as she made her way up the escalator and out of the subway. Taeyeon’s apartment was only a few blocks away and she continued to run with all her might.


Why can’t this girl just take a hint? Does she really care for me that badly?!


Eventually she made it to her apartment complex. After taking a few steps, Taeyeon stumbled on a loose tile and lost her balance. Before Taeyeon could feel her face meet the floor, she felt an arm reach around her waist and forcefully brought her back up.


She could hear the girl behind her breathing heavily in rhythm with hers. Taeyeon started to feel her face getting red as she forcefully removed the arm around her waist and turned to the girl behind her.


“Yah! What’s your problem?! Why the hell did you follow me all the way home?” Are you some kind of stalker?”


“My problem? What about your problem?”


Yuri dropped her bag to the ground as she crossed her arms. “I’ll have you know that you’re not the only one who lives in this apartment, but that’s not important right now. You were just fine this morning with your bright smiles during homeroom. Then all of a sudden I find you in a locker crying in your sleep and you’re telling me just to leave you alone?!”


Taeyeon continued to meet Yuri’s eyes as she noticed the tanned girl clenching her teeth.


“You have no right to tell me what I can and can’t do! I’m trying to be your friend and you just brush me away like I’m diseased or something.”


Taeyeon just couldn’t find logic in what this girl was saying. Taeyeon furiously shook her hair with her hand.


“Well I never asked to be your friend, now did I? You’re the one who just started getting into my business while I kept telling you to leave me alone!”  Taeyeon was fed up and tried to run away, but Yuri kept a firm grasp on Taeyeon’s shoulders.


“Ever since I met you this morning, I felt bad for you okay? Now I don’t mean that in a condescending way, but in a caring way. You looked so hurt picking up your books that I wanted to help you out!


Taeyeon dropped her book bag to the floor and threw her arms in the air. “Did I ask for your help? No! This is my problem, so I’ll handle this on my own! This is my business!”


Yuri’s mouth was slightly opened agape. She was taken aback to what the shorter girl just said. “Your business? YOUR BUSINESS?! No… this is not just your business anymore. This is our business!”


“What the hell are you talking about?!” Taeyeon gave up in trying to make sense out of the girl. 


Yuri continued to keep a hold on Taeyeon’s shoulders.  “Do you really think I’m stupid? Do you really think that you can handle this on your own? I know it was that stupid mushroom who did this to you and I know you’re hurting right now.”


Taeyeon was clenching her fist as she averted her gaze to the side and started to feel tears starting to well up again.




“I know you want to take care of it by yourself, but you can’t. You need to know that you are not alone. You don’t have to hurt by yourself. I’m here to help you out whether you like it or not.” Yuri flashed her famous grin as she met the teary eyed gaze.


Taeyeon wiped away a tear as she continued to stare up. “Please… I don’t want you to get involved. This girl is crazy and she’s only picking on me, not you. If you try to help me, I think she’ll go after you too.”


“Then let her come after me. As long as she’s not hurting you, then it’s okay.”


Taeyeon didn’t know what to say. She’s only known this girl for a day, yet here she was treating her like they’ve been friends for years. Taeyeon could feel a small stream flow down her eyes and drip down her chin.


“Aww, please don’t cry” Yuri gently wiped Taeyeon’s eyes with her thumbs, hoping to stop the tears from falling.


Taeyeon wiped her tears with her arm as she looked at Yuri. “Why are you doing this for me? We’ve only met this morning and yet you’re so willing to help me out. Why?”


Yuri gave a slight chuckle as her teeth shown through her bright smile. “Well that’s what friends are for, right?”


Taeyeon wiped the last of her tears as she gave out a low ajumma laugh and nodded her head. “Yeah”


Taeyeon found herself in a warm embrace as she felt Yuri holding her tightly. Taeyeon didn’t know what to do, so she slowly crept her arms up to Yuri’s back and hugged her back.


“Yuri, you’re too nice. I really wouldn’t want you to get mixed up in all this”


As Yuri slowly broke the hug, she patted her hand on Taeyeon’s head as if she was a puppy.


“And as I’ve said before, I don’t mind. We may not have known each other for long, but you’re my friend now and I don’t like seeing my friends suffer.”


Yuri picked up her bag as she took a few steps towards a hallway and looked back at Taeyeon.


“Since we live in the same building, why don’t you come over to my place and relax? It would help to forget about that stupid mushroom?”


Taeyeon smiled at the idea and grabbed her bag as she started to walk towards Yuri. It may not be the normal way to make a friend, but at least Taeyeon was able to make a friend on her first day. “Yeah, that would be nice.”


Annyeong! How's everyone's week going so far? For some reason I felt weird writing this chapter. Not sure how to explain it, but yeah I feel funny =P. In any case I hope you guys are enjoying the story right now. I'm trying to update AT LEAST once a week but given how school is going, it might even be once every two weeks. Not sure how it will be but I will try my best to write when I have free time. As usual comments are really appreciative. Also I recently noticed that you can upvote stories? Not sure what that's all about, but if you guys like the story then by all mean please up vote if you enjoy it. No pressure... lol, j/k. Also if you're a silent reader, don't be shy! I won't bite! much... lol.

*Aww, such a cute TaeRi moment. But don't get your underwear in a bunch, I know  This Is A TaeNy Story!!! lol, so don't worry and please look foward to the next chapter >.<

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Chapter 48: I had fun reading this! I hope you are doing well these days. ♥️
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 48: Awwww to bad this is not continued:’(
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 36: Why’s everyone starting to get obsessed with taeyeon lol
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 10: I hope tiffany gets the karma she deserves... hell if she dies idc anymore HSHXBXB
Mihyun101 #5
Chapter 5: Can this be a taeri/yultae story lol
Mihyun101 #6
Chapter 4: Poor taengoo... and tiffany
Wendy29 #7
Chapter 48: Me gusta tu historia, espero que puedas continuarla pronto y que estés bien con tus problemas
Chapter 48: I hope it can be finished 💜
Chapter 48: This was a good read, too bad it wasn't finished :(
Chapter 48: This was funny
And impatient Sica is really amusing!