Two heartbreaks later

A series of trapped love


Hyunseung was starving. Today, he was meeting Junhyung for a cup of coffee at their favorite coffee shop. After ordering, they sat down and began to sip their drinks quietly. Junhyung started first. “So… How are you and Minho doing?” The other boy eyed him curiously. “What do you mean?” he asked. “Come on, Seung. I know you like him. He’s all you talk about anymore…” The boy looked away. Hyunseung stared at him and sighed. “His girlfriend is the only thing in the way. He flirts with me sometimes, but really casual stuff. I really don’t know what to do. He’s so into her, but it’s almost like I’m wavering him from his position as her boyfriend. I like it. Do you think he would leave her for me?” He giggled. Junhyung wasn’t laughing. He was serious as he said, “He’d be crazy not to. How could he put up with that whorey that thinks she’s so cool?” Hyunseung stopped laughing and thought about what his friend had said. Junhyung quietly added, “You deserve better than this, Seung…” This got the boy’s attention. “What do you mean, Junnie?” he asked. Junhyung slammed his coffee on the table. “I mean that you shouldn’t be chasing some guy that has a girlfriend. I mean, look at you. You’re the one that is supposed to reel the guys in. You’re so beautiful, and you’re wasting it all on some that is screwing around on his girlfriend.” Hyunseung immediately looked hurt. But he came back quickly. “Did I ever once say he was screwing around on Kyung Hee?! DID I?! NO! He is just a boy that I seem to care about a lot that doesn‘t even know I like him. It’s my life Yong Junhyung, and I’ll do whatever the I want with it. Don’t tell me what I should and shouldn’t do with my feelings. I‘m leaving first.” With that, Hyunseung got up from his seat and started walking away. He heard Junhyung call behind him, “Seung! No! That’s not what I meant…” But he was already on his way home. He wasn’t going to deal with this right now.
Hyunseung stormed into his house. Throwing his keys on the nearest table, he wrenched open the refrigerator door. Searching for something to eat, he settled on some uncooked ramen noodles he found in the cabinet. He ate, and threw the wrapper out. He sat down and thought about what had just happened with Junhyung. Was he right? Hyunseung didn’t know. But he kept thinking about how Minho didn’t know his feelings. He wanted to scream them… But would it be right? It could mess up their friendship. But he just… He had to tell him… So he sent Minho an IM.
To: Choi Minho
Minho, are you there? We need to talk.
Hyunseung waited desperately. To his relief, Minho responded immediately.
From: Choi Minho
Of course I am, what’s wrong Seung? Did something happen?
No, I just need to tell you something…
Well, what is it? I’m waiting.
Listen, just hear me out. We’ve been friends since I was in 7th grade. We’ve been really close since school started. I know you’re dating Kyung Hee, but I just can’t keep this in anymore. I’ve felt this way for about 3 months… But I really like you, Minho. 
There was no response for a few minutes. Hyunseung’s heart was pounding harder than it ever had. What was Minho going to say? 
That’s really cute. But you know I’m dating Kyung Hee. I can’t be disloyal to her. I’m sorry. I’m leaving first.
Minho signed off, leaving Hyunseung heart broken. So was the times Minho called him amazing and cute just a lie? What was it? He didn’t know, but he was determined to make Minho his boyfriend, and get rid of this petty girlfriend.
Surprisingly, Minho acted like nothing had happened between the two of them. He pretended like they were still just good friends. In fact, they had gotten even closer since Hyunseung had told him. They called each other all the time just like they used to, but the conversations got longer, and sweeter. The messages between them went on for hours and hours, into the early morning. He was learning so much about Minho. He loved it. 
From: Choi Minho
Hey beautiful (:
Hyunseung’s heart stopped. “Beautiful?” 
Hey cutie. (: What’s up?
Nothing really. I miss you… Can I see you tonight?
Of course. I miss you too. Where do you want to meet?
The park. Be there at 8? See you then ;)
Minho signed off. Hyunseung’s heart was a pounding MESS. Oh , , . What was he going to wear? What was he… What was going to happen? Why was Minho being like that? So many times, since Minho had learned that Hyunseung liked him, he would promise Hyunseung he was going to leave Kyung Hee for him. But then… The next day Minho would deny it, and say he loved Kyung Hee and would stay with her. Honestly, Hyunseung couldn’t take it much more. He had been attracted to so many other guys but he always ended up back with Minho in his mind. He had about 4 and a half hours until he had to meet Minho. What should he do until then? He decided to go shopping for a new outfit. He inspected his closet, and noticed he needed more sweaters. It was seriously getting cold out and he wanted to stay warm. Maybe a new jacket? He’d figure it out when he got there. So off he went, into the cold October air.
The first store he went to had nothing to offer. But as he went along, he would find things that perked his interests. 3 sweaters, 2 pairs of jeans, and a brand new jacket later, he was satisfied. He hurried back out into the cold winds, and rushed home. He was numb already, and the warmth of his house was a surprise to him.
Which should he wear? He knew Minho’s favorite colors were blue and green, so he selected the blue sweater with green zigzags. His new jacket fit him well, and he had to admit he looked pretty good. There was an hour left, so he rushed to take a shower. The water felt so good going down his freezing body.
After toweling off, he felt so refreshed. Getting dressed once again, he waited until 8 o clock came. When it did, he threw his jacket on and set out.
His heart was racing. Thumping. Pounding. Any word to describe nervous and anxious. But also excited. What if Minho was just lonely and couldn’t hang out with Kyung Hee? Was he a backup? He was thinking all these thoughts when the boy he was supposed to meet walked up with a grin on his face.
“Thanks for coming.” He smiled. “Yeah, you’re welcome. Why am I here again…?” He questioned. “Oh, I just wanted to see you. Why? Is that too much to ask?” He laughed. Hyunseung smiled and shook his head. They sat down on a bench, and began to chat. They were holding each other, their excuse was that it was “cold.” Two guy friends can hold each other because of the cold, right…? Whatever. Hyunseung liked it. If only he could say that Minho was his. His feelings got the better of him, and he suddenly blurted out, “Minho, I like you.” Minho stopped, and gave him a look. “You’ve told me that already.” He replied. “I know, but I do. You know I do, and you like me too. You’re just too scared to leave Kyung Hee.” Hyunseung said with sudden confidence. He didn’t care anymore, he’d had these feelings for a long time. Minho stood up, and put his hands behind his head. “Okay. You’re right. But I can’t leave Kyung Hee, it’s too complicated.” He told the other boy. “That’s such bull! If you like me, then like me in our own relationship!” He stood up. “I can’t do that, Hyunesung.” Minho said sternly. He was starting to get angry, and Hyunseung wasn’t sure he wanted to see that. “It goes deeper than this, okay? Our families are close. I can’t just leave her for someone else.” Hyunseung was angry, and said, “So you’re just with her because your family is MAKING you?!” He said louder than he should have. “NO! I- I have feelings for her okay! God! Why do you have to bring stuff like this up?! You know I like you but I just can’t leave her OKAY!” Minho shouted. People were staring… Hyunseung’s eyes teared up and his breath caught in his throat. His face was red with embarrassment, and he began to walk away.
“Seung, no, come on. Don’t do that.” Minho said grabbing his wrist. Hyunseung shook him off and gave him a look full of hatred. “What the is this Minho? You like me and you can’t leave your annoying, obnoxious girlfriend that’s younger than me behind? You’re a sophomore and she’s an 8th grader!” He screamed. “She’s like two months younger than you Seung! God damn! I love her, okay?! I’m not leaving her!” He shouted just as loudly back. That was when Hyunseung really burst into tears. He knew then that he would never be with Minho. Before anything else was said, he was running away. He could hear Minho’s faint calls, but they were drowned out with the boy’s sobs.
Hyunseung hadn’t talked to Minho since their little “episode.” He had been trying to meet new people, anything to get Minho out of his head. He actually had been gifted with some luck. He did meet someone. A cute boy that was a junior at his school befriended him. They’d only been friends for about a week, but they stayed on the phone for six hours at a time. He was really nice company to have when he was lonely. Hyunseung never slept well, and this boy never did either. So they were perfect friends, being there for each other when they were lonely and refused to let sleep take them. His name was Jin. They met at school a few times, but that was it. They were growing closer and closer, and of course, Hyunseung developed a crush. He couldn’t help himself, it was just a small crush… Or so he thought.
Hyunseung had the worst problem of falling way too easily. He decided it was because of his loneliness, and he left it alone. This time, Jin flirted back. He had Hyunseung really thinking that he liked him. So after a week of being friends, they were having one of their conversations on the phone that started around 11 pm, and ended about 6 am. They talked about everything. Things from the past, things that they wanted to do in the future. Hyunseung knew how these kinds of things worked, they would be close for a while and then slowly drift apart. But he didn’t mind for now, he was just focused on this cute, y, amazing boy. Hyunseung would text Dongwoon after their calls, saying everything that Jin had told him. Honestly, Dongwoon seemed jealous. Dongwoon was never up to talk about Jin. He had developed a lot more than a crush. He was in deep like with this boy. Was it wrong? Jumping from guy to guy? Did it make him a hoe? He was just searching for someone to give him what his hearted wanted. Minho refused, so he was looking elsewhere. He really thought he had found it with this boy… But he was completely wrong.
From: Jin
Hey, can I call you? C:
Of course! I’ll be waiting, haha.
Hyunseung’s phone was ringing just a second later, and so the long hours of talking began.
“Do you like anyone?” Hyunseung prompted, hoping that if he did, it would be him. Jin was silent for a moment, and said, “I did like this one freshman boy at the beginning of the year. I always saw him around… But I never knew his name, nor did I know anything else about him.” Hyunseung’s heart failed him. He knew it sound crazy, completely insane. But his heart stopped, because he knew it was Dongwoon that Jin was talking about. Dongwoon had taken Jonghyun, why wouldn’t Jin do the same? Dongwoon was always classified as better than Hyunseung, in every way. Dongwoon never got terribly angry like Hyunseung did. Dongwoon was skinny, completely beautiful, and had everything. Hyunseung… Not so much. So why wouldn’t Jin go for Dongwoon instead of Hyunseung, like Jonghyun did? His heart really broke.
“What did this guy look like? Maybe I know him.” He said warily. “Well, he had like… brownish hair. He was kind of short, and just really adorable.” With speedy fingers, Hyunseung flew to Dongwoon’s online profile. “Listen, I’m going to send you a link to who I think this person is. Click it, and tell me if this is the guy.” Sending the link off, there was dead silence as Hyunseung waited. His heart pounded, his heart was hurting. “Oh my god! Yes! That’s him! How did you know?!” Jin shouted with joy. “He’s my best friend.” Hyunseung said sadly. “Oh my god, that’s so cool. So his name is Son Dongwoon? Wow, haha.”
Of course, Hyunseung was completely heartbroken. He really liked this boy, even if it was just a week. But he gathered all the courage inside of him, and spoke with false confidence, “You should send him a message!”
Hyunseung knew Dongwoon had never been with anyone. He had never had a first love, and he wanted Dongwoon to experience what it was like. He knew Dongwoon was still messed up over Jonghyun’s death, and he wanted his best friend to be happy. His happiness mattered much more than Hyunseung’s. Even after all of his failed attempts to be happy, Hyunseung would give up this chance he had with Jin if it meant Dongwoon would be happy. He loved and cared for his best friend much more than he loved and cared for himself. He would do it for the others, as well. So he got to work.
“What?! That’s crazy… It’d be weird.” Jin responded. “No it won’t! Pleeaasseeee~? Do it for me, Jin!” He pleaded. Jin sighed, and said, “Fine! Okay. I’m going to do this.” He laughed. Jin was happy… And he was going to make Dongwoon happy. That was all that mattered. The two boys talked for a few more hours, and hung up.
Hyunseung cried. He burst into tears, he couldn’t believe what he had done. He couldn’t take it back now, he had to go through with it. Setting up the guy he liked so much with his best friend, who had stolen a chance of happiness with a previous boy. Hyunseung mentally slapped himself. Stop it, Dongwoon needs this. He went through a tough time when Jonghyun died, he needs this much more than you do, you’ll find someone else.
When Hyunseung woke up in the late afternoon, he texted Dongwoon.
To: Woonie
Gueeeeeesssssssssssssss whaattt?! You know that guy Jin I always talk about? He likes you! And I’m setting you guys up! :DDD
From: Woonie
ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Are you okay with this? He sent me a message like 5 this morning. Oh god, my heart is pumping. Hahaha
To: Woonie
I just want you to be happy, woonie. I’m glad you’re excited. I’ll work on him again tonight, I’ll tell you the results~
Hyunseung put his phone down, he didn’t want to think about it anymore. He knew he had to, because he was calling Jin.
“Hello?” Jin answered. “Heyy~” Hyunseung said cutely. It was all fake smiles now. “Hey! What’s up?” Jin asked. “Wondering how things went with you and Woonie!” He giggled. “Oh, yeah. He answered, and we had a small conversation. Gosh, he’s so beautiful.” Jin went on. Hyunseung felt his heart weaken at the words. Throughout this phone call, he focused primarily on setting the two up. It seemed to be working so far, and he was happy. He was happy for the two. Even if it meant he was giving his own happiness up.
Okay, um, is this getting too stupid and too retarded along with way too dramatic? because I feel it is. I'm writing about my own experiences and I can be a drama queen sometimes... So uh, tell me what you thinkkkk...?:D
Thanks to all who have read this far♥ How am I doing for my first story?! Tell me please please please~
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Chapter 12: Ohhh damn you updated!!! Thank youuuuu hehehehehe
Please update dear :-( I'm missing this :-((((
Sobbing. Seung... please be happy. With Junhyung.
b2utyAngel #4
Chapter 11: seung, i hope you find the right person...