Finally 15

A series of trapped love
Summer had just begun. It was a beautiful season, even though it was 100000000000 degrees outside. But nonetheless, it meant school wasn’t in session and Hyunseung didn’t mind that one bit. He honestly had no idea what he was going to do this summer. What was there to do, really? Hyunseung wasn’t old enough to go to any clubs, or have any adult fun. Yes, he could acquire fake ID’s and get other people to buy things for him, but Hyunseung wasn’t really like that. If the opportunity to get drunk came, he would take it. But he wasn’t going to go out of his way to do it. When Dongwoon and Hyunseung first became friends, Dongwoon had said that he’d gone into a club and gotten drunk. Later that night, his father broke into the house that Dongwoon was staying at (with a friend), and took him home. Personally, Hyunseung couldn’t believe it. Dongwoon didn’t seem like that type of person either. He wondered what it was like when he had been busted by his father. Hyunseung didn’t really ask, having met Dongwoon’s father, he could guess what it was like.
It had been three weeks since school got out, and Hyunseung was turning 15 in 2 days. He was excited, but then again it didn’t mean too much to him. He was still young. All his friends were older than him. He really hated it, being the shortest AND the youngest of the four. 
All his friends had been asking him what he wanted for his birthday. How should he know? He didn’t really need anything, or wanted anything. But when his birthday came, his friends failed to disappoint him.
The four decided to meet at Hyunseung’s house, and they all rang the doorbell at once. Instead of waiting for Hyunseung to open the door, they barged right in screaming, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEUNNNGGGG!” with presents and a beautiful cake. Hyunseung guessed Dongwoon’s mother made it, she was a delightful baker. He smiled, and thanked his friends. 
“Let’s light the candles and sing to Seung, then he can open presents.” Doojoon proposed. So the candles were lit and the song was sung. Dongwoon being very off key, might he add. They were in a laughing fit by the time the song was finished, and the candles were blown out. Hyunseung wished for a happy summer. They all hugged Hyunseung and wished him a Happy Birthday once more.
“PRESENT TIIIMMMEEE!” Dongwoon screamed. They all hurried into the living room, and threw the presents onto him. He chose Doojoon’s first. He opened the card first, it was a silly card with 10 bucks inside. He smiled, and unwrapped his present. It was yet another coffee mug, and coffee beans. This wasn’t a lame present, Hyunseung really was grateful for it. Everyone knew how much he loved coffee, and Doojoon knew the type he really loved. But it was expensive, so he didn’t buy it often. He hugged his friend excitedly, saying a thousand thank you’s. Next was Junhyung’s present. Junhyung had made the card himself, which was really special to him. He loved stuff like that. Inside was 30 dollars, and a cute Happy Birthday message. The present he received was a small stuffed bear. It was the cutest thing he’d ever seen. He jumped up and hugged his friend, saying another thousand thank you’s. Lastly, Dongwoon’s present. He was excited, he couldn’t wait to see what his best friend got him. He opened the card, and inside was a 20 dollar star bucks gift card, and 40 dollars cash. Hyunseung was so shocked. That was so much money right there, and he hadn’t even gotten to the present yet. It was a small box. He opened it, and inside was a necklace. Nothing fancy, just a cute little best friend necklace. He looked up and grinned.
“You can pick which one you want to wear. Do you want ‘best’ or ‘friends’?” Dongwoon questioned. “I don’t care, thank you thank you thank you! I love you Woonie! I love all my presents. Thank you all so ing much, I’m so grateful.” He grinned and hugged them all. “Now get your lazy asses up! I want some damn cake!” They all cheered and ran to cut the cake. Hyunseung took one bite, and almost came. “Yeah, yeah… Woonie’s mom made this for sure. I know her sweets anywhere!” He giggled.
Many people had texted and messaged him online Happy Birthday. It made him feel loved, that people he didn’t even really know took the time to wish him a happy birthday. All of his friends were staying the night, and it made him happy to have company. He liked having other people around him, he was always alone these days. 
Before Hyunseung knew it, it was 12 am, and his birthday was over. His friends were all in the living room watching tv, and he was in the kitchen stuffing his face with the delicious cake and drinking milk. This cake was to die for. It was so moist, and the chocolate icing was so smooth and creamy. There were beautiful designs all over it as well. Hyunseung stopped stuffing his face and joined the others. After a few hours, Hyunseung was passed out on the couch. His friends left him there, and they all went up to his room and Hyuna’s room to go to sleep themselves. Today was truly a nice birthday.
Hyunseung awoke the bright morning light coming through the windows. He could hear birds outside, and he smiled. He was 15 now. It was summer. His friends had given him amazing presents. He was happy. So, truly happy. He no longer cared about having or finding a boyfriend. He just stopped giving a . It made him beyond happy. Hyunseung couldn’t remember the last time he felt happiness like this. It was strange, but he welcomed it with open arms. Who would ever deny happiness?
Summer seemed to fly by. A month had passed since Hyunseung’s birthday. It seemed like yesterday that he was turning 15. School was creeping closer and closer, and it killed Hyunseung. He HATED school. It was so dull, and boring. But today, Junhyung had asked Hyunseung to meet him at his favorite coffee shop down the street. Hyunseung never turning coffee down, agreed. He had nothing else to do anyways, and he wanted to get pretty. He hadn’t done anything with his hair or put makeup on or anything in forever. He’d been in his pajamas for at least a week and a half. So why not? Hyunseung took a shower, waited an hour for his hair to dry, brushed it, put his clothes on, put his makeup on, and looked at himself in the mirror. It was a routine thing. He did it all in the same order. Being satisfied, he walked out the door humming to himself. When he got to the coffee shop, he saw Junhyung sitting outside already. He ran up waving to his friend. He got a smile in return. “I already ordered for you Seung. Here’s your Caramel Macchiato. I know how much you love it.” He smiled again. “Junnie thank you so much for buying. Let me pay you back.” He reached for his wallet but Junhyung’s hand waved him to stop. “It’s fine Seung. I called you because I wanna tell you something.” He said seriously, there was no smile on Junhyung’s face any longer. Just a serious, and far away stare. It concerned Hyunseung. “What’s wrong Junnie? What happened?” “Nothing happened Seung, don’t worry.” Junhyung softly chuckled. “You remember when we first became friends? We were only 13. Now we’re 15. Still young, but we’re climbing the ladder inch by inch. We’ve been friends for almost 2 years now…” Junhyung trailed off. “Yeah… I remember. What’s this about?” Hyunseung eyed Junhyung curiously. The other boy was staring off in the distance, and he foot was bouncing extremely fast. Hyunseung knew he only did this when he was nervous. Why was Junnie nervous? “Seung…” Junhyung started, but stopped. He sighed, and put his face in his hands.” “Junnie just tell me! You’re scaring me!” Hyunseung said. “Seung…” Junhyung started again. “There’s really no easy way to tell you this. I just gotta come right out and say it. I love you, Jang Hyunseung. No, I’m IN love with you. I have been for the past year, and I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I finally convinced myself to tell you with hopes that… You’d feel the same.” Junhyung stared into his friend’s eyes the entire time. Hyunseung’s breath caught in his throat. “You… love me?” He squeaked. Junhyung nodded. “Why do you love me?” Hyunseung asked. “Because you’re beautiful. You’re smart. You’re funny. You’re my best friend. I know you, and you know me. I fell in love with the way you breathe, the way you laugh, your smile… Your beauty, your charm, and the way you hug me. I want you Hyunseung, just you. I want all of you.” Junhyung finished quietly. All Hyunseung could do was stare. “I’m sorry Junnie. I don’t feel the same.” He replied quietly and stood up and left in a hurry, leaving a broken hearted Junhyung behind.
Short chapter but I needed to update!
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Chapter 12: Ohhh damn you updated!!! Thank youuuuu hehehehehe
Please update dear :-( I'm missing this :-((((
Sobbing. Seung... please be happy. With Junhyung.
b2utyAngel #4
Chapter 11: seung, i hope you find the right person...