Alphabet Love

B is for backward steps


It was a month since that beautiful autumn day and since then, Seohyun had all but forgotten about the mysterious man with apples. 

During the week after that day, however, her thoughts were b with fantasies and nostalgia.  She went back to the same bench everyday, at the same time, brought the same book with her, and read the same page over and over, hoping that what happened before would happen again, if only she replicated the circumstances in which they happened. She also felt the same pang of disappointment in her heart when she realized that he would not come. Staring at the unoccupied tree was becoming depressing.

Eventually Seohyun convinced herself that that day was a dream, a wondrous, incredible dream, and that she fell asleep on that bench and her imagination conjured up the man with the Fuji apples. Her displeasure with her conclusion was bitter.

Now Seohyun was at school, chatting with her friends Yoona and Yuri, and the only thing on her mind was the test that she would have next period.  She sighed to herself, wishing her life would be more exciting, less repetitive.  She thought of that day and smiled slightly, thinking, Like if my dream were to happen. Though she didn't realize it, it was the first time she thought of him in a long time.

Her happiness lasted only a moment, and then she sighed again. Wanting to smile again, she pictured the man's beautiful face, and naturally, she felt a smile tug at her lips.  She blinked, then frowned, sad that the image of the man would be gone. It wasn't. Instead, it was farther away, and she could see his whole body, in different clothes from that day, but there nevertheless. It seemed as if it was almost talking to people in the hallway, like how she was with Yoona and Yuri.  Alarmed, she shut her eyes tightly and reopened them.  He was still there. 

She gasped, and Yoona looked at her with concern.  "Are you ok?"  Embarrassed, Seohyun said, "Oh, yeah. I'm fine."  Comforted, Yoona began her conversation with Yuri again, leaving Seohyun gaping at the curiously life-like illusion that was just ten feet away.

He looked awfully real to her in that moment. 

Perhaps... perhaps it was him.  Perhaps he wasn't a dream.  Perhaps this was a sign, perhaps she could finally find love and happiness!  Surely with such a beautiful first moment as the one she had with him and his apples, he would be her first love.

She held her breath, waiting for her heart rate to quicken, or for her face to blush red. But somehow, it wasn't happening. Neither did she feel shy or self-conscious.  The attraction that was so compelling a month ago was gone, and Seohyun couldn't believe it.

Though she was disappointed, she nudged Yoona, saying, "Hey, Yoona? Who is that?"

Yoona followed the way Seohyun was pointing, and realized she recognized who Seohyun was talking about.

"Oh!" She exclaimed. "Kyuhyun-sshi!"  She paused, and said, "Why?" 

"Oh, it's nothing."  Seohyun responded quickly.  Remembering her test she said, "We should go."

The trio left quickly, to let Seohyun study, but she would not end up studying, but thinking of the now-not-nameless-man, Kyuhyun.

Though she may not like him, she liked his name.



Sorry, are you guys disappointed that their relationship didn't start yet? 

And finally, I can't believe all the support I'm getting! 16 subscribers with only one chapter? That's amazing, and the best response I've gotten for any of my stories yet.  Thank you guys sooo much!

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rachelsammmer #1
Authornim, please update. I love your story so much ❤❤❤
Chapter 10: Okay, fighting then author-nim!! ^O^
My SeoKyu feels are raging XD
Chapter 8: OHHH I wish Seohyun had said yes TT^TT Maybe because I want her to get distracted from Kyuhyun *until he breaks up with Jessica COUGHS*
Chapter 7: (And again I'm commenting, just couldn't help it D:)
I don't like KyuSica TT^TT But Seohyun is right; she shouldn't hurt Kyuhyun anymore...But on the other hand, I do like SeoHan >.> (Although SeoKyu ftw still ;w; <3 )
Chapter 4: MY GODS. So freaking cute with your pairings >< Although I'm a hardcore MinSul shipper, I do like Yuri x Minho as well :)
Oh God, Angel by EXO is so perfect for this chapter. I even read the part where Seohyun was missing Kyuhyun when the sad-ish part in the song was being played, and when the song was "Eternally loove~" Kyuhyun had caught up with Seohyun and their nicknames are just a;lksdhgawpeihgawipnv I'm dying of this cute and beautiful story omg <3 <3
:( Get well soon author-nim <3 Fighting!! <3 <3 (Sorry for commenting for the third time ._. )
Chapter 3: Ermahgahds.
Feeelllsssssss!!!! Seohyun finally striked up a convo with that mischievous elf ;w; <3 <3 <3
Kyuhyun really is special ahaha X3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: Wow...I've just finished reading the first chapter and I'm already amazed. You're really, REALLY good. And besides; this is SeoKyu ouo SEOKYU FTW!! Author-nim fighting!! The story is already so beautiful!! ^_^
Stand4SeoKyu #8
Chapter 9: Kyu please juz break up with that girl and confess ur feeling to seobb..
Chapter 9: Ohoooo.... kyu likes seo too right? Kekkeke.... ill wait for the next update...
Chapter 10: Awww I know how you feel author-nim, especially since I'm going through the same thing :p Fighting~