Alphabet Love

E is for excitement


Not seeing Kyuhyun for almost a month was killing Seohyun.  Sure, she texted him almost everyday, but it wasn't nearly enough.  She especially couldn't wait for break to end after she unwrapped the present she got from him. Seohyun wouldn't forget the day she finally got to find out what Kyuhyun gave to her for that Christmas.

It was snowing just as prettily as it had been on the day she had to say good-bye to Kyuhyun.  However, on this day, she could appreciate its beauty, and thought of it as the perfect day to say 'hello' to him again, even if the word wouldn't reach his ears. Seohyun had woken up bright and early to unwrap the gift, but she knew she would seem too eager, so she laid in her bed for another two hours, trying to make pictures out of the ceiling's bland whiteness. It was terrible waiting, but she somehow managed, and she got to the Christmas tree even after her parents did.  Even then, she didn't go to his present right away.  Instead, she opened all of the other gifts first, and helped put away the tree before her mother said, "Oh, Seohyun, you missed one."  She had held up the small box that Seohyun would have recognized anywhere. Seohyun feigned surprise and went over to her mother to grab it. She ran upstairs into her room. Then, with her gentle hands, she daintily pulled on the ribbon that released the bow. Next, she carefully removed the sapphire blue wrapping paper (she would save it) and finally took off the lid. Seohyun closed her eyes and when her eyes opened, her eyebrows shot up.  Immediately, she sent him a text message.

Seohyun: What the hell Kyu??? (She usually doesn't swear)

Kyuhyun: I see you got my present.

Seohyun: Um, yeah. 

Kyuhyun: You didn't look under the note, did you?

Without replying, Seohyun tossed her phone on her bed grabbed his present again. Although she tried her best to bury her disappointment, she still grimaced as she saw the pencil again.  It was nothing speial; it was even a wooden pencil.  But then again, it was her pencil.  The pencil lay on top of a note, written in Kyuhyun's neat handwriting. I forgot to give you your pencil back two months back.  Sorry it's late, but I finally remembered! Here you go 

Impatiently, Seohyun removed the paper and beneath it wasn't nothing as she had expected. 

It looked expensive. It also looked beautiful. It was perfect for her. 

It was a silver necklace, with a small pastel rose colored gem in the center.


Finally, it was the day before Seohyun expected to see Kyuhyun again. But then she received a text message from him.

Kyuhyun: Hey Seo!  Are you busy today? I know it's last minute, but there's someone I want you to meet.

Seohyun: Sure Kyu.  Who is it?

Kyuhyun: Just someone. Don't worry about it, you'll meet her soon. Meet me at the park near school in an hour, kay?

Seohyun: Oh, ok.  See you then!

The first thing Seohyun thought of was the day she saw Kyuhyun for the first time. The park he wanted to meet at was the same one they first 'met' at.  Did Kyuhyun remember that day as well as Seohyun did? She really hoped so.  And who is this person Kyuhyun wanted her to meet... he said 'her'... so it's a girl... maybe his mother?!?!?!?

Seohyun was really excited and nervous for this.  Maybe Kyuhyun would ask her to be his girlfriend and wanted to have her meet his mother.  How romantic!!!  She picked out her clothes carefully, looking for something that would make her look pretty, yet conservative.  She didn't forget to put on the necklace he gave her.

When it was time, she left her house with a bounce in her step. 

Kyuhyun had gotten to the park before Seohyun and was sitting under a tree.  It was the same tree from before. Seohyun in a breath.  He must have remembered! When he spotted her, he stood up and embraced her. 

"How have you been Seo?"  He murmured into her ear.

Seohyun's heart was racing because she was so close to him and his beautiful voice was right in her ear; she barely managed to squeak, "Fine."

Kyuhyun laughed and released her.  He said, "Isn't it pretty here? Is it your first time at this park?"  Seohyun frowned with disappointment.  

For a while, they talked about their break until he said, "Sorry, she's not here yet-" Seohyun thought it was weird that they came in separate cars considering she was his mother.  "-oh wait, there she is!" Kyuhyun exclaimed. 

Seohyun turned to see who he was looking at.  

It was definitely not his mother.  

The girl, and it was in fact a girl, not a woman, seemed a few years older than Seohyun.  And the girl was beautiful.  She had long artificially blond locks, bangs, a perfect body, and an icy stare.  She was easily the prettiest and most intimidating girl Seohyun had ever seen.  

Without letting any other possibility enter her mind, she thought, she must be his sister!  Of course! They both had.... brown eyes.... and the girl probably had naturally dark hair like Kyu... and they both had similar... Seohyun studied their faces and frowned when she couldn't think of anything... they both had ears!  That's right! And eyebrows and hands and... knees? Well maybe they were cousins.

The girl looked Seohyun up and down with cold appraisal before finally sticking her hand out and saying, "I'm Jessica, Kyuhyun's girlfriend."


Ooh, I added drama!!!

But before I talk about the story, I want to thank everyone who wished me well because of my elbow. It meant a lot!!!  So thank you!!!!!!!! ^^

Haha, anyways, you might remember if you read from the beginning that Sunny would be a part of the story, but she actually probably won't unless she has a cameo or something.  I changed her to Jessica because I thought that would be better and I don't even remember why I picked Sunny, so yeah.

Anyway, thanks for supporting and reading this story.  Hope you liked the chapter, and please comment and subscribe!!! ^^

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rachelsammmer #1
Authornim, please update. I love your story so much ❤❤❤
Chapter 10: Okay, fighting then author-nim!! ^O^
My SeoKyu feels are raging XD
Chapter 8: OHHH I wish Seohyun had said yes TT^TT Maybe because I want her to get distracted from Kyuhyun *until he breaks up with Jessica COUGHS*
Chapter 7: (And again I'm commenting, just couldn't help it D:)
I don't like KyuSica TT^TT But Seohyun is right; she shouldn't hurt Kyuhyun anymore...But on the other hand, I do like SeoHan >.> (Although SeoKyu ftw still ;w; <3 )
Chapter 4: MY GODS. So freaking cute with your pairings >< Although I'm a hardcore MinSul shipper, I do like Yuri x Minho as well :)
Oh God, Angel by EXO is so perfect for this chapter. I even read the part where Seohyun was missing Kyuhyun when the sad-ish part in the song was being played, and when the song was "Eternally loove~" Kyuhyun had caught up with Seohyun and their nicknames are just a;lksdhgawpeihgawipnv I'm dying of this cute and beautiful story omg <3 <3
:( Get well soon author-nim <3 Fighting!! <3 <3 (Sorry for commenting for the third time ._. )
Chapter 3: Ermahgahds.
Feeelllsssssss!!!! Seohyun finally striked up a convo with that mischievous elf ;w; <3 <3 <3
Kyuhyun really is special ahaha X3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: Wow...I've just finished reading the first chapter and I'm already amazed. You're really, REALLY good. And besides; this is SeoKyu ouo SEOKYU FTW!! Author-nim fighting!! The story is already so beautiful!! ^_^
Stand4SeoKyu #8
Chapter 9: Kyu please juz break up with that girl and confess ur feeling to seobb..
Chapter 9: Ohoooo.... kyu likes seo too right? Kekkeke.... ill wait for the next update...
Chapter 10: Awww I know how you feel author-nim, especially since I'm going through the same thing :p Fighting~