Alphabet Love

C is for conversation


Seohyun has been seeing this "Kyuhyun" for a while now around school and she took an immediate fascination to him.  She found it odd that she never saw him with apples and started questioning her beautiful autumn day. Sadness crept into her heart when she realized that her dream boy was just that; a dream.

However, she was still very intrigued. Yoona and Yuri liked to when they saw that she always stared at him.

"Awww!  Seohyunnie has her first love!"

 "You should just talk to him already!  It just takes one conversation to start your relationship."  

"I think I saw him looking at you. Maybe he likes you back!"  

"Wow, you guys would be so cute together!"

"Oooooh.....  SeoKyu!"

It went on and on and Seohyun never responded to her friends teasing.  She simply blushed and stayed quiet.  She didn't understand what they were talking about.  How could she like someone who she didn't even know?  If she was going to have love, it would happen the right way; with a friend who she slowly fell in love with, like in the movies.  Seohyun couldn't imagine a romance any different.  

A few weeks after she found out who Kyuhyun was, she was sitting in her English class, thinking about him.  Her thoughts were innocent, and she dreamt of talking to him one day. She thought it would be perfect, and something would happen.  She sighed, with both contentedness and regret.  Then her head snapped up when she realized that her teacher was speaking.  And she wasn't alone at the front of the class.

"And this, is-"

"Kyuhyun."  She whispered his name with awe and wonder.

He was standing there, like an apparition that appeared before her, like a gift sent from heaven.  

"-Kyuhyun."  Her teacher finished a moment after Seohyun. "He just transferred classes and I hope you all welcome and take care of him."

He smiled, but it was more of a smirk than a genuine gesture of happiness. Seohyun's heart jumped, as she recognized the expression from before.  Her heart was in , and she thought, Wow. He's so handsome!  Her feelings that she thought were nonexistent suddenly shot back into life.  How is he doing this to her?!?

His eyes scanned the room, and rested on Seohyun for a moment. There was some sort of connection. But then he moved on and thanked the teacher. Abruptly, he asked, "Ms. Lee, may I sit in that chair over there?"  He was pointing to the seat on Seohyun's immediate right; between her and the window.  Ms. Lee seemed taken aback by his request, and managed to stutter, "Oh... um sure."

Normally, Seohyun would be repelled by such rude actions, but she was so drawn to him, the thought didn't even pass her mind. When Kyuhyun passed her to get to his seat, she openly stared at him.  He glanced at her and turned away and stared out the window.  She could have sworn he smiled.  

After the class was over, she hardly remembered anything Ms. Lee said.  She had tried desperately to stay focused, but she constantly stole glances at Kyuhyun and was distracted the whole time.  

Seohyun lingered to watch Kyuhyun, and once she lost sight of him, she was filled with sadness. Then she rushed to find Yoona and Yuri.  Once she was within 10 feet of them, she ran up to them and exclaimed, "He's in my class!"

Yuri, who wasn't as close to Seohyun as Yoona was, asked, "Who?"  While Yoona was squealing along with Seo.  Yoona slapped Yuri gently and exclaimed, "Kyuhyun-sshi!  Duh Yuri!"  Yuri flushed at the rebuke, but then got excited with the other two.  They gushed together for days about it, but eventually, the excitement died down, and Seohyun was alone in her joy of Kyuhyun. 

A week later, Seohyun was once again in the class she shared with Kyuhyun. She had finally gotten comfortable in his prescence.  The class was just starting and papers would soon be passed out before Ms. Lee started her lecture on the book they were about to read.  Seohyun watched as Kyuhyun received his paper, straightened it on his desk, and promptly looked outside again.  He made no attempt to look into his bag for a pencil.  

She frowned, and said unconsciously, "Kyuhyun-sshi, you need a pencil for this assignment."  His name on her tongue was foreign, despite her constant thoughts of him.  He turned and looked at her, smirking once more.  

"It's my first week; I'm still getting used to things. I just want to see how this class is."

Seohyun ignored his response and pursued her "pencil" idea. "But you need a pencil."  Her eyebrows knitted together.  Kyuhyun's smirk broadened into a smile, and he asked, "What's your name?"  


"Alright.  Seohyun, may I please borrow a pencil so I can complete this assignment?"  His voice was caustic, but she didn't let his tone get to her. Silently she drew a pencil out of her Keroro pencil case and handed it to him.

"Thanks."  He said, placed the pencil next to his paper neatly, and promptly began to stare out of the window again.  Seohyun saw this, and was tempted on persisting, but she sighed and let it go.  

When it came to Kyuhyun, she was always conflicted.  But one thing was for sure.

He was special.


Sorry about my hiatus!  I don't care much for this chapter, but bear with it.  

Thanks for reading!  Please comment and subscribe!  Your support means a lot to me, thank you sooo much! ^-^

P.S. cookie808, did you catch my vocab word????  LOL

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rachelsammmer #1
Authornim, please update. I love your story so much ❤❤❤
Chapter 10: Okay, fighting then author-nim!! ^O^
My SeoKyu feels are raging XD
Chapter 8: OHHH I wish Seohyun had said yes TT^TT Maybe because I want her to get distracted from Kyuhyun *until he breaks up with Jessica COUGHS*
Chapter 7: (And again I'm commenting, just couldn't help it D:)
I don't like KyuSica TT^TT But Seohyun is right; she shouldn't hurt Kyuhyun anymore...But on the other hand, I do like SeoHan >.> (Although SeoKyu ftw still ;w; <3 )
Chapter 4: MY GODS. So freaking cute with your pairings >< Although I'm a hardcore MinSul shipper, I do like Yuri x Minho as well :)
Oh God, Angel by EXO is so perfect for this chapter. I even read the part where Seohyun was missing Kyuhyun when the sad-ish part in the song was being played, and when the song was "Eternally loove~" Kyuhyun had caught up with Seohyun and their nicknames are just a;lksdhgawpeihgawipnv I'm dying of this cute and beautiful story omg <3 <3
:( Get well soon author-nim <3 Fighting!! <3 <3 (Sorry for commenting for the third time ._. )
Chapter 3: Ermahgahds.
Feeelllsssssss!!!! Seohyun finally striked up a convo with that mischievous elf ;w; <3 <3 <3
Kyuhyun really is special ahaha X3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: Wow...I've just finished reading the first chapter and I'm already amazed. You're really, REALLY good. And besides; this is SeoKyu ouo SEOKYU FTW!! Author-nim fighting!! The story is already so beautiful!! ^_^
Stand4SeoKyu #8
Chapter 9: Kyu please juz break up with that girl and confess ur feeling to seobb..
Chapter 9: Ohoooo.... kyu likes seo too right? Kekkeke.... ill wait for the next update...
Chapter 10: Awww I know how you feel author-nim, especially since I'm going through the same thing :p Fighting~