Nu 2


"You took your sweet time getting here. I don't like that" Aron spoke carefully to a defiant Ren. It was an association Ren had entered, with both eyes open and would do so again if it kept BaekHo here. BaekHo's club had been floundering a while back until Ren put up the money. BaekHo swore it was a loan he would pay back. Ren secretly hoped to have BaekHo owe him forever. What BaekHo did not know was that Ren got the money from Aron. If he knew, he would have burned his club to the ground before touching that money. He knew it to be from Ren's trust fund. The price for that money was Ren himself and Aron never let him forget it as he indicated the bed to Ren. 
Half way through, Aron could not deal with it anymore. He was still in his trousers and Ren already in his briefs. "A dead fish has more life" he finally stated acerbically. Ren just looked away blankly. Every night they met was like this, yet Aron would not give him up. "Fine, be that way" Aron continued, frustrated and Ren remained that way, unresponsive.
Meanwhile, at the club, "So, anything new JR?" Baekho asked. Every work night they met after the club closed to go over things
BaekHo laughed, "I know you wanted me to sell but we are doing so well now as evidenced by your swanky new apartment and you still have not invited me over" he teased.
"It is still not right" JR answered evasively. Then he got up to face BaekHo fully.
"Minhyun still wants in"
"And I don't" BaekHo stopped laughing "You know what a bully he can be. He will edge me out by fair means or foul eventually. So no" he said shaking his head for emphasis.
"So you won't sell and you won't take on a partner?" JR said to be clear and BaekHo nodded.  JR continued, "BaekHo I am here for you but you kow I want to go. I want to leave this place". BaekHo got up and came around to his more slender senior.
"Just a few more profits and we can leave JR hyung, I promise. Bear with me a little more because I really want to keep my promise to you". He said the last as he put his hands on his hyung's shoulders but JR did not reply. BaekHo thought JR was hanging in there because of his promise. He did not know that JR was hanging around because of guilt.

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Sweet and Simple


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BomShen #1
It feels incomplete, like why does Jr wanna go so badly.