Sorry for the wait.


Sorry. So sorry for the wait. I wish the chapter was longer (it's 1192 words) to make up for it but I wanted to put this up.

“Sehun! Are you home? Sehun?” the said boy groaned at the loud voice coming from outside his apartment. Sehun slowly sat up trying to process what was happening. “Sehun, open the door!” the recognizable voice of Tao sounded again. Sehun heaved himself off the sofa and went to answer the door. He was sure Tao would’ve broken down the door if he hadn’t answered it. Though it did result in Sehun getting attacked hugged by Tao anyway.

“Thank god you’re okay,” Tao sighed while crushing Sehun with his ridiculously strong arms.

“T-Tao,” Sehun choked and tapped on Tao’s shoulder trying to make him stop.

Thankful he got the message and released Sehun from his grip. “Sorry,” he apologised, “You were acting weird, and I was worried about you.” he explained. Sehun avoided Tao’s gase not wanting to face him. Tao didn’t notice because he continued talking, “Would you like to stay over mine tonight?” he asked.

Sehun glanced back into the apartment. He wasn’t sure what to think. Suho wasn't exactly happy this morning. Sighing he agreed, “Yeah. Why not,” he mumbled. He was probably just a burden to Suho. One night away from home might do him good.

Sehun stumbled off to his bedroom to pack his clothes while Tao laid down on the couch waiting for him to finish. When Sehun was ready he came back to see Tao slipping something into the pocket of his coat. “What’s that?” Sehun crooked his head to the side.

“Nothing,” Tao wasn’t the best of liars. He fake smile gave him away but before Sehun could say anything Tao was pushing him out of his apartment and yelling excitedly about things. Sehun was dragged down the road to Tao’s house. He had only been there once before and that was because Tao was sick so Sehun dropped the work he missed out on at his house. From memory it would’ve been a short 15 minute walking from Sehun’s apartment. Tao lived with his mother and father. He father was rarely home and Mrs. Huang was a typical housewife. Tao spoke of his mother often but when it came to father he was bitter. Tao would speak, so Sehun wouldn’t ask.

It was a small and simple two story house, neatly kept by Mrs. Huang who greeted them at the door.
“Hello boys. It’s nice to see you again Sehun. Make yourself at home,” She told them. Mrs. Huang was like the older female version of Tao. Tao led Sehun up to his room. The bed was in one corner with a desk and dresser on either side. Tao had a bookshelf overflowing with CD’s and books. The walls were covered in different posters.

“Oh you like U-kiss?” Sehun asked noticing most of them belonged to the group.

Tao nodded, “Yeah their musics good and their hot,”

Sehun didn’t know if he had heard right but accepted the answer anyway. He through his bag onto Tao’s and sat down next to Tao who was sitting on the ground. They sat in a awkward silence until Tao spoke again. Usually he was bubbly and excited but for the first time - That Sehun had seen - he was nervous. “Ah... Sehun... What’s happening with you and your brother?”

“Nothing!” Sehun shouted, slightly scaring Tao not that Sehun meant to. “Nothing...” Sehun mumbled curling his legs up into his chest and wrapping his arms around them.

“Yeah... Okay. Let’s play some x-box,” Tao clapped his hands and stood up then wandered down to his living room leaving Sehun to himself.

The younger shut his eyes tightly, trying to stop the tears. This was not the place to cry. Tao invited him over so he could feel better, not worse. Whipping his nose with the back of his hand he followed Tao down to the living room.

_ _ _

“Hey Sehun,” Tao started. The two were in the middle of playing Halo 4 and Sehun didn’t expect the sudden change in topic by the other.

“Yeah?” Sehun’s gaze was still fixated to the television. So far being with Tao was a pretty good distraction.

“I won that trip the other day and my mother doesn’t want to go, so can you?” he asked looking over at Sehun with his cutest panda eyes knowing Sehun couldn’t say no.

Luckily for Sehun, he hadn’t looked over at Tao so he still had his own will but that wasn’t his problem. To go somewhere he would have to ask his brother about it and facing Suho at the moment wasn’t something he was ready to do. “I don’t know...” he mumbled, ignoring the fact he just lost his life.

“Are you going to avoid your brother forever?” Tao said. Sehun looked across at Tao who was staring at him with a serious expression on his usually calm face. Sehun eyes watered at the others words, even though they weren’t intent on being hurtful or condescending. Something about them made them lose control of his tears. The older turned off the TV and stomped off to his room without looking back at the younger.

Sehun picked himself up and hurried out of Tao’s house. It would be a worse if Mrs Huang saw him like this so he ran back through the night. Back to his house. Despite the new and bitter memories at the place it was still the only place he had to go. As usual the small house was empty and cold, and even though he didn’t want to face his brother, he was the shoulder he had always lent on.
Glancing around the apartment, Sehun didn’t know where to hide. The bedroom held memories from last night, the bathroom of this morning. The living room and kitchen was the places him and Suho would spend the little time they had together in.

Sehun settled for the small place under the lounge chair. Whenever there was a storm, he would hide there to try and escape the sounds of thunder and lighting. He would be waiting there until his brother came home.

Curling in the spot that no 17 year old boy should be able to fit in, he letting go of his emotions and began bawling his eyes out. He sobs echoed through the empty rooms until a loud banging at the door startled him into silence. There were only two people who Sehun knew who could be at his door. Suho firstly would never be that loud, plus he had a key and it was way too early for him. Tao was the other, but if it was him there would be a lot more yelling and a lot less trying to break down the door.

Sehun pulled himself closer as he heard the door give way. The sound of shoes on wood floors now filled the house. The whisper of a different language followed, it was either Chinese or Japanese but Sehun wasn’t sure. He stopped breathing when he heard the living room door open and the people move in.

Sehun was never so grateful for the dark and dusty spot under the chair.

Once again I'm sorry, but a lot of stuff happened at home so I just could write but thank you my readers. The next chapter will be around either Tao or Suho. Or both. Not to sure. But the Plot Yay it finally is really starting.

Thank You.

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singleismyname #1
Chapter 9: Please update! I really loveee this story
Chapter 9: Any chance to update? Your story is good. Please continue.
Chapter 9: ..what did lay say????
Chapter 8: OHMYGOD what is happening?? BUT AHHH YAY LAYHAN gosh so happy, my top OTPs in one story hooray :D can't wait to find out more of what the heck is happening o.o
Chapter 8: what happened?!
Chapter 7: oh my goooodddd baby sehun?!!!!!?!?!?!??!?1
Chapter 6: ohhh what happened?! damnnnnn