Chapter 9


The first day of court was about two weeks after the confrontation of Ichige Rina, and it was also getting towards the end of the filming for 'Yamada Taro Monogatari'. Nino was nervous walking into the courtroom and seeing the judge seat that sat higher than everyone else. All five Arashi members, including Manager-san, was there to support him, and they had left Taro with Ohno's mother for a few hours. Sho was acting as Nino's lawyer, and while Nino wasn't sure if it was legal to do that or not, Sho told him not to worry and shut up. When Nino saw Ichige Rina at her side of the courtroom, he felt himself become determined to win this battle. 

"All rise," the police officer said as the judge walked in. Everyone stood up, and Nino made sure to stand up straight and make sure his suit wasn't wrinkled or that there wasn't any flaw in how he presented himself. When the judge, an elderly looking man with hard eyes, sat down, so did everyone else. Nino then realized that Ichige-san didn't have anyone on her side to support her except for her lawyer, and he couldn't help but wonder if that might work to his advantage. He was also a little pleased to see that the woman had actually dressed professional for this.

"Will the plantiffs please stand up," the judge said. Nino and Ichige-san stood up. "State your names, age, and relationship with the child."

"Ichige Rina," she stated. "Twenty-two years old, and I'm the mother."

Nino cleared his throat. "Ninomiya Kazunari desu, twenty-four years old, and I'm the baby's caretaker."

"Ninomiya-san," the judge looked at him. "Why are you here? It seems very odd to me that someone like you would be here wanting to gain custody of a baby that you have absolutely no right to."

Nino cleared his throat. "WIth all honesty your honor, I'm wanting to win so that Ichige-san looses custody and I can make sure her son can get a family he deserves."

"What makes you think his mother is incapable of taking care of him?"

"Because of the way she acts and has acted towards me," Nino answered. "When she saw that I had found her son, instead of letting me tell her what happened, she yelled and said that I had taken Taro and that it was my fault that he was missing. He was placed on my doorstep and I found him when I walked out that morning. I have no motive to take a child like that, and I'm just taking care of him and making sure that he gets a safe place to live."

"So you have no intention of adopting him yourself?"

"No sir."

"Why don't we hear both sides of the story." The judge looked at Ichige-san. "We'll start with you. What happened?"

Nino sat down as he heard Ichige-san tell her story. "I was at the park with my child," she began. Nino couldn't help but feel a little annoyed that she would play the sob-story part. "It was a nice day, and I wanted to take him out before child services came and took him from me. He was in his stroller that I had him in, and I turned around for a minute to look at something, and when I looked back he was gone." She held a hankerchief up to her eyes, and Sho had to give Nino a look to make him shut up before he said anything. 

She continued. "I looked all over for him, but he was no where to be found. I told child services that he was gone, and I even went to the police, but they didn't have any idea where he might be until they got a report about a found baby. I was so happy that he was found, but so angry because Ninomiya-san took him from me! I could never forgive someone like that who could take a child from his mother like that!" Nino could feel her hard, cold eyes on him, but he refused to look over at her.

"Arigatou Ichige-san," the judge said before looking at Nino. "Ninomiya-san, you're turn."

Nino nodded and stood up as Ichige-san sat down. "Well," he started. "I was getting ready for work one day, like normal, and as I was about to leave I heard someone at my door. They didn't ring the doorbell or anything, but after a few minutes I opened the door and saw that the person had left but left a baby and necessities on my doorstep. I didn't know where he came from, his name, or anything about him except that the only way to make him stop crying was to sing an Arashi song to him. That day, we went to the hospital to see if they knew anything, then we filed a report with the police to let them know that an abandoned baby was left with me. A few weeks later, Ichige-san showed up, and acted like she wanted to attack me for having Ta-- the baby."

"So you didn't take the child from a stroller in the park?"

"No sir. I would have no reason to take a child like that. Besides, don't you think it'd be kinda hard for me to get away with that? I get noticed on the street all the time. I refuse to go to parks anymore because I was almost mobbed in one once."

Sho and Jun coughed a little to hide their laughter, and Nino looked back and saw that Ohno was shaking his head to keep calm and that Aiba was covering his mouth to keep quiet.

"You have a point Ninomiya-san," the judge told him. "Being who you are, its understandable."

"What are you talking about?" Ichige-san spoke up. "'Being who you are'?"

"Ninomiya Kazunari is one fifth of the popular Johnny's idol group, Arashi."

Ichige-san's eyes seemed ready to pop out of her head when she heard that. She stared at Nino, and Nino could see the greed and lust in her eyes. She was convinced that she was going to win, and possibly get more that what she had wanted before. They made Nino shiver.

The judge spoke up. "The next hearing will be a private hearing this Friday. I want both of you in my office at two o'clock so that I can discuss with you and make my final decision. The final hearing will be the following Monday, where you will hear my final answer regarding Ichige Shinichi. Courtroom is adjourned."

When the judge left, everyone seemed to unfreeze. Nino slumped in his chair and put his head in his hands. "Mou~" he groaned. "I don't know. This is going to be hard."

"At least you didn't freeze," Sho told him. "C'mon, let's go see Taro-chan."

Nino nodded, and they both stood up to leave with the rest of the group. As they were leaving, Ichige-san stopped Nino. "If you think you can win, you're wrong," she told him. "I'm his mother! I have every right to him, and because you're so popular and busy you don't even qualify as a parent."

"Have you noticed that since I've met you, you've only referred to you're child as 'him'?" Nino asked. "I'm surprised he's not 'it' considering the amount of care you seem to have for him."

"Are you saying that I don't know my own son's name?" she asked. 

"What is it then?" Nino argued. "I have no idea what his real name is, so why don't you tell me? You are his mother after all."

Ichige-san didn't say a word, but she looked a little surprised at Nino's boldness. 

"That's what I thought. You're no more qualified to have a child than I am," he said before walking off.




man~ what a long summer~ sorry if the updates are getting slower... and slower......and slooower...



chapter 9 of 'Tadaima' is up and ready to have comments! :D feel free to say whatever you want~


ok, now time to tell you a bit of things that have happened to me this week.

1) I applied for one of my friends' stories (thinking that it wasn't going to get picked) and... TADA~~

thats my application~!!!!! if you wanna read it you can~

2) I'm on a Chinen Yuri kinda thing all of a sudden LOL as you can see from my application. I do believe I am falling for him~

3) am I the last one to notice that Aiba's wearing PURPLE CONTACT LENSES in 'Mada Minu Sekai e'?? I was watching the making of today, and Aiba kept saying that he was blinking a lot and asked Nino if he could notice anything different. I was like 'wth?' then I looked closer and OMG!!! I've seen this PV THOUSANDS OF TIMES!!! how can I not notice that?! T.T fail~~






I still dont' know if I like it or not.... Aiba in purple contacts??? they make his eyes look blue~!!!


Aiba-chan~~~ I love you, but I love your beautiful brown eyes. please don't ever change. once in a while is okay, but please don't wear them all the time~


I CANNOT GET USED TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!! T.T double fail~

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Awww this is so sweet!!! Thanks to your story I started to watch this drama :)
I like the way Nino grow up and how everyone got closer to Taro. This baby only tightened their frienship.
Good work!
wildrose88 #2
arashiiiiiiiii i miss them >.<
Chapter 12: Sugoi! Hontouni! Kono story wa hontouni kakkoi!~
I really enjoyed every bit of it. :)
Chapter 12: I've read this like.... For the second time now.... And I think I want to re-read it again sometime... Great story... It' a little touchy and funny... The ending was very great.... ^.^
-Mieun- #5
I love all your stories so much, this being no exception~<br />
本当にかわいい~<br />
hontou ni kawaii~<br />
really cute~
I forgot to put. Awesome Ohmiya at the end. XD
I love this. The ending was different from what other people would have done so I like it alot more than I already did. ^^ It made me sad though. Still really awesome.
#8 made me cry at the end TwT and then laugh straight after!! xD awesome story!
loved the ending kyaaa omg i cant believe its done already... i'll miss taro..of course nino got custody .. and lol at the ohmiya XD...
loved the ending kyaaa omg i cant believe its done already... i'll miss taro..of course nino got custody .. and lol at the ohmiya XD...