Chapter 6


When Nino walked on the set of Yamada Taro Monogatari, the assistant, Naomi, immdiately came and took Taro so that Nino could get ready and so that his manager didn't see. "Ohayou," Sho said as he got ready when Nino walked in. "Sorry about yesterday at the police station."

"That's okay," Nino assured him. "They just gotta keep looking. They'll find her."

"What if they don't?"

"...I don't know yet..."


"Great," Nino groaned. "Manager-san's mad at me again."

"What did you do?" Sho asked curiously.

"We'll find out soon enough, won't we?"

Manager-san walked in and immediately stomped over to Nino. "I want an explanation."

"Well, this is my costume and I have work today--"


Both Sho and Nino stared at him. "Eh?!"

"A baby!" Manager-san explained. "You have a baby with you and have had a baby with you for a while, and I want to know where you got it and who you slept with to get it!"

"HOLY CRAP!" Nino laughed. "Those last words are things I never thought I'd ever hear you say!"

"Who's is it?!"

"I don't know!" Nino told him honestly. "And he's not mine! I was coming to work one day and I found him on my doorstep with a note saying to take care of him. We called the police and the hospital and their working on finding his mother now. And he can't be my son because I haven't done anything like that in a long time! I would've had to sleep with someone nearly a year ago, and I haven't done that in almost two!"

"We didn't really need to know that much detail Nino," Sho said. 

Nino sighed before looking back at his manager. "Look, I didn't tell you because I wanted him to stay with me until we found a parent. I knew that if you knew about it then you would throw a fit and tell me no and I wanted to make my own decision!"

"I'm not upset at the fact that you have a baby," Manager-san told him. "I'm upset because you made a rash decision without thinking it through!"

"I'm trying to look after him!"

"Then let someone who knows what they're doing do it!"

"Can I say something?" Sho spoke up. "Something on Nino's behalf?"

"Yes," Nino said looking at him. "Do something useful for once please!"

Sho glared at him before he started talking. "Nino-chan's had the baby for about a week now, right? When was the last time that you had to tell him to act his age or to start paying attention and grow up?"

Their manager thought about it for a minute. "About a week...." he answered finally.

Sho nodded. "Everyone's said the same thing, so you can't sit here and say that having Taro-chan around isn't a good thing."

"You called him by his name!" Nino exclaimed.

Sho gave a nervous laugh when he realized it too. "It just came out," he said. 

Manager-san frowned. "But Nino, when they find his mother and you have to give him back, you're going to be devastated. We all know that. And what happens if they can't find his mother? Are you going to adopt him?"

Nino turned around and pretended to be focused on putting on his tie. "I've thought about it," he said finally. "If they can't find anyone, I seriously thought about it. I mean, he's been with me long enough, and I would take care of him and try to act like a good parent."

"What about Arashi?" Sho asked.

"What about it?" Nino turned to look at him. "Just because there's a baby doesn't mean that I'll quit. I gotta provide for him. Besides, it'll be nice to have a young face in all the time." He looked at his manager. "That is...if it's alright."

"We'll talk about it if we get there," the middle aged manager answered. "Right now, you two need to get ready to start filming."


"I wanna look after Taro-chan tomorrow."

Nino looked over at Ohno surprised. "What?" he laughed. "You wanna look after him?"

"Well," Ohno said looking at Jun and Aiba. "Actually, all three of us do." He smiled nervously. "We were hoping you would let us spend some time with him. We haven't exactly been the best people, and if he's going to be staying with you for a while we'd like to get to know him."

Nino stared at him, surprised. "Really?!" he asked. "That's awesome! Yeah, I'll let you look after him tomorrow. You can look after him  all the time if you want."

"Cool!" Jun smiled. "And don't worry Nino. We'll take good care of Taro-chan!"

Nino looked at Aiba. "Can I trust you Aibaka?"

"Hai!" Aiba smiled. "Nino-chan, I'm really sorry about what happened, but I promise we'll take good care of him tomorrow! Really!"

"If you break that promise I'll have to break  your nose," Nino teased smiling at his friend.


Nino had to admit that not having Taro at the set with him was a relief. He was so used to having to worry about him on set or someone having to call him because Taro was upset, but now he didn't have to worry about anything but his acting. It felt nice.

"So do you feel lonely without Taro-chan?" Sho asked when they were eating lunch.

"Yeah a little" Nino admitted. "But it's okay because I know he's okay with Riida and Matsujun and Aiba. He's probably having the time of his life right now. I trust them to take care of him, and it also feels nice to not have to worry so much."

"Sakurai-san!" the director called. "When you're done, we need to film a scene."

Sho nodded. "Hai." He quickly finished his bento and hurried over to the director. "See you in a bit." 

"Yep," Nino called after him. As he took a bite from his bento, he heard his phone start to ring. Nino set down his lunch, took out his phone, and was a little surprised to see the caller ID. "Moshi moshi? Riida?"

"Nino," Ohno's concerned voice said on the other line. "You need to get down to the police station."

Nino felt his heart drop. "What happened?" he demanded.

"We took Taro-chan to the park and had a little...incident...." Ohno's voice hung on that word, and it scared the hell out of Nino. 

"We'll be there as soon as we can," Nino said hanging up. When Sho was done, Nino told him what happened, and the two quickly changed and headed over to the police station. Nino rushed into the room where the three men and a police officer were and immediately looked for Taro. He was relieved to see him and clinging to Ohno looking like he could fall asleep. "Hey," he smiled at the baby taking him into his arms. "Ne ne ne Taro-chan."

"Ninomiya-san," the policeman addressed him. He motioned towards a woman next to him. "This is Ichige Rina-san."

Nino had the feeling not to trust this woman. She was young, but she wasn't beautiful, and her clothes didn't really seem like the type a mother would wear. She had on a pair of blue jeans and a tank top, which wasn't all that bad but the aura around her and her face showed unkindness and greed. Nino could also smell a hint of alcohol that he knew had to be from her.

Her eyes shot an evil dagger through Nino, and it scared him a little. "You," she growled coming up to him. "You took my son! You took my son from me!"

Nino stared at her shocked. "Eh?" was all that he could think of to say.

"She claims to be Taro-chan's mother," Jun whispered to Nino. 

Nino felt cold, but held onto Taro protectively. "You got it all wrong!" he told the mother.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO ME!" the woman yelled. Nino put his hand over Taro's head to keep the loud noise away from his ears. "You take my son and say I got it wrong?!"

"I didn't take him," Nino calmly explained. "I was going to work and I found him and a bag of things on my doorstep! I didn't take him!" He looked at the officer. "Do we know if she's even his or not?"

"HOW DARE YOU!" she screached reaching to take Taro from Nino. 

"OI!" he yelled hanging onto Taro tighter to prevent him from going anywhere, and the four other Arashi members immediately responded by yelling and making her release her grip from Nino and Taro. Sho and Jun stood in front of Nino a little bit to create a blockade between him and the mother, Ohno stood next to Nino with a hand on his shoulder, and Aiba stood on his other side behind Sho. Taro began to cry a little bit from all the excitement, and Nino did what he could to calm him down.

Ichige Rina looked ready to kill Nino. "I'll get my son back," she said. "And I'll sue you for everything you have for taking my son!"




well... lemme just say that the ending didn't go quite like I had pictured it... but I had no idea how else to write it :}

I hope you like it anyway~~~


chapter 6 of 'Tadaima' is up and ready to be read~~ feel free to comment and like and say whatever you wanna say~ if you hate it, tell me. if you love it, tell me~ cuz I like hearing what you guys think :D


ok, right now it is 7:24 AM in Tokyo, June 17th, which means that our Arashi birthday boy is probably awake and have already been greeted with birthday wishes. 

here's another one...


he turns 28 today in Tokyo, tomorrow in America :D kinda exciting when someone has a birthday~~~

I remember when Sho had his birthday in January I celebrated by listening to everything Sho Sakurai...

that was also the day I realized what the words to 'Taboo' were..... that was scary to be honest LOL!!!!!

I think I also might've rewatched 'The Quiz Show 2' episode 10 that day... 



here's a celebration song for Nino getting older (and yet still looking the same....)

my favorite solo from him...




Nino looks so adorable in glasses....... and I love this performance...

who agrees??? I agree....

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Awww this is so sweet!!! Thanks to your story I started to watch this drama :)
I like the way Nino grow up and how everyone got closer to Taro. This baby only tightened their frienship.
Good work!
wildrose88 #2
arashiiiiiiiii i miss them >.<
Chapter 12: Sugoi! Hontouni! Kono story wa hontouni kakkoi!~
I really enjoyed every bit of it. :)
Chapter 12: I've read this like.... For the second time now.... And I think I want to re-read it again sometime... Great story... It' a little touchy and funny... The ending was very great.... ^.^
-Mieun- #5
I love all your stories so much, this being no exception~<br />
本当にかわいい~<br />
hontou ni kawaii~<br />
really cute~
I forgot to put. Awesome Ohmiya at the end. XD
I love this. The ending was different from what other people would have done so I like it alot more than I already did. ^^ It made me sad though. Still really awesome.
#8 made me cry at the end TwT and then laugh straight after!! xD awesome story!
loved the ending kyaaa omg i cant believe its done already... i'll miss taro..of course nino got custody .. and lol at the ohmiya XD...
loved the ending kyaaa omg i cant believe its done already... i'll miss taro..of course nino got custody .. and lol at the ohmiya XD...