Chapter 1

Kiss and Tell


“Ms. Im!” Yuri exclaimed as she bowed quickly in embarrassment.

“You must be the new assistant… Say, do you answer your phone?” Yoona raised an eyebrow but otherwise was expressionless which made Yuri very nervous.


“Good. I wouldn’t want to have to get another assistant, its tedious work.” Yoona turned around and began to walk to her office which was across the hall from Yuri’s very own. She looked back and gave Yuri a sharp look. “Well are you coming or not?!”

Yuri jumped in surprise and quickly followed closely behind Yoona. As they entered her office Yoona took of her jacket and hung it up in a closet by the door. Her office had the best view in the building and her office was in perfect organization; there was not a hair out of place.

“You, take notes.” Yoona sat down and sipped coffee from her “World’s Best CEO” cup. “This is the first and last time I get my own coffee okay. I drink caramel coffee with a dash of cinnamon. The cafeteria downstairs knows my order so you can get it from there.”

Yuri took this down diligently but made no move to sit. She wanted to get out of that office as fast as she could. Although Yoona was quite beautiful, her aura just emanated tension and Yuri hated that.

“Are you even listening!?” Yuri snapped out of her thoughts and continued to take notes. Yoona had gave her a mouthful about her requirements and expectations which were a bit on the CONTROL-FREAK side to Yuri. “And lastly…. Here is an tablet. It is monitored so don’t even think about using it for personal reasons. With it you can update my calendar for me and send me files. It had a contact list of all out clients, benefactors, and suppliers, as well as their information. Guard it with your life.”

Yuri had wanted to laugh at her statement. Yoona had made it seem throughout the whole meeting as though Yuri’s job was the only valuable thing she was ever going to do. “Yes Ma’am.”

“Alright get to work. I have a meeting with that wretched director of the Romantic Street clothing line in about an hour. Make sure the meeting room is ready to go okay, and ask Jessica to get you up to speed with the project.”

“Yes, Ms. Im.”  

When Yuri had shut Yoona’s door behind her she let all the air she didn’t know she was holding. Never had Yuri ever wanted to run away from a pretty lady before. Oh my god! Am I turning straight!? Yuri questioned herself until a great looking woman in a tight black pencil skirt walked by. Yuri couldn’t help but check her out as she walked away. Noticing this she stopped and sighed in relief. Nope. Still batting for that team, thank goodness!

She walked over to Jessica who was at her desk just a couple of offices down from Yuri’s. She casually strolled in without even knocking and took a seat across from her best friend.


Jessica looked up and smiled. There were no traces of the irritation she had felt towards Yuri this morning. “So how did your first meeting with Cruella go?”

“Cruella?” Yuri chuckled.

“The staff has taken a liking to calling her that and by now I’m sure you can guess why” Jessica smiled while Yuri laughed. “So what do you need Yul?”

“I’m supposed to get a meeting ready for Ms. Im and the director of the Romantic Street clothing line. What exactly do I do?”

Jessica furrowed her eyebrows. “The Romantic Street director is coming?”

“Yeah…” Yuri said missing why this was important. “Why does Ms. Im not like this person?”

“Beats me Yul. She hates the dude with a passion. I remember hear face when she agreed to start a collection with them. I’d say she has a past with the director but was too greedy to pass up the opportunity. If this collection goes well, the profit will be huge.”

“Have you ever met this person?”

“Nah, but I guess that’ll change today.” Jessica stood up along with Yuri.

“So Sica, darling… what do I do?” Jessica laughed as Yuri gave her a wink knowing they were both going to have to work on this together.

“Follow me Useless, I’ll show you”


After making sure the meeting room was ready Jessica stepped out to pick up the coffee they had ordered from the Caf. Yuri went around making sure all needed documents from Yoona’s checklist were there.

“Is everything ready?” Yuri almost had a heart attack as she heard Yoona’s voice. She had been engrossed in her preparations and didn’t notice Yoona walk in. Unbeknownst to Yuri, Yoona had been monitoring her progress all day and was making sure Yuri had what it took to be her assistant.

“Yes Ms. Im” Yuri answered and quickly got back to her work.

Yoona had been quite impressed with Yuri so far. The girl had not cracked under the pressure of being her assistant. The minute Yoona set eyes on Yuri she immediately thought Yuri was going to be a prissy slacker. However she had been pleasantly surprised as she entered the meeting room to find everything was in order. She knew it couldn’t have been Jessica’s doing because everyone knew Jessica never did any physical labor. Each and every time Yoona had requested Jessica’s assistance setting up a presentation she would just get someone else to move everything around for her.

“Hey, new girl, where’s Jessica?”

Yuri held back the urge to scoff. New girl? “Jessica is getting the coffee from downstairs.”



Jessica was making her way back to the elevator with coffee trays in her hands. As she entered the elevator she was followed in by two girls. Both were quite good looking but one particularly caught her eye. She had auburn hair that was wavy and fell long down her back. She was in business attire but Jessica could she was fit and curvy.

“What floor?” The beauty asked.

“U-um, third please.”

She pressed the button and quietly began to discuss something with the shorter girl next to her. Jessica was watching her from the reflection of the elevator door entranced, that was until a loud ding brought her back to reality.

The girl looked at Jessica and motioned for the door. “Go ahead, you’re carrying much more than I am.”

All Jessica could do was nod and smile gratefully. As she walked past the receptionist of the floor she heard the woman’s voice again.

“I’m Yoona Im’s one o’clock.”

“Oh! Ms. Hwang! The meeting room is right down that way.”

Jessica stopped in her tracks and looked back. “Excuse me, are you here to see Ms. Im about the Romantic Street collaboration?”

Tiffany turned to look at Jessica and smiled her famous eye smile. “And so she speaks!” Tiffany joked making Jessica smile.

“We should get going Tiffany, we’re about to be late.” The shorter girl next to her pointed out.

“Oh right!” Tiffany looked at Jessica apologetically before continuing, “If you’ll excuse us.”

“I can walk you! We’re going to the same place anyway”  Jessica called out before they could walk away.

“Oh! Well if that’s the case then those must be for us.” Tiffany said referring to the coffee Jessica was holding. “Sunny give her a hand wont you?”

The shorter girl, Sunny, smiled at Tiffany then at Jessica, “Sure thing!”

“Thank you.” Jessica smiled back at Sunny before the three made their way to the meeting room.



Back in the meeting room Yuri was busy with the documents for the presentation and was sitting down focused on her tablet. Yoona was bored waiting for their guests and had nothing to do as it seemed that Yuri had taken care of everything.

Yoona looked at Yuri who was sitting across from her. “Hey you!”

“Huh” Yuri said absentmindedly as she continued reading over the files and getting to know the project at hand.

“Hey I have to ask you something!” Yoona was taking this chance to get a good look at her new assistant. She couldn’t deny anyone who said she was beautiful. Yoona had already heard the talk of the new “hot” assistant as she walked in that morning. She was sure that by now the whole male population in her staff was getting ready to ask her out and she couldn’t blame them. However things like dating and love just didn’t fit into Yoona’s never ending schedule.

“Ms. Im?” Yuri looked at her with a look as though she was trying to hide her annoyance.


“Do you want to know my name? It’s quite simple to learn.” Yoona was taken aback by Yuri’s condescending tone.

“Excuse me?”

“It’s just that you haven’t called me by my name once all day even though you have requested for me more 100 times in the past couple of hours.” Yuri had a smile on her face but Yoona could tell it was fake. Yuri had tried to ignore it but being called ‘You’ instead of her given name hit a nerve and she couldn’t stand it.

“I can call you whatever I want. I’m your boss, new girl.”

“Well that really isnt fair now, is it.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way but I can call you whatever I want.”

Yuri smirked at her knowing she was ticking Yoona off. It was both Yuri’s pride and curse that she was a natural born prankster. She couldn’t help herself as she say Yoona’s reaction to her simple statement.

“Well then I guess the same should apply for me Ms. Im. After all, it is the best in a working environment that we get along and treat each other fairly. So if you insist in calling me You rather than my name, which is Yuri by the way, then I guess I can call you as I please. Right Princess?”

Yuri saw Yoona’s eyes light on fire when she finished and it almost sent her over the edge in laughter if it wasn’t for the fact that the door swung open at that moment. Yuri cleared before speaking in fear that she would laugh out loud. “Jessica! You’re back!”

Jessica smiled at Yuri and quickly glanced at Yoona. “I have out guest with me.” Jessica eyed Yuri weirdly and whispered to her. “What did you do to Cruella?”

Yuri just shrugged innocently before opening the door to welcome the Romantic Street director. When she saw who had walked through the door her eyes widened.

“Hello. Yoona, I would say it’s a pleasure to see you again but its not.” Jessica watched as Tiffany and Yoona glared at each other and couldn’t help but Tiffany was almost a completely different person than she was out in the hall way five minutes ago.

“Tiffany, so nice to see you finally gained some fashion sense. I was starting to think we needed an intervention.”

“Oh, Im Yoona don’t you even st-“ Tiffany paused in mid-sentence as she notice Yuri for the first time. “Yuri?”

Yuri gulped before talking, “Hi Tiffany…”

“What are you doing here?”

Yoona looked at the two confused and notice both Jessica and Tiffany’s assistant Sunny did also. Yoona was about to ask but before she could Jessica decided to. “You two know each other?”

Yuri looked nervous and looked at Tiffany with pleading eyes. Tiffany looked away from Yuri and to Jessica. “Yes… We go way back…”    

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Chapter 11: somehow i want a sequel of this story. maybe one with lots of SunYeon on it? :3
Chapter 6: “I want you to be there when I wake up…”

that was such a sweet quote, author-ssi :')
Chapter 11: Aww so ing cute!!!!!!! I love your fic so, so much
YuKirei-- #4
Chapter 11: :) woah cute...
they're together and yoong is no longer acting :D
Chapter 11: I'm reading this again and found something I missed out when i read it the first time.
About Tiffany and Yoona disliking each other, it was about Taeyeon wasn't it? Tae is Yoong's best friend and TaeNy's relationship ended badly.
Damn, I should have caught on the first time, It all makes total sense now~~
Fritter_Away #6
Read this story in one sitting! Why this ended so early ?!
Please write a sequel to this...
Chapter 11: Oh noooo. Why end so early?! :( Anyway, thanks for an amazing YY fic... ^^
Chapter 11: Hehe YoonYul finally together too! XD
but honestly i was hoping to read more about JeTi's LOVELY relationship...
but all in all, VERY GOOD FIC, would be better with a sequel or so? ;D
Chapter 11: humm... you never explained whats with yoona and tiffany.