Unrequited Love 1.0

Dr. Feel Good




The night passed away peacefully as two teenagers cuddled up in the same bed. The sun slowly climbs up the clear blue sky emitting its luminous radiance in the city of Seoul. Flying with ease, birds landed on a tree branch near the window sill of the two teens. Chirping up melodious tune, Joonmyun woke up from his deep slumber. He shuffled to his side and saw Kyungsoo’s sleeping face right in front of him. Using his fingertip, he traced down Kyungsoo’s facial features. He chuckled a bit when Kyungsoo’s brows furrowed in response.


Knowing that Kyungsoo slept late last night, he convinced himself that the younger needed more sleep than he does. Carefully, Joonmyun stood up not wanting to make some deafening noise; he tiptoed his way out of the room to prepare breakfast for the two of them.


It was half past six and Kyungsoo was still in his deep slumber. Joonmyun took it as the right time to wake the other. Cautiously, Joonmyun walked his way up to Kyungsoo’s room with a tray of food on his hand. Upon entering the room, Joonmyun smiled as he saw the younger snuggling at a pillow and his legs tangled together with the white sheets. He placed the tray at the bedside table and sat on the bed near the younger teen.


“Kyungie…” Joonmyun shook the younger.


Kyungsoo hummed in response. Slowly his lids opened up and searched for the source of the angelic voice that woke him up. His heavy lidded eyes stared at the older and smiled a bit. Kyungsoo saw the older smiling at him, while the older's hands brushed upon Kyungsoo’s hair making the younger's smile wider. He snuggled up closer to reach Joonmyun’s lap.

“This is such a wonderful dream…” Kyungsoo muttered sleepily.

“You’re not dreaming Kyungie…” Joonmyun replied chuckling while ruffling the younger’s hair.


Kyungsoo’s eyes widen like saucers as he realizes what he thought was a dream is reality. He rose from his bed, mouth agape and a blush crept upon his cheeks. He stared at the older teen and Joonmyun just let out a light chuckle.


“Now that you’re awake, I’ve prepared some food. Eat and take a bath or else we’ll be late.” Joonmyun said pinching the younger on his cheeks and left the room.


As soon as Joonmyun left the room, Kyungsoo slapped his own cheeks and sighed deeply. What an idiot. You made yourself look like a total idiot in front of Joonmyun hyung. Ugh. Can this day get any worse?




The walk to school was silent. Kyungsoo wasn’t in the mood for talking or it’s just that he really avoided talking to the older which was walking beside him. He sighed again for the nth time making the older looked at him with worry.


“Hey Kyung? You okay? I know you’ve slept late last night. What’s bothering you?” Joonmyun asked placing a hand on the younger’s shoulder and pulling him close.


The younger shook his head, hanging down low not wanting the older to see his blushing face.


“If you need someone to talk, to I’m always here for you Kyung. Alright?” Joonmyun said lifting the younger’s face.


With a flushed face, Kyungsoo nodded and held Joonmyun’s hands dragging him to the school hastily.


How can I talk to you about my feelings for you?




It was already lunch time and Joonmyun was already out of the room, roaming around the school hallway. Kyungsoo was asked to come over to the faculty room by Mr. Kim. The younger motioned the older to leave and wait for him in the cafeteria but he ended up in front of a white door and a gold signage on top with words ‘Infirmary’ embossed on it.


He sighed and shook his head.


What am I doing here?


He argued to himself to enter the room or not. But to his surprise a hand crept upon his shoulder, making him shriek and jolt up in surprise. He turned around seeing a familiar blonde man with pair of doe eyes laughing at him.


“Hyung you surprised me!” Joonmyun said pouting.

“I never knew you’re that easy to be startled Joonie.” Luhan said teasing the younger.

“I’m not! You were just creepy!” Joonmyun answer out with annoyance.




Kris was inside the Infirmary sitting idly as he played games with his phone. He was on the verge of winning the game when he heard a high pitched manly scream and his phone fell right down on the floor. He grunted some inaudible words and picked his phone, went straight out of the room to check up to where the loud scream came from.


Right as he opened the door, two men greeted him. One was the red haired milky skinned boy named Joonmyun and the other was a blonde doe eyed man, his cousin, Luhan. He smiled as he saw Joonmyun pouting and Luhan chuckling while the two were bickering.


He cleared up his throat making his presence noticeable for the two.


“I hate to break up your happy reunion but you’ve been noisy for quite a long time. Care to take you conversation inside?” Kris asked with a smirk on his face and opening the door for the two.


Once inside the infirmary, the three immediately went to Kris and Luhan’s soon to be shared workspace. Kris motioned the two to sit down at the white velvet couch. Soon as they felt comfortable with the couch, Kris and Luhan chattered. Using their native language, Joonmyun frowned a bit. He can’t understand a thing. The two continued talking forgetting about Joonmyun’s presence.


Joonmyun studied the facial features of the tall doctor. Every smile and laughter from the tall blonde man makes Joonmyun heart cringe in pain. He felt uneasy seeing that his hyung, Luhan, was making the tall blonde man happy. Was it jealousy or did he just feel neglected because the two of them were having fun.


He stood up silently. Not wanting the queasy feeling creeping down his heart, he decided to leave the place. Without any notice he left the room, though he heard Luhan’s continuous calls for his name he didn’t turn back.




Luhan sighed as he sat back to the white velvet couch. He was a bit worried with Joonmyun’s action. He shook his head and stared at his cousin.


“Don’t worry about space boy. He’s been like that since he visits this place.” Kris explained.

“Space boy?” Luhan asked.

“Yeah. That short cutie. He’s always spacing out and acting weird when he’s here.” Kris replied casually.

“Spacing out and acting weird? Joonmyun isn’t like that when he...” Luhan chuckled and jumped from his seat.


Kris stared at him oddly.


“My little Joonie already likes someone!” Luhan said happily leaving a dumbfound Kris.




Mr. Kim Jongin was one of the outstanding teachers in Seoul National High School. He greatly excels in Mathematics and students love him for being a crack and cool teacher. But every time he teaches in Kyungsoo’s class his temper rises involuntarily. Just seeing Kyungsoo together with the lazy kid, Joonmyun, he wanted to burst out and kick the boy out forever.


Kim Jongin, liked, no, loved Kyungsoo very much. Ever since he saw that perfectly styled short hair, big globular doe eyes, that perfect pointy nose, that scrumptious plump pinkish lips and his milky white skin, he had the sudden craving of making the boy his property. But Joonmyun was there; always together with the boy he loved the most. How much he hated Joonmyun for being with Kyungsoo for a long time. But now was his chance to make Kyungsoo his. He won’t let this moment pass.


Kyungsoo walked his way to the faculty room. The busy corridor soon subsided. Right when he was in front of the faculty room door, he felt an eerie feeling surrounded him. He knocked gently and waited for a while.


Within a few seconds, the door opened, revealing the Math teacher Kim Jongin. The Math teacher grinned as he saw his Kyungsoo alone. All for me, finally. He smiled to his heart content and motioned the student to enter the faculty room. Kyungsoo glanced at the inside of the faculty room. To his surprise no one is inside, except him and his math teacher.




Kyungsoo turned around to see his Math teacher smirking, loosening up his necktie. He gulped and felt nervous as cold sweat drops down to his face and neck. This isn’t good.







Updated. Sorry for the fail update and for the grammatical errors. Unrequited Love 2.0 will be posted soon. Things will be more exciting in the next chapter. I think. Thanks for reading. :)


Shameless Plugging: Beautiful Night - Oneshot fic for SuhoxTao pairing. Will be updated soon. :)


Credits to the owner of the photo. :)




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2440 streak #1
Chapter 10: too bad this was not continued... i enjoyed reading the available chapters, this would've been awesome!
kenxdesooin #2
Chapter 10: I was enjoying so much....want more
aquatic_guardian #3
Chapter 2: Update please !!! XDD
Chapter 9: I AM TORN BETWEEN KYUNGMYEON AND KRISHO/CHANSOO. OAO I iz a hipster shipper. Onesided!Kaisoo is so nice. eue
Chapter 9: Awww...so cute..krisho..chansoo n kaibaek!! Dun wan kaisoo n baekyeol coz its ad boring..
jadeasuncion #6
AshXIII #7
Chapter 9: (claps both hands onto Kyung Soo's shoulder) Hun, I hate to tell you this, but it's better if you just move on from Jun Myeon. (nods sagely) I'm afraid he's a total bottom in this story....as are you. The math doesn't add up to a 1.5.

I shall await more from you in the next chapter. (blows air kisses)
luvkpop #8
Chapter 9: chansoo and kaibaek please... Krisho are so cute
IAmShosho #9
Chapter 7: I still think kaisoo deserve a chance here :(