Unrequited Love 2.0

Dr. Feel Good




The clear blue sky was slowly decorated by chunks of dark gray clouds and mixture of white puffy clouds. It was still the middle of lunch break and a wretched Joonmyun was walking lazily along the school's grass field. Though students around him were giving him oddly stares, he didn't care. He kicked tiny pebbles that blocked his way, he huffed and pouted. He just wanted to be alone.


Unconsciously, his feet led him out of the school and down to a nearby play park. The park was utterly quiet than the usual, most probably because it was a school day and students, children were still in school. The sound of the wind blowing gently, leaves falling and trees swaying, this was the perfect place for him to stay.


He fished out his phone and sending a text message to Kyungsoo, apologizing for not staying in their meeting place. After that, he walked casually to a vacant swing. He sat down and pushed himself. The peaceful silence made him relaxed and at ease, for now.


What is wrong with you Kim Joonmyun? You've never been like this. He's just a handsome and y doctor. He'll never notice a guy like you. Maybe he's even ing straight.


Joomyun groaned as he continued battling his thoughts.


I hate this...




The math teacher slowly approached the trembling teen. He smirked at how helpless the kid was looking. He looked very submissive. His growing was getting harder and harder. He checked the time it was still thirty minutes before the other faculty members return. He still have time to taste the young teen's milky white flawless skin, to hear the young teen's melodious moans and to make him his'.


"M-Mr. Kim, I… I-I really need to go… J-Joonmyun hyung is probably waiting for me in the cafeteria." The trembling teen muttered shakily.


"Joonmyun! Joonmyun! Joonmyun! Always that stupid little brat! Why can't you just see me like him Kyungsoo? What do I lack for you to like or even notice a person like me? I’ve liked you for three years! All I get is being turned down to a stupid lazy brat!" The math teacher voiced out with desperation.


Kyungsoo was greatly shocked at his teacher’s sudden confession to him. There was a hint of anger and sadness at every word the teacher uttered. However, Kyungsoo was startled when he heard a dark chuckle from the math teacher.


"But now, I have you here with me. Alone… Without that pesky brat. I'll make you mine Do Kyungsoo. Mine, only mine." The math teacher said with a sly grin, slowly approaching the young teen.


Kyungsoo felt like gravity was pulling him down. He wanted to run away as he heard those words coming out from the lips of his math teacher. He was scared. He needed help. He wanted to scream but no one will hear him. He wished that this was just a bad dream he'll soon wake up. He wished that Joonmyun was here to protect him...




A tall lanky teen wearing casual clothes sat down on a black velvet swiveling office chair. He rummaged the large, antique, perfectly varnished oak table in front of him that was filled with papers and a golden plate with a name engraved ‘Park Jung Soo’ and ‘Principal’ under it. The teen sighed, nothing took his interest. Everything he saw was papers with students profile on it. He slumped down the black velvet chair when suddenly the door opened up.


“My little boy is here!” A man practically at the age of thirties, wearing formal attire said with a giddy attitude.


“Dad, I’m not little anymore. I’m already taller than you.” The teen replied nonchalantly.


“But you are still my little boy, Channie. So what brings you here?” The Principal replied approaching the younger.


“Nothing… I just wanted to see my school.” The teen answered back.


“Starting to like the school already? I know you’ll enjoy it here Channie!” The Principal chirped out ruffling his son’s blonde locks.


“Before anything else, can my little boy do me a favor?” The Principal continued.


The lanky teen sighed and nodded.


“Can you go up stairs and go the faculty room? I forgot some of my papers there. It’s just located in the second floor, you can see it easily. Ask a teacher of the files I placed there, they’ll what to give you immediately.”


The teen continued nodding his head and stood up walking out of the room to the said destination.


“Be polite and nice to them my little Channie!”




Kyungsoo was already cornered, his back feeling the cold cemented wall. Cold sweat running down from his face, he let out wimpy cries and begged to release him but nothing seems to affect his captor. Instead, his hands were gripped tightly by the captor’s left hand and placed above his head. The other hand roamed around, touching his jaw line down to his paled neck. Slowly his captor traced up and down the young teen’s polo; he ed the uppermost button, exposing the young teen’s delicious milky skin.


“Mr. Kim… Please… Let me go…” Kyungsoo cried out.


“No.” The teacher replied sternly.


Mr. Kim his plump lips. How long have he waited for this. All he wanted was to kiss each and every part of Kyungsoo. He wanted to mark Kyungsoo’s body with his own lips. He wanted to take Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo was already sobbing. Though his teacher just touched him maliciously, everything was horrible for him. He never wanted to do this to anyone except for him. He felt weak and helpless. Nothing could save him now…


‘Knock knock’


A loud audible knock came from the teacher’s faculty room.


The math teacher shook his head. That person can wait, he needed to settle things.


‘Knock knock knock’


A louder continuous audible knock can be heard from the door.


Mr. Kim shook his head again. He was getting irritated. He heaved a sigh and released the young student in front of him. He buttoned and straightened his clothes; he tied his necktie and fixed his hair.


“I’ll let you go this time. Use the other door of the room and leave. I don’t want anyone knowing what happened here or else I’ll make Joonmyun’s life a living hell. Understood?” The math teacher said leaning down close to Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo nodded in response.


“But remember what I told you… You’ll be mine Do Kyungsoo.” The teacher whispered softly while the young student’s messy hair.


The math teacher pecked his student’s cheek and motioned the student to leave.


Kyungsoo grabbed his bag and dashed out of the faculty room, not caring that he was a total mess. As soon as he was out of the room, curiosity hitched his mind; he wanted to know who his savior was. Though his legs were a bit wobbly, he tried his hardest to walk to the rear end of the wall connecting to the other door. There Kyungsoo saw a tall lanky teen; he had blonde locks, hard glaring brown orbs, elven ears and frown forming at his pinkish lips. Despite the fact that, the stranger was clueless of the happenings inside, Kyungsoo had to thank that person. He was in debt of that person.


With that, Kyungsoo walked out of school tiredly. He wanted to rest. Skipping school won’t be that bad right? Just this once.




Luhan was on his way to his comfy house. He smiled to himself as he walked past the houses in their neighborhood. Now, he knew that Joonmyun had the liking for his cousin and his cousin was having slight interest to the younger he is still single after all. He was thinking of setting the two up but he frowned for a second. Kyungie is in love with Joonie… He sighed. He’ll have to help them to sort things out.


Right when he was in front of his house, he saw familiar man sitting down on his porch. The young man had a bouquet of white roses and a box of who knows what’s inside. The young man smiled at him showing of his signature dimple.


“What are you doing here? I told you to leave and never come back again.” Luhan pointed accusingly to the young man.


“Lulu… Just hear me out please.” The young man commented.


“I said no. Capital N-O. No. Leave. Now!” Luhan said glaring at the young man.


Luhan walked straight pass the young man. He fished out the keys of his house and unlocked the door. When he was about to open the door, the young man pulled him to a tight hug.


“Let me go! You! You stupid unicorn!” Luhan muttered punching and pulling himself out of the young man’s chest.


The hug became tighter and Luhan heard a light sob coming from the young man. Slowly, his punches soften and he felt the brim of his eyes became watery.


“Why can’t you just listen to me? It hurts being pushed away by you. It hurts not being with you. Even though I took a long time, I’ve tried my hardest to follow you here in Korea. I let my family disown me just to be with you. I’ve worked hard to earn enough money to be stable here and to live with you. I’ve live my life only for you. I… I love you Luhan. I love you. I miss you. Please forgive me. I'm really sorry...” The young man said choking from his tears.


Luhan felt a tear rolling down from his cheeks. Slowly his arms wrapped around the young man in front of him.


“I... I love you too... Xingie…”




Evening came up and Joonmyun woke up. He was still in the play park. He checked the time; it was already half past seven in the evening. He gazed up the night sky and saw lights flashing along with chunks of dark gray clouds. It was likely to rain any minute.


He stood up and almost stumbled down. His knees felt weak and wobbly, his stomach started making sounds. There it sank into his mind; he forgot to eat a thing since lunch time. He only ate a piece of bread in the morning. But that won’t be able to support and give him energy for the whole day. He groaned and tried his hardest to walk his way home.


While walking along the cemented pathway of the park, a droplet of water landed on Joonmyun’s skin. And soon, droplets of water came pouring down. He forcefully dashed out of the park and went to the nearest bus stop. He stood there, shivering from the cold air and the continuous down fall of the rain, waiting for a bus to arrive.


“This is such an unlucky day…”




It was already eight in the evening and Kris just left the school. He just finished arranging the student’s records in the clinic. It was already raining hard, but thankfully he had his car with him.


The drive to his home was tough. The strong down pour of the rain made it hard for him to see the road and the endless traffic jam that it caused. Kris was already stuck in a traffic jam. He pinched the bridge of his nose. He was tired and hungry. How long will he wait for the traffic to disperse?


Continuous fidgeting of his fingers on the steering wheel, Kris was becoming impatient. He looked out of the window and saw a familiar teen standing alone in a roofless bus stop, shivering from the cold. He bit his lips and eyed the young teen curiously.


Kris’s eyes widen in surprise as he saw the young teen falling down on the cold cemented floor. He checked the road and the cars weren’t still moving. Not caring that he’ll be wet, he took this chance and went straight out of his car. He ran to the unconscious teen and carried him back to his car. He placed the young teen on the other side of the passenger seat and he returned to the driver’s seat.


“Joonmyun! Wake up!” Kris said slapping the young teen’s pale cheeks.


He wasn’t able to get a response. He touched the teenager’s forehead.


“! He’s got a fever.”


He ransacked his bag to search for a towel. Thankfully he didn’t forget to bring one. He dried the young teen using it. He turned off his air-con and wrapped his coat around the still shivering Joonmyun. He flicked the wet hair covering Joonmyun’s heavy lidded eyes and stared at the little angel in front of him. Kris smiled spontaneously. After a few minutes of admiring, he heard loud honks and there, he shifted his attention to the road, the cars were slowly moving now.




After an hour being stuck in the traffic, Kris carried a slightly dried Joonmyun to his own condo unit. Though he knows where the young teen was living, he decided to bring the young teen to his house because it was closer and Joonmyun needed to rest.


He placed Joonmyun on his queen sized bed and searched his closet for the young teen needed something to wear for the night. After a few minutes of searching, all he got was a small white shirt and a pair of small plaid blue boxers which he wasn’t able to wear because it didn’t fit him.


He gulped and blushed at the sudden thought. He was the one to change the young teen. Carefully, he undressed and re-dressed the young teen. He felt uncomfortable seeing the young teen’s milky white skin. He felt a dry lump stuck between his throat. Milky white skin was one of his weaknesses and Kris is a man with needs after all.


“Wu Yi Fan, calm down. He’s a student in your school. A cute vulnerable little student…” Kris groaned leaving his bedroom.


He sat down his couch and fished out his phone calling his cousin. He informed the older about the incident and to his surprise the older was a bit happy about it. He was confused of the sudden behavior. He let it pass though. They bid their goodbyes and Kris went to the kitchen to grab some snack.


He returned to his own bedroom and eyed the young teen sleeping peacefully on his bed. He covered the young teen with a thick warm cotton blanket. He grabbed a seat and sat beside the sleeping boy. He checked the young teen’s temperature.


“It’s lowering down…”


The young teen was scrunching up his nose and his brows knitted together. Kris smiled adorably at the young teen and he constantly brushed the young teen’s hair using his fingers. Joonmyun’s face become relaxed and soon he saw a smile forming on the young teen’s lips.


Kris yawned tiredly. He blinked a few times and used his arms as pillows. He rested his head on the empty space besides Joonmyun and without knowing he soon drifted to a deep slumber.







It took me a very long time before doing an update. I was still working with the one shot but I ended up writing this instead. I'm really having a hard time completing the one shot. Oh, forgive my blabbering here. So, here is Chapter 8. Channie appeared and his dad is Leeteuk! I can't think of a name so I used his and included him here. Hello to my fellow ELFs here. Now KrisHo is slowly building up and LayHan is slightly fixed while savior Channie will encounter Kyungsoo, soon. :) I'll update in the middle of May.


So...  Forgive my grammatical errors. I hope you guys liked it. Thanks for reading! :)




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2440 streak #1
Chapter 10: too bad this was not continued... i enjoyed reading the available chapters, this would've been awesome!
kenxdesooin #2
Chapter 10: I was enjoying so much....want more
aquatic_guardian #3
Chapter 2: Update please !!! XDD
Chapter 9: I AM TORN BETWEEN KYUNGMYEON AND KRISHO/CHANSOO. OAO I iz a hipster shipper. Onesided!Kaisoo is so nice. eue
Chapter 9: Awww...so cute..krisho..chansoo n kaibaek!! Dun wan kaisoo n baekyeol coz its ad boring..
jadeasuncion #6
AshXIII #7
Chapter 9: (claps both hands onto Kyung Soo's shoulder) Hun, I hate to tell you this, but it's better if you just move on from Jun Myeon. (nods sagely) I'm afraid he's a total bottom in this story....as are you. The math doesn't add up to a 1.5.

I shall await more from you in the next chapter. (blows air kisses)
luvkpop #8
Chapter 9: chansoo and kaibaek please... Krisho are so cute
IAmShosho #9
Chapter 7: I still think kaisoo deserve a chance here :(