Chapter 14

Let's Dance!

Junsu POV

“Why is it so cold today?” I said shivering

Yoochun and I were walking toward downtown. Recently the temperature was getting colder and I really don’t like to be cold. I hope we’ll reach a restaurant soon. I put my hands in my pocket to warm them when I felt an other hand sliding on my arm. I looked at Yoochun who was grinning. He gently pull on my wrist. I took my hand out of the pocket and then, he hold my hand, entwining our fingers. I looked down, smiling and hiding my blush. Luckily, there was no one else in the streets. After a while we reached a small restaurant. I got in and unwillingly let go of Yoochun’s hand. A waitress guided us to our table and we sat down. As we were looking through the menu, high-pitched voices came from behind me


I turned and saw a group of girl going toward us. I looked back at Yoochun and glared at him. “I’ll take care of it. Don’t worry” he said

I don’t know if it’s really a good thing. When they reached our table one of them started talking:

“Hi Yoochun! How are you??”

“What are you doing here?” an other immediately asked

“He’s on a date” I answered

All the girls looked at me with huge eyes. They started laughing awkwardly. I restrain myself from saying anything else. It wouldn’t had been anything nice anyway.

“He’s joking, right Yoochun?” one of them asked

Yoochun took a glance at me smirking.

“Of course he’s not” he said seriously

The girls looked completely lost. As expected, they just said goodbye and head out. Yoochun started laughing.

“I didn’t think you would say such a thing” he said

“I know” I said looking down blushing a bit.

“But now it’s going to make a big mess at school” he continued

“Yeah, but  at least your fan club will disband after that” I said smiling

“I’ll miss them”

“Not me”

He chuckled. Not too long after that, we ordered and received our meals. As we were eating, he smiled at me and pointed my plate

“Can I taste??” he said

I nodded and he just kept looking at me. I realized what he wanted .

“You want me to feed you, right?” I said letting a sigh out

His smile grew wider as I took my forkand pick something from my plate. He opened his mouth and stuffed the food in. He munched on it, tasting carefully.

“You’re so cheesy” I said

“Ah, I know, I know”

He smiled and we finished eating without any other bother.




After the lunch we headed to the movies. Unlike what I thought, it was almost empty.

“So, what do you want to see?” Yoochun asked

“Hmm…Anything is good as long as it’s not an horror film” I answered

The last time we watched this kind of movie, I hide in Yoochun’s chest the whole time and didn’t sleep at all at night. The idea of cuddling on him wasn’t bad, but I still need to sleep.

“Alright then. Let’s go see that one” he said pointing at a poster

I agreed and we bought the tickets. We get ourselves something to eat and went to find a seat. We sat in the back of the barely occupied place. Ten minutes later, the lights turned off and the movie started. I was a little nervous. Knowing Yoochun, he probably chose to come here only to “get closer”. I wait for a while, trying to concentrate on the screen. I took a quick glance at  Yoochun who seemed to be immersed in the movie. I should have chose something boring instead. Gathering some courage, I decided to make a move. I hesitantly reached his hand. Still looking at the screen, I saw him smiling a little. Why won’t he look at me? Determined to make him look at me, I let go of his hand and lift the arm of the seat. I teasingly started rubbing his thighs, watching his reaction. He set his eyes to the front and he bit his lips. I was close to my goal. I had an idea. I really hope it will work, otherwise I’ll be embarrassed for the rest of my life.

“Yoochun-ah~” I said in the iest  way I could “I really wanna touch myself~”

With that, his eyes widened and he immediately turned his head to me. I smiled, savouring my victory. He looked at me, confused.

“Don’t say this kind of thing. It makes me want to see what kind of face you made when you said it” he said with a grin

I grinned as well and leaned to kiss him.

“One day I’ll show you” I said against his lips

“I’m looking forward to it” he replied

We kissed for a while when loud sound coming from the speaker made me jump. I tried to calm my heartbeat who was already high because of the guy next to me.

“That surprised me!” I said

“Yeah, me too”

We both smile and got our attention back to the movie, holding hand again. I didn’t understand the rest of the film at all tough. But it doesn’t matter, I was enjoying just being with Yoochun. I never imagined that one day, I would do such a thing with him. I couldn’t ask for more.




I thankfully entered in the warm apartment. It was really a great day. I took off my coat and grab my cell phone out of my pocket. Yoochun excused himself to the bathroom and opened the phone. I felt my heart clenched when I saw the message on the screen. One missed call from home. I quickly dialled the number and wait a little. A woman voice answered.


“Mom, it’s me”

“Junsu! I’m so glad you called back. Wait a minute” she said

I heard her calling my father

“How are you doing?” she said

“I’m well”

“Your father and I need to talk to you”

“Really…” I said not knowing if it was a good thing or not

“Do you think you can come here now?”

“Yes, I’ll be there soon”

“Okay, be careful on your way”

After a silence she added:

“We missed you”

I hold back the tears that were welling in my eyes.

“Me too. Bye” I said with a shaky voice

 “Bye, Junsu”

I hung up and turned to see Yoochun looking at me with a smile

“It was your parents, right?” he said

I nodded.

“I’ll see you later then”


I took back my coat and opened the door. I was about to leave when Yoochun called me back.


He came toward me and kissed me gently. I smiled at the loving gesture

“I love you” I said

“I love you too” he replied

I waved at him and got out with a smile on my face. It’s been a while since I felt this happy. I forgot how great it really is.




Voilà!! So that’s it for that chapter! How was it everyone?

I finally managed to put the “I really wanna touch myself” line!! Even tough it wasn’t Yoochun who said it.. :)  It kinda fit the atmosphere for once XD

Oh and I don’t know how you call the room when you watch the movie in English…If someone know plz tell me~


There is probably about fifteen chapter left or maybe less to this fic. I was thinking about starting a new one when this will be done. Would you guys follow me~? It would probably a Yoosu fic again. I don’t know if I’ll have the time to write tough…



I love you all!!!!!  >3< ~ ♥

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foamtwt #1
Chapter 22: they are all so cuteee and nice story^^
i love it^^
Chapter 22: I like the story it was pretty good even trough it was your first fic and I love it because it was yoosu fanfic!! So fighting!! Gracias por compartir ^u^
wonderkris #4
yay! yoosu, i never have seen others like this before...
Neko-Megumi #5
You finally updated! FINALLY!!!
peoji99 #6
OMO!! gladly ur back!!<br />
hyukie appeared on this chapter!!<br />
how does it come that they were not the winner??!!<br />
the story is really great!!<br />
please update soon<br />
HEY, it's been a long a time since i last read this.<br />
i only registered yesterday so this is going to be my 1st comment.<br />
but just so you know i have read this from the start. update when you can.^^
You're back!!!...thanx for the update...SuJu won???...please update soon I want to know more!!!
T.T please don't be mean to us keep is a great story...I'll be waiting for the final chapter...<3
peoji99 #10
please keep on writing..<br />
i really love this story..<br />