Chapter 11

Let's Dance!

Junsu’s POV

After the dropping the clothes at Yunho’s place, Yoochun and I went back on our way home. I waved goodbye at Yoochun before parting with him. There is a practice tomorrow and I can’t wait to practice with everyone again now that everything went back to normal. Once that I entered my house, my good mood disappeared. I saw my mom waiting for me in the entry. With this whole story I forgot that I actually skipped school to help Jaejoong.
“The school called” she said
I didn’t react. I was hesitating about telling her the truth. I knew soon or later my parents would find out about the dance. Well, I actually wanted them to find out. I have to show them that if I work hard I can do it.
“They said you didn’t go to your classes this afternoon. They also said that recently you’re always unfocused and that your grades are dropping.”
She made I pause before asking:
“What are you hiding from me, Junsu?”
“I started dancing again” I answered
As expected, her stern expression changed into a shocked one.
“I thought that we managed to make you understand that this activity was useless! All it does is distracting you from you studies.”
“I don’t care about this. All I want is to do what I like. Not what you want me to do.”
“We know that dance won’t take you anywhere. We just want you to have a good life.”
“A good life? You’re not the one who decide how good my life should be!”
“Is it that Park Yoochun?”
What does Yoochun have to do in this?
“What?” I said, getting annoyed.
“He’s the one who made you dance again, right? That boy have a bad influence on you. You shouldn’t see him anymore”
“Yeah…And you think I’ll listen to you?
“What kind of son are you , Kim Junsu?”
“And what kind of parents are you?!”
All of this is so ridiculous. I heard enough for now. I climbed the stairs and went to my bedroom. I hurriedly took my cell phone out of my bag. I composed the number and waited for a moment. Then a deep voice answered:
“Yoochun, it’s Junsu” I said.
“You sound weird…Did something happened?” he asked
“I guess…Anyway, can I stay at your place tonight?
“What!? You’re serious?”
“Yes, I had a fight with my mother. I don’t want to stay here any longer.”
“Alright. I’ll wait for you then.”
“Thank you, I owe you one.”
“It’s nothing. See you!”
“Ok, bye!” I said before hanging up
After this, I packed my things for tomorrow in my bag and went downstairs. As I was about to open the door I heard my mother calling me:
“Kim Junsu! What are you doing?”
“Don’t wait for me tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow”
I opened the door and got out ignoring her complaint. Once outside I started running. I want to be far as possible from this place. Every time I would pretend to agree with everything they said, but I had enough. Can I live my life without any barriers? I don’t want to listen to them anymore.
I quickly reached Yoochun’s apartment. After going up the stairs I was out of breath. I knocked at the door and tried to catch my breath while waiting. When it opened Yoochun asked:
“Are you okay!?”
“Yeah…I just…ran here…so…” I said panting
“Ah…Come in.”
He went to kitchen. I followed him and he gave me glass of water that I gladly took. Then we sat at the table and I explained him why I came here. Once I finished my story I said:
“Sorry…I don’t want to bother you by coming here so suddenly”
“It’s okay. You know you can always count on me” he said smiling at me gently.
I can’t help but think I’m so lucky to have such a friend. Even if sometimes he act like a dork, he’s the only one who can comfort me like this. He looked at the clock and said:
“Did you eat?”
I shook my head as an answer
“There is some leftover in the fridge to heat up.”
He got up and took two plates from there.
“Thanks” I said
Once again, he smiled making my heart melt and my face go red. At this rate, I don’t if I’ll survive to my night here…


It was about 9pm. Since we have school and a dance practice tomorrow we decided to go sleep early. I went to the bathroom to change and when I come out, Yoochun said:
“You’ll sleep in the bed, right?”
“I don’t mind sleeping on the sofa.” I answered. I was already intruding, I didn’t want to make him sleep on the couch.
He glared at me.
“I won’t make you sleep on that cheap thing” he said
I glared at him as well and go sit on the sofa.
“It’s comfortable. I’m telling you it’s alright”
Then he got closer to me with a boyish smile on his face. Swiftly, he put a hand on my waist and an other under my knees before lifting me in his arm. Our face were now very close and my heart was pounding like crazy.
“Yoochun!! Put me down!!” I shouted hitting his chest
“No way!” he said laughing
He carried me like that to the bedroom. He got on the bed and carefully put me down. I was lying here with Yoochun on top of me. I think my heart is going to explode soon! We stayed that way for a while. Then slowly, he raised his right hand and gently my cheek. My whole body shivered and got warm at his touch. My mind went blank as I stared into his dark eyes. His hand went lower, brushing against my neck.
“Yoochun…” I moaned. My voice didn’t come out the way I want it. If he continues like that, I might go crazy. He bit his lip before pulling back his hand.
“Sorry…” he mumbled before getting down.
He was heading toward the door when I hugged him from behind. I blushed madly when I realized what I did. I quickly let him go and he turned himself to face me.
I took a deep breath before saying:
“Sleep with me”
His eyes widened and I blushed even more.
“I-I meant …To sleep in th-the bed with me instead of sleeping out there…” I immediately corrected.
He laugh nervously.
“Are you sure?” he said
I nodded and he got on the bed. I went on the other side and did the same thing. After struggling with the bed sheet a little we got under them and we both didn’t move a inch.
“Good night” he said
“Good night” I said as well
Then he closed the light. I tried to sleep, but I was too nervous. Why did I asked him to sleep here? My heart skipped a beat when I heard him move.
“Junsu?” he whispered
“Come closer”
“I said come closer. I want to hold you. It’s awkward if you’re so far from me”
How can that guy say such things!? Don’t he realize in what situation we are? Also, he knows my feeling and yet he stills doing all of this. He must be more thick headed than I thought. I sighed before getting closer to him. At that moment, he enveloped me with his arm and pulled me on his chest.
“Now this is better” he said close to my ear.
It’s not better at all! I couldn’t sleep when he was just beside me and now I’m supposed to sleep in his arms! I snuggled my head on him before closing my eyes once again. Even tough I was tensed at first, I calmed down. I’m still fully awake, yet this feel like a dream.


Don't really have anything to say today...except that there is a LOT of Yoosu in this chapter!!!
I'm currently is some kind of writer's block so please forgive me if it's not really a great chapter...(-_-;)
*Sigh* Will edit later since I'm too tired to do it now...Sorry if there was a lot of mistakes
Anyway~ Hope you enjoyed!!

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foamtwt #1
Chapter 22: they are all so cuteee and nice story^^
i love it^^
Chapter 22: I like the story it was pretty good even trough it was your first fic and I love it because it was yoosu fanfic!! So fighting!! Gracias por compartir ^u^
wonderkris #4
yay! yoosu, i never have seen others like this before...
Neko-Megumi #5
You finally updated! FINALLY!!!
peoji99 #6
OMO!! gladly ur back!!<br />
hyukie appeared on this chapter!!<br />
how does it come that they were not the winner??!!<br />
the story is really great!!<br />
please update soon<br />
HEY, it's been a long a time since i last read this.<br />
i only registered yesterday so this is going to be my 1st comment.<br />
but just so you know i have read this from the start. update when you can.^^
You're back!!!...thanx for the update...SuJu won???...please update soon I want to know more!!!
T.T please don't be mean to us keep is a great story...I'll be waiting for the final chapter...<3
peoji99 #10
please keep on writing..<br />
i really love this story..<br />