Chapter 12

Undying Love


~~He confessed to me!

I don’t know why but there was an odd feeling about this! Oh Nina what are you thinking? It’s your first love! Just say yes! Say Yes!


“Yes senpai, I will be your girlfriend.”


And then, I felt someone grab my arm, tightly…

It was -Yuri-niichan... Did he follow us here?


“Niichan! Niichan why are you here?”


He pulled me outside the restaurant. Senpai followed us and when we are outside, niichan just punched him!


“Oh my gosh! What did you do niichan? Sorry senpai! We are so sorry!”


Niichan grab me again and pulled me away, leaving senpai behind…

What is the matter with him? I am so frustrated but I’m also sad.

I wanted to cry.

I don’t know what I am feeling. My emotions always differ when I am with him. We stopped at a park where we can see Tokyo Tower.

I think it was called the Sakura Park.

And I said… “I hate you niichan… I hate you… Why do you always messed with my feelings? Why…?” --- I am really crying hard at that time…


And then… he hugged me… My brother who never cared, hugged me tight…

And he said something… Something that I always wanted to hear…


“Itsumademo kimi wo mamoru… itsumademo.”

“Because… since the first time I saw you… I have fallen for you.”

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thanks for reading and commenting kachan!!! <3 <3

Ai____eru yo!! ^___^
Chapter 29: what a nice story...!!!!! i soooooo love this nak...!! this is just perfect...! though it is a bit tragic to the part of nina since all her relatives died but still, love find its way to tend her broken heart...and yuri(the stepbro) was right, they were just inside that heart and watching and loving you...

ow shems...! i can't hold my tears anymore...this story really went through me...!*sobs*

i can imagine the feeling of having all your loved ones being gone...and chinen yuri was your real guardian angel here nak...

i oh-so love this fic...!!!! i love this soooooooo much...!!!!!!!

nak...! you made me cry in this chappy...really...!*sobs*
so that was the true story...! gomen ne chii for being mad at you a while you were not really bad after all...*wipes tears*

i never thought that their story would be like on earth did you though about that nak...?it was so heart-touching and the part where yuri(the stepbro) sacrificed his heart, that broke my heart...! <////3
oh no...why am i being so emotional here...huhuhu TT^TT

i just so love this chappy...i love this...! i love this...! i love this...!!!!!
Chapter 27: uwaaaaaaaah~

this is so mysterious nak...i love mysterious types of stories...this is really getting so excited...! not i'll get the explanation that i'm waiting for when i read the next chappy...hahaha
Chapter 26: a;ldkajdaj;ldaj;ldls;laskak;

OW MY...! well, i can say that Chii here has two sides of him...i see the silent type chinen yuri and the noisy type chinene yuri...but what's best for him is to be the noisy one...! i'm not used to the silent-type yuri...hahaha xD

and the last part...!!! how mysterious of him...!

"Nina...I finally know where your brother is...He is here...Inside me"

shems...!!!!! i'm so hooked to this nak...!

this is such a kawaii chappy...! i can imagine Chinen pouting as he said "you are such a stubborn girl" kawaii na~

and he even gave you his email...! kyaaaaah~
Chapter 24: hahaha

laptrip in "pretending-to-be-my-imouto-chan" thingy...!!!!! hahaha xD

i can imagine him saying that with his cute voice...! hahaha xD

and the last part...!!!! emergeeeeeeeeeeehd...! jxakj;d;;dldld;lksdl

"I think I am starting to get attracted to you"

emergeeeeeeeeeeeeeh...! Chinen Yuriiiii...!!!!!! hahaha xD
Chapter 24: hahaha

laptrip in "pretending-to-be-my-imouto-chan" thingy...!!!!! hahaha xD

i can imagine him saying that with his cute voice...! hahaha xD

and the last part...!!!! emergeeeeeeeeeeehd...! jxakj;d;;dldld;lksdl

"I think I am starting to get attracted to you"

Chapter 24: hahaha

laptrip in "pretending-to-be-my-imouto-chan" thingy...!!!!! hahaha xD

i can imagine him saying that with his cute voice...! hahaha xD

and the last part...!!!! emergeeeeeeeeeeehd...! jxakj;d;;dldld;lksdl

"I think I am starting to get attracted to you"

Chapter 23: TT^TT

the news about your dead parents were really heart-breaking...! come to think about that...! you've been separated to them, not knowing what the heck happened to them and now you'll hear this news that they were dead...!!! <///3

super mixed-emotions right now nak...a while ago i was about to cry at the news about your parents but now, i'm about to flail at the end part of this chappy...hahaha